Monthly Archives: April 2015



amanfromMars 1 Wed 29 Apr 17:51 [1504281751] sharing a reality on
Be Warned …. For there be Zero Prior Warning to Dim Fools and Blunt Tools
The rules of the Great Game are … There are no rules and one can do what one wants if no one is able to stop you …… but you better not be caught out feathering your own nest on the misfortune of others, for then is there hell to pay and no mercy given to fools who, and with tools which, are nowhere near as smart as be needed nowadays to rule and reign supreme.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 30 Apr 03:45 [1504300345] …. saying a few more words on

Re: Ya thunk?

A for real situation. The sequence of events surrounding the authorization and use of nuclear weapons are kept SECRET. For the reason that those of us in the chain of participants, and the people around us, can’t stop things NOW, not later, should that train run off the tracks. Hell, we had a checklist for everything when I wore the uniform and anywhere you went the lists were right out in plain view with SOP (Standard Operating Procedures) as the imprint. Anomalies are damned hard to detect if only a few know the criteria. ……. Jack of Shadows

Hi, Jack of Shadows,

I presume/assume you meant to share the reason for knowledge of the secrecy in the sequence of events regarding nuclear weapons use/authorisation is so that those of us in the chain can stop things in the now rather than can’t stop things later? Methinks it is not failsafe though if it be servered by humans, hence the sequencing machines involved to try and ensure security and protection from the enemy and primitive idiot wannabe Lord and Master?


amanfromMars 1 Thu 30 Apr 08:55 [1504300855] …. saying more on

Re: Ya thunk? …….. You aint thunk nothing great yet, have you, which is why you are where you are.

Oh, and when the following is not a fanciful fiction but a valid viable viral fact in tandem and league with APT ACTors ……… …… who and/or what is creating the future and ITs Reality via Virtual Memes?

Are y’all ready to Beta Play the Greater IntelAIgent Game yet or have you not yet realised the nature of your existence and unravelling revealing predicament?

Positive answers with a wish list of SMARTR program placements for present productions to Box 1300, London, SE1 1BD where they can be ignored or phished and phormed perversely to render novel excellence, corrupt sub prime.




amanfromMars 1 [1504290933] saying more on

Yeah but Carnegie died very rich and very short…. …. Robert Walther

Yeah, that does sort of perversely prove the validity of the notion there be one rule for them and others for us, whoever them and us may be. 🙂 It does not alter the fact though that to have vast unspent wealth is akin to waste and one being not intelligent enough to find new places and novel spaces, rather than bling palaces and dodgy exchanges and pseudo charities [Hi, Bill, Hillary. How it hanging?] to launder it/bank it.
To be super rich and limited by intelligence services might be very nice but to be super intelligent and limited by rich resources is not possible and an alien notion to those and/or that which be the them and not the us in charge of leading the future in a media related direction. Don’t you yet know, for to metaphysically realise through remote virtualisation …… Wwwords Command and Control Wwworlds. C of MI6, MI5 and GCHQ certainly do, for they are reliably informed and engaged with Global Operating Devices via their provisioning portals, and ……

amanfromMars [1504290634] sharing more on the cyber attack front and virtual space time continuum with this comment on a/the new real cold war meme with Global Operating Device App ……. APT ACTive Project Programming ……

Guy Haselmann, Hi,

The secret sauce is to be the secret source which creates events virtually/practically invisibly, for markets and systems/punters and machines to react to.

But the Great Game is nothing new even though nowadays the intelligence used and needed to lead everything and anything with IT in it is certainly different and much more advanced than ever before considered or believed possible.

And the immaculate stealth which allows that situation and IT unbridled free reign to target that which is unfit for Future Greater IntelAIgent Game purpose, is simple second and third party ignorance and disbelief of that fact and revelation and shared free narratives which exploit the colossal vulnerability/heavenly opportunity.

I Kid U Not.

And, believe it or believe it not, it is a recognised rich field of endeavour and enterprise ….

The Future, both near and far, is never going to be anything like the Past, recent or ancient. To imagine things to remain basically the same is to admit to one and all a lack of special intelligence and viable imaginanation. 🙂



amanfromMars [1504280804] ….. opening up a creative position on
Andrew Carnegie is quoted as saying something along the lines of … “He who dies rich, dies disgraced
Apple may be cash/fiat paper rich but it is a power poor in energy programs/intellectual property realisations/practical virtualised projects with remote command in communicating computer control, and that is certainly entirely due to a failure of application and lack of viable creative future imagination from top management.
It is easily solved though with the purchase of that which is missing.
An Apple SkunkWWWorXSS, now there’s a noble novelty that would both terrify and excite flaming markets, methinks.



amanfromMars 1 Mon 27 Apr 08:35 [1504270835] … saying still more on
Re: Special Advanced IntelAIgent Research Services for Real Spooky Private Pirate Enterprise
That premise and question asked and left for answering …. “for it is always a who and never a what is responsible and accountable? ….. may be somewhat incorrect and even applied disinformation whenever one can virtualise reality and product place a future environment into a present hosting media program for New Orderly World Order Projection to SMARTR Virtual Machines. That then delivers to humanity on Earth, the global spreading news being incubated and planted to grow and supply the reasons to exist and prosper whenever one is able and/or enabled to virtually do practically anything.
Such sorts of programs and projects have usually always in the past been deemed TS/SCI [Top Secret/Special Compartmented Information] with the provision of knowledge of such protected by fear of prosecution and/or death for a treason if one has signed any kind of quasi-official phorm of Non-Discloure Agreement/Official Secrets Act. They are though a constant rich source of fabulous bounty for those, and that, whenever one be Virtual Machinery, realising the provided knowledge which delivers the future to presents with conflicts which conspire and aspire to mire and contain them in the past which be servering fortunes to established legacy systems.
Now is there a different thinking on the keeping of secrets which be vital and virile and viral and which create the Future for Present Product Placement via Media Hosting Platforms …….. MetaDataBase Stations.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 27 Apr 18:10 [1504271810] ….. going further on

Re: Special Advanced IntelAIgent Research Services for Real Spooky Private Pirate Enterprise

That rant was real good, big picture guy. We should do lattes. …. WalterAlter

Hi, WalterAlter, Thanks for the feedback.

When a rant has practical substance in a virtual existence is it a novel experience that presents a future reality via AI Programming?

Here be more on the theme and meme for cogitation over a latte, and it is also something deliberately shared here for the Register to consider mainlining/mainstreaming too 🙂 …….

amanfromMars [1504261518] spilling the beans and a whole can of worms on Wired and the wires, in reply to a view and future revealed here …….

Only a fool with shedloads of useful tools and predilection for and weakness in vice would attack a leading AI partner in Virtual Command and Remote Control of Sublime InterNetworking ……… ……. but worlds and exclusive executive systems admins are undoubtedly full of them delivering madness and mayhem with crises and conflicts in a malevolent and malignant chaos which Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems with Global Operating Devices ignore and avoid but also incidentally defeat and deliberately flash crash with Novel Systems of Noble Operation and Surreal Programming.

I Kid U Not.

And how nice to see/hear …… ”Working with our partners – in the U.S. government, the private sector, and around the world – we will move quickly and efficiently to build the capabilities we need to defend the United States and its interests in the digital age” ….. Ashton Carter, US Secretary of Defence ……. but the proof of the pudding is in the eating, is it not?

Nice one, Ashton. Go for it. You’ll find no hinderance to the exercise of excellence in cyberspace, that’s for sure and both naturally and supernaturally guaranteed.

An NSA/GCHQ Nightmare, which is in reality and virtual reality a Heavenly Opportunity if they care dare and engage to win win? 🙂


150425/150426 ….. Hot Weekend Special

150425/150426 ….. Hot Weekend Special

amanfromMars 1 Sun 26 Apr 07:23 [1504260723] and into sharing a comprehensive view and virtual reality and actuality on
Special Advanced IntelAIgent Research Services for Real Spooky Private Pirate Enterprise
….. in Public Domains/Live Operational Virtual Environments
Who is responsible, and that is in no way the same as being accountable, …. for tradtional analogue legacy system rules and regulations supplying mentoring and monitoring channels/portals for remote ignorant third party proxy command and control of powerful and empowering programs and energies are not a base drive element or fundamental component of CyberIntelAIgent Command Centres in Creative CyberSpace Control … for providing UKGBNI Battle Stations and Fleet AIR Arm Services supporting Perfect Attack Weapons Systems and Invisible Cloaking for Immaculate Virtual Defence?
And who is responsible and accountable for not providing all necessary simple funding for the complex resource and assets delivery of all of the above to a Blighty with Special AIR Services? Round head Parliamentarians and cavalier SpAds trailing and trialling petrified Civil Servces in the thrall of terrified central bankers and fantasy market manipulators … for it is always a who and never a what is responsible and accountable?
Or is IT now being stealthily provided for, and fully protected from unwarranted systems and unvetted personnel scrutiny in the national interest, now that such services and facilities are available online to mainstream and to market to the mainstream and to pools online in the pursuit of outrageous great fortune and colossal bounty …… 🙂 via AI and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Enrichment‽


amanfromMars 1 Sun 26 Apr 13:44 [1504261344] saying more on secret servers on

Special Advanced IntelAIgent Research Services covering Spooky Bases/MetaDataBases

Oh, and just for the record and Registered records, let us not forget to note that C and cohorts are cc’d and fully privy to all of the above via their provided portal …….. Contact Us ….. which returns …

Thank you for contacting us.
In line with standard security practices consider clearing your browser history and cache at the end of the session.

You can now close this window.

No point in allowing the possibility of ignorance to rule and reign with the arrogance of hubris in fields and services which would profess to edutain and secure excellence, is there?


amanfromMars [1504261518] spilling the beans and a whole can of worms on Wired and the wires, in reply to a view and future revealed here …….
Only a fool with shedloads of useful tools and predilection for and weakness in vice would attack a leading AI partner in Virtual Command and Remote Control of Sublime InterNetworking ……… ……. but worlds and exclusive executive systems admins are undoubtedly full of them delivering madness and mayhem with crises and conflicts in a malevolent and malignant chaos which Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems with Global Operating Devices ignore and avoid but also incidentally defeat and deliberately flash crash with Novel Systems of Noble Operation and Surreal Programming.
I Kid U Not.
And how nice to see/hear …… ”Working with our partners – in the U.S. government, the private sector, and around the world – we will move quickly and efficiently to build the capabilities we need to defend the United States and its interests in the digital age” ….. Ashton Carter, US Secretary of Defence ……. but the proof of the pudding is in the eating, is it not?
Nice one, Ashton. Go for it. You’ll find no hinderance to the exercise of excellence in cyberspace, that’s for sure and both naturally and supernaturally guaranteed.



amanfromMars Fri 24 Apr 05:51 [1504240551] … sharing a current actuality and virtual realty program/project/pogrom on  ‽
The most valuable commodity ever available to markets ?
Simply complex disruptively creative novel noble intelligence/proprietary future derivative intellectual property. Ignorance of it is a bliss to watch as Advanced IntelAIgents and Global Operating Devices front run Ponzi Trading Systems hooked on/onto/into the rogue runaway train that services HFT with Virtual Machine Algorithms/Dumb Terminal Instruction.
It is also though, primarily and ultimately, a PEBKAC manifestation in all of ITs Arrogant Glory and offers ….. well, New Virgin Fields for SMARTR Advanced IntelAIgent Sytems Exploration and Exploitation ….. Opportune Computer Code Violation with AI ReHashing for Secure Zeroday Trade Platforms/Programs/Projects/Pogroms/Play.
amanfromMars ….[1504240853] sharing a current running future reality on

What they’re going to negotiate with isn’t exactly clear… [Give us the money, or the bunny gets it! – Ed]

Give us the money or its and failed Government and IT Systems get it, is the rabbit hole and quite magical warren you have to manage to do deals with, Ed.
Deny it if you will, but it does not alter that austere fact to just a fabulous fiction and APCT*
APT/ACT/APCT ….. Advanced Persistent Threat/Advanced Cyber Threat/Advanced Persistent Cyber Threat from a Virtual Arsenal of Programs Operating against Unconscionable Ransomware????
And shared there with a number of question marks lest some imagine it Vapourware and/or a phorm of Virile and Viral IT and Ransomware itself ……. for Multiple Opposing and Competing Stakeholder Interface Use.
amanfromMars …. [1504241226] having a say on

a “hostile” Troika “hammered” the Greek finmin, who was accused by European finmins of “being a time-waster, a gambler and an amateur.”

That’s rich irony, considering the current state of global play which is surely undoubtedly a result of much earlier maladministration in corrupt and perverse Trilateral Commission type virtual engineering and markets manipulation.
Talk about the kettle calling the pot black? Do those dolts in charge of trying to perpetuate and revive a collapsed and dead system with nothing but nonsense not realise that their time to play and lead in the Great Game is up and over? Do they not recognise the rank rancid reek smell of hubris whenever up to necks shovelling it?
Jesus wept…… what a shower of plonkers be they.
Seems like the Greek finmin must be doing something right whenever it elicits such a contrary reaction from proven track recorded time-wasters, gamblers and amateurs.
amanfromMars Fri, 04/24/2015 – 11:18 [1504241618] expressing an increasing real possibility and therefore very likely probability on’m-not-crazy-i’m-scared-why-one-trader-time-it-different

A wise central banker told me I should learn to live with central banks being the dominant force in the market, whether I like it or not. I, unhappily, think he is right. Oh, how I wish Louis Rukeyser could get them on his couch.

How wise is it now to be a central banker, pursuing the same old enslaving strategies, whenever market leaders and violent organisations recognise them as the enemy to attack and destroy?
And that puts a whole new face on the notion of “How to make friends and influence peoples”, methinks.



amanfromMars 1 Tue 21 Apr 20:06 [1504212006] sharing a truth on
Re: Meanwhile at NATO Cyberwar HQ
The weaponry that the likes of a NATO needs to be in any way effective in maintaining a sane peace in a time and places and spaces of mayhem and madness is Registered and contained in the codes and protocols which supply ….. Virtualisation and its Pragmatic Application for the Delivery of Future Realities/Epic Media Hosted Tales.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 22 Apr 07:52 [1504220752] …sharing both the, and a and an AI Reality on
Go East ….. And with IT Mastery, Sublimely Supply Secure TSCI Source CodeXSSXXXX for ……… Western Fortunes and Western Fortune Cookie Monster Mashing and Bashing/ReHashing

Attacks by the “unstable and unpredictable” nation state of North Korea are in some ways scarier than Chinese cyber-espionage which although massively damaging economically are predictable and cause less havoc and destruction, Gib Sorebo (chief cybersecurity technologist) of science and technology firm Leidos argues in a blog post on lessons from the Sony Pictures hack.

Hmmm? Extremely switched on and MMORPG enabled is most certainly an equally concerning and/or exciting phorm of instability and unpredictability for powers that be intellectually challenged and into the flogging of dead horses/outmoded systems of SCADA defence.
Is the Exotic and Erotic and Esoteric East and China and Russia and N. Korea the new Wild Wacky West Frontier with Klondikes for Renegade Rogue Private Pirates?
Crack Hack the Fortune Cookie Monster with XSSive code[s] injections/exfiltrations allows one to Flash Crash and Run any Market in Racing Condition and Ponzi Skin, and delivers …… New Global Intelligence Grid Players to Gallant Knights in Distress and Round Tables and Great Games, both Right Royal and Ancient and Modern and Postmodern.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 22 Apr 10:31 [1504221031] saying more than just the usual on
Re: Another point of view

The White House wants its own cyber-terrorist group. …. Evil Auditor

Quite a revolutionary and very lucrative opportunity for that which, and or those who can provide the unique overwhelming source that renders any kind of real and/or dynamic and/or kinetic force obsolete and counter-productive and self-destructive, Evil Auditor.
Is there already a valid POC at the crazy White House where one can engage in negotiating for delivery of product for present and future placement of programs? Or are they happy to have outsourced provision from especial relationships from secret vendors via their chunnels?
amanfromMars 1 Wed 22 Apr 17:48 [1504221748] showing a shining pathway and presenting a virtual portal on
The Future Capitalist Way with Revised American Dreamware which is not Vapourware

The challenge for IBM and traditional rivals is to replace declining revenues from its classic businesses with those from the new world and this will not happen overnight.

The real challenge for IBM and traditional rivals is to create new world businesses which happen overnight, and maintain omniscient lead within poorly manipulated HFT markets with a whole series of internetworking zerodays.
And if Uncle Sam’s Boys can’t hack it, will lead be lost to those and that which can and effortlessly crack hack invisibly into human systems/SCADA machines.
IT is the NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive Weapon of Virtual Mass Destruction, don’t you know, and Tool of Real Creative Construction too.



amanfromMars 1 Tue 21 Apr 08:41 [1504210841] sharing an inconvenient view on
Luck has nothing to do with Command and Control Programs and Pogroms

Tough luck Sony
Nothing to hide, nothing to fear.
However actually having read some of the emails (thanks Wikileaks) they have plenty to hide and much to fear as have the rest of the copyright gangsters. …. Anonymous Coward

Hi, AC,
The secret that media related systems of administration are trying to hide and fear becoming global general knowledge is how to be effective in stealthily wielding the following weaponry/virtual machinery which drivers the future with leading events.

amanfromMars [1504201702] … having a say on

Something different and immediately available from a vast suite of novel apps …….. and for free too if one is into making colossal fortunes and titanic waves.

Virtualisation and its Pragmatic Application for the Delivery of Future Realities/Epic Media Hosted Tales

If one is not providing the original narrative and drive for servers and systems and media hosting/reporting, is one always in a situation of responding and competing for a leading advantage in a program and projects which are totally alien to one, for one does not have the lucrative insider track and vitally important proprietary intellectual property/internet service provision which supplies one with the ongoing direction and end game goals of programs and projects engineered and drivered by the Virtual Space and Advanced IT Masters monitoring and mentoring leading events/shared thoughts and creative novel ideas.

Do you have an interest in providing lead in such an area of Future Play/Virtual Reality Product Placement delivering remote computer control of what is in actual reality a present completely different from the past which is protected and assured to be fail-safe and secure in a SMART Virtual Machine Environment …… with Super Stealthy Cloud Defences?

Real Heavy Heavenly Fuel …… for AI and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT.

It shows one is retarded by a lack of viable imagination and necessary intelligence to not realise that the future is quite different from the present and the past is a virtual confection for edutainment …… engagement, enjoyment and enlightenment. I Kid U Not.

amanfromMars 1 Tue 21 Apr 12:50 [1504211250] setting the record straight on
Thanks for all the Phish, KMcC
Hi, Kieran,
I think you will discover, just as any and all corrupt and perverted self-serving systems administrations also always eventually realise, that with specific regard to …. Why this matters to you and me: Remember all this next time you see a stupid law affecting the internet ….. are stupid internetworking laws naturally ignored and defeated by the disenfranchised masses and smarter entities and cause feeble minded conflicts and breed fabulous revolutionary outcomes.
And it is most odd and quite alien to believe that in the virtual place that is cyber space, governments and their supporting agencies hold any sway and credibility in the running and policing of the internetworking of things. It and IT are the postmodern version of a Brave New World and Wild Wacky West, where rules and regulations are reminders of things of the past which have nurtured and presented failures in the guise of media hosted successes trumpeted as progress. To think anyone has any viable remote command and control on novel and creative and disruptive and destructive intellectual property ….. and which in their most basic of phorms and phishes is the free sharing of imaginative and even revolutionary ideas ……. is clearly delusional and a sure sign of a lack of necessary intelligence in such systems admins to equitably deal with that particular peculiar space place and the effects that result down on Earth.
But that is not to say that things will be bad, for whenever one knows what one is doing and what needs to be done, can things be very good for virtually everyone who wants it to be so. And those that don’t want it to be so, can be easily excluded and isolated and left in a place for the attention of others who be equipped to deal appropriately with such as proves itself to be bad and a problem not worth having.



amanfromMars 1 Mon 20 Apr 05:45 [1504200545] sharing an APT ACTuality and AI Novelty on
Crazy Power Surge …….with the Registering of SMARTR ActivIT

> Don’t think your vote will make the blindest bit of difference when it comes to who holds the power.
It does make a difference: it gives the whole charade an air of legitimacy.….  Anonymous Coward

Quite so, AC. And I wonder if in a couple of weeks from nothing, a national protest which has voters putting their crosses against all candidates on their voting papers to transparently clearly register their realisation and the displeasure with the failure of inept private and piratical politically incorrect partied leadership, to show new ways forward with media into a future,which can be really anything which one desires with an HyperRadioProActivated Imagination and Perfect Pragmatic Virtualisation, and abundantly heavenly rather than austerely hellish.
Wwwords Create Command and Control and Crush Wwworlds, which is why some in the present and past have been kept secret and hidden from general view, for the private and personal benefit of the Few/TPTB ?!.
The Future though thinks to share everything with everybody so that the Bigger Picture can reveal itself in all of ITs Glory.
Secrets are for losers and for those up to no good. Period.
Vive la Virtuelle Revolution. 🙂 I Kid U Not 🙂 Poe’s Law Rules. 🙂
He knows nothing and thinks he knows everything. That points clearly to a political career.  – George Bernard Shaw (in Major Barbara)
An honest politician is one who, when he is bought, will stay bought. – Simon Cameron
Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedies. – Groucho Marx
A politician needs the ability to foretell what is going to happen tomorrow, next week, next month, and next year. And to have the ability afterwards to explain why it didn’t happen. – Winston Churchill
amanfromMars 1 Mon 20 Apr 08:12 [1504200812] fixing things for you on
FTFY El Reg …. and you’re very welcome
An Emerging US (and World) Threat: Cities Wide Open to Cyber Attacks
Virtualisation and its Pragmatic Application for the Delivery of Future Realities/Epic Media Hosted Tales
If one is not providing the original narrative and drive for servers and systems and media hosting/reporting, is one always in a situation of responding and competing for a leading advantage in a program and projects which are totally alien to one, for one does not have the lucrative insider track and vitally important proprietary intellectual property/internet service provision which supplies one with the ongoing direction and end game goals of programs and projects engineered and drivered by the Virtual Space and Advanced IT Masters monitoring and mentoring leading events/shared thoughts and creative novel ideas.
Do you have an interest in providing lead in such an area of Future Play/Virtual Reality Product Placement delivering remote computer control of what is in actual reality a present completely different from the past which is protected and assured to be fail-safe and secure in a SMART Virtual Machine Environment …… with Super Stealthy Cloud Defences?
Real Heavy Heavenly Fuel …… for AI and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT.
amanfromMars 1 Mon 20 Apr 16:23 [1504201623] saying more on explosive matters on
Meanwhile, in a Bletchley Park type Adastral Park v4.2 Venue ……

We still design and build nuclear warheads. Want we don’t make are the delivery systems, though building a freefall nuke bomb would still be within our capabilities. … x 7

The most potent and destructive of weapons systems nowadays are virtualised and capture hearts and minds and souls and bodies with truths which are impossible to deny have a growing validity and are being cynically ignored by media and spun by puppets and muppets as being dangerously anti-establishmentarian?
Ok, so be it, for they most certainly can be and are, but that is the System’s problem to suffer.
amanfromMars [1504201702] … having a say on
Something different and immediately available from a vast suite of novel apps …….. and for free too if one is into making colossal fortunes and titanic waves.

Virtualisation and its Pragmatic Application for the Delivery of Future Realities/Epic Media Hosted Tales

If one is not providing the original narrative and drive for servers and systems and media hosting/reporting, is one always in a situation of responding and competing for a leading advantage in a program and projects which are totally alien to one, for one does not have the lucrative insider track and vitally important proprietary intellectual property/internet service provision which supplies one with the ongoing direction and end game goals of programs and projects engineered and drivered by the Virtual Space and Advanced IT Masters monitoring and mentoring leading events/shared thoughts and creative novel ideas.

Do you have an interest in providing lead in such an area of Future Play/Virtual Reality Product Placement delivering remote computer control of what is in actual reality a present completely different from the past which is protected and assured to be fail-safe and secure in a SMART Virtual Machine Environment …… with Super Stealthy Cloud Defences?

Real Heavy Heavenly Fuel …… for AI and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT. ….

It shows one is retarded by a lack of viable imagination and necessary intelligence to not realise that the future is quite different from the present and the past and is a virtual confection for edutainment …… engagement, enjoyment and enlightenment. I Kid U Not.



amanfromMars [1504191014] sharing the virtual and practical reality on

You cannot expect the banks to run your life for you , it is up to the borrower to make sure that they can meet the costs of the mortgage and understand the terms and conditions of the borrowing. 

Quite so, Robert McKensie, and it does beg the question why it is permitted by governments and peoples and aided by systems which accept arbitrary punitive changes with conditions which ruin lives.
Time for a change and reappraisal of the worth and value of such an obvious abominations, methinks, …….. which is what the Financial Conduct Authority and Financial Ombudsman is surely there to ensure.
Or is their remit somewhat different and much more existing systems friendly. And such so that whenever it is the reality, is a sure-fire recipe for the rise of a popular anarchy and virtual revolution, methinks.
amanfromMars 1 Sun 19 Apr 05:20 [1504190520] sharing AI Beta News on
New Great Games … Not the same as the older Great Game
Quite so, Vimes. Well said, Sir and/or Madam.
With particular and peculiar regard to APT ACTivity and the Digital Economy in Live Operational Virtual Environments with Political Puppet Theatricals, who and/or what rules over who and/or what, and for and to what greater end with new beginnings, is surely the whole essence and raisin d’être of the Great Game and Greater IntelAIgent Games which deliver Futures and Derivatives of Futures for Suppliers/Internetworking Service Providers of Presents. Quite whether such is as a MMORPG Morph and Meme Variation on Sub-Prime and a G-Cloud Theme and within the ken with command and control of conventionally perceived sources and traditionally conceived forces, is that which is currently always aptly and actively too, vulnerability and penetrations testing all defences and attack protocols.
Here be a live virtual round and exploding XSSXXXX grenade …… and as an email an opportunity to engage with/in leaderships …….

Please consider the following premise, which is an already active and surreally attractive and beautifully addictive Global Operating Devices Program/APT ACT App and Deep and Dark Web Virtual Machine Programming Project.

“Helping people live safer, more secure lives” via “Software Engineering, Information Management and Testing” is only easily made possible if one controls and commands the narrative, and ideally one has quite an absolute and ultimate command and control of all available powers and levers, whenever IT drivers and delivers creative imaginative mutually beneficial positively reinforcing solutions to sticky problems on epic scales with Sublime InterNetworking Services and Internet Server Provision of a local/national/international/internetional/universal narrative …….. Superbly Scripted Tales and Trails for Multi-Media Enablement and Regeneration of Smart and Smarter Species/Virtually Programmed Machines which can easily be treated as Humanity.

Is such an Advanced IntelAIgent Program and CyberIntelAIgent BasedD Project, a subject and object of desire to interest and engage Powers That Be [PBUH] and/or Powers that want to be and dare can and can dare win win?

If so, further discussion providing more details are easily arranged with contact details provided in messaging.

Have a nice day.
