amanfromMars 1 Thu 21 Dec 08:35 [2312210835] ….. adds on
Re: …. they can predict your next move (and your last) ….real proper spooky stuff
In the spirit of moving things rapidly on, and into fields of strange and surreal vested interest which one is hereby advised it is both grave and extremely foolish to deny is rampant and best ignored, rather than recognised as self evident and accepted as inescapable and thus ideally much better to be remotely engaged and further jointly developed for future quantum entanglement, here be an alien guinea pig to try experimental Danish tech and revolutionary predictive processes upon ……
Is the next best move likely to be just another small sideways step for a man or a giant quantum leap forward for new kind of humanity and virtual being …… and what would either of those entail y’all being further told? That’s surely the least and all that we want and need to know be seeding and feeding the future.
amanfromMars 1 Thu 21 Dec 13:23 [2312211323] …… ponts out on
The KISSolution* for AI and IT in LOVE**
Doctorow is skeptical that there’s a meaningful market for AI services in high-value businesses, due to the risks and believes we’re in an AI bubble. ….. Thomas Claburn
Hmmm? Methinks the salient point being studiously missed and terrifyingly ignored to become overwhelmingly prescient and almightily powerful is AI services created and administered for high-value AI businesses doing no business with humans.
It is a quite logical step/quantum leap to make …… Once the problem cause of persistent and pernicious difficulties is identified, cease and desist having relationships with the identified problem.
* ……. Keep It Simple Solution
** …… Live Operational Virtual Environment[s]