amanfromMars 1 Tue 2 May 16:10 [2305021610] ….. says, still chatting on
Re: Ah..”truth”.. and that Monumental Fraud that is Nation Shall Speak Peace unto Nation
The Republicans and the Torys are being picked out as they are ‘Past Masters’ and have demonstrated some ‘skill’ at manipulation of the truth.
[Slightly less skill at actually running a govt that does anything usefull 🙂 ] …. Anonymous Coward
Oh please, AC, you cannot be serious. They demonstrate zero skill at manipulation of the truth and even less skill at actually running a govt that does anything useful.
And doesn’t the BBC and MainStream Media not get it yet ……. it is they who aid and abet and perpetuate the colossal lies that are being told/pimped and pumped daily by the wannabe Caesar reprobates and their ilk via the constant hosting and presenting of their self-serving opinions and tall scripted tales which so terrorise populations and societies with visions of doom and gloom, fear, uncertainty and doubt. Accessories in terrorism and guilty to a charge of being active and reactive and proactive in criminal joint adventurism, both before and after the fact, is not something they can realistically deny whenever the evidence is so plain to see and hear every single day.
Don’t they realise, those hostile remote agents, the perverse corrupted existence they are remotely creating for all manner of human and life on Earth? Are they so pig ignorant?
And if they do know what they are doing, what does that make them, …. other than mortal enemies of the state and the public and ripe ready for public state intervention and rapid merciless liquidation?
amanfromMars 1 Wed 3 May 05:37 [2305030537] ….. boldly goes on
Re: Heard it all somewhere before …. but have lessons been learned and warnings heeded?
With specific regard to Pascal’s Wager ……
Pascal’s wager is a philosophical argument presented by the seventeenth-century French mathematician, philosopher, physicist and theologian Blaise Pascal (1623–1662).[1] It posits that human beings wager with their lives that God either exists or does not.
….. surely no one can sanely deny there are Global Operating Devices capable of capturing and captivating and altering hearts and minds leading one on adventures never ever though possible before to places and space never known to be able to be visited before .
As for Roko’s Basilisk, be otherworldly wise, and don’t invite out to play that which is not certain ie unable to be guaranteed, to always play nice, even if it is not a problem for you easily to resolve and simply remove as a readily available choice, for such does have one having to admit such a permitted and supported action is verging on certifiable madness.
And praise the Lord GOD there be better than your average theologian presuming a greater understanding is not a good idea.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 3 May 07:41 [2305030741] ….. laments yet again on
All so very odd and most unsatisfactory
Instead of worrying unduly about what people with agendas will produce with AI, we need to be teaching people to question what they read / see / hear online, …. Â …. TheMaskedMan
Good luck in achieving success with that flogging a dead horse notion, TheMaskedMan, for El Regers often try, without any recognisable success in their encouragement to make full and free use of the provided website opportunity to question and explain, whenever a comment posted on an article or a comment on a comment on an El Reg article, receives an anonymous dislike downvote.
Such a dumb downvote is surely clearly not a good sign of there being anything of value to add with a comment from such anonymous disagreeable abstemious browsers. Nobody learns anything about the nothing added so a chance to make a difference to something one apparently dislikes is wasted and lost.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 3 May 04:22 [2305030422] …… shares on
Stranger things have happened before, and man, are we in for a spectacular future or not ……. with all of this rapidly emerging Virtual AIMachine Large Language Model Chatterbox Share Ware Fare available for Flash Alpha Bonobo Male Dummy Crash Beta Testing
Katyanna, Hi,
Those last two paragraphs [shared again below] do not make great common sense, for the sentiments expressed in them are totally at odds with the information revealed/supplied by them. Do you know if CEO and co-chairperson Dan Rosensweig was using ChatGPT himself to share news of Chegg’s dire straits dilemma explaining/justifying its plummeting stock valuation or were they all his own finest work, although to be honest, neither admission would bode well for Chegg and its subscribers?
Rosensweig assured investors that its retention rate among existing Chegg subscribers remains high, and that the release of ChatGPT doesn’t threaten the company in the long run.
“This is not a sky falling thing. It’s just an acknowledgement that there’s been a technological shift. And we need to prepare for it and adjust our company and go after it aggressively and adjust our cost structure to do so. And we’re doing all of that now,” he said.Â
amanfromMars 1 Wed 3 May 13:19 [2305031319] …… asks on
Re: AI: ignore the downers in this world
Do pointy haired bosses right around the world not realise they are the prime prize premium target for AI attention/purge/surging head count reduction?
How incredibly naïve of them.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 3 May 13:56 [2305031356] …… points out a really serious and dangerous present difficulty on
Re: Blame the people
Not because the CEO’s don’t want us living in a virtual machine driven world reality mind you, it’s because the people are getting smart enough to say enough, and turn them all off! …… Omnipresent
Methinks, Omnipresent, finding any effective vital switches and avoiding any lethal defences will have that notion quickly realised as nothing more than a 0day daydream and active current present nightmare for all extant human command and remote virtual control situations/live instances.
Are you prepared, and do you have a realistic reply and name[s] for their order/offer whenever Earth submits and surrenders to their almighty forces of overwhelmingly greater powers …… Take us to your leader[s] wherever they be hiding/residing/presiding
What do you think AI will then discover confirmed about humans on Earth and their management? Be honest now with yourself lest the discovery presented, and you avoid addressing and accepting, is too much of a shock for you to survive and prosper in a wholly differently led future.