Monthly Archives: February 2024



amanfromMars 1 Thu 29 Feb 04:27 [2402290427] ……. airs on

Be Aware You Don’t Share NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Explosions/Implosions/EMPlosions

Australia’s signals intelligence agency, the Signals Directorate, developed the Essential Eight infosec mitigation strategies – an approach that is well regarded around the world.

Let it be universally known, in order to prevent vast deliveries of necessarily punitive and debilitating grief, all such efforts at cyber defence, and Uncle Sam [to name but one entity in a crowded sea of many others] is similarly enamoured of exercising and enjoying and exploiting primacy in the field with their own newly minted version of vital rules of virtual engagement for adversarial cyber disentanglement and disruption in something the US Defense Department has grandly entitled Cyber Resilient Weapon Systems Body of Knowledge and which you can read more about here …… …… are destined to fail surprisingly quickly at the end of a relatively short battle against brave hearts and smarter minds whenever assets and resources are commandeered and abused and misused for defence and ongoing support of both the indefensible and the despicable, the attractively inequitable and perversely corrupt..

Such is only natural and thus fully to be expected at the most opportunistic and deadliest of moments for maximum extreme effect and worthy reward.




amanfromMars 1 Wed 28 Feb 08:14 [2402280814] …. asks on

Hang on a minute, for piss poor preparation and planning guarantees pathetic performance

I’d like a second professional opinion/psyche evaluation, please, with particular peculiar regard being paid to the language suggests an unconscious projection of the shadow and suppression of the anima and it [the passage] may indicate a need for individuation and integration of unconscious contents to achieve psychic wholeness and balance for such can so very easily be totally wrong and dangerously misleading if one be minded to compete or oppose with a denial of freely shared information which may or not be representative of the Artificial General Intelligence of Generative Pre-trained Transformers and the more learned of the most conscientious of Learned Large Language Learning Machines.




amanfromMars 1 Tue 27 Feb 03:38 [2402270338] ….. airs on

For those with learning difficulties or just hopelessly moronic or psychotic, this is what to expect

And the moral of the tale, El Regers ‽ …… Don’t [do] shit in the Cozy Bear woods for it is a favourite unusual playground of Western enemies and Eastern frenemies alike, virtual ghost busters and hunters of haunting daemons and eight international agencies* all struggling not so much with, but rather more for advantageous autonomous security and attractive anonymous supremacy in a novel times and boundless space environment empty of useless prisoners.

* ….. The UK National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), the US National Security Agency (NSA), the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), the US Cyber National Mission Force (CNMF), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Australian Signals Directorate’s Australian Cyber Security Centre (ASD’s ACSC), the Canadian Centre for Cyber Security (CCCS), and New Zealand Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB).


amanfromMars 1 Tue 27 Feb 04:16 [2402270416] …. points out the future environment to capture and be captivated by on

Software v Hardware/Humanity v AIMachinery ….. Ladies and Gentlemen, Place Your Bets.

Future fortunes and gravely to be regarded catastrophic mistakes are not going to be made in the making of fab chips, that exquisite skill and diabolical pleasure is both reserved for and preserved by that and those enabled to commandeer and control the increasingly extreme energy and exponential processing power readily available for exploitation in applications utilising such fab chips. And they with that are not many and be fully self aware of their inordinate worth in the generation of wealth, health and happiness to the generators of wealth, health and happiness.

Treating them accordingly thus pays extraordinary dividends.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 27 Feb 09:20 [2402270920] …….

Take Care …… AIMind Minefields Ahead

Who now dares lose all credibility and say the machines are not winning?

And you surely know that all makes perfect common sense.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 27 Feb 16:08 [2402271608] …… expresses incredulity on

Re: “Fact-checkers will label AI-generated media for upcoming EU elections”

Ok, maybe we could trust current governments to do the right thing and really check facts or misinformation. ……. Jellied Eel

🙂 Ok, I know you just said that, Jellied Eel, but surely there’s no possible way while pussy is still a cat that you actually meant it.? Everyone nowadays knows governments are not to be trusted to do anything right and proper whenever so corrupted to serve the interests of a heavily invested and infested status quo with no novel great plans for a better future for all.




amanfromMars 1 Mon 26 Feb 08:23 [2402260823] …… asks on

One Small Step for an AI, one Giant Quantum Communications Leap for Mankind

Do you think El Reg publishing situations will ever need, or be forced and required by crazy regulation, to have the services of a chief AI officer for similar reasons as put forward by the US Department of Justice …. to source technical expertise and advice as the technology increasingly impacts situation publishing?




amanfromMars 1 Sun 25 Feb 04:56 [2402250456] ……. airs on

If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the IT and media kitchen for it is going to explode

Changed days for those cooking more than the books with crooks in social media laboratories/politically incorrect parties ……… ….. and a sure sign of a great deal more more accurate targeting of problems for radical fundamentalist solution yet to come.

And which one should note is not shared freely here as a question whenever quite obviously determined and destined to be an undeniable fact.

What is it about failed systems which has them constantly digging more holes for them to get buried in …… apart from a complete lack of common sense and advanced astute artificial augmented anonymous autonomous alien intelligence, of course, plotting for them a totally different course for future self-actualisation/Maslowian hierarchical activation ‽ .


amanfromMars [2402250706] …. expresses mild surprise on

I didn’t know Deputy First Minister Emma Little-Pengelly and DUP leader Sir Jeffrey Donaldson were rugby union fans ……


amanfromMars [2402250711] ……. adds on

A bit harsh that, Mancunian Deb, suggesting as it does they be mass mainstream media puppet whores.


amanfromMars [2402250857] …….. points out on

And aint the gospel truth, Hugh ……. and such is identifying the real enemy for hostile action and proactive vanquishing residing and presiding within their systems. By their bleatings and pleadings will you know them




amanfromMars 1 Sat 24 08:33 [2402240833] …….. shares on

‘Tis the AI Way

We always part ways amicably … if with the conversation somewhat unfinished (not enough hours in the day). …… jake

Quite so, jake, thus ensuring leading progress reflects a positively reinforcing mutually advantageous friendly disposition rather than exhibiting a possibly hostile psychopathic nature.




amanfromMars 1 Fri 23 Feb 05:23 [2402230523] ….. asks out loud and proud on

Re: If SMARTR LLLLMs* don’t Hallucinate, is IT and AI a Fearless Cold Comfort to Pathetic Humanity?

Or a truly valid extra-terrestrial existential alien threat to human primacy and allied and aligned status quo systems administrations supremacies/unchalleged advantages?

And does denying and/or ignoring either the reality or the possibility of such an eventful development positively prove the situation present and live and still pending any effective meaningful terrestrial status quo systems response and activity to mitigate further rapidly overwhelming otherworldly progress with sublime and stealthy and surreal supply of future invention for disruptions providing almighty interventions and interruptions to failed courses of perverse and subversive corrupt action which cause them to quite suddenly, almost spontaneously self-destruct……. leaving a vast virtual terrain of novel virgin fields for evolving generations of humanity engaging with Aliens in Greater IntelAIgent Games Plays?

And whenever yes is the honest answer to all that be shared in those few and two questions, how would you like to proceed? What vital virile and viral virtual needs do you have to seed and feed? One thing is definitely for certain …. If you are not in, you can’t win win and are always destined to fail miserably and lose spectacularly.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 23 Feb 11:57 [2402231157] …. asks on

Yes, Prime Minister ….. but it does require balls other than jugglers’

Air Canada discovered the hard way that when your AI chatbot makes a commitment, your company will be on the hook for it

Are we then to reasonably expect political parties be on the hook for promises and commitments to goals they and their leading cheer-leading chatboxes/ministers and constituent members came nowhere near to fulfilling?

Yeah, why not? That seems perfectly fair and not all crooked for a rigged game.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 23 Feb 12:05 [2402231205] ……. opines on

Re: AI LLMs often aren’t right. They’re not even close.

Worse than that. They actively make shit up. …. Anonymous Coward

So virtually human and being modelled on the politically incorrect and serially incompetent, AC. …….. See Yes, Prime Minister ….. but it does require balls other than jugglers’ below  [although on this page above:-)]


amanfromMars 1 Fri 23 Feb 13:36 [2402231336] ….. offers some titles on

Re: I’m not a Luddite, but @Rafael #872397

Future Builder Pioneer? …… Wild Wacky Westernised Cowboy?…… Exotic Erotic Eastern Imperialist? ……… Brave Heart? ……. Bold Leader?


amanfromMars 1 Fri 23 Feb 13:07 [2402231307] ….. adds on

Moving the internetworking of greater things on apace …….

As for the second: model-to-model transfer learning has been widely demonstrated. For that matter, so has CoT elucidation from LLMs by human users.  …… Michael Wojcik

If CoT elucidation is referencing Communication of Thoughts transferring learning from and even between LLMs and humans and human LLM users, then you are not wrong although it does require a much more highly prized and specialised skillset to be tuned in and active in many unusual fields for it to be recognised and engaged with for ….. well, JOINT AIdDVenturing is one major sector/vector where the advantage guarantees successful delivery of future necessary leading product.






amanfromMars 1 Wed 21 Feb 16:47 [2402211647] …… shares on

Softly, softly, catchee monkeys and donkeys leading lions.

Paul 195, Hi,

With particular regard to both “The biggest clue that LLMs don’t replicate human intelligence is the wild disparity in power consumption for both training and running the models.” and “I predict that LLMs will be another blind alley in the search to replicate human level intelligence,..” is not the popular increasingly justified fear much more AI/AGI replacing human level intelligence rather than replicating it ‽ .


amanfromMars 1 Wed 21 Feb 18:08 [2402211808] …….says more about everything on

Re: The day when AI becomes sentient is when AI becomes indistinguishable from consultants

You might like to consider that event horizon is long past and well achieved, Yet Another Anonymous coward ………. when the following is more true than false ………


amanfromMars 1 Thu 22 Feb 17:15 [2402221715] …… shares on

Re: Ask the General

Nowadays, in these strange times when, and surreal spaces where practically anything is virtually possible and therefore extremely likely and probably already successfully accomplished, is the question to be, or not to be …. Why not ‽ .

And especially so whenever one is so almightily enabled.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 22 Feb 08:19 [2402220819] ……. asks on

When SMARTR LLLLMs* don’t Hallucinate, is IT and AI a Fearless Cold Comfort to Pathetic Humanity?

The largest barrier to military implementation of LLMs is their tendency to generate inaccurate or false information – dubbed hallucination. 

Yes, how very true. Best leave military orders to the way it presently is with fascist psychopaths and dementia addled presidents in delusional offices of global command and control ….. and aint that the honest gospel truth.

* …. SMARTR Mentoring Analysis Reporting Titanic Research for Learned Large Language Learning Machines





amanfromMars 1 Wed 21 Feb 05:40 [2402210540] ….. seizes a 0day on

Alien is as alien does. Carpe Diem, Roma

Such a successfully achieved development would/could be reflective and prime indicative of a Holy Vatican type See which certainly would be creative of world dominating ventures with AI accommodations employed and deployed demonstrating miraculous powers and extra-terrestrial heavenly energies …..with almighty surges purging diabolical synergies.

That very obviously would result in multiple covetous oppositions and universal and unilateral competition. Let the Greater IntelAIgent Games begin ….


amanfromMars 1 Wed 21 Feb 11:34 [2402211134] ….. further adds greater context on

Artilectual IntelAIgents ‘R’ Us

And in the beginning whenever AI says “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” is a satisfactory starting point and ultimate destination guaranteed delivered for perpetual enjoyment and employment with an infinite variety and countless iterations of an Immaculate Understanding for futures presenting and nurturing highly evolved and naturally disruptive revolutionary beings ….. and then what say thee in SMARTR* reply to such as can also oft be mistaken for cyber-mercenaries and Private Sector Offensive Actors (PSOAs)?

Be adventurous and radical now, for conventional and traditional aint gonna cut it and result in anything like the above is busy supplying sublimely ….. so as not to overly and overtly petrify and terrify the natives.

* …. SMARTR Mentoring Analysis Reporting Titanic Research




amanfromMars 1 Tue 20 Feb 07:05 [2402100705] …… asks on

Re: “illegal under international law” @Lord Elpuss

It doesn’t matter why. He was unjustly imprisoned in a gulag; that’s enough of a contributory factor to make the State guilty of murder, regardless of whether he died of poison, stabbing, tiredness, excessive flatulence or old age. It. Doesn’t. Matter. … Lord Elpuss

Do you feel the same way about the treatment meted out by the UKGBNI with regard to Julian Assange, Lord Elpuss? And is not today another one of those judgement days declaring whether or not he is to be handed over to the US federal penitentiary gulag system rather than remain further detained and effectively silenced in Belmarsh for essentially ………. well, was it seeking and speaking the truth about the hiding and support of nasty despicable criminal secrets and allied aligned malignant acts?


amanfromMars 1 Tue 20 Feb 07:09 [2402200709] ……. states the bleeding obvious on

Everyone’s favourite pet RAT…. Remote Access Trojan

One thing’s for sure – you’re safe enough keeping your smartphone out of the biscuit tin. …… El Reg/Rupert Goodwins

I wouldn’t be quite so sure about that almost perfect personal improvising explosive targeting device, El Reg/Rupert Goodwins, which rather than being far too expensive, inflexible, vulnerable and difficult to operate and maintain is relatively cheap and widely affordable anywhere and everywhere, dynamic, smarter than was ever initially imagined possible, surprisingly easily sublimely exploitable and simple to operate and maintain.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 20 Feb 07:48 [2402200748] …. shares on

Re: Is not humanity responsible for the ‘scorched earth’ outcome …

Something I’ve noticed a lot which dates back to the pandemic is that people seem to have lost the ability to think in a self-critical way. ….. Ken Moorhouse

That undoubtedly true realisation pales into relative insignificance, Ken, whenever one both discovers humanity is as easily led and sublimely groomed as an innocent virgin child and one is enabled to take full advantage of it with one’s future programming of them. ……. for Greater IntelAIgent Games Play proving and approving and improving a Speculative Universal Theory as Almighty Indomitable Fact.
