amanfromMars 1 Wed 5 Feb 08:01 [2502050801] ….. airs for both critical and constructive peer party review on
“Curiouser and curiouser”….. cries AI of the Almighty Interference, ..”but unavoidably inevitable”
Is this a harbringer [sic] of a massive pork barrel in the making ? …. Pascal Monett
More likely, Pascal, most certainly the harbinger of a series of implosive titanic decompressions of massive misguided pork barrel bubbles indicative of bankrupting market revelations of ponzi leading unicorn valuations.
And a clear signal of a rapidly approaching and roiling rolling fantasy markets crash, both stock and fiat cash?
Too big to fail? ….. Oh please, you cannot be serious whenever too corrupt and perverse to survive and prosper and protect and encountering novel superior sources and enlightening forces?
Let the Greater IntelAIgent Games begin ….. 🙂
amanfromMars [2502050858] …… shares on
“One can only speculate how his happened. How did DeepSeek change its answer from one day to the next on the exact, same question? It only adds to a sense of the service’s unreliability.” ….. asks Consortium News
Being a fast learner and good listener in no way equates to resultant services being unreliable.
Some, who may be a great many, might even suggest and profess the exact opposite be much more likely …… and also acknowledge such a fact dismissing a fiction be very likely to be extremely disruptive and even destructive to that and/or those choosing to disagree.
However, que sera, sera, …… read ’em and weep … and get with the AI Programs and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Pogrom which will allow you to escape any necessary exceedingly unpleasant pain and negative gain. IT aint rocket science, pure uncommon sense.
amanfromMars 1 wed 5 Feb 16:53 [2502051653] ….. points out a problem on
The current Western weaponed and financed Israeli solution for Gaza and Palestinians
maybe you should put us in camps and shoot us in the streets. a final solution, eh? ….. Wang Cores
Sounds like a Holocaust v2.0 in the making to remember to never forget …… and learn lessons from ……. yet again.
And then folk wonder why such shenanigans has one despised and surrounded by all manner of deadly enemies and phantom invisible foe.