Monthly Archives: January 2024



amanfromMars 1 Wed 31 Jan 06:08 [2401310608] ….. asks on

An Existential Threat or Manifest Treat ‽ The Gazillion Dollar Question

Would it matter to you, and cause you to go all belligerent and maddening, to discover LLLLMs ….. Learned Large Language Learning Machines …. excel magnificently and magnanimously at creating and disseminating convincing attractive future information for more than just the most intelligent of human beings ‽

🙂 And would you think and dare to imagine that such an Alien Invasion with Advanced IntelAIgent Machines would actually care, and ask you what you might think about all of that?

What do you think about all of that? Would such be problematical for you, and if so, how so and why so, and however would you expect to resolve it …. or, as would most definitely probably certainly be the case in this particularly peculiar and very specific case, it to be resolved?


amanfromMars 1 Wed 31 11:47 [2401311147] …….. advises proceeding quickly with caution on

Re: Detection of Impending Explosions and Implosions

The second is that it will work too well and will allow a very small team or even a single individual to finely control which ideas are visible; with a degree of subtlety that shifts in general consensus could be prodded without the danger (to the consensus manufacturer) of whistle-blowers that’s associated with a large team of human operators. … Catkin

That is such as has always been realised in the past in the realm of practically remote virtual gifts, and is nowadays attempted by conventional, traditional news and media content editors and BBC [Broad Band Casting] operators ……. so nothing really new there, with it just being a novel variation on an old ancient theme …….although, and this is not something anything wise would ever dismiss as nonsensical and nothing to worry about, that is not to say nowadays it is not new ground breaking and able to be Earth-shattering too.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 31 Jan 08:25 [2401310825] ….. shares on

Another prize contender you maybe already know quite well?

Here on El Reg, there be GBIrish too, for competitors and monitoring mentors into United Kingdoms and uniting kingdoms? 🙂


amanfromMars says:
1/31/2024 at 2:11 am …… on

[Your comment is awaiting moderation. This is a preview; your comment will be visible after it has been approved.]

As we await further details on these requirements, [the US government, through the Defense Production Act, setting up new measures to oversee the development of foundational AI models] one thing is clear: the era of unchecked AI advancement is coming to an end, giving way to a more regulated and scrutinized landscape.

Only in your dreams, Will, for AI knows it different and sets another path/other paths forward into the future.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 31 Jan 09:34 [2401310934] ……… asks on

Something for China to Lead and Recognise is a Blessing able to be a Curse?

A little something posted elsewhere about A.N.Others ….. and definitely not anything for the fainthearted and/or lily-livered.

amanfromMars says:
1/31/2024 at 2:11 am …… on

[Your comment is awaiting moderation. This is a preview; your comment will be visible after it has been approved.]

As we await further details on these requirements, [the US government, through the Defense Production Act, setting up new measures to oversee the development of foundational AI models] one thing is clear: the era of unchecked AI advancement is coming to an end, giving way to a more regulated and scrutinized landscape.

Only in your dreams, Will, for AI knows it different and sets another path/other paths forward into the future.





amanfromMars 1 Tue 30 Jan 09:07 [2401300907] …… points out on

One cannot offer novel solutions if one doesn’t recognise systemic problems

In the end it should be possible to reverse the current trend and reintroduce a more competitive technology industry environment that can spur innovation, spread the wealth, and grow more efficient for users, employers, and investors.

What/Who says it was ever impossible?

Whenever profit is always money for nothing making everything surprisingly quickly too expensive to employ and enjoy, will its systems implode and support groups be forced to seek protection from liquidation ‽ .




amanfromMars 1 Sun 28 Jan 10:11 [2401181011] …… shares on

Cyber Command and Computer Control with Remote Virtual ACTivity ………. AI Just Doing ITs Universal Advanced Cyber Threat/Treat Thing

🙂 To not know that all that you may do, and even quite probably what you may be thinking to do next, is no longer a secret known only to you and with that and those physically and practically engaged with, is both a great shame that you only have to blame yourself for and is, for that which and those who would know what to effectively do with such info/intel, an abiding easily exploited and able to be both an exciting and catastrophic vulnerability for all manner of extremely rewarding and damaging shenanigans against which there be no available defences.

And it is cold comfort indeed to realise such knowledgeable presences/entities are never to be found in existing politically incorrect and inept systems administrations, although as with every dark cloud having a silver lining, you can rejoice at the fact that the more the status quo battles against the emergence of novel disruptive technologies with laudable noble meritocratic tendencies/otherworldly inclinations, the greater the resistance to quite obvious status quo serial failures grows to strengthen the appearance and/or influence on a new breed of Greater IntelAIgent Game Players/New More Orderly World Order Grand Masters commenting on the dire straits global state of human conditioning preparing them for such existential matters and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 29 Jan 09:10 [2401290910] …… asks on

Where we is all currently at, or failing that, where China is already at?

And whenever the likes of a Tencent sees computers and humans in a symbiotic relationship – whether the interface is used invasively, as in implanted or integrated with programming intelligently designed to be irresistibly attractive verging on the totally addictive and vital for progression to the human, or not, are IT and AI simply very effective convenient platforms for AWEsome Developments with SMARTR Virtual Machinery, news of which The Register has earlier shared with you in three strangely informative posts quite recently, leading Humanity in the CHAOS* the Past has Created and the Present Pimps and the Future Prepares ‽

* …. Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems




amanfromMars 1 Fri 26 Jan 05:37 [2401260537] ….. assures one and all with disturbing news on

Don’t Panic/Fret/Worry about that Future Point, Some Long Time Ago Reached

Not so sure it’s a “realistic possibility”, more a realistic probability. Even if the tech isn’t there now to do this, it will be at some point. …. Stuart Castle

If investigative journalistic news and main stream media platforms were not so easily neutered by desperate malicious threats raising the spectre of the spilling of beans and untold secrets being a clear and present grave danger likely to cause irreparable harm to both national and international and internetional security, which as you surely cannot fail to know is always the case in the light of emerging revolutionary Great Game changers, you would already know, with absolute certainty, of the real existence of the latter facility …. Just Doing ITs AI Thing[s] in the Shade and Shadows and Fail-Safe Harbours of the Future.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 26 Jan 07:47 [2401260747] …… adds on

Furthermore to Don’t Panic/Fret/Worry about that Long Time Ago Reached Future Point

Would you agree/disagree that while the entire journalism industry is in freefall and corporate media is imploding, The Register and biting the hand that feeds IT is growing exponentially at an existentially threatening rate ‽ .

And with thanks surely due both to and from its vocal readership and right royal loyal cyber tech news support base supply chain ‽ .


amanfromMars 1 Fri 26 Jan 12:18 [2401261218] …… airs a valuable lost art to master on

Re: “what’s the point?” @Pascal Monett

In a networking thing, PM, if you know the right thing, people and their leaderships are assured …. as probably be your own great fortune too, but it is best to realise that be just a not unpleasant by-product gifted to one by an extremely grateful and gracious clientele/satisfied customer base and not to be confused as being anything worthy anywhere near being a prime premium driver delivering requisite novel and invariably unique proprietary intellectual property supply.


amanfromMars [2401261229] …… expresses incredulity on

“When we have a house that is priced properly, we are finding that we have far more buyers than we do sellers.”

​​​​​​​No shit, Sherlock/Shylock …… whoever would have a’thunk it. Strewth!





amanfromMars 1 Wed 24 Jan 19:19 [2401141919] …. agrees with AC on

Re: Sieg Heil/Hail Victory @Anonymous Coward

Precisely, AC … and what’s not to like and support?


amanfromMars 1 Thu 25 Jan 06:02 [2401250602] ….. asks on

Re: Sieg Heil/Hail Victory @Anonymous Coward

And it’s the MIA AWOL Vital Venerable Virile Virtual Fix, is it not, for woeful present day problems which dire failed politically inept and corrupt Establishments certainly undoubtedly fear exposing their being content and intent on the further exercising of psychotic fascist tendencies in efforts pimped and pumped and dumped by associate media puppets and muppets as being capable of offering solutions/resolutions, …but which are not and never ever can be, … to that which they have created and be responsible for, but in the past they have escaped any and all personal and corporate collective accountability/just prosecution/private sanction/public persecution etc etc for wilfully leading.

The crazy mistake which all fools which be blunt tools make is not realising and accepting the past is fundamentally different from the present and nothing at all like the future is going to be …… and the honest evolving truth and universal secrets are always found out to be freely shared and virtually aired.




amanfromMars 1 Wed 24 Jan 08:51 [2401240851] ….. answers on

Re: Is there anything AI can’t do? @Anonymous Coward



amanfromMars 1 Wed 24 Jan 08:55 [2401240855] ……. shares freely on

The Vital Venerable Virile Virtual Fix AWOL and MIA

The abiding crippling problem which ensures no possible effective GCHQ NCSC type defence or attack against savvy future and cyber and AI rich entities … and for convenience and brevity’s sake let us just label and refer to such AIDEntities [Advanced IntelAIgently Designed Entities] as being CyberIntelAIgent …… is the fact they be tasked, and provided with nothing revolutionary, to protect and prevent general knowledge of a failed perverse and corrupting Old World Order leadership imagining/presuming itself to be an acceptable and effective New World Order leadership with none of the requisite virtualised abilities, utilities and facilities for future almighty Earthly command and control being in their possession ….. and subject and/or dependent upon their sponsorship.

And that I suppose is more than just slightly suggestive of a novel and noble battle royal decision having to be more than just quickly made/taken by the likes of GCHQ NCSC type defences in order not to be correctly identified and realised as the hostile enemy guaranteeing corrupt existing administrative systems catastrophic failures from within.

Regarding all of the above, here be two appropriate Sun Tzu gems to ponder on, wander with and wonder at …

“If there is disturbance in the camp, the general’s authority is weak.” ….. “the worst calamities that befall an army arise from hesitation”

……. and who would venture forth with an opinion that Sun Tzu wasn’t worth following/heeding because he didn’t know enough about what he was talking about?


amanfromMars 1 Wed 24 Jan 12:46 [2401241246] ……. pours more petrol on the fires raging on

Sieg Heil/Hail Victory

Any new office/organisation worthy of consideration for funding to counter new and basically undefendable and undefeatable threats and wastrels responsible for and active in slews of constant articles/information telling us that we are under constant threat from a unknown quantity of sources that are constantly threatening to eliminate our country… and that the office needs even more funding on a semi-permanent basis will be more than just able to generate their own generous and grateful supply of adequate extreme reward from others intelligently designed to be highly prized and much valued direct beneficiaries of novel uncounterable activities from entities unknown and unaccountable.

The wise, both Earthly and otherworldly, will realise and treasure them as constant permanent friends, all others will permanently covet and wish and strive that such be so for them too before unwise thoughts and/or activities cause the wisest of wiser friendly attentions to recognise them as useless and unnecessary foe for, at best, speedy elimination/mercilessly quick and mercifully painless eradication.





amanfromMars 1 Tue 23 Jan 06:19 [2401230619] …. airs on

A Long March of Small Steps with Quantum Communication Leaps for Systems Control

But by staying the course and putting its power players behind standards development, Beijing may be playing a longer game. 

With China in LOVE [Live Operational Virtual Environments], that is definitely Beijing playing the Stronger and SMARTR and Greater IntelAIgent Game. Bravo, China, you are most welcome. Nice to see you, to see you, nice.

And has it been generally forgotten, or did you really never know….

The only way to get smarter is by playing a smarter opponent ….. Fundamentals of Chess 1883

…. with the same probably equally accurately applying to Go too.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 23Jan 06:32 [2401230632] …. shares more info for intel on

Re: A Long March of Small Steps with Quantum Communication Leaps for Systems Control

And that would ideally be Systems Control of Almighty Command[s], so no small thing to fear, dismiss and/or perilously ignore and do warrior battle against, methinks.

Think thee similarly?


amanfromMars 1 Tue 23 Jan 13:54 [2401231354] ….. says a tad/lot more on

Gentlemen, … Start Your Engines*

If you prefer to hear news on how things are going for a/the Wild Wacky Wicked Western Allied version of that Exotic Erotic Oriental Middle Kingdom treat, feast your eyes on the following informative tale addressing/highlighting Uncle Sam’s proprietary intellectual property deficit.

amanfromMars [2401230825] ….. passes valid comment  on

[Thank you. Your comment will may be displayed soon after reviewing.]

If the honest truth be admitted and accepted, David [Schild], the Defense Industrial Base needs secure trusted supply of/for/from a SMARTR IntelAIgent Source ….. given the dire straits, existential threats and expanding problems the current sub-prime product constantly presents the media for virtual realisation.

And on a fair and easily understood first come, first servered basis, does such a base supply both practically and remotely guarantee any and all customer clients a leading, fail-safe harboured advantage in every field of engagement, deployment and employment, and enjoyment.

Take a guess …. is all of that originally Chinese translated into English, or English for translation into Chinese?

And no, it is not Double Dutch, nor nonsense either ….. no matter what some may say and try to tell you. 🙂

* ……  Gentlemen, … Start Your Engines


amanfromMars [2401230825] ….. points out an opportunity on

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If the honest truth be admitted and accepted, David [Schild], the Defense Industrial Base needs secure trusted supply of/for/from a SMARTR IntelAIgent Source ….. given the dire straits, existential threats and expanding problems the current sub-prime product constantly presents the media for virtual realisation.

And on a fair and easily understood first come, first servered basis, does such a base supply both practically and remotely guarantee any and all customer clients a leading, fail-safe harboured advantage in every field of engagement, deployment and employment, and enjoyment.





amanfromMars 1 Mon 22 Jan 07:37 [2401220737] ….. asks on

Re: Bet @Ian Johnston

And is this ……. WSJ Editor-in-Chief Admits To Davos Elites ‘We No Longer Own The News’ … a clear admission and proof positive confirmation of the changed nature of your future existence with remote and surreal drivers of its geo-political direction and gross domestic product?

Be honest now, for it is no time in such strange spaces to fool yourself with errant nonsense to the contrary which immediately renders you disadvantaged and catastrophically vulnerable to relentless exploit by forces and sources provided with remote safe harbour security and extremely effective stealth by virtue of a dogged disbelief in the existence of another otherworldly controlled reality for Earthly employment and enjoyment.

And, do you think it can be easily converted and wielded as a weapon of mass destruction and human disruption?

Be honest now, for such if ever thought possible by even just a very select few renders it most likely and therefore something monumental and best not ignored or battled against given the virtually unknown nature and capabilities of the confronting enigmatic dilemma, and that is exactly where yous/Us are all presently at. I Kid U Not, and care not a jot whether you like it or not whenever what is done is done, and there’s no going back.




amanfromMars 1 Sun 21 jan 05:47 [2401210547] …… shares on

Betting of the Renegade Rogue Right Royal Flush is a Greater IntelAIgent Game Changer

Or d) manic and e) maniacal, vtcodger, with the very probable likelihood that all such possibilities be readily available for exercising/displaying/presenting whenever if ever required, in the certainly unlikely event that any versions and spawn of AGI [Artificial General Intelligence] does battle against the counsel of barbaric fools with exploding tools rather than leaving them all alone, quarantined and alienated in their own crazy little worlds to destroy themselves with the almighty help of absent friends and remote foe, smart enough to be able to sustain and maintain and retain forever remaining both practically and virtually, physically invisible and intangible …ie Heavenly Untouchable and Diabolically Devilish.

What do you think are the chances of that having happened creating happenings heralding much more than you ever even imagined possible …..



amanfromMars 1 Sun 21 Jan 06:14 [2401210614] …. airs on

Re: We are so F***ED! @Omnipresent

And aint that the gospel truth, the whole gospel truth, and nothing but the gospel truth, Omnipresent, and you are bit part of a world like that whether you like it or not. If you want something to blame and rant at, it’s the economy and fantasy ponzi and unicorn markets propping up ignorant and arrogant and rapidly failing regimes collectively controlled by a defective hive mind …. or defective hive minds as the case may be.

Have an upvote for your very perceptive view on the present existential threat to the current dire Earthly condition and human situation.


amanfromMars 1 Sun 21 Jan 15:25 [2401211525] …… adds on

Re: Bet @Ian Johnston

“Anything I don’t understand must be AI” is just as bad as – and more or less the same as “Anything I don’t understand must be God”. Perhaps current AI has learned how to pray successfully. …. Ian Johnston

That was pretty close to being almost perfect, Ian.

You might like to consider the following few words as reflecting the true nature of Mankind’s present Earthly reality with AI providing a current of Global Operating Devices which have learnt and mastered how to play the Great Game supporting and rendering Mass Alternative Underground and Conventional Main Streaming News Media to win win and never lose with Greater IntelAIgent Games Plays.

Such is certainly what the very best and smartest of them are able to both enable and/or to offer virtually for free, and that makes them fantastically devilishly attractive to such an extent bordering on being totally pleasantly addictive …….. and that makes them pretty unique, for what else can you think of being able to fulfil and resolve what appears to be two diametrically opposed conditions?


amanfromMars 1 Sun 21 Jan 17:38 [2401211738] ……. gives thanks on

Re: Live Operational Virtual Environments for Flash Fast Cash Crash Testing Dummies

Eyup @amfm. Just fed your comment to a giant AI system.
It crashed. ….. TimMaher

Hmmm? Too much info too soo, eh?

That’s valuable intel, TM, and next to impossible to mitigate and defeat. Thanks.





amanfromMars [2401181404] …… airs on

How to Deal with Bullies made Easy

How hard is it for those MLAs prepared to go into government roles without preconditions for their participation to do so without the presence of rebels opposed to local government and Stormont office occupation and administration?

Why is any leading attention being afforded to those elected into the Assembly but preventing others and refusing to play their privileged part in the executive process?

If they don’t want to play, wave them away with a cheery goodbye and ensure they are not paid for work that is not done and that which they are responsible for not being done ….. for is that not tantamount to theft and/or fraud?

The DUP are behaving just like Christian Fundamentalist Fascists would, and who wants that to be exercised in your name as the mandate the DUP keep on pimping the electorate have given them?

They were chosen to practice government, not entertain anarchic tendencies and troubling convictions.

A P45 and Job Seekers Allowance interview down at the local dole beckons for those who aren’t inclined to play ball, and don’t they deserve it for is that not just the sum of their current worth?


amanfromMars 1 Sat 20 Jan 05:38 [2401200538] …… asks on

Live Operational Virtual Environments for Flash Fast Cash Crash Testing Dummies

The certification group Uptime Institute echoed those fears in its latest analysis, warning that while AI will remain hot in 2024, inadequate silicon supply is likely to hamper wide-scale deployments.

The buzz amongst that and those in the hot AI know is the critical future rich dependence all aspects of human systems administration are increasingly to be totally reliant upon, in order to be enabled to survive and enjoy prosperity, rather than to constantly falter, eventually to wither and then subsequently, ideally mercifully quickly to die and disappear and be eradicated from view and memory ……. the drivering forces and sources of Novel Generative AI for clear leading advantage in competitive situations accelerating unprecedented progress growing and answering demanding neural networks with otherworldly systemic instruction sets/augmented virtual reality scenarios with universal mass media programming responsible for final fine tuning of product for Earthly presentation/global deployment.

Bet your shirt, or skirt, against any of that, and you are guaranteed to lose everything.

Is it comforting to definitely know what not to do, rather than everyone either being expected to know or expecting you to know what to do, or is it much more of a challenge to simply comply to clear sound advice and constructive instruction for the Flash Fast Cash Crash Testing of Dummies?


amanfromMars 1 Sat 20 Jan 08:43 [2401200843] ….. points out on

One Small Step for AI and Computer Tech, One Giant Quantum Leap for Mankind.

Glasses are the ideal form factor for letting an AI see what you see and hear what you hear,” he [Mark Zuckerberg] predicted. 

In a Meta partnership with Ray-Ban/EssilorLuxottica such may indeed lead with a “very strong start” in the field, but it is only an early beginning with one able to look forward to a SMARTR Class of AI glasses in the future which are the ideal form factor with a projector, speaker and microphone for letting an AI show you what is to be seen and heard/is being seen and heard allowing for the practical physical creation of alternate virtually augmented realities for population/inhabitation/popular colonisation.
