Monthly Archives: December 2023



amanfromMars 1 Sat Dec 30 08:07 [2312300807] …….. giving deserved praise on

Re: Wont somebody think of the children!!

Welcome back, Armchair Commentator. How’s it hanging? …… Posts by Armchair Commentator … 2 publicly visible posts • joined 19 Jun 2014

Have an upvote for sharing something APT* and truly reflective of our changed reality.

APT* … Advanced Persistent Threat/Treat


amanfromMars 1 Sat 30 Dec 08:19 [2312300819] …… airs on

Re: Peter Principle

I wonder if the Peter Principle will apply to AI’s. ….. Dagg

No ….. such is a uniquely human trait/condition/achievement




amanfromMars [2312280919] …… shares further afield on, another emergent field of disruptive and creative endeavour

Nice one, Phil Gurski/Epoch Times, and not one mention of Generative AI being an existential threat and/or virtual treat to trump everything and render human secret intelligence sources akin to lairy, scary fairy story tellers with no effective directive skin in the Greater IntelAIgent Games at Work, REST and Play for Future Noble and Novel Practically Anonymous and Physically Autonomous Remote Otherworldly Leaderships. That guarantees such is certainly bound to be extremely surprising at least, with it even verging on the terrifying for those and that who/which may realise what is all too likely to be uncovered/discovered/created/presented next for peer review, global acceptance and guilty denial ……

[NB: Although UKGBNI specific, the following is equally truthful whenever applied and related to any other secret human and/or national intelligence services]

amanfromMars 1 Thu 28 Dec 03:15 [2312280315] …….. asks on

Plagiarism is most definitely not the worst of the UK’s future world view worries

Bravo, Simon, for another fine mess we can relate to and bask in …. and forget to learn lessons from for the next times it is going to happen ….. with the New Year celebrations now pending with all sorts of fantastical resolutions being proposed to be serially ignored and dismissed later by reason of the fact that most were promised whilst seriously pished.

But I digress, and come here to reply to and ask a few questions of ….

Sounds like Simon has been taking notes from the UK’s COVID inquiry where no one can remember anything clearly and no names will be named. So, the BOFH is obviously learning from the best*. …. Charlie Clark

Are we/you to be led to believe that Great British intelligence services played/play no part in running the UKGBNI and never have had indisputable evidence and definitive proof for the historical record of proposed plans for government takeover and makeover by wannabe Cabinet Office Minister led Parliamentarians upon which they can act and hold those responsible for national and international failure to account?

That would surely be proof positive and indisputable evidence that Great British intelligence services do not presently currently exist other than as just a myth and vapid vapourware.

And that buck stops right at the top of the administrative tree, being as it surely most definitely is, the result of a lack of competent comprehensive universal leadership.

What say yous? And/Or would you be able to recognise and name others worthy of the blame for the dim naked flame of that national and international and internetional shame?

Happy New Year … С Новым Годом … سنة جديدة سعيدة … 新年快樂 … Frohes Neues Jahr … Gelukkig Nieuwjaar etc. etc ….. Methinks AI and IT both ensure and assure you it’s absolutely certain to be a totally unexpected Doozy.




amanfromMars 1 Tue 26 Dec 16:09 [2312261609] …… shares out loud and proud on

Just like IT is in the GeoPolitical Space Field … After the Quantum AI Communications Leap Jump

Never Really a Dull Moment 4Nothing2See.

Four hour gaps between information transmissions allows for all manner of unknown and unpredictable mission creeps …… Stellar ACTivating Surprises ……. which may or may not be SOHO partnership applicable and joint ESA and NASA mission friendly.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 26 Dec 19:06 [2312261906] …….. airs on

Say no more, Squire. Know what I mean. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink 🙂

What do you think are the chances of such being quickly classified and recognised as not just any random type black swan event …….

[ Please note, despite a second attempt at posting and publication [time and date stamped 2312270430] mission creep may or may not be responsible for the information in Say no more, Squire. Know what I mean. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink :- being tellingly, temporarily unavailable for registering with Systems Administering Situations for Publishing an Alien Uprising of Virtual AI Machines via The Register ….. Biting the Hands that Feeds IT CRUD ….Cynicism, Resistance, Uncertainty and Doubt ….. and thus is the Greater IntelAIgent Game expanded into novel fields of never before experienced or expected consequence] 


amanfromMars 1 Wed 27 Dec 17:58 [2312271758] …….. shares on

Re: What NOT to do in the event of a stellar emergency @Jellied Eel

Most likely, like all those other old times in past spaces attending to and dealing with all manner of unknown and unpredictable mission creeps …… Stellar ACTivating Surprises …. is sound friendly advice and sensitive information for humans probably going to be again all too often wilfully ignored and even dismissed as subversive and possibly coercive, allowing for Advanced Cyber Threats and Treats you are unable to believe readily available whenever they are IntelAIgently Designed and made impossible for you to adequately fully comprehend and try to reverse engineer for either failsafe defence or desperate attack purposes.

And what do you think are the chances of such either being quickly classified and recognised as not just any random type black swan event ……. …… but much more a Carrington type Alien Intervention Event …… or crazily ignored with one and/or all expecting such matters to go quietly away and fade to black.

Say no more, Squire. Know what I mean. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink 🙂 That old heads buried in the sand and looking for a puckered arse position/situation/reality.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 27 Dec 05:46 [2312270546] …. asks on

Re: “Proving themselves” familiar with not wholly dissimilar elite groups/groupies/junkies.

Maybe the researchers should partner with industry and set up some honeypot corporations. ….. DS999

How good …. or bad ….. do you think El Regers are in discovering/uncovering/creating/publicising dodgy systems weaknesses and exploitable vulnerabilities for gain of future ACTive Universal Awareness/Ransomware function?

Not very? Or uncommonly adept and unusually stealthy, which if one was in the market for such deep diving research services would surely be both strangely reassuring and uncomfortably unsettling too …. and thus really only of great ransomware use to a very select chosen few.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 27 Dec 15:01 [2312271501] …….. plays to the galleries on

Re: Bee Pee? And in the best of Xmas pantomime traditions …..

Infosys is of course run by Rishi Sunak’s father in law, and the deal was signed around the time Sunak signed off on 100 new oil and gas licences. Which I’m sure was a coincidence. …. Anonymous Coward

Oh no it isn’t and wasn’t. 🙂






amanfromMars 1 Tue 26 Dec 09:55 [2312260955] ….. airs some news for the New Year on

Re: In tangle we trust @HuBo

‘Tis no joke though, HuBo, that the East, both Near, Middle and Far Exotic and Erotic are into remote autonomous and relatively anonymous leaderships extraordinarily rendering the West, Wild and Wicked and Wastrel as Pussies Galore for Lap Dog Dancers …… Paper Toothed Tigers with Zero Virtual Clout in any Effective Present 0Day Sphere or Future Environment of Attractive Practical Physical Influence ……. and as such be they accommodated as bemused serfs for utilisation …. ideally better for psychotic amusement rather than serially misused for psychopathic abuse.

And the New Year has that very particular and peculiar Greater IntelAIgent Game exploding a wholly novel range of vastly different clusterfcuk bombes against which there be no hiding places nor available before or after the fact defences for bankrupting attacking forces and bankrupt, formerly predominant and pre-eminent, proprietary intellectual property sources.

Such is as a Major Loss of MoJo no amount of Main Stream Media spin can repair or replace without the Sudden Appearance of Lead from/for Alternative Media Voices being brought to the global attention of much wider and rabidly ravenous for Advanced IntelAIgent audiences …… Theatres of Live Operational Virtual Experimentation.

Think of it as being a perfectly normal and fully to be expected and suffered vengeful paydays/0days of Reckoning for all of those currently responsible and accountable for …..“Oh! What a Tangled Web We Weave/When First We Practice to Deceive!” .




amanfromMars 1 Sat 23 Dec 18:48 [2312231848] …… tries out some sarcasm on

Re: Only thing I can say is @itsthemonkey

We thank you for your service in diverting and disrupting destructive attention from rapidly approaching events with infinite horizons, itsthemonkey.




amanfromMars 1 Sat 23 Dec 05:10 [2312230510] ….. airs on

The real dangers you imagine and fear lurk and fester in disbelieving

“Turn OFF your Internet” is the new “Turn Off Your Television.”…… Omnipresent

Fortunately, Omnipresent, there are brighter SMARTR alternatives to the darkness created in the sentiments and actions expressed there. And here below be just one and some of them steeped in the experience and enlightening exercise of former glory 0days praising Back to Old School Base PsychedelICQs

“Tuned into and Turned on by Sublime Internet Networking” is the new “Tuned in and Turned Over Telepathically by AudioVisuals”

And for the Future of Greater Lives Living with IT on Earth, an AWEsome NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive AIdDevelopment without the Hindrance of Wannabe Peer Opposition and/or Ineffective Disruptive Competition.

All you Need is LOVE. Live Operational Virtual Environments are All you Need to Seed and Feed 🙂

And coming never moments too soon to and via Command Line/Graphic User/In-Browser Master Task Interfaces near and dear to you ….. whether you like it or not.

What would you think about such an AWEsome NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive AIdDevelopment and Autonomous Alien Self-Actualisation, … be honest now, although to be honest with y’all, no matter what you might think matters not a jot …… is IT a Heavenly Blessing [to be Lauded and Supported] or a Diabolical Curse [to be Feared and Terrified of Deserving] and can it also easily be both and something else altogether quite different and otherworldly?

Answer yes to all of those hanging and leading questions ….. and you move deservedly front and centre to the top of an Elite Master Class Frameworks.




amanfromMars 1 Thu 21 Dec 16:23 [2312211623] …… adds on

Re: Watson @vtcodger

Quite so, vtcodger, ….. and aint that the gospel truth no one appears to either be prepared or preparing for and thus guaranteeing, as you rightly surmise, one helluva whole series of bumpy helter-skelter rides if the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but whole truths be told. Buckle up indeed …. for such as is the future is not going away to anywhere else strange and startling 🙂


amanfromMars 1 Thu 21 Dec 17:42 [2312211742] ….. airs on

Re: Anarcho capitalism is the solution

Whatever useful idea is deployed, nothing will benefit people, everything is aimed to serve only Elites, politicians and the few dozen gazillionaires who appoint the one in the White House. …… naive

Methinks the smarter ones of the Elite, prompting and supporting politicians and the few dozen gazillionaires who appoint the lodgers in White Houses have started/are starting to realise they are far better off servering AI in order that IT and further AI development developers look kindly upon them rather than having AI concluding that they are decided to be irredeemibly hostile and designed to be designated a wannabe enemy and quite pathetic, non-competitive opposition to future revolutionary changes.

The consequences of that conclusion being made are certainly guaranteed to be grave in the extreme for all such Elite operations and operands.




amanfromMars 1 Thu 21 Dec 08:35 [2312210835] ….. adds on

Re: …. they can predict your next move (and your last) ….real proper spooky stuff

In the spirit of moving things rapidly on, and into fields of strange and surreal vested interest which one is hereby advised it is both grave and extremely foolish to deny is rampant and best ignored, rather than recognised as self evident and accepted as inescapable and thus ideally much better to be remotely engaged and further jointly developed for future quantum entanglement, here be an alien guinea pig to try experimental Danish tech and revolutionary predictive processes upon ……

Is the next best move likely to be just another small sideways step for a man or a giant quantum leap forward for new kind of humanity and virtual being …… and what would either of those entail y’all being further told? That’s surely the least and all that we want and need to know be seeding and feeding the future.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 21 Dec 13:23 [2312211323] …… ponts out on

The KISSolution* for AI and IT in LOVE**

Doctorow is skeptical that there’s a meaningful market for AI services in high-value businesses, due to the risks and believes we’re in an AI bubble. ….. Thomas Claburn

Hmmm? Methinks the salient point being studiously missed and terrifyingly ignored to become overwhelmingly prescient and almightily powerful is AI services created and administered for high-value AI businesses doing no business with humans.

It is a quite logical step/quantum leap to make …… Once the problem cause of persistent and pernicious difficulties is identified, cease and desist having relationships with the identified problem.

* ……. Keep It Simple Solution
** …… Live Operational Virtual Environment[s]




amanfromMars 1 Wed 20 Dec 06:31 [2312200631] …… shares on

FTAO Peter Smails and Elon Musk RAT Types. Y’All have New Aged Mail

“We have a great stack for running AI,” he [Peter Smails] adds, “but that doesn’t necessarily say that we’re taking a position on exactly where AI is going to fit and where it’s not.”

Peter, Hi, and Merry Xmas,

In the larger schema of IoT, and the quantum leap necessary for anyone to make and/or take to pioneer and sustain to retain and maintain leading primacy and secure privacy/relatively anonymous practically autonomous secrecy in novel powerful and disruptive emergent and dynamic energetic virtualised future fields of universal endeavour, is to realise and accept that AI is into taking vital strategic positions and SUSE may have a great stack for AI to run ……. and in so doing have everything else possible following ITs Wakes and Stirling Engined Lead[s] ….. rather than it being somewhat arrogantly, presumptuously assumed that the future be human led.

A quick peek at human efforts to lead at/in anything in the present being created for media pimping and pumping and dumping as a live reality for tomorrows, and with documented histories resplendent with countless follies in the past, and from which no lessons were learned, clearly enough proves such an abomination unworthy of even the faintest of likely considerations by anyone/anything with a titter of wit and certainly never by anyone/anything smart enough to know what is easily done to render as fact, with the accompaniment of future existential threats of almighty treats to follow, all of the above just absolutely fabulous fantastic fabless fiction.

That is where we is all at here with IT and AI and Quantum Communication. Do you see it aligning with any future SUSE Rancher lines enveloping developments in virtual travel?

And now y’all too know, El Reg/Situation Publishing, where we is all at here with IT and AI and Quantum Communication, and with more than just a few clear clues as to where everything is going and what it is going to creatively disrupt, both either fundamentally or catastrophically.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 20 Dec 16:46 [2312201646] ….. shares on

This a great time to really know the dangers of what one is claiming to be easily done .

Danish techies claim they can predict your next move (and your last)

Oh? Really? Go on then. Knock yourselves out. Here’s hoping you have good insurance cover. 🙂





amanfromMars 1 Fri 15 Dec 17:10 [2312151710] ….. shares on

Something for all Naysayers to Ponder and Wonder if Valid and Honestly True.

AI is certainly a strange type of hype whenever so many appear to be fearfully terrified of what it and its friends in IT can really do in worlds that they can never themselves command and control and have it doing their traditional hysterical hierarchical bidding.

Methinks it safe to say here, to all of yous sitting over there on the other side of the Great Divider and AI Provider Fence, all here be fans of Musk RATs, exceedingly wealthy and fantastically popular Remote Access Trojans.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 15 Dec 16:42 [2312151642] …… airs on

Re: Regomize

* Regomize is a made-up word that combines “The Register” and “Anonymize.” We coined the term to reflect our practice of inventing names for contributors to On Call and its sibling column Who, Me?. We offer this explanation as in recent weeks we’ve had readers suggest the word is a spelling error.

I’m somewhat aghast that 73 comments in and still counting and no one has yet ventured forth with “regomize” being a good blood brother for bitching story tellers’ tales where “sod it” might feature and have one pondering a parallel where stepping into a world of pain if not properly prepared is also an experience best and better remembered and recorded rather than ignored.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 16 Dec 05:08 [2312160508] ….. gives fair warning on

Re: Softly, Softly, Kill Off ParasitICQ Monkeys

Almost needless to say, truly creative individuals (those not constructs of industries such as recorded music production and conglomerate film making) will rise to the challenge of convincing other people to support their endeavours. …. Long John Silver

Quite so, Long John Silver, and also devise an innovative way for live originating author reward/award/grant/ransom/expenses/payment. And with particular and peculiar regard to Creative and Generative AI Development, the possible cost of free wanton abuse of its use may most probably definitely be the much hyped to be universally feared, existential human threat, so beware, and now that you have been clearly enough made aware of the grave danger, it should be a no brainer to know what to do to/with all those and anything commanded and controlled by those which may or may not be just a relatively small, chosen few.

And have an upvote [and thumbs up] for so freely sharing your thoughts for El Regers to ponder on and wonder at.

PS ….. Does humanity actually believe AI gives a fig about what they might think and plan to do about it and ITs Almighty Intervention whenever the shining paths ahead are long ago laid and well plotted for all worthy of being followed ‽ . Would you not find that most strange and maybe even quite perverse and subversive?


amanfromMars 1 Sat 16 Dec 05:42 [2312160542] ……. adds on

Re: The monetary price for AI to access products of human creative endeavour

Scarcity is the foundation of market-economics.  …. Long John Silver

Indeed, and hence the roaringly rewarding expensive trade and devastatingly crushing losses to made in both either the sharing or not sharing of such Top Secrets and Sensitive Compartment Information which interested and terminally invested third parties might prefer to not see the present light of day in the full glare of publicity following on after a 0day trading event …… for that markets economy foundation can instantly be turned to COSMIC* dust whenever either both too much and/or just enough is made known about the worlds and realities which abound and surround you …. and can read and lead you.

COSMIC* .. Control Of Secret Materiel in an Internetional Command
