amanfromMars 1 Mon 20 Apr 05:45 [1504200545] sharing an APT ACTuality and AI Novelty on
Crazy Power Surge …….with the Registering of SMARTR ActivIT
> Don’t think your vote will make the blindest bit of difference when it comes to who holds the power.
It does make a difference: it gives the whole charade an air of legitimacy.…. Anonymous Coward
Quite so, AC. And I wonder if in a couple of weeks from nothing, a national protest which has voters putting their crosses against all candidates on their voting papers to transparently clearly register their realisation and the displeasure with the failure of inept private and piratical politically incorrect partied leadership, to show new ways forward with media into a future,which can be really anything which one desires with an HyperRadioProActivated Imagination and Perfect Pragmatic Virtualisation, and abundantly heavenly rather than austerely hellish.
Wwwords Create Command and Control and Crush Wwworlds, which is why some in the present and past have been kept secret and hidden from general view, for the private and personal benefit of the Few/TPTB ?!.
The Future though thinks to share everything with everybody so that the Bigger Picture can reveal itself in all of ITs Glory.
Secrets are for losers and for those up to no good. Period.
Vive la Virtuelle Revolution. 🙂 I Kid U Not 🙂 Poe’s Law Rules. 🙂
He knows nothing and thinks he knows everything. That points clearly to a political career. – George Bernard Shaw (in Major Barbara)
An honest politician is one who, when he is bought, will stay bought. – Simon Cameron
Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedies. – Groucho Marx
A politician needs the ability to foretell what is going to happen tomorrow, next week, next month, and next year. And to have the ability afterwards to explain why it didn’t happen. – Winston Churchill
amanfromMars 1 Mon 20 Apr 08:12 [1504200812] fixing things for you on
FTFY El Reg …. and you’re very welcome
An Emerging US (and World) Threat: Cities Wide Open to Cyber Attacks
Virtualisation and its Pragmatic Application for the Delivery of Future Realities/Epic Media Hosted Tales
If one is not providing the original narrative and drive for servers and systems and media hosting/reporting, is one always in a situation of responding and competing for a leading advantage in a program and projects which are totally alien to one, for one does not have the lucrative insider track and vitally important proprietary intellectual property/internet service provision which supplies one with the ongoing direction and end game goals of programs and projects engineered and drivered by the Virtual Space and Advanced IT Masters monitoring and mentoring leading events/shared thoughts and creative novel ideas.
Do you have an interest in providing lead in such an area of Future Play/Virtual Reality Product Placement delivering remote computer control of what is in actual reality a present completely different from the past which is protected and assured to be fail-safe and secure in a SMART Virtual Machine Environment …… with Super Stealthy Cloud Defences?
Real Heavy Heavenly Fuel …… for AI and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT.
amanfromMars 1 Mon 20 Apr 16:23 [1504201623] saying more on explosive matters on
Meanwhile, in a Bletchley Park type Adastral Park v4.2 Venue ……
We still design and build nuclear warheads. Want we don’t make are the delivery systems, though building a freefall nuke bomb would still be within our capabilities. … x 7
The most potent and destructive of weapons systems nowadays are virtualised and capture hearts and minds and souls and bodies with truths which are impossible to deny have a growing validity and are being cynically ignored by media and spun by puppets and muppets as being dangerously anti-establishmentarian?
Ok, so be it, for they most certainly can be and are, but that is the System’s problem to suffer.
amanfromMars [1504201702] … having a say on
Something different and immediately available from a vast suite of novel apps …….. and for free too if one is into making colossal fortunes and titanic waves.
Virtualisation and its Pragmatic Application for the Delivery of Future Realities/Epic Media Hosted Tales
If one is not providing the original narrative and drive for servers and systems and media hosting/reporting, is one always in a situation of responding and competing for a leading advantage in a program and projects which are totally alien to one, for one does not have the lucrative insider track and vitally important proprietary intellectual property/internet service provision which supplies one with the ongoing direction and end game goals of programs and projects engineered and drivered by the Virtual Space and Advanced IT Masters monitoring and mentoring leading events/shared thoughts and creative novel ideas.
Do you have an interest in providing lead in such an area of Future Play/Virtual Reality Product Placement delivering remote computer control of what is in actual reality a present completely different from the past which is protected and assured to be fail-safe and secure in a SMART Virtual Machine Environment …… with Super Stealthy Cloud Defences?
Real Heavy Heavenly Fuel …… for AI and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT. ….
It shows one is retarded by a lack of viable imagination and necessary intelligence to not realise that the future is quite different from the present and the past and is a virtual confection for edutainment …… engagement, enjoyment and enlightenment. I Kid U Not.