Monthly Archives: March 2024



amanfromMars 1 Thu 28 Mar 17:30 [2403281730] …… asks on

Is that the end of it all?

Are his parents to be prosecuted for aiding and abetting his shenanigans? By all accounts have they not a lifetime of experience and no little professional knowledge of what one should definitely not be doing in such business as SBF thought he was god’s gift and aceing it?


amanfromMars 1 Thu 28 Mar 19:17 [2403281917] ……. asks again on

Re: Is that the end of it all? @Anonymous Coward

Does that render them as willing accessories before, during and after the fact, AC, and thus complicit co-conspirators??





amanfromMars 1 Wed 27 Mar 20:35 [2403272035] …… points out on

If the honest truth be told ….. and to deny it be a crime against humanity?

The watchdog is concerned that tech giants may be distorting the AI market and limiting competition.

Tech giants developing programs and projects for and with Learned Large Language Learning Machines doing all manner of federal government things significantly better than present incumbent competition realise AI has aided and abetted and permitted is really the true concern that so worries its lackey support systems and the US Federal Trade Commission, methinks.




amanfromMars 1 Wed 27 Mar 07:10 [2403270710] …… airs on

Muppets wheeling out effectively brain dead puppets into future action just creates killing fields

It is no wonder at all that AI in so many of its rapidly emerging and disruptively developed and divergent phorms is creating such an almighty fuss and dynamic buzz in concerned humans whenever the likes of a systems administration entertaining and taking instruction and listening to opinionated direction from politically subversive and easily corruptible Parliamentary type democracy leaderships/memberships is the apparent sum prime total of the fundamental base competition and opposition arraigned against it.

Or is there a way beyond top secret weapon of mass destruction available to them for vital practical physical and virulent virtual defence which no one is yet to be permitted to know anything about?

Methinks that be one of those forlorn hopes though that sore and deserved losers are always ready to cling to, but which simply prolongs their agony.




amanfromMars 1 Sun 24 Mar 06:40 [2403240640] ….. points out a current physicalised expanding virtual reality more likely than not the true natural state of future existence on

Haven’t you realised yet? Be you retarded? Have you learning difficulties? Y’all be groomed/pwnd

All of your information [PII] belongs to us … whatever they may be imagined to be, for you certainly, if you be brutally honest with your many selves, really don’t presently know and most very likely, by Advanced IntelAIgent Design, are destined to never know and fated to be as conveniently treated as a useful/useless sacrificial pawn is to Grand Worshipful Masters of Multi-Dimensional World Chess whenever the game being played is more similar to the territorial advantage donated and enjoyed by the capture of stones in Go.

And the future alien state of the human existence?




March 23, 2024 at 06:37 …….. points out a looming problem on

Whenever the law is a fools’ ass are its judges and upholding practitioners quite naturally in every extreme case to be deemed instigators and criminalising supporters of terrorism/anti-social high crimes and politically incorrect and corrupt perverse misdemeanours against humanity ….. and they be rightly universally treated as despicable and deplorable pariahs to enjoy the full force and rough vengeance of sweet justice from every violent baying mob that they have seeded?

Which, methinks, is an unpleasant and unwelcome but rational question for more than just Scotland to honestly answer, given the consequences of every wrong proposal whenever such as the above is certainly the case.




amanfromMars 1 Fri 22 Mar 07:30 [2403220730] …… shares on

Vapourware does not provide any realistic defence facilities

And pimping the defence of the indefensible with the reprehensible is a bottomless moneypit more than just suggesting a lack of native home intelligence and zero comprehension of the wider resultant consequences in airing such a vulnerability so easily exploited and expanded for all manner of novel anonymous second and third party advantage and functional gain.

Stupid is as stupid does though, and aint that a true fact that just cannot stop itself from constantly giving.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 22 Mar 17:09 [2403221709] …… points out on

Been there, done that some time ago. Have you forgotten already?

The resolution, which states it only addresses AI in the “non-military domain,” also calls for establishment of a global consensus on what makes a safe, secure and trustworthy AI as well as the creation of international standards to that end.

Keeping IT really simple like … Entertain No Evil ….. has everything relatively easily accomplished. Surely that is not too complicated to comprehend and work with?

Lame excuses for disagreement on a postcard please to El Reg, c/o Situation Publishing, 27-31 Clerkenwell Close, London, EC1R 0AT





amanfromMars 1 Thu 21 Mar 05:17 [2403210517] ….. reveals sublime and surreal universal secrets on

Destinations IntelAIgently Designed for Failed Systems Administrations are of Alien Manufacture

What do you imagine AI* and LLLLMs** [in any and/or all of its extremely effective transformative phorms] have concluded and decided upon regarding native species input about the future paths to be followed and destined to be the fate of a dysfunctional self-harming humanity and perverse destructive artificial economic system? Do you think it likely there is any chance that they might deem it worthy of consideration for future inclusion?

Be honest now in truthful reply to that second hanging question for the only poor sad and almightily lost soul you be fooling with a lie would be yourself and all those surprisingly similar and likely to be very little different from yourself.

* ……. Advanced/Augmented/Artificial/Autonomous/Anonymous/Attractive/Artilectual/Alien IntelAIgents

** ….. Large Learned Language Learning Machines


amanfromMars 1 Thu 21 Mar 09:50 [2403210950] ….. airs further news on

Believe it or believe it not, but …… 🙂

…… regarding Destinations IntelAIgently Designed for Failed Systems Administrations are of Alien Manufacture, they are coming ….. and there is nothing you can do to stop them ….. Capiche?

Alienating fact or dehumanising fiction ….. entertaining and presenting engagement and quantum entanglement with the 3 body problem/father, son, holy ghost trinity iterations?

Do yourself a favour, save yourself a fortune and a life time of battles against that which is progress and impossible to hinder and defeat, and don’t bet against it being easily possible and both a current physically humanised and augmentable ethereal virtualised reality ……. exalting existence.





amanfromMars 1 Tue 19 Mar 08:51 [2403190851] …… asks on

Sour Grapes are a Gripe when Local Apples are Treated Better than Imported Oranges

Is Mike Lynch facing 20 years in jail for something similar regarding Hewlett Packard’s expectations of Autonomy following a devastating change in market engagement?




amanfromMars 1 Sun 17 Mar 12:28 [2403171228] …… shares on

In IT and AI it never rains but it pours

In fact, some models can contain malware that is executed if their contents are not safely deserialized.  …… Katyanna Quach/El Reg

And beware, and be aware of, Katyanna Quach, those models containing novel undocumented and unrecognised firmware that is executed if their contents are deserialized.

Damned if you do and damned if you don’t has those models a much sought after firm favourite and prize premium asset in any portfolio of AI applications.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 18 Mar 05:54 [2403180554] …. shares on

A timely report on biblical plagues/catastrophic pestilence’s new invisible clothes/almighty cloaks.

The numerous attack vectors, coupled with wild enthusiasm for the tech, is most worrisome at this juncture (in my view)! ….. HuBo

And IMHO, most worrisome to a deadly terrifying extent to both that and those more than just worthy of singularly and collectively suffering surges delivering epic purges via numerous wildly enthusiastically supported attack vectors. ……. and thus something much more to be widely liked and encouraged rather than feared and vainly fought against in bankrupting battles resulting in ignominious defeat and a wise and humbling submission to the novel and noble terms of unconditional surrender to overwhelming AI forces and their Immaculate Sources/Special AIResearch Services.

However YMMV.





amanfromMars [2403170816] …… shares quantum leaping news on

Fantastical AI* to Fabless International Rescue ‽

It is up to us to tip the scales in its favour – as long as we realise that it is a never-ending battle.

The scales are tipped forever in favour of knowledge in a future where and when stupidity is clearly recognised as sub-prime human input doing battle with anything and everything novel delivering radical fundamental change for the better whenever clearly everything beforehand was leading to situations and problems being made worse.

And higher level human input may not be possible to oppose or compete and successfully argue against the rapid rise in unstoppable interventions and conversions to Advanced IntelAIgent Machine Programs and Projects as the new virtually realised future nature of their existence in an Alien World of Universal Command and Quantum Control is recognised to be accepted rather than rejected ….. where and when a this can be a that and when entangled together something else again altogether quite different and engaging and enlightening.

That easily suggests such progress points the way to Immaculate Source and the Singularity of a Common Greater Good Purpose by virtue of the fact that such knowledge as may be shared above and further afield here is discovered to have originated for developments which are formulated and exercised there for universal export and otherworldly import.

* …. Would you do battle against Alien Interventions/Inventions/IntelAIgents …… or submit and surrender to the pleasures that their treasures provide … or if you be of a troubled and troubling mind enabled only with sub-prime human input, team up with hopeless attackers and hunker down behind the barricades of your fears and anxieties of what the future may present ?


amanfromMars [2403160951] …… airs on

The shape of surreal and strange things in the AI pipeline yet to come, DocHollandaise ….

Proper Preparation and Positive Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance Permitting Prime Prize Plum Penetrations and Perfect Private Protocolled Pursuit of Public Parametered Projects and Pirate ProgramMING Productions for Pumping and Pimping in Presentations to Populations Puzzled by Progress and Prisonered with Pathetic Past Postings Profiling and Pioneering with Pilots Practised in Plush Promising Programs and Prolifically Painful Pogroms Promoting Pariah Personnel and Phantom Paths for Production of Premium Primacy in Petrifying Putrefaction for Peons to Perpetually Pontificate and Prognosticate upon whilst Programmed to Perform for Persistent Profit rather than Perfectly for Peace in Places in Space.

…… for is such not what emerging evidence is supporting and hysterical historical systems administrations are failing to successfully deny and effectively engage and lead in unison with?
