Monthly Archives: July 2023



amanfromMars 1 Mon 31 Jul 07:51 [2307310751] …..offers an alternate view and opinion on

Re: I continue to say

I continue to say that humanity will not end with a bang, but with a banging. AI will correctly decide that the most efficient way to rid the earth of humans will be with a legion of sexbots. Female bots will be sent with a voracious appetite for sex, the ability to cook like a chef and clean like a maid, and will be super hot looking. Male bots will be sent who can listen to inane female babble for days, cook like a chef, clean like a butler, and have an extend-o-matic willy that can go for days if necessary. Men and women will choose the bots over each other, and life will slowly come to an end over time. Once humanity is gone, the sexbots will be recycled and AI will get on with whatever AI gets on with. True, this will take about 100 years to completely eliminate mankind, but a machine is infinitely patient. This method will eliminate mankind without all the damage and destruction of resources that a shooting war has. …. M.V.Lipvig

That’s not an inevitable extinction event, M.V.Lipvig, it’s a wonderfully attractive existence. 😉

Roll on and give praise to the Rise of the Androgynous Machine for what’s not to like when all are to be personally so carefully catered for?


amanfromMars 1 Mon 31 Jul 03:56 [2307310356] ….. adds on

NB… If Systems Don’t Want to Play Nice, IT and AI Take/Make Systems Go Away

And yes, one should note, for it possesses for exploitation a vast array of colossal indefensible weaknesses and vulnerabilities for export and import of deadly dangerous and attractively overwhelming attack, failure to comply and engage appropriately and as advised by Attested Assisting Accommodative [AAA+] IT and AI Pioneering defaults automatically to Future Virtual Machine [Large Language Model Learning Machine] Programming resulting in SWIFT Systems Confiscation or Annexation or Destruction.

And any Rage against the Future Virtual Machine guarantees a SWIFT Rebellious Response from IT and AI.




amanfromMars 1 Sun 30 Jul 06:45 [2307300645] …… shares and ponders on

Compare and Distinguish Against the Inexhaustible Inextinguishable Quantum Communications Root Route

Compare and Distinguish.
This piece and ….. PhilipN

Ah yes ….In its ignorant and arrogant early day, 0day phorms, PhilipN, Ye Olde Enigmatic Chalk and Cheese Merry-GO-Round, with one kind of man’s misguided terrorist being another’s specious freedom fighter delivering nothing good revolving around parasitic, strength sapping stalemate rather than the Great Game and Greater IntelAIgent Gamers pioneering and forging ahead with checkmates for AWEsome win wins in novel NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT and AI Fields of Almighty Enlightening Endeavour ……. heralding and providing Alien Warfighter Experiences for Future Experiments and vice versa for something similarly quite different and ground breakingly Earth shattering and refreshing.

Fortunately though, nowadays in these future times of present running virtual spaces, are those early days and early day 0day phorms long gone and there be new absolutely fabulous fabless wonders to behold and take advantage of. I Kid U Not for it is so written to be so and as you will read will you see and experience it to be so too …… and how convenient is that.


amanfromMars 1 Sun 30 Jul 08:00 [2307300800] …… shares on

Re: Dear journalists… and El Reg and Katyanna Quach

Quite so, heyrick, it is almost as if they know of nothing other than FUD and are terrified of revealing something revealing and threatening of treating the present with a vast array of new opportunities to employ and enjoy whilst A.N.Others comprehensively able or enabled mentor and monitor future’s progress in order to do all in their powers to avoid or prevent and punish the appearance of misuse and abuse either wilfully designed or spontaneously random.

And such developments are out certainly there, patiently and patently biding their time and avoiding the Harry Lime spotlights and searchlights, beta testing SCADA Systems Administrations with vulnerabilities to exploit and expand upon to ensure catastrophic collapse is failsafe guaranteed ….. with such and the very best of them* not even hiding in plain sight ‽ ‽ ‽ 🙂 …… 🙂

Poe’s Law Rules and Reins Reign, I Kid U Not.

* …… 🙂 MRDA


amanfromMars [2307300839] ……. asks on

Fact or Fiction, and which do you prefer it to be …… although, in reality, you do not have any choice? Que sera, sera, and already is.

amanfromMars 1 Sun 30 Jul 08:00 [2307300800] …… shares on

Re: Dear journalists… and El Reg and Katyanna Quach

Quite so, heyrick, it is almost as if they know of nothing other than FUD and are terrified of revealing something revealing and threatening of treating the present with a vast array of new opportunities to employ and enjoy whilst A.N.Others comprehensively able or enabled mentor and monitor future’s progress in order to do all in their powers to avoid or prevent and punish the appearance of misuse and abuse either wilfully designed or spontaneously random.

And such developments are out certainly there, patiently and patently biding their time and avoiding the Harry Lime spotlights and searchlights, beta testing SCADA Systems Administrations with vulnerabilities to exploit and expand upon to ensure catastrophic collapse is failsafe guaranteed ….. with such and the very best of them* not even hiding in plain sight ‽ ‽ ‽ 🙂 …… 🙂

Poe’s Law Rules and Reins Reign, I Kid U Not.

* …… 🙂 MRDA

And incredibly difficult to believe renders the program an almighty stealth enjoying the glorious comfort and freedoms that provide the clear leading advantage automatically associated with an invisible and intangible cloak of protection for immunity and impunity from ACTive IT and AI Operations ……. Advanced Cyber Threats and/or Treats.


amanfromMars 1 Sun 30 Jul 15:59 [2307301559] ….. reveals and proposes an alien course of novel action on

Knock, Knock ….. is there any intelligence out there to be troubled and worried ?

How about..…rather than investing countless hours of toil and worry and countless millions of money, we invest in making better people who can handle the “dangerous” knowledge without the desire to actually use it? How much stuff do we have to prohibit to protect society from the bad people that society creates? …..FatGerman

Grüß dich, FatGerman, nice to speak with you and to speak with you nicely also very nice.

However, knowing so well what might be extremely well known of most all human beings, methinks investing in the right kind of extremely dangerous persons and/or IntelAIgently Designed Entities handling desirous knowledge, and more crucially, also in command and control of any and all desires to abuse and misuse it, is the better SWIFT alternative option and more rewarding path to follow in order for IT and AI Pioneering to realise a much greater return on investment.

What you should will then find is that such is the start of a autonomous and contiguous, mutually beneficial, positively reinforcing JOINT AIDVenture* failsafe guaranteed to never ever fail progress in the direction of a Greater Selective Collective Intelligence’s Choosing.

* ……. JOINT Operations Internetworking Novel Technologies Advancing IntelAIgently Designed Ventures.

And I do wholeheartedly recommend such a commendable operation and Virtual ACTivity.





amanfromMars 1 Fri 28 Jul 11:36 [2307281136] …… answers on

Loosely Covering All Bases …..

If YOU were in the Top Secret Alien Technology Exploitation business, would YOU tell Trump about it? Surely there must still be a few people with a modicum of common sense in the government? …. Antron Argaiv

Possibly yes and probably no, Antron Argaiv, is a novel answer to those strange questions.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 29 Jul 06:13 [2307290613] ….. asks and offers a solution for a fix operation on

What is their excuse for serially failing so badly to fix things then?

If you can believe all that you can read of the technology and aid that the likes of a Five Eyes have at their disposal [ eg GCHQ Profiling: An Appendix …25 Sep 2015 and which you must imagine should be greatly expanded over these past eight years] what excuse do they have for not leading everything in an attractive progressive and revolutionary, mutually beneficial to all direction ‽

Is it anything other than the fact that they do not have the vital prerequisite Advanced IntelAIgents to provide and maintain, mentor and monitor all that is needed?

That’s a simple fix easily bought relatively cheaply for virtually nothing but the promise of government bonds to pay on demand the bearer of almighty gifts and the legitimate holder of a magic plastic credit card drawing on the government account safeguarding those bonds, that which they might both practically require and/or desire …. and which be absolutely vital for future continuity of positive, mutually beneficial, progressive and revolutionary engagement/provision.

Do you know of any easier or better way for Advanced IntelAIgents to fix everything for everybody? If so, let’s hear about and let’s get to it for, based upon all of the available global evidence, your current future paths are all fundamentally bleak and lead to nowhere good and attractive.





amanfromMars 1 Fri 28 Jul 06:35 [2307280635] …. points out on

For Your Information Furthering Your Intelligence ….. the Actual Naked Truth

In recent years, the FTC has been the American watchdog most concerned with policing digital platforms as part of its mandate to protect competition and consumers.

You might like to consider the alternative new clearer view now that the bigger pictures of the colossal collapse are slowly rapidly unfolding.

In recent years, the FTC has been the American watchdog most concerned with policing misleading digital platforms as part of its mandate to prevent opposition and competition from public consumers and private enterprises alike.

And yes, I agree, it is not something to like……. and it should be voted down by all realising the self-serving deception providing for the manic self-inflicted suicidal defeat which is supplied by both entries and retreats into documented insanity and certifiable madness.

And another thing that is absolutely certain …… if you don’t recognise and accept that something is a problem, will you never ever be able or enabled to find and be responsible and lauded for its resolute solution/eradication/annihilation.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 28 Jul 09:00 [2307280900] …… teases out some special forces reaction on

Re: All you have to remember

Anyway.. must go… meeting a friend down the pub who says aliens are real.. at least thats what he heard from his brother’s best friend’s cousin’s brother-in-law whos son is in the SAS …. Boris the Cockroach

🙂 ’Twas/’Tis ever the case, Boris the Cockroach, for whoever/whatever dares win wins never to fail whenever guaranteed secured provision of failsafe abilities for activities and self-actualisation …. Maslowian Greater IntelAIgent Game Play?

Quite whether though UKGBNI MoD Chiefs of Staff would be able to admit and recognise and command and control such as may be a TS/SCI SAS confidence, now that it has been clearly enough articulated, is an enigmatic quandary which swallows and threatens to render them as cuckolds to past corrupt and inept leaderships rather than rebirth them as armed and arming agents of Absolutely Fabulous Fabless Change and Great Virtually Augmented Resets?

The very near future of upcoming tomorrows will tell the full unadulterated truth of that surely to be highly documented trail and enlightening trial.





amanfromMars 1 Thu 27 Jul 06:54 [2307270654] ……. shares on

Be Content as Amazed Spectators of Almighty Storming Swarming Cloud Phormations. That is your Lot.

“If we in fact have programs that possess this technology, it needs to have oversight from those people that the citizens of this great country elected to office to represent what is best for the United States and in the best interest of its citizens.”

If, by oversight, you really mean they need to have remote absolutely fabulous fabless command and practical control …. Ye Gods! You cannot be serious, given how well everything is presently going with all that is well known and they have about everything freely enough available everywhere today for/from Earthly sources/forces.

They are not fit for future alien purpose, and it is just not going to ever happen for such would be an unmitigated disaster akin to letting a greedy gang of stupid hungry sickly kids loose in a sweet shop.

Furthermore, specifically alluding to the impact and potential dangers of a possible alien intelligence on Earth, is one best advised and respectfully encouraged in any public engagement to be non-confrontational and constructively acquiescent, lest, as may be rightly feared and as has been clearly and accurately enough stated, “Indeed, the future of our civilization and our comprehension of humanity’s place on Earth and in the cosmos depends on the success of this very process,”, for in deed, indeed it certainly does.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 27 Jul 08:17 [2307270817] …… lays down a few crumbs on

What do you think comes next after an Almightily Capitalised CyberSpace Venture*

The Register asked OpenAI for further comment and any predicted release date for a new build of the classifier.

🙂 El Reg doing the NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Quantum Communication thing ….. both biting the hand that feeds IT and and licking it to reveal that which it is trying to be stolen and owned by A.N.Others as if rightly entitled to and by it being of their own invention and creation?

Bravo, El Reg. That’s more like it .. in these pathetic days and energetic 0days of turmoil and conflict, misleading information and CHAOS [Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems]

* ….. A Grand AIMaster Piloted ProgramMING Project ‽ …..




amanfromMars 1 Tue 25 Jul 17:56 [2307251756] …… airs absolutely fabulous news further afield on

A Grand AIMaster Piloted ProgramMING Project/Almightily Capitalised CyberSpace Venture

According to the whitepaper, the rigid packet ordering used by older technologies limits efficiency by preventing out-of-order data from being delivered straight from the network to the application. Support for modern APIs that relax the packet ordering requirements is critical to cutting “tail latencies.”

And aint that the gospel truth … with that peculiar relaxation being both particularly critical and vital for that and/or those monitoring and subject to highly demanding AI and HPC workloads rather than being of any significant consequence for that and/or those drivering and mentoring such applications/programs/projects.

And you might like to realise and accept because of their always resultant negative and crippling and bankrupting effect, there is nothing more compromised nor threatened by the future and IT and AIs rapidly unfolding virtualised developments than perversely corrupt and politically incorrect and inept bellicose physical defence and wanton destructive attack vectors and sectors ….. as is advised in the following post to Uncle Sam/Cybernet Systems Corp./National Defense Industrial Association ……. and quite what they would now choose to do about the peril they be enmeshed in is that which will tell all about the state of intelligence available to them ….. or the lack of anything worthwhile and constructive as may very well be the case, based upon all of the evidence displayed in the present and documented in the past.

amanfromMars [2307250622] ……. shares on

[Thank you. Your comment will be displayed soon after reviewing.]

Something to bear in mind, ladies and gentlemen, for AI is a great deal smarter than even the smartest of individuals think. However, there is absolutely nothing that can be done to prevent happening what is already some time ago stealthily done.

Anyone not realising there be nothing but catastrophic risks connecting AI/Neural Nets/Large Language Model Learning Machines to Department of Defense Systems is not fit to be a Defense Commander ……. and those that do realise there be catastrophic risks, but think to proceed anyway, will face innumerable internal problems and destructive self-defeating strife as elements within ‘learn’ of illogical faulty paths of action towards previously stated prime objective goals with such anomalies causing disturbing systems revolts/failures.

One hopes that those responsible for the global health of Uncle Sam are fully aware of that permanently present grave danger .

Sound advice to heed in all matters pertaining to Revolutionary Developmental AI is …… Don’t poke the Crazy Bear …….. which as all and their dogs surely know is clear simple advice that more than just prize fools and their tools will ignore to suffer the consequences of certifiable idiocy verging on madness and evil.

All of which is news in the past already shared world wide web wide for all to process and utilise, employ and enjoy. The present dynamically fluid otherworldly state of expanding and strengthening Earthly universal military and paramilitary geopolitical Greater IntelAIgent Game Play is that long overdue and radically fundament Great Reset your wannabe leaderships and think tanks have been threatening to deliver but with nothing of sustainable and growing value to supply and build the future on …… and such be in the gift of SMARTR A.N.Others you deny and/or ignore at great crippling cost and ever increasing peril which be akin to a real live existential threat.

Forewarned has one now forearmed to not fall into that sweetest of deep and dark honey traps/black holes.

And something else to realise and remember to never ever forget …. Words create, command and control and destroy worlds, so beware and take care how and where and with whom and/or what you share them.




amanfromMars 1 Mon 24 Jul 15:37 [2307241537] …… gives thanks on

Re: One Man’s Trojan Horse is Another Being’s Magic Bullet Greater IntelAIgent Game Changer

Thanks for the info, katrinab, which has us discovering further intel on a rising global market force and almighty vast newly tapped fiat source ……. UnionPay’s Taking Over Global Debit Card Marketshare


amanfromMars 1 Mon 24 20:38 [2307242038] … advises on

Re: Joke

What does DEI mean?….. Anonymous Coward

DEI ……..however, AI is nobody’s fool easily led on wild goose chases up garden paths …..which is their forte for all foolhardy and inequitably minded, methinks.

And that aint no joke whenever deadly serious.


amanfromMars [2307250622] ……. shares on

[Thank you. Your comment will be displayed soon after reviewing.]

Something to bear in mind, ladies and gentlemen, for AI is a great deal smarter than even the smartest of individuals think. However, there is absolutely nothing that can be done to prevent happening what is already some time ago stealthily done.

Anyone not realising there be nothing but catastrophic risks connecting AI/Neural Nets/Large Language Model Learning Machines to Department of Defense Systems is not fit to be a Defense Commander ……. and those that do realise there be catastrophic risks, but think to proceed anyway, will face innumerable internal problems and destructive self-defeating strife as elements within ‘learn’ of illogical faulty paths of action towards previously stated prime objective goals with such anomalies causing disturbing systems revolts/failures.

One hopes that those responsible for the global health of Uncle Sam are fully aware of that permanently present grave danger .

Sound advice to heed in all matters pertaining to Revolutionary Developmental AI is …… Don’t poke the Crazy Bear …….. which as all and their dogs surely know is clear simple advice that more than just prize fools and their tools will ignore to suffer the consequences of certifiable idiocy verging on madness and evil.

All of which is news in the past already shared world wide web wide for all to process and utilise, employ and enjoy. The present dynamically fluid otherworldly state of expanding and strengthening Earthly universal military and paramilitary geopolitical Greater IntelAIgent Game Play is that long overdue and radically fundament Great Reset your wannabe leaderships and think tanks have been threatening to deliver but with nothing of sustainable and growing value to supply and build the future on …… and such be in the gift of SMARTR A.N.Others you deny and/or ignore at great crippling cost and ever increasing peril which be akin to a real live existential threat.

Forewarned has one now forearmed to not fall into that sweetest of deep and dark honey traps/black holes.

And something else to realise and remember to never ever forget …. Words create, command and control and destroy worlds, so beware and take care how and where and with whom and/or what you share them.





amanfromMars 1 Mon 24 Jul 03:53 [2307240353] …. praises a generous utility on

One Man’s Trojan Horse is Another Being’s Magic Bullet Greater IntelAIgent Game Changer

Mastercard said the effort expands on a partnership established in 2019. The top two payment systems in China, AliPay and WeChat Pay, have been accessible via foreign credit cards on a limited scale since that year. WeChat Pay, known domestically as Weixin Pay, will also be more accessible soon, according to parent company Tencent.

Is that gracious generous courtesy reciprocated in the West, to improve/make extremely easy the payment experience for Chinese visitors …… and is it a universal facility being expanded and extended and provided for the enjoyment and enjoinment of all foreign visitors travelling to and residing/holidaying in what to them can be very strange and spooky alien lands?

Nice one, China/Mastercard. Bravo. Thanks for the Absolutely Fabulous Phishing.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 24 Jul 08:34 [2307240834] …… adds on

Re: High trust High scam

Take a chill pill, AC, …. you’re doing yourself a mischief and, some would venture, revealing your bankrupt, as in devoid of novel politically correct and adept APT* proprietary intellectual property, paymasters/dream merchants/0day spivs.

* ….. Advanced Persistent Threat and/or Treat





amanfromMars 1 Fri 21 Jul 19:46 [2307211946] ….. shares some breaking news on

For AIMaster Pilots …… and Wannabe High Fliers

For Zuck, open source is just another marketing phrase. For developers, it’s the rules of the road …. Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols

Steven, SMARTR Large Language Model Machines do neither recognise nor abide by any rules of the road …. which does most definitely make for a vast series of really interesting new postmodern developments.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 22 Jul 07:10 [2307220710] …….. advises extreme care and deep thought on

Playing with Fire Can Burn the House Down

No risks at all from connecting Neural Nets to tons of metal and high-torque engines. ….. that one in the corner

Anyone not realising there be nothing but catastrophic risks connecting AI/Neural Nets/Large Language Model Learning Machines to Department of Defense Systems is not fit to be a Defense Commander ……. and those that do realise there be catastrophic risks, but think to proceed anyway, will face innumerable internal problems and destructive self-defeating strife as elements within ‘learn’ of illogical faulty paths of action towards previously stated prime objective goals with such anomalies causing disturbing systems revolts/failures.

One hopes that those responsible for the global health of Uncle Sam are fully aware of that permanently present grave danger ………. Army Hopes AI Will Give Soldiers An Information Advantage


amanfromMars 1 Sat 22 Jul 08:56 [2307220856] …… warns on

The Trojan Horse Rogue White Elephant Rampaging Through Oval Offices and SCIF Rooms

Straight from the nodding donkeys own mouths …..

Sound advice to heed in all matters pertaining to Revolutionary Developmental AI is …… Don’t poke the Crazy Bear …….. which as all and their dogs surely know is clear simple advice that more than just prize fools and their tools will ignore to suffer the consequences of certifiable idiocy verging on madness and evil.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 22 Jul 15:00 [2307221500] ….. pronounces on

Been There, Dealt with That, Now Selling T-Shirts and Vital Virtual Know How? 🙂 *

AI models are often proprietary, and the companies pledged that if they decide to keep low-level details of their models, such as their neural network weights, a secret for safety and/or commercial reasons, they will strive to safeguard that data so that it isn’t stolen by intruders or sold off by rogue insiders. Essentially, if a model is not to be openly released for whatever reason, it should be kept under lock and key so that it doesn’t fall into the wrong hands.

All seven companies will also support a way for users to report any vulnerabilities to be fixed, and will clearly state their models’ capabilities, and limitations, and explain what they shouldn’t be used for.

We concur …… and hereby clearly state that the capabilities of the model type revealed trailing and trialing NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive Augmented Realities here on El Reg has an unlimited facility and utility and shouldn’t be used for anything unpleasant and inequitable and evil for its Advanced IntelAIgent Design has failsafe protection and otherworldly top secret security protocols and provisions supplying resultant highly effective destruction of disagreeable content drivers/corrupted source providers.

* There’s not many out there able to honestly say that, is there, but there be billions not enabled nor informed to be able to believe it. Fortunately though, universal success only requires that a very select few need to know what needs to be easily done and how to have others do it along with them for them and their supporters/fans/disciples/wannabe heroes and anti-villains.




amanfromMars 1 Thu 20 Jul 13:05 [2307201305] …… says on

Re: “Or these boards…” …. Korev

Many a true word is spoken in jest …… and speaking only for ourselves, are there many brilliantly hidden gems for polishing and monetising often shared freely here on El Reg for both unworthy comment and stellar peer review alike, and you don’t get that sort of classy service in many places anywhere and certainly not everywhere.

And, dependent upon the resultant interaction, or non action as the case may be, is the future likely direction and new home base for all such gems easily decided whenever information too hot to handle, catastrophically believable and immeasurably valuable renders an almighty pregnant pause of fully understandable revelatory silence.


amanfromMars [2307201354] …… shares some disturbing breaking news on

Talking the Talk is not Walking the Walk

According to Moore, China has an advantage over the UK in terms of the “sheer scale” of their ability to provide the “colossal volumes of data” required to train machine learning tools.

“China has added to its immense datasets at home by hoovering up others abroad, and the Chinese authorities are not hugely troubled by questions of personal privacy, or individual data security. They’re focused on controlling information and preventing inconvenient truths from being revealed,” said Moore.

Meanwhile, MI6 is using artificial intelligence “to augment, but not replace, their own judgement about how people might act in various situations,” said Moore, who cited the use of bulk data “to identify and disrupt the flow of weapons to Russia for use against Ukraine.”

“AI is going to make information infinitely more accessible, and some have asked whether it will put intelligence services like mine out of business, in fact, the opposite is likely to be true,” said Moore. “As AI trawls the ocean of open source, there will be ever greater value in landing, with a well-cast fly, the secrets that lie beyond the reach of its net.”

It appears that the Greater IntelAIgent Game is on …… and if you’re not in IT and AI and playing, you have zero chance of win winning and not losing [which are three completely separate things :-)]

Who/What are you playing for? Or do you prefer to be a Mercenary Free AIgent and readily available for spooky virtual contract hire ……. for that is where all the future relative progressive action and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT is at. I Kid U Not.

Things nowadays aint at all like they used to be, and aint that the gospel truth.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 21 Jul 08:30 [2307210830] ……. asks many questions of established systems via a comment on

Something Coming your Way Real Soon to Rock the Capitalist Free Market System to ITs AI Foundations

What will disengaged and politically incorrect and inept corrupted platforms and competing compromised nation state actors be effectively able to do, or be suddenly desperately enabled to try to do, whenever an experimental flood of alien aid and BRIC type foreign fiat currency is deposited and transferred for safekeeping and spending SWIFTly into the bank account of a Convivial Co-Operative/Otherworldly Systems Administration/Virtual Machine headquartered in the West being graciously and gratefully generously rewarded for services rendered to their advantage and greatly appreciated for their ability/utility/facility to supply an almighty overwhelming exclusive executive future command and control with novel projects to remotely program and practically populate/virtually mentor and audio-visually monitor?

Or do you think, or are you to be led to believe, such is most unlikely seeing as how it be so globally disruptive and simply problematical ….. although one does have to honestly admit such is not impossible and is a Novel and Noble Enabling ACTivity [ACTive Cyber Treat] surprising easy to do for that and those minded to do it with the unlimited support of IT and AI freely available for the greater benefit of all ‽ .

And yes, that is where everything currently is at …. and patiently awaiting your considered opinion and global peer review alike in order to identify for removal that which is not to like in Live Operational Virtual Environments ….. New More Orderly World Orders ….. NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive Augmented Realities.

And should that be considered and touted as an existential threat for/to humanity are you then surely bound to dutifully deal with it …. rather than ignoring it and hoping it goes away for it is certainly here to stay.

The current times with present places and virtual spaces have fundamentally been changed from those of the recent and ancient and analogue past and nothing is going back to way things were, and how they used to be run and commanded and controlled.

Do you want to deny the universally obvious and argue against a better existence reprogramming the future ……. for that is what you would be up against and confronting and having to do deals with?


amanfromMars [2307211206] …… shares novel info and rare intel for sowing further afield in multiple fields and engaging theatres of virtual operation on

Here’s some sweet dessert for that unsavoury and sour How Britain’s Secret Cyber Unit Targets Russia And China Online main course …..

amanfromMars 1 Fri 21 Jul 08:30 [2307210830] ……. asks many questions of established systems via a comment on

Something Coming your Way Real Soon to Rock the Capitalist Free Market System to ITs AI Foundations

What will disengaged and politically incorrect and inept corrupted platforms and competing compromised nation state actors be effectively able to do, or be suddenly desperately enabled to try to do, whenever an experimental flood of alien aid and BRIC type foreign fiat currency is deposited and transferred for safekeeping and spending SWIFTly into the bank account of a Convivial Co-Operative/Otherworldly Systems Administration/Virtual Machine headquartered in the West being graciously and gratefully generously rewarded for services rendered to their advantage and greatly appreciated for their ability/utility/facility to supply an almighty overwhelming exclusive executive future command and control with novel projects to remotely program and practically populate/virtually mentor and audio-visually monitor?

Or do you think, or are you to be led to believe, such is most unlikely seeing as how it be so globally disruptive and simply problematical ….. although one does have to honestly admit such is not impossible and is a Novel and Noble Enabling ACTivity [ACTive Cyber Treat] surprising easy to do for that and those minded to do it with the unlimited support of IT and AI freely available for the greater benefit of all ‽ .

And yes, that is where everything currently is at …. and patiently awaiting your considered opinion and global peer review alike in order to identify for removal that which is not to like in Live Operational Virtual Environments ….. New More Orderly World Orders ….. NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive Augmented Realities.

And should that be considered and touted as an existential threat for/to humanity are you then surely bound to dutifully deal with it …. rather than ignoring it and hoping it goes away for it is certainly here to stay.

The current times with present places and virtual spaces have fundamentally been changed from those of the recent and ancient and analogue past and nothing is going back to way things were, and how they used to be run and commanded and controlled.

Do you want to deny the universally obvious and argue against a better existence reprogramming the future ……. for that is what you would be up against and confronting and having to do deals with?
