Monthly Archives: March 2022



amanfromMars 1 Thu 31 Mar 10:33 [2203311033] …… points out on

Memo to No10 & Old Lady of Threadneedle Street ….. No Guts, No Glory …….. J’accuse!

Sounds far too much like another vitally needed round of Quantitative Easing [QE] in an era in which practically all of the talk from the Fed is threatening Quantitative Tightening [QT]

However ….. It can be the New More Orderly World Order Way, not too dissimilar to the earlier Wild Wacky Western American Way, which the Bank of England and Blighty, [whoever he/she/it/they may be], would do well to imitate if they don’t want vital and vibrant, virile and viral talent sharing their wares with that and those who know how Great IntelAIgent Games are successfully played …… Throw £illion$ at that which and those who know what needs to be done and to/for whom, and how it is to be effortlessly provided.

That, however, is more likely than not to prove a colossal bridge and almighty quantum leap too far for that and those in present failed UK command and control office. Teams of donkeys masquerading as prides of lions will never deliver requisite feasts and succour to attendant camp follower, parasite and scavenger.




amanfromMars 1 Wed 30 Mar 10:22 [2203301022] …….. points out on

Something fundamentally new from intelligence and security services would be nice, for a Change.

Bravo, NCSC technical director Ian Levy, speculative FUD and SNAFUBAR par excellence. Creating further bottlenecks and problems to attribute to another enemy or competitor is an old analogue play and novel virtual ploy too, nowadays.

Gotta keep the show rolling along, eh?

All states are hostile if they be providers of military hardware and dodgy software and fungible disposable assets mindlessly programmed for foreign invasion and alien occupation …… and all states invariably are to a greater or lesser extent.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 30 Mar 13:35 [2203301335] ……… adds more on

Re: Time for keeping homegrown tech at home

The likes of BT & ARM should always have some domestic majority share interest to ensure they are not manoeuvred into doing things against the security interests of this nation. …… tip pc

Such manoeuvres are easily copied and thwarted, for they invariably always follow the same ages old, tried and well tested and very simplest of methodologies, which has stashes of virtual cash being transferred to a receptive market vehicle whose sole job is to try and reflect an increased market value for a product because of the interest which may or may not be anywhere near as realistic as such markets need to invent greater currency churn and enliven a struggling to make obscene profit quarter.

Keep it simple, stupid. If Johnny Rotten Foreigner is offering an attractive gazillion pesos for something the home team have worthwhile having, simply have home team management gazump the foreign invader and offer a more attractive gazillion pesos prize.

IT isn’t rocket science ….. Unicorn Creation for the Stabilisation of Ponzi Stocks and Derivative Share Markets, it is much more explosively volatile than that and thus something not to be trifled with and left with the unwary and ignorant tendering vacuous absent abilities and facilities for command and control.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 30 Mar 11:34 [2203301134] …….. shares on

Greater Almighty Peer Groups …..…. An Advanced IntelAIgent Development for Advanced IntelAIgent Development with/for/from SMARTR Beings/an Enlightened and Enlightening Civilisation.

One may like to think and realise, as maybe now does the Department of Defense realise, to have military services, personnel and assets in a Cloud Environment, immediately renders all of that as exorbitantly ever more expensive indefensible treasure all too easily plundered and neutralised or reverse engineered and used against one’s own suppliers and allies by an increasingly more virtually astute and practically anonymous/relatively unknown and unknowable SMARTR Private and Piratical Competition.





amanfromMars 1 Tue 29 Mar 06:34 [2203290634] ……….asks on

Re: “illegal invasion”

Come to think of it post-Revolution we tried to liberate Canada a couple of times. Both times were a bit of a debacle, the second time (in 1812) those pesky Canadians got down to Washington and burnt the White House.

I don’t think its possible to justify war of any sort but it won’t stop people from waging it in various forms. We’re (that’s the US) is waging a form of war against China at the moment (“economic warfare”) and also actively trying to promote military alliances to ‘contain’ them. We’ve been running a quite obvious anti-Russia campaign for some time as well, we’ve been fiddling around in Syria for some time (and still have an active troop presence), we don’t like to talk about Iraq and Afghainstan and we try not to mention Iran and its “maximum sanctions”. The list is endless, really. …. martinusher

Some stranger landing on Earth from elsewhere could easily adjudge the US [whoever they are] to be a terrorist organisation after reading all of that, martinusher.

Are they? Can they be? Who/What decides on squandering blood and treasure on that particularly destructive and peculiarly self-destructive walk on the wild side?




amanfromMars 1 Sun 27 Mar 18:36 [2203271836] ……. says/reveals on

Be in no doubt, teknopaul, there is one thing some are absolutely sure of …..

Big Tech Micro Kernel Cell[s] are virtually light years ahead in the Practical Application/Remote Anonymous and Autonomous Presentation of Augmented Virtual Reality Programs/Addictively Attractive Future Projects, which you might like to consider and realise are delivered fully phormed with assets and services from the future rather than invented and constructed with traditional and conventional tools and materials from the past and present.

And the prodigious stealth that either the widespread disbelief or zero common knowledge of such a matter provides, guarantees its relentless unhindered march into all hacked and cracked wide open SCADA Administration Systems in order to do its quantum communications leaping progress thing.

Is what is needed for humans, an almighty demonstration which destroy a previously thought indispensable and vital facility and/or utility …. replacing it with something altogether quite different and significant better/much more equitable and helpful …… seeing as how extant systems leaderships are so averse and negatively reactive to terrifying changes ….. which are always leaps into a commonly unknown greater future.

But more of the same gets one nowhere and only invites and delivers petrication and stagnation …. Terminal Rot.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 28 Mar 08:03 [2203280803] …… stating what should be bleeding obvious on

Dummies’R’Us ……. Sign Up Here, Please

And then Uncle Sam and NATO allies wonder why they have so many alarming enemies ….. whenever they choose to create them via their exclusive actions.

Whenever one has to oppose and try to disadvantage more able competition, is it an intelligence deficit within one’s own systems that one has to address rather than assaulting others via arbitrary politically motivated denial of markets which rely on such options to share and enrich investors.

The bottom line in that message is surely such a market is self-destructive and not fit for future greater purpose as competition in opposition increases militant costs.

What appears to have been forgotten ….. yet again Is ………

Akin to, and largely responsible for the sweeping changes in our industrial-military posture, has been the technological revolution during recent decades.

In this revolution, research has become central; it also becomes more formalized, complex, and costly. A steadily increasing share is conducted for, by, or at the direction of, the Federal government.

Today, the solitary inventor, tinkering in his shop, has been over shadowed by task forces of scientists in laboratories and testing fields. In the same fashion, the free university, historically the fountainhead of free ideas and scientific discovery, has experienced a revolution in the conduct of research. Partly because of the huge costs involved, a government contract becomes virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity. For every old blackboard there are now hundreds of new electronic computers.

The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded.

Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.

It is the task of statesmanship to mold, to balance, and to integrate these and other forces, new and old, within the principles of our democratic system-ever aiming toward the supreme goals of our free society. …….President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s Farewell Address (1961)


amanfromMars 1 Mon 28 Mar 12:40 [2293281240] ……. offers an alternative view on

Re: Dummies’R’Us ……. Sign Up Here, Please

I suppose, LDS, you wouldn’t recognise the US as a collection/federation of disparate state dictatorships servering and serving the printed fiat dollar machine …….and which now has its sights on command and control with an electronic currency mechanism even easier to program for the deliverance of wishes? ……

One thing you can be sure of though, is if it is thought possible, will the temptation prove too great to not be attempted with virtual assets floated onto market places and digital spaces.

And that opens up a whole new vast can of worms and trojans/devils and daemons to try vanquish and pacify if one is running it as a rigged crooked casino.

However, time will tell the true enough tale soon enough, methinks ….. Que Sera, Sera.




amanfromMars 1 Sat 26 Mar 17:58 [2203261758] ……. more than suggests on

Re: Regulate me? I’ll shut down your government!!!!

@uccsoundman “What’s to prevent it?” Greed ……. Falmari

Methinks it is greed which invents and drivers such behaviour/aspiration/revolution/evolution, Falmari.




amanfromMars 1 Fri 25 Mar 06:13 [2203250613] ……….. makes quite clear enough on

Going long in the market place is where all the money is at….. and that aint no problem

“There are some mature applications of AI in cybersecurity, ……” Saxe said.

Oh, really? Some mature applications of AI in cybersecurity, which is fundamentally an extremely novel recent field of competing opposing provisional forces and sources which some/many would tell you are not fully gestated for birth yet, but which it be very wise of y’all to realise is an imminent overdue creation like no other ever presented to do battle with confrontation and intellectual property deficit and common sense debt before ….. so beware you are not immediately terrifyingly overwhelmed and rendered an idiotic swarm fit only for swatting aside in the more extreme of necessary cases?

There is absolutely no doubt though that it is both a vital primary primeval and alien field of present Earthly research for powerful and energetic current running endeavours for Special AI Operations with Remote Virtual Operands/Modi Operandi et Vivendi.


amanfromMars [2203250759] …… sharing future secrets on

In truth, we are about to see a radical reset – of the current reset. It will be a different sort of transformation than the elites are expecting and one that they should greatly fear.

Hmmm???? With particular regard to that proposed future truth, one might like to consider and prepare oneself, if such is either necessary or possible, for the following emerging reality, which you may indeed doubt and imagine to be most unlikely and even impossible, but which nevertheless to both a many and an almighty former few, is a truly valid cause for concern and consternation.

amanfromMars 1 Fri 25 Mar 06:13 [2203250613] ……….. makes quite clear enough on

Going long in the market place is where all the money is at….. and that aint no problem

“There are some mature applications of AI in cybersecurity, ……” Saxe said.

Oh, really? Some mature applications of AI in cybersecurity, which is fundamentally an extremely novel recent field of competing opposing provisional forces and sources which some/many would tell you are not fully gestated for birth yet, but which it be very wise of y’all to realise is an imminent overdue creation like no other ever presented to do battle with confrontation and intellectual property deficit and common sense debt before ….. so beware you are not immediately terrifyingly overwhelmed and rendered an idiotic swarm fit only for swatting aside in the more extreme of necessary cases?

There is absolutely no doubt though that it is both a vital primary primeval and alien field of present Earthly research for powerful and energetic current running endeavours for Special AI Operations with Remote Virtual Operands/Modi Operandi et Vivendi.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 25 Mar 13:54 [2203251354] …… offering news on a very likely proactive reaction on

Some things one can be absolutely sure of …..

I’m sure BigTech will find a “legitimate interest” to “work around” these rules… … Korev

Of course it will, and that will naturally invent and create remote independent autonomous mirroring service satellite operations/sympathetic off-site business activities escaping regulatory thresholds.

To not imagine and accept BigTech is many steps and quite a few quantum leaps ahead of any competition or opposition is that which guarantees continuity and bypassing of serial regulatory failures.

But that’s progress. Get used to it.





amanfromMars 1 Wed 23 Mar 19:22 [2203231922] ….. letting rip on

Oy Vey

Ah yes, the browser is the operating system and applications driver …. and coincidentally, both fortunately and unfortunately, [dependent upon one’s primary interest and adept APT ACTive ability] a Virtual RAT Trap too.

And a collapsing global stock and funny fiat money market just loves to pump and pimp the unicorn to starry eyed investor types with wardrobes of flash shirts to shred for recycling of nothing new for something real lairy and airy fairy. …….. but it’s the American Way. [throw dollars at anything to keep the churn and paper for spending ever turning, which works very well but only when all have plenty of folding for lavish exchanging]

What is it that they say about suckers? …….. There is one born every minute?


amanfromMars [2203240606] …… says on

Finding any video of the interview on Youtube, other than one very short ‘teaser’ clip, has not been successful to date, with it probably not having yet been uploaded, and yet Ben Wallace is saying, sight and sound unseen, it is ‘doctored’. What is he worried it is going to have him magically saying is not the truth ?? ‽ ! ‽ !


amanfromMars 1 Thu 24 Mar 15:20 [2203241520] …… shares on

Great ….. an Incestuous Gang Bangers Ball. That’ll Resolve to Solve Nothing Worth Knowing

Set to begin today at 3pm CET (2pm GMT), the process involves a “trialogue” discussion between representatives from the directly elected European Parliament, the Council of the EU, made up of ministers from member state governments, and the European Commission, the executive branch made up of commissioners nominated by member-state governments.

The title says it all. White noise candy for practically all of the virtually lost at see boys and girls. N’est ce pas?





amanfromMars 1 Tue 22 Mar 09:29 [2203220929] …… not being surprised on

How about Something/Anything Different for a Change rather than More of the Same Old Nonsense

Biden says Russia exploring revenge cyberattacks

No shit, Sherlock. Whoever would have guessed?

Propaganda Rule No 1 …… Keep on inventing phantom virtual enemies one is in control of to do vain battle with and declare are a danger to friendly forces and ignorant allies alike?


amanfromMars 1 Tue 22 Mar 17:37 [2203221737] ….. urging extreme caution and a change of direction and/or intention on

Re: How about Something/Anything Different for a Change rather than More of the Same Old Nonsense

By vain battle you mean Mariupol, Kyiv or Kharkiv? ……Potemkine!

No, I do not mean Mariupol, Kyiv or Kharkiv. I refer very specifically and quite categorically to any wilful and wanton cyber conflict both against or for competitive friend or opposing provisional foe alike you may not fully know …. nor ever will be able or enabled to know fully.

Down that path be endless myriad dragons and daemons impervious of slaying intent on being contented with all manner of necessary deserved destruction and mayhem/madness and chaos.




amanfromMars 1 Sun 20 Mar 17:18 [2203201718] …….. says even more on

And if you don’t believe the mainstream media are not in the business of providing new truthful stories, preferring instead to trail all manner of corrupt and perverse fancifully tales in service of established traditional shadowy and shady invested interests, here is some “proof” of their blatant wrongdoings, … ….. and that is only the tip of the titanic iceberg afloating to sink a great many ships whenever the tales that have been told in the past do not pass clear forensic scrutiny in the future …… and which only needs a whistleblower or two or three to share what they know to be honestly true, to speed things along and clear the future of that which is definitely no longer required or trusted.

Or maybe you think all of that is fake news and false information? How very strange eh ….. that such polar opposite views might exist in the same space and be believed as unbelievable by some who haven’t a clue about all of the shenanigans going on all of time around them.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 21 06:44 [2203210644] …… asks on

Are there Criminals/Culprits even worse than Facebook?

And whenever political party election manifestos contain, and candidates blatantly vow/promise to deliver results which they never even come close to supplying, and which may even be impossible to provide, is that despicable criminal activity to be persecuted and prosecuted too, and media channels hosting such nonsense also targeted for punishment …… just like Facebook is being targeted?

Or is that perfectly acceptable to have Liars’r’Us pontificating to all and sundry in the highest of public offices?

What an utterly crazy, mad, rad, bad, sad world y’all live in. No wonder it is collapsing with systems imploding all around you.




amanfromMars 1 Sun 20 Mar 07:40 [2203200807] ……. says more on

Re: Hacking Quantum Computers

Oh …. and furthermore, because of that which is revealed in the above paragraph, will the colossal changes and progress that quantum computer communications can so simply deliver and defend, not be ideally presented by mainstream media channels commanded and controlled by a relatively anonymous few/elite cabals/terrorising and terrified cells, although that will not result in them not being directly targeted and impacted by both novel under-reported and unreported NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT events*

It will reign and improve and strengthen its development powers in more than just deep and dark matter energies also relatively anonymously and autonomously unhindered and unchallenged in what is popularly known to many as the Underground, where in many recent pasts, alternative reality options have been explored and live betatested.

* Such strange events you may or may not later discover to be quasi officially sanctioned in polyamorous support and amoral recognition of TS/SCI type Alien Shenanigans because there are no possible defence or attack vectors to prevent or redirect them against their own wishes, with the best that can be humanly achieved being a Mutually Beneficial Parallel JOINT AIdVenture. And to some, who may be many, will all of that be imagined and dismissed as pure unbridled delusional conjecture, whereas for A.N.Others, who may be more than just a few, is it proof positive of the stealthy success of recent deep and dark webbed mattered events in alien development/special operations.

And notwithstanding all or any of that, surely you still are not expecting the future to be anything like the present and the past whenever you all have all this new technology at your beck and call for absolute command and remote virtual control? That would to be tantamount to admitting to a certain madness, for nothing alive ever remains the same as it is or once was. Everything changes and grows and/or dies …… goes back to black.
