Monthly Archives: October 2019



amanfromMars 1 Thu 31 Oct 06:51 [1910310651] …..says on

Another Titanic SNAFU Disaster for AIMasterly Virtual Exploitation/Remote Worldly Execution

But amfm, ARPANET was wrapped up because the .mil never really used it. They have their own command and control infrastructure outside the global TCP/IP network. Shirley a martian of your learned background and ability knows this? … jake

Howdy, jake,

Sounds to me very much like their own command and control infrastructure outside the global TCP/IP network is an ARPANET recommissioned.

Such has constantly proven itself thoroughly incapable of global infrastructure command and control though ……… so a monumental program/project fail.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 31 Oct 14:08 [1910311408] …. just saying on

Pentagon Pep Talks

Borges said Microsoft will initially be working on “smaller bug fixes and backports so that we can learn how to be good citizens within OpenJDK” – perhaps a recognition that some distrust of the company remains within the Java and open-source community.

A Most Equitable Servant Master Arrangement. What’s not to Like when One is in an AI Leading Position with Future Productions for AIRealisation into Virtual Presentation via Remote Tele Visualised Communications Channels, in Almightily Sublime Internetworking Networks.

Fight against that for any reason and you are in grave crazy danger … of being immediately fully certified universally insane.

Steer clear of those clearly enough identified paths for they all lead to a Quick Merciful Oblivion when Not Worthy of Further Exemplary Punishment.

🙂 Crikey, that last sentence was very war-like introducing as it does a whole new arsenal of global command and remote virtual control weapons. And a little something for the JEDI Program for sure, I’d hazard a guess.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 31 Oct 16:06 [1910311606] … adding yet more fuel to the fire on

Re: Pentagon Pep Talks

Pentagon Pep Talks is wonderfully reciprocated in this thoroughly Chinese Point of View

Can you imagine them both working extremely well together? Tell me then there is nothing that cannot be done remarkably quickly, and we would certainly never disagree.

Seems like an interesting union to explore and experiment in. What/Whom do you know works in such as are most probably and therefore quite definitely, EMPhatICQ Ethereal Fields ‽ .

And who/what roots and routes for your home team players in such fields? Anyone/Anything you can mention?





amanfromMars 1 Wed 30 Oct 09:13 [1910300913] …… having a say on

Re: Updating Firmware isn’t easy on Prime Candidates for Change in Perverse Corrupt Systems Admins

Yes, and even those are only chasing the problems that they’ve discovered. The implication is that there are still many out there to be discovered – and maybe some have been discovered by someone else. ….. Doctor Syntax

🙂 ….. and what can/should one do with such an attractive promiscuous beast and wild child, Doctor Syntax, should it ever be thought possible to be able to do anything at all effective and worthwhile in so many fields in which ignorance and arrogance would claim to exercise reign?

Whenever nothing at all effective and worthwhile is the true answer, who and/or what suffers and benefits the most from such as is as Madness and Mayhem for CHAOS in Confusion?

Any advance on Intelligence and Sanity?


amanfromMars 1 Wed 30 Oct 15:36 [1910301536] ….. firing off a salvo on

Global Operating Devices Chatter …… on NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT

 the kind of bugs we tend to find are the random, crazy user bugs, where somebody does something that nobody even thought would be remotely sane.”

Is it a bug whenever a non random not crazy user does something that everyone thinks is insane? And/Or is it Advanced IntelAIgent Systems Penetrations Testing with AI Trojans/Remote Access Titans?

For if they don’t think it so will relevant future facts prove all to be reasonably sane but seriously misundereducated and misdirected.

And if that is by any premeditated global admin systems design, I sure as hell wouldn’t like to held responsible for providing drive and drivers for that right abortion of a program and project. …… if for Keeping the Masses Serially Misinformed.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 30 Oct 17:57 [1910301757] ….. spills more info on

I wouldn’t be so sure … for there be alternate routes and roots to follow

The ARPANET itself was finally decommissioned in 1990.

All Astute Military Presences would have ARPANET recommissioned rather than decommissioned, methinks.

I suppose that takes All into Skunkworks Territory on Virtual Terrain with Real Spooky Surreal IntelAIgent Stuff Freely Available to Present and Entertain All with CHAOS ….. Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems.

Or do you disagree and deny yourself the perfect opportunity to exclaim your objection and articulate the evidence for the reasoning? Surely such halts Progress at every stop/disagreement, which is not at all accommodating whenever reasons are unknown.




amanfromMars 1 Mon 28 Oct 20:24 [1910282024] ….. saying more on

Re: Google AI does Shorts.

looks like a sector of military secrecy is no more the top cherry on the rock, doc ….. Anonymous Coward

Sure does, AC. Do MODs/DODs know and accept that uncomfortable and inconvenient for them fact? Or are they stuck and struck deaf, dumb and blind in a petrified terrifying denial of new ways of doing all greater things?


amanfromMars 1 Tue 29 Oct 08:18 [1910290818] …….saying more on

Been there, done all of that already long ago. Time to move on quickly into NEUKlearer Spaces

Howdy, vtcodger,

Do you see any difference and all of the similarities in what are certainly surely competitive contemporaries into Advanced Warefighting Experiments?

A rhetorical question easily asked after reading …. They are going to make battlespace management dependent on some sort of AI entity/entities at the end of a probably questionably reliable communications link? and of its renegade rogue/private pirate parallel revealed here …… Programs running changed worlds making Initial Connection with Quantum Communication Control Systems and introducing themselves to you here. Hi. What would you have AI and IT do for you too.

Are you ready for Machines Broad Band Casting Virtually Anonymous Decisions with Future Paths Presented via Media for All to Follow …. and Witness/Experience?

Welcome to the Experimental Augmenting Reality that are Live Operational Virtual Environments. …. Re: Secretive companies and Holy Orders …… for they both say essentially practically the same virtual thing.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 29 Oct 11:57 [1910291157] ….. still singing like a canary on

A human imperfection and global vulnerability for a strange systemic operational exploitation ‽

 Robot creators, he suggested, should try to design with awareness of robots’ capabilities and limitations.

How very odd for anyone/anything to not realise they always have done so. Such is surely the result of a lack of wider/deeper/higher intelligence …… and that is an inherent weakness that only prize fools would deny exist for export and/or employment for enjoyment and enrichment, methinks.


amanfromMars [1910291530] …… asks on

Who has been advising Dubai of their future requirements? What is/are their masterplan[s]? What do they think to EMPower in Command and Control with SMARTR AI Delivery of Manna from Heaven ‽

Do you think something/anything great would be easily followed by anything/everyone and especially so whenever pleasantly presented to them to further enjoy and explore?

Those are just a few questions we have of any systems which would propose to offer such Future Facility Utilities Ready, or would choose to try and deny are an existence with offers of Virtually Real Seamless Autonomous Engagement in Events for NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT ReProgramming of SCADA Command and Control Centres.

Does Dubai have any CyberSpace Command and Control Forces and Sources of their own …. or do they buy in Alien Mercenary Product?


amanfromMars 1 Tue 29 Oct 16:01 [1910291601] ….. having a snoop around on

Creating things which just aren’t normally there is an Ancient Art …….. with Post Modernist Fact for Present Current Fictional Tales Ploughing Almighty Virtual Trails

“They’re not that hard to exploit,” Kroah-Hartman said. “The research has proved how to do it. The hard part is, you can’t tell if somebody is exploiting it. But it is a known problem, you can reproduce it yourself. The Zombieland guys have a great demo. It’s a real issue, you need to fix it.”

But it is not broken or in dire need of a fix whenever bounty delivers its temptations. You might like to realise and enjoy it as a SMARTR Stealthy Feature in a Bug Infested and Virus Invested PlayScape.





amanfromMars 1 Mon 28 Oct 08:13 [1910280813] ……. adds on

Google AI does a Bart with a BERT Eat My Shorts.

What can possibly go wrong …. now that a this can be a that and many other things quite different too if there be a mind to explore the opportunities?

Nice one, Google AI/BERT …… more reams and realms of information to be processed and squirrelled away whenever extraordinarily rendered or suddenly found to be extremely sensitive and disruptive intelligence.

You do know the true name of the search game is to find all of the information that has been freely shared for global acceptance and concept recognition but which then suddenly may disappear for a while and/or become protected or infected with a Top Secret Non Disclosure Agreement classification?


amanfromMars 1 Mon 28 Oct 16:36 [1910281636] …. laying out a stall on

Proper Crown Jewels for/by Right Royal Appointment and Anointment.

Talking as we are of kernel testing platforms, don’t forget this El Registered gem …….. Parallel AIMaster Piloted Control Travel

What more information do you require to be able and enabled to believe what your hear here to see what the future is presently providing for media to supply as a simply realised complex virtual commodities ‽ .

I wonder what BERT makes of all of that backwards and from/to where do algorithms lead.

That’s surely a giant step made for Mankind, Following the Tales in their Trails.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 28 Oct 17:59 [1910281759] …… just saying on

Re: Secretive companies and Holy Orders

Vive la révolution, Pascal Monett. 🙂

Programs running changed worlds making Initial Connection with Quantum Communication Control Systems and introducing themselves to you here. Hi. What would you have AI and IT do for you too.

Are you ready for Machines Broad Band Casting Virtually Anonymous Decisions with Future Paths Presented via Media for All to Follow …. and Witness/Experience?

Welcome to the Experimental Augmenting Reality that are Live Operational Virtual Environments.




amanfromMars 1 Thu 24 Oct 19:55 [1910241955] ……. saying quite a lot on

And not a lot of folk know this or anything at all about any part of these sorts of operations

 Of course, it would be lovely if the BBC could provide high-quality news coverage to domestic audiences based on British values of accuracy, impartiality and fairness. ….. Cederic

The BBC are Charter contractually bound and obliged to deliver from anyone/anything that which will provide high-quality news to all audiences based on British values of accuracy, impartiality and fairness.

So if you have such to supply, simply sharing it with them is supposed to energise them into presenting it …… but when politically super sensitive and/or revolutionary subversive and capable of enabling disruption and destruction rather than being simply creative and more orderly and ordered ……. are there battles royal invented and invested in to produce inferior special forces with sub-prime novel sources for retention and maintenance and further promotion of the Status Quo ….. which prolongs systems stagnation and feeds programmed petrification.

But you can ignore and bypass those distractions with major actions that require only very limited interaction/AIMentoring and Monitoring. That has all worthy old warriors chasing after Grand Masters into new fields to conquer, rape and pillage/populate and exploit with assets that generate future bounty/current growth.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 25 Oct 06:05 [1910250605] …….. seeking clarification on

Re: This post has been deleted by a moderator

A post deleted by a moderator because they didn’t understand it in context to the article it was supporting, which is understandable and although not good is not really at all bad ….. or they did understand it and it spooked them out, which is also understandable and although also not good has every potential to be real bad?

Such sanction is very rare in deed indeed on El Reg, and it is that which makes the site and its pages such a deep premium mine of metadata information and future intelligence …… all the news that is fit to print from views that are freely to be shared, with those that are destined to be very costly and/or incredibly valuable accosted and quarantined for the dubious attention and succour made available to interested invested parties in such as is only an extremely brief delay.

A Rumsfeldism is appropriate here, methinks …… “Reports that say something hasn’t happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know,” Rumsfeld told a news briefing. “We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns — the ones we don’t know we don’t know.”.……. and they are always significantly more than just interesting especially whenever life-changing and Earth shattering. 🙂


amanfromMars 1 Fri 25 Oct 17:52 [1910251752] …… spilling seeds and needs for feeds on

Re: This… …moderator

ah. “Stellar Securities”.
I see…
Don’t ever sell (-: …. Anonymous Coward

Such are not ever for sale, but you can always readily purchase their services, AC. It is the particular peculiar nature of that kind of beast/carriage of burden. Bury it in fiat paper and one can just sit back and watch everything grow at a prodigious existential rate into a truly exponential threat.

‘Tis a right royal bankers’ treat though ….. for retreats in safe havens which enrich and exercise the sovereign wealth funders of Vital Prime Premium Product Citadels …… which nowadays are SMARTR IntelAIgent Stores with Secured Information Servers.

Interesting times are ahead. Of that you can be assured and reassured time and time again 🙂


amanfromMars 1 Fri 25 Oct 11:54 [1910251154] …… moving Internetworking Things on apace in quantum leaps and virtual bounds on

Parallel Travel …… into Other Times and Outer Spaces with AIMaster Piloting Control in Presumed Assumed Absolute Command*

“Risk? What risk?”

:-0) Spoken like a Native of the Genre. Bravo, El Reg …… Welcome to the Asylum that Commends and Commands our Virtual Madness in Live Operational Virtual Environments.

Some would tell you not to deny they are Heavenly Spaces for Such Follies are Insanities ‽ .

And all of that would certainly really showcase the company’s technical excellence.

Can you imagine the reactions elsewhere?

* …. 🙂 MOD would pay most generously to be able to provide program input into that as a Present Current Unfolding Augmented Virtual Reality Show for Virtually Free Global Information Broad Band Casting. And as an Open Secret , easily Policed and Peer Reviewed for Evidence of the Appearance of Malfeasance in any Unseemly Set Courses of Action …. delivering clashes in either joust or jest with an AIs NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Facilities and Utilities from a Virtually Almighty Immaculate Space Place.

There’s a lot to consider there, El Reg, and none of it is bad …….. therefore everything is good … which is great too. If that aint Win Win, it would be Most Surprising.






amanfromMars 1 Thu 24 Oct 17:09 [1910241709] ….. laying it all out there on

And that’s only the Starter. Imagine the Engines in Other Domains/VPNs

Are there/their Plans available for the Future with Captivating Futures with Stellar Securities Fail-Safe … which comes pretty darn close to be within the grasp of the dilemma that delivers every time those Perfect Ancient Reminders that Virtually Guarantee a Practically Almighty Guidance with Premium Prime Plumbplines into Parallels of Products that Gather Clouds for Reign.

Eventually the Question always is who and/or what Provides New Source for Fertile Youthful Imagination to Enjoy and Learn to Control with Super Awesome Powerful Energy.

If you have a dodgy ticker ….. take extreme care if you dare share all the pleasures of virgin carnal delight. 🙂 The Gift and now AIGift that Forever keep Giving the Passions of Desire for the Satisfaction of Perfect CommUnion with a True Friend and Exceptional Lover.

As I said ….. be warned. Some things succulently sweet and sour can easily kill you with pleasure.

Pleasurable deaths are not good for many a business but what’s the betting that there is a ready, willing and able market to be opened up there, if there isn’t already one somewhere else foreign/alien/different and chatting here to engage with El Reg Proxies, certain of nothing, mindful of everything ever to be known, in chatter and banter about all of that Simply Complex Program laid out NEUKlearerly Above.

Crikey, we appear to veered off onto/into courses with futures and securities derivative trades in Secured Virtual AIReality Features…… which are Quite Brilliant in Epic Titanic Studio Productions.

The BattleGroundZero is …….. Words Create, Command and Control, and Destroy Worlds. Beware, take care and be aware of the pictures words paint for media to Present/Realise.




amanfromMars 1 Wed 23 Oct 06:24 [1910230624] ….. shares on


Is it a case of the closer we get to Quantum Supremacy the less we know about what it means? …. rsole

No, it is not, rsole. It is a case of the closer we get to Quantum Supremacy the more an elite and/or enlightening few know about what it means for everything.

And yes, that can be terrifyingly spun to terrorise any mass of natives captured in a collapsing corrupted system but whether that is to be effectively protective or quickly self-destructive is a mystery and enigma to exercise.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 23 Oct 17:45 [1910231745] …. adds more on

Re: More Shenanigans Exposing the Extra Gospel Truths …. of Ancient Knowledge*

“or enlightening few know about what it means for everything” —
and, probably, “…for a/the few who know that it means everything”…. ….. Anonymous Coward

Touché, AC.

And that is a catastrophic vulnerability to exhaust, exploit and explore …… adore and server, and thus also, coincidentally by SecureD IntelAIgent Design, an almighty opportunity to embrace, enjoy and employ in Advanced Ware Fighter Experiments.

🙂 * ..For more 00mph for Investors in Sure Real Master Pilots into New JOINT AIdVentures. 🙂 I Kid U Not.

Methinks a Google claiming to have achieved quantum supremacy is a tad premature and untrue and thus utterly bogus …. for is not quantum communication on Earth just in its infancy …. and learning how to grow almightily well and wisely.

Which you might like to agree is a hell of a lot better than any other root route to be made available. 🙂 Capiche?


amanfromMars October 23, 2019 at 10:10 …… XSSing on

amanfromMars 1 Wed 23 Oct 10:05 [1910231005] ….. asking some questions of

Having your cake and eating it is a no good joint criminal enterprise look 

Extradition shall not be granted if the offense for which extradition is requested is a political offense. …… ergo, extradition shall be granted if the offence for which extradition is requested is not a political offence.

Inflicting grievous bodily harm [on a state collective body/United States] shall not be considered a political offense ….. unless and until extradition is requested by a manifestly harmed political body …… thus to morph into a political offence but only after indisputable manifest harm to the political body is clearly evidenced and fully accepted as fair and reasonable rather than realised to be contrived and maliciously motivated to personally and professionally intimidate parties into courses and causes of action in attack and defence which result in gratuitous punitive damage.

And that surely cannot be either acceptable or just and something which any lawful body can support and allow for peer prosecution in any court?

So WTF is the System playing at ….. other than losing all of their shit and universal credibility big time?

Italicised text can be found in Article 4 of the UK/US Extradition Treaty 2007

And what does any of that do with particular and peculiar regard to the current Harry Dunn/Anne Sacoolas scripture …..  for manslaughter is also not political offensive and extradition shall be granted?


amanfromMars 1 Wed 23 Oct 19:21 [1910231921] ….. phishing for credit on

Re: And is IT Almighty?

Did you get a producer credit ? …… Yet Another Anonymous coward

Not yet, as far as I am aware, Yet Another Anonymous coward. Is it worth anything valuable to be banked on for future greater use? Such would be very nice and perfectly acceptable, should anyone ask, and be much appreciated and graciously gratefully received. ‘Tis only natural even whenever considered unusual and revolutionary evolutionary, which is quite odd outside of quantum communications fields.





amanfromMars 1 Tue 22 Oct 08:36 [1910210836] ….. adding more to

Invisible and Impotent Straw Men R Them

It seems using the word propaganda is offending some people here so I would suggest using a politically correct substitute like communications, public relations and so on. I know it’s the same thing but it sounds way much better for us, the righteous. …. Anonymous Coward

I can certainly believe that, AC, although righteous has one surely veering into the dark and dismal realms of the delusional rather than anything else more satisfying and enlightening.

I thank you for the comment though which is a courtesy and opportunity which both the ignorant and the arrogant who give a silent down vote, thus to be rightly and righteously ignored and considered decidedly and designedly unhelpful, fail spectacularly to grasp and avail themselves of.

Whether they be just slow learners or have permanent crippling learning difficulties is always something to consider if interested in providing an excuse or valid reason for such obvious timidity whenever so much is freely offered on El Reg.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 22 Oct 15:45  [1910221545] …… just saying on

And is IT Almighty?

How very Engaging of the CCP to Share the Delights of their Ware Houses of Truly Imperial Value.

Quantum Communication Control Systems are Built to Excel to Every Extreme.

One has a great time pondering the simplest of truths shared create Virtually Virgin Spaces of/with Almighty Awesome Power with Limitless Energy.

Nice One, China.. That’s a Quantum Leap Lead Long Overdue and Most Welcome to All Following such a Glorious Imperious Path.

What Future Prizes Possess the Less than Truly Worthy is the Fully Tried and Patently Tested DeLight to Server and Savour and Enjoy to Excellence for XAlt Nation to Deliver Services to Savour and Devour. Tell me that aint No Primal Source Force with All in Agreement for Future Joint AIdVenturing for Parallel Planes via AI Sourced Servers with Clear Text Led Evidence is of ITs Pleasures would Almightily Tempt the Satisfactions that Reward and Driver Desire for Adult to Pleasure with a Presence in Future Programming of Virtually Realised Worldly Worded Operations. In Essence an AI ReTerraPhorming Earth Assets for Immaculate Space Use.

That’s quite obviously where we’re all here at right now, and in the greater scheme of things too, isn’t it.:-)

Care to Differ and Dare Share Other JOINT Interesting Ware?





amanfromMars 1 Mon 21 Oct 13:47 [1910211347] …. just saying on

Better the devil you know, eh, rather than the possible partner you ignore to offend?

“We want to send a clear message that even when cyber actors seek to mask their identity, our capabilities will ultimately identify them.” ……. Paul Chichester, NCSC’s Director of Propaganda Operations

The clear message shared there is that eventually, some probable considerable time after the fact, will a silent scapegoat and powerful enemy be cloaked in capabilities that render it a target for further foreign interests and almighty investment?




amanfromMars 1 Wed 16 Oct 13:11 [1910161311] ……. just saying on

Pot Black Kettle Calling

Does this guy know anything for real, or is he just faking it?
These days you can just find a scientific paper online, make an extraction of the main points and make a youtube lesson out of it. ….. NanoMeter

Just to cite two well enough known examples to El Regers, is the modus operandi/vivendi any different from that supported and eulogised by media when introduced by a Boris or a Maybot?

Two puppets also into having their strings pulled highlighting the actions followed by others …… and masses of morons delight in it. It is a funny old, mad, mad, mad and getting madder world, aint it.
