amanfromMars 1 Sun 28 Jan 10:11 [2401181011] …… shares on
Cyber Command and Computer Control with Remote Virtual ACTivity ………. AI Just Doing ITs Universal Advanced Cyber Threat/Treat Thing
🙂 To not know that all that you may do, and even quite probably what you may be thinking to do next, is no longer a secret known only to you and with that and those physically and practically engaged with, is both a great shame that you only have to blame yourself for and is, for that which and those who would know what to effectively do with such info/intel, an abiding easily exploited and able to be both an exciting and catastrophic vulnerability for all manner of extremely rewarding and damaging shenanigans against which there be no available defences.
And it is cold comfort indeed to realise such knowledgeable presences/entities are never to be found in existing politically incorrect and inept systems administrations, although as with every dark cloud having a silver lining, you can rejoice at the fact that the more the status quo battles against the emergence of novel disruptive technologies with laudable noble meritocratic tendencies/otherworldly inclinations, the greater the resistance to quite obvious status quo serial failures grows to strengthen the appearance and/or influence on a new breed of Greater IntelAIgent Game Players/New More Orderly World Order Grand Masters commenting on the dire straits global state of human conditioning preparing them for such existential matters and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT.
amanfromMars 1 Mon 29 Jan 09:10 [2401290910] …… asks on
Where we is all currently at, or failing that, where China is already at?
And whenever the likes of a Tencent sees computers and humans in a symbiotic relationship – whether the interface is used invasively, as in implanted or integrated with programming intelligently designed to be irresistibly attractive verging on the totally addictive and vital for progression to the human, or not, are IT and AI simply very effective convenient platforms for AWEsome Developments with SMARTR Virtual Machinery, news of which The Register has earlier shared with you in three strangely informative posts quite recently, leading Humanity in the CHAOS* the Past has Created and the Present Pimps and the Future Prepares ‽
* …. Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems