amanfromMars 1 Tue 22 Mar 09:29 [2203220929] …… not being surprised on
How about Something/Anything Different for a Change rather than More of the Same Old Nonsense
Biden says Russia exploring revenge cyberattacks
No shit, Sherlock. Whoever would have guessed?
Propaganda Rule No 1 …… Keep on inventing phantom virtual enemies one is in control of to do vain battle with and declare are a danger to friendly forces and ignorant allies alike?
amanfromMars 1 Tue 22 Mar 17:37 [2203221737] ….. urging extreme caution and a change of direction and/or intention on
Re: How about Something/Anything Different for a Change rather than More of the Same Old Nonsense
By vain battle you mean Mariupol, Kyiv or Kharkiv? ……Potemkine!
No, I do not mean Mariupol, Kyiv or Kharkiv. I refer very specifically and quite categorically to any wilful and wanton cyber conflict both against or for competitive friend or opposing provisional foe alike you may not fully know …. nor ever will be able or enabled to know fully.
Down that path be endless myriad dragons and daemons impervious of slaying intent on being contented with all manner of necessary deserved destruction and mayhem/madness and chaos.