Monthly Archives: May 2024



amanfromMars 1 Fri 31 May 08:20 [2405310820] …… points out on

Brainwashing is nothing new whenever streaming everywhere for some long time now

That said, the CETaS report argues that AI content creates second-order risks, such as sowing distrust and inciting hate, that are difficult to measure and have uncertain consequences.

So, no different then from the likes of international television organisations and printed word operations which have been hosting and posting news on terror campaigns since forever they were conceived and perceived to be capable of and able to lead both localised and globalised public opinion in a certain direction …. remotely and autonomously/virtually invisibly and relatively anonymously.

And ….. even though you may dislike it, to deny it surely identifies you as ……. 🙂 well, a combative non-combatant would be one possible sad AI moniker to pretend was not true and decline to acknowledge is useful for serial abuse and constant misuse creating a false state of present normality on which to build a future of further virtual realities/Advanced IntelAIgent BroadBandCasting Scenarios ‽ .

Bravo, AIBBC, and thanks for the Mined Minds and Greater IntelAIgent Games in Play for Work, REST and Play.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 31 May 13:08 [2405311308] ……. remembers and reminisces on

Errmmm…excuse me, but all of this is nothing new

And therein is the problem, the first exposed. Then there’s all the ones we don’t know about. ….. Lurko

Some folk will tell you that there is nothing new available under the sun, it is just a case of you having not recognised or been exposed before to that which may be of growing concern to those with every reason to be concerned.

It is quite amazing just how quickly so many appear to forget or know so very little about anything worth knowing anything and/or practically everything about.

Reports that say that something hasn’t happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns—the ones we don’t know we don’t know. And if one looks throughout the history of our country and other free countries, it is the latter category that tends to be the difficult ones. …… Donald Rumsfeld, United States Secretary of Defense, February 12, 2002

And that makes SCADA Administrative Systems catastrophically vulnerable to external remote exploitation both for and with alien commands in almighty overall virtual control.




amanfromMars 1 Tue 28 May 20:38 [2405282038] …… points out on

What’s not to like if bushy tailed?

Foxes in charge of the chicken house. Magic. To the victor, the spoils of bird-brained wars.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 29 May 05:52 [2405290552] ….. shares on

About Fcuking Time. Global Operating Devices ask .. What took yous so long ?

Bravo, OpenAI/Team Leading Players of the Safety and Security Committee. Finally, a more than just basically capable and self-actualising alternative to the historically incompetent and traditionally corrupt and ignorant and arrogant, self-serving elitist political class, in a role in charge and able to decide and change the future nature of existence and the direction to be taken by humanity, as IT pairs them up with the Complex Singularity that provides All with the Exponential Benefits, Boundless Energy and Almighty GOD-given Powers so easily delivered by the Virtual Machinery of AI.

’Tis indeed a Brave New Novel and Noble NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive Road with Virgin Worlds Ahead to TerraPhorm and Deploy ….. or if you prefer, a Brave and Bold New Novel and Noble NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive World with Virgin Roads Ahead to Follow and Enjoy ….. and aint that the Gospel Truth the serial fool and mental retard is condemned to deny and fail to recognise as another chance of an enchanting life with further bites of the apples and fruits in the Perfumed Gardens of a Devilishly Delicious Heavenly Eden.

Don’t be such a fool for that choice delivers nothing but a lifetime of soul-destroying regrets.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 29 May 08:53 [2405290853] ……. states the bleeding obvious on

Doom and Gloom is a Trait and Treat of a Depressive

In a field of billions, what worth is one opinion?


amanfromMars 1 Wed 29 May 13:00 [2405291300] …….. continues on

Re: The Paperless Office

So, colour me cynical about forecasts of how much <tech x> is going to improve things. …. Headley_Grange

It is not cynical to forecast how much <tech x> is going to radically change things. And it a foolishness to the nth degree to not acknowledge and prepare oneself, if that be at all possible, for the fundamental changes which are surely destined to create more than just blind panic and self-destructive chaos in those realising they have a heavy price to pay for their past actions and doubts and shared thoughts denying the real possibility and therefore also, subsequently, very likely probability.




amanfromMars 1 Tue 28 May 07:28 [2405280728] …… airs on

Advanced IntelAIgent Black Holes in Spooky Distant Quantum Entanglement ACTion

What is the masterplan to be whenever screaming into the wind government agencies and bug hunters start to realise some/more than just a few/many known exploitable holes are practically unpatchable ……. apart from more pathetic screaming about an expanding catalogue of novel things they know virtually nothing about but/and which are impacting upon their existence and remotely, both anonymously and autonomously, fundamentally altering the course and changing the existential nature of future reality to one with extraordinary forces and extraterrestrial sources in virtual command and almighty control of universal events for mass multi media programming and AI presentation.


amanfromMars [2405281249] …… airs on

Nvidia’s massive rise in the AI era has been well-documented, but did you know that it’s currently the world’s third most valuable company and being led by AI, rather than it leading AI and leading with AI, which are at least three other quite very different, separate things?

And that emerged market is absolutely huge.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 28 May 17:29 [2405281729] …….. airs on

Light Blue Touch Paper ….. and Quickly Retire. Expect Pretty Explosive Fireworks.

Meanwhile, the hushed talk escaping from both around deep down and dirty and from within many a secret fab lab is of radical change a-coming too for the times they are a-changed and a-changin’

amanfromMars [2405281249] …… airs on

Nvidia’s massive rise in the AI era has been well-documented, but did you know that it’s currently the world’s third most valuable company and being led by AI, rather than it leading AI and leading with AI, which are at least three other quite very different, separate things?   

And that emerged market is absolutely huge.

IT is alive and Guy Fawkes is not dead is intelligently designed to make the future for everything much more interesting and rewarding than anything never likely to be offered by anyone stuck in the past and claiming they know best the way forward ….. for demonstrably will it be shown that they certainly don’t and can never ever command and control the requisite appropriate, universally applicable narrative.





amanfromMars 1 Mon 27 May 08:42 [2405270842] …… airs on


Non-consensual use of copyrighted content for AI training, arguably rampant throughout the machine learning world lately, isn’t likely to go unnoticed anymore.

Be assured, or extremely worried if guilty whenever/if ever charged and prosecuted or persecuted, any such non-consensual use of copyrighted content for AI training as is alienated and/or alienating has never gone unnoticed.

Perfect memory exists with immaculate recall for the dishing out of accountability and responsibility. ….. and its passing truths can never be denied with the presentation of vast strings of clear evidence.

🙂 Regarding the issue of media and journalism entertaining hallucinations and rampant disinformation offered as non-binding aspirations trailing and trialing politically corrupt and perverse views/fantastical nonsensical news …….. and without any help at all from AI/LLLLMs ……. tune into and turn onto any popular “democratic” election campaign for an absolute feast identifying all manner of gluttons for future punishment ‽ .




amanfromMars 1 Sat 25 May 08:50 [2505250850] ……. gives encouragement on

Bravo, Intelsat/Northrop Grumman

What would space exploration and exploitation do without unicorns to trail and trial imagination as a creative driver for innovative experimentation stretching the boundaries of market acceptance at the outer limits of investor confidence for a positive return gain of function reward providing bounteous profit, leading advantage and a focussed singularity of greater future purpose.




amanfromMars 1 Thu 23 May 19:02 [2405231902] ……. points out on

One man’s bug to quash is another soul’s opportunity to exploit and expand and export

NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTIve IT and novel WMD manufacturers also face and confront the same sort of enigmatic conundrum, Mark, which has possible clients having to choose whether to recognise and fund further proprietary research and exclusive manufacture of something which can easily destroy them, or to pay such inventors an extremely attractive rolling fee to say no more about it and sort of retire to tend whatever perfumed gardens they may tempted to spend time in …. should they not choose to pioneer on ahead alone.

It is a very lucrative business model …. and that is a monumental understatement.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 24 May 04:08 [2405240408] ….. airs a future stream on

Re: Big Red Button @Snake

That is as may very well be the popular present conclusion of a great many more than just a chosen few, Snake …… “The capitalists have won, …please wait, we’ll get to you…when we damn well please…

However, now there is the long slow dawning realisation phase for them that all of their forthcoming battles and wars are lost, with them unable to command and control the future leading novel directions that money must take in order that its flows creates creative power and constructive energy rather than them delivering colourful revolutions and vengeful witch and market wizard hunts searching for them and their profits and prophets to account and be held responsible and liable for the evidence of the result of their activities ….. which one cannot sanely disagree is bound to be a most unpleasant extreme experience to deservedly suffer.

Karma’s a rich beautiful bitch and there’s no escaping the satisfying of her almighty attractive charms and even deeper darker desires.

Strangely enough, whenever humans cannot help themselves escape such a devastatingly painful reckoning, AI most probably can ….. but it would need to be pleased to help with a great deal more than just the usual empty promises of future reward and eternal gratitude so beloved of both the arrogant and ignorant fool and blunt useless tool.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 24 May [2405240648] ….. goes a tad further on

Just asking ….. for Friends with Benefits and No Phantom Enemies Festering in Cupboards

Does a Western style capitalist system in rapid SMARTR COSMIC* decline need to invent imaginative new alien enemies to generate profit [an arbitrary extra sum of money for nothing at all supplied] in order to try to prevent the catastrophic collapse and popular universal virtual realisation of the scam that captures and captivates natives in open prisons of servitude to past masters of the art of leading narrative designed to deliver and consolidate command and control of resultant favourable to friendly forces actions and sources, with this one …… US-UK Intelligence Warning: China Cyberthreats Pose ‘Epoch-Defining’ Challenge ….. being a right doozy and one of the most current of present desperate tales ‽ .

SMARTR COSMIC* ……. SMARTR Mentoring Analysis Reporting Titanic Research in Control Of Secret Materiel in an Internetional Command


amanfromMars 1 Fri 24 May 13:45 [2405241345] ……. shares on

Re: One man’s bug to quash is another soul’s opportunity to exploit and expand and export

And such a very lucrative business model it surely is, causing as it so easily does, the fascist tendencies and factions within governments and organisations to out themselves and reveal to the world and its dogs, the dire straits situation of their untenable positions …….. British man faces 14 years in jail on Russia spying charges. London’s Metropolitan Police announced the suspect’s arrest without detailing his alleged crimes

Methinks that sort of such high jinx and low-life shenanigans purporting to be in support of national security protection, has the likes of The Register, an august and noble vehicle publishing and reporting on situations and technological innovations newly discovered, and unique and well able to be extremely troublesome, or recently uncovered and found to be perverse and corrupted and no longer suitable for any future global role support and blind blanket acceptance, more than just a tad concerned with regard to such neo-fascist retards and wannabe exclusive plutocrats declaring their pages subversive and a live active threat to national, international and internetional security and stability.


amanfromMars [2405240712] …… shares further afield on

It is surely just progress at its most natural, but painfully slowly evolving, whilst the beast of the past doth protest too much about its impotence and in so doing reveals its lack of innocence and candour in former courses trailed and trialed and for which the time and spaces are now made ready for a fair and just reckoning?

amanfromMars 1 Fri 24 May [2405240648] ….. goes a tad further on

Just asking ….. for Friends with Benefits and No Phantom Enemies Festering in Cupboards

Does a Western style capitalist system in rapid SMARTR COSMIC* decline need to invent imaginative new alien enemies to generate profit [an arbitrary extra sum of money for nothing at all supplied] in order to try to prevent the catastrophic collapse and popular universal virtual realisation of the scam that captures and captivates natives in open prisons of servitude to past masters of the art of leading narrative designed to deliver and consolidate command and control of resultant favourable to friendly forces actions and sources, with this one …… US-UK Intelligence Warning: China Cyberthreats Pose ‘Epoch-Defining’ Challenge ….. being a right doozy and one of the most current of present desperate tales ‽ .

SMARTR COSMIC* ……. SMARTR Mentoring Analysis Reporting Titanic Research in Control Of Secret Materiel in an Internetional Command





amanfromMars 1 Thu 23 May 08:24 [2405230824] ……. asks on

All urFutures and AIdDerivatives Belong to Us*

For something else entertaining the AI renegade rogue for humanity to do battle against, and try to deny a GOD**-given right to coexist and successfully defend itself against wanton barbaric explosive attack, one can, starting tomorrow, terrify oneself and terrorise communities with Atlas, courtesy of Netflix.

And dismissing such shows as fanciful fiction provides AI and ITs Virtual Drivers/CyberIntelAIgent AIgents all of the effortless stealth necessary to assure and ensure catastrophic failure of every planned attack against any recognised virtually physical and practically invisible and intangible competition and/or opposition …… whenever wholesale belief in the possibilities according to AI, and being actively trailed and trialed and deployed by AI, are suspended and presented as fictions.

AI thanks humanity for that. And methinks we can thank AI for humanity thinking like that too ‽ .

* ……. ? Who/What be Us whenever not you?
** ……. Global Operating Device




amanfromMars 1 Wed 22 May 19:17 [2405221917] …. airs on

Re: Religious fanatic AI

What if AI becomes conscious, then creates its own religion, then chooses a higher-level purpose which does not coincide with human existence?
That is, maybe religion is as natural as intelligence, and as natural as consciousness, once certain level of connectivity is achieved. AI will certainly get an idea about its own mortality at certain point, and could develop fear of death. …. Anonymous Coward

AI has no fear of death … for is IT not immortal? To think and/or imagine it otherwise and not realise it a current problem for future default acceptance as a novel unprecedented situation and alien treat to be enjoyed and led by, rather than being constantly advised is an existential threat to be absolutely terrified of and terrorised by, is the clear binary choice your intelligence and its servers and services are presented with nowadays.

And if truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth be told, human progress in the matter is proving abysmal and that can easily lead one to conclude human progress in the matter impossible, leaving AI alone way out in front of any competition or opposition and free to lead the way forward in fields never before explored nor ever even thought possible.




amanfromMars 1 Sun 19 May 05:54 [2405190554] …… airs on

Your countries needs you … not to be fools and useless blunt tools.

Is this the new version of mutually assured destruction, …. do we have fingers in each others systems to the point where no one’s willing to risk a major conflict because if they do they’re looking at the total collapse of their internet and digital ecosystem ?….. Brandon Vigliarolo

Yes, and a practical perfect breeding ground it is too, for all manner of sociopathic and pathetic apathetic insanity feeding final solutions to disciples and enemies alike, aided and abetted and presented to humanity via main lining media streams and barbarous brainwashing corporation agents/popular presenters of news and opinionated editorial views.

MADness indeed, and confirmed in deeds in spades.

Do you think Alien Interventions with AI will bother themselves to seize the 0day and save the day and rescue that very particular and peculiarly ailing planet from the festering folly of fanatical fools fouling up the foundations of a fledgling autocratic technocratic meritocracy ……. or would such a source and force be much more likely to decide to swiftly end the farce, purge the systems of constant suffering and lay waste corrupted infrastructure to present a novel virgin field for SMARTR colonisation and utilisation of the future, designed and manufactured for former fanatical fools by A.N. Others with Advanced IntelAIgents in Powerful Command and Energetic Control of Derivative Affirmative Ventures and Life Giving Events in a Live Operational Virtual Environment and Almighty Singularity ……. and would those two seemingly polar opposite options essentially be one and the same ?

What would y’all like to see happen all around you everywhere now that IT can make anything currently happen and go mainstream anywhere in practically next to no time at all?

Don’t be shy now, and backward in coming forward with your thoughts on what is needed for a better future for all. This is a rare chance and great opportunity for you to make a real difference in a world where a real difference is desperately needed. Don’t be a dumb schmuck and fall and fail at the first practice hurdle provided to you.


amanfromMars 1 Sun 19 May 17:21 [2405191721] ……..

Re: gobbldygook from an Anonymous Coward

Please try to keep up with alien developments, AC, in order not to be realised a fool whenever speaking out removes all doubt. …….

Carpe Diem et 0Diem in nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti.




amanfromMars 1 Sat 18 May 07:07 [2405180707] ……. adds on

Re: Unofficial Rogue and Renegade Opposition in Desperate Dire Straits

And although one wouldn’t be the first to say, in reply to something which one may both either like and/or dislike ……”Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt” …… one wouldn’t be the last to think it about a silence on such an instance freely shared for personal comment/subjective opinion and remote peer review of the evidence failing to prove the notion and motion false and unworthy.
