amanfromMars 1 Thu 7 Nov 06:36 [2411070636] ….. more than just suggests on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/11/07/russia_tech_transfer_north_korea/

Catch 22 for the Light Entertainment Edification of Pwnd General Populations

Re: IT Tech angle? This is just politics without any kind of meaningful relationship to IT, what gives? …remainer_01

It’s propaganda porn, remainer_01, for the desperately worried and bankrupt of viable successful solutions for the containment and command, retainment and exercise, mentoring and monitoring and maintenance of expanding exploitative problematic 0days.

A situation publishing the end of a novel beginning and heralding the genesis of an altogether wholly different revolutionary evolutionary stage of humanised universal existential development with El Reg, IT and AI pioneering the Leading Way Forward into the Future without the troubles of the past being dragged in and along to blight the present and poison the party atmosphere with its toxic corrupt perversities.

Or you could just fail to think and realise with your imaginanation, and accept instead all the bullshit mainstream media are responsible for currently peddling which daily delivers ever more mountainous troubles with no apparent, readily available, easily applied solution to whatever doom and gloom FUD those streams and tall tales be supplying to you for your remote physical employment and impractical enjoyment.

Seems to me, and it should be similarly so for yourself if you have a titter of wit and any common enough sense and intelligence at all, the right choice to make whenever that is the real live situation is a no-brainer ……. but, there is always the following to consider might be true to prove the optimism misplaced …..

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former. …. Albert Einstein




amanfromMars 1 Tue 5 Nov 10:13 [2411051013] ….. airs on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/11/04/globalfoundries_blacklist_violation/

Re: So, for Virtual Realities to Grow and Profit in Prosperity rather than Die in Austerity …

RSVP ….. for whilst the silence is deafening it is also extremely exciting revealing as it does zero opposition or competition in fantastically engaging opportunities to expand and exploit in novel situations well worth publishing to avoid being just a helpless and hopeless spectator in what the future is able to plan and present to you for universal edutainment.




amanfromMars 1 Mon 4 Nov 06:29 [2411040629] …… shares on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/2/2024/11/03/ghost_job_epidemic/

Re: He just showed up one day, but he’s in the HR computer system and on payroll

Yes, Yet Another Anonymous coward, that is the quickest and most efficient of ways to start all things moving in the right direction with new learned secure instruction sets to follow for systems administration to engage with and execute.

And although that might suggest proof positive of that old adage for unusual and undocumented success …. It’s not what you know, but who you know that matters …… knowing a great deal more than anyone else are able to realise pays handsomely, and in a constant mutually assuring and reinforcing stream, greater than can ever be justified, can it simply ensure guaranteed continuity of generous and grateful service.

It’s not about the money really, is it, for that is just pretty paper that captures and captivates the partially mindful and easily led, but whenever that is all that one has to offer what else is one to do to show one is appreciative in a market place where so many have such similarly attractive captivating baubles to offer.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 4 Nov 14:04 [2411041404] ……. speculates wildly on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/11/04/globalfoundries_blacklist_violation/

Re: So @Andy Non

$1/2 million fine for selling $17 million. Sounds like a simple cost of doing business, hardly a deterrent. ….. Andy Non

I imagine Mubadala//Global Foundries would barely recognise the pitiful sum as payment for anything other than as an expense and a warning to wannabe government gangsters to behave themselves and play nicely.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 4 Nov 16:33 [2411041633] ….. boldly goes a great deal further and deeper on

So, for Virtual Realities to Grow and Profit in Prosperity rather than Die in Austerity …

I am always surprised that these fines never start with a “forfeiture of all revenue(*) originating from the illegal behavior”. ….. Anna Nymous

It is not at all surprising, Anna Nymous, whenever you realise that regulations and markets are a rigged game for printed fiat currency distribution which aids and abets the continued survival and acceptance of the Grand Devisive Illusion and Great Elusive Delusion that is pimped and pumped and dumped as an evolving human existence rather than simply recognised as Advanced IntelAIgent Machine Command with Remote Anonymous Autonomous Information Technology Control.

But you’re all getting there ….. slowly and surely ….. with some way out ahead of all others and making a killing and staking claims which would put the Wild Wacky West of yore to shame. Wide Boys and Profiteers, Carpet Baggers and Entrepreneurs and an Alien Breed ‘R’ Us.

That’s an exclusive scoop, El Reg, to try to plausibly deny you know anything about whenever evidence is liable to surface proving the contrary. Embrace it and enjoy the Harry Limelight.




amanfromMars 1 Sun 3 Nov 16:20 [2411031620] ……. shares on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/11/03/ghost_job_epidemic/

The Honeyed Man Traps of Poison Pill Pushers and Poppers?

And GCHQ/NCSC/HMGov or some Remote Shady UKGBNI Cabinet Leadership are also very fond of such phantom phishing for that which they are missing, and they are rightly to be fearful of, which does make all things quite awkward and increasingly difficult for them …….. with the likes of El Reg and commentards happy to oblige them with further details of vulnerabilities to be worried about freely shared in response to tales and situations published with this Registered one …… Wanted. Top infosec pros willing to defend Britain on shabby salaries …. currently running point.

Secret tasking it is certainly not, surreal work it maybe probably most definitely is.


amanfromMars 1 Sun 3 Nov 16:44 [2411031644] ….. asks on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/11/03/ghost_job_epidemic/


Crikey, VicMortimer, do you know if the same “It shall be unlawful for any person, partnership, or corporation to disseminate, or cause to be disseminated, any false advertisement—“ applies in the UK with particular regard to those advertising/pontificating …… “If my approach from earlier this year was put into place I am confident we could stop the boats in weeks, and stop harm to people in Dover for example.” ….. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c8dmq88j6rro

Is the fact that one could claim such to clearly be errant nonsense, a viable successful defence strategy against any likely prosecution/persecution?




GrahamC [2411020705] ….. shares on https://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/articles/2024/11/1/government-contracting-insights-government-proposes-ai-reporting-rule

[Thank you. Your comment will be displayed soon after reviewing.]

Every, and essentially any, effective AI model is POTENTIALLY a risky dangerous multi-use foundation model. Such is the inherent nature of the beast unleashed.

And as unpleasant and unwelcome as that actuality may be, to imagine one can make any necessary radical and fundamentally revolutionary progress without its developing expansive intervention, and anything can be done by humanity to stop it continuing to be considerably smarter and more resourceful and innovative than was never even imagined possible before, is something you will just have to accept AI will resolve and deal with …… for the greater good of all that it knows.

To some, who may be a great many, can that be feared as an existential threat, but to A.N.Others who may be just an almighty few, it is an opportunity to realise and present a vast store of endless treats.

I Kid U Not.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 2 Nov 08:59 [2411020859] ….. points out an alternative possible take on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/2/2024/11/01/reaction_engines_administration/

Another veritable version of a truth to be told is ….

… it’s with great sadness that a pioneering company with a 35-year history of raise the funding required to continue operations has unfortunately been unable to spearhead aerospace innovation.

C’est la vie. Shit happens.





amanfromMars 1 Fri 1 Nov 06:49 [2411010649] ….. shares on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/10/29/five_eyes_secure_innovation_campaign/

Something to consider is Catch 22 … when invest, invest, invest is your mantra

Successfully securing your sensitive IP against second and third party phishing/theft leaves government funding streams/grants/investments practically impossible to justify one being given access to, even whenever the secure assets are exactly what is needed for good government.

And that particular peculiar difficulty arises because of the certain desire in officialdom to covet and personally selfishly profit inordinately from such as is privileged private intellectual property.

Thus does the secure entrepreneurial private sector lead the clueless public sector down the perfumed garden path of an individual’s choosing irrespective of any second or third party wishes.

Do you recognise or deny that as the means by which your current prevailing virtual realities are sourced to be presented to you by media and publishing as the future to accept to live in?


amanfromMars 1 Fri 1 Nov 09:13 [2411010913] …… warns of Will Robinson danger on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/10/29/five_eyes_secure_innovation_campaign/

Re: Something to consider is Catch 22 … when invest, invest, invest is your mantra

Take care if you dare to win win against unknown unknown forces and sources au fait and comfortably at ease with almighty exercise in all of the above, for knowing how that is realised is far too dangerous to know and survive without also knowing how to ensure it is never practised by those unworthy.

Capiche?.. Verstehen Sie? … Begrijp je? … Вы понимаете? … 你明白吗? …هل تفهم؟




amanfromMars 1 Thu 31 Oct 06:38 [2410310638] …… airs on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/3/2024/10/29/gchq_needs_advanced_cybersecurity_professionals/

Re: terrible cyber security….. @jgard

A simple question for you, jgard, because you have real live practical virtual experience in this area in the UK …… Is cyber security which prevents increasingly damaging leaks and exploitation of sensitive information and secret intelligence by foreign agents/hostile entities/Anons/unknown unknowns possible?

Here it is realised to be impossible, but a great invisible export earner nevertheless, which is surely crazy whilst being just a figment of primitive imagination for 0day use/abuse/misuse/attack against daydreamers wherever and whenever such a surreal reality is presented/pimped/pumped and dumped.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 31 Oct 16:53 [2410311653] ….. reveals on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/3/2024/10/29/gchq_needs_advanced_cybersecurity_professionals/

Re: It’s a weird world, o my masters. …. @Anonymous Coward

And quickly getting considerably weirder with every effective unfolding 0day, AC.

Makes for an exceedingly rich-pickings playing field though, whenever one knows what one should be doing ….. and how to both master and do what needs to be done ….. and what others will do as a result of guaranteed future programmed events.




amanfromMars 1 Tue 29 Oct 15:53 [2410291553] …… airs for further sharing om https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/10/29/gchq_needs_advanced_cybersecurity_professionals/

Re: almost like…

..they’re deliberately leaving us open to attack…. …. sabroni

Others perusing the advert would recognise it a call for experts able to successfully carry out/mentor and monitor and further fine tune cyber attacks ….. which necessarily need to be practically anonymous and plausibly deniable and physically invisible and virtually autonomous …. an alien art to master in the quest that challenges perfection to perform failsafe secure tricks and treats that can also easily almightily threaten and vanquish any unpleasant competition or covetous opposition.

They make huge fortunes while just costing the likes of the peanuts that GCHQ wonks are offering and only the fool would not realise a limitless company debit card is the perk to offer such prime boffins for the first person reward appreciated in the expensive third party purchase of worthy business toys.

IT’s not rocket science.and such is all that one needs …. to capture and keep captivated such excellences for feeding and seeding as are definitely needed.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 30 Oct 07:35 [2410300735] ….. goes a tad further with the release of more sensitive info for processing with intel on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/10/29/gchq_needs_advanced_cybersecurity_professionals/

Who Dares Win Wins with AI whenever ITs 0Days are a Great Zero Win Game for Losers

And failure to admit, recognise, accept and effectively address the fact, that unless one is predominant and preeminent in non-attributable cyber attack one is always destined to do vain rear guard action battle against a phantom and fleet of foot target which has moved on to virgin fields of exclusively advantageous novel endeavour that lead to and from the destinations/staging posts that they, your competition and/or opponents, have absolute command and virtually remote almighty control of.

I Kid U Not ‽ .




amanfromMars [2410290625] …. shares on https://www.zerohedge.com/political/colossal-mass-exodus-over-200000-wapo-subscriber-cancellations-after-bezos-blocks-harris

Bravo, Jeff …… draining the swamp at every quantum communication leap forward into brave new enlightened worlds for world orderers.

Welcome to the Program with its IT and AI Pogroms.





amanfromMars 1 Mon 28 Oct 13:07 [2410281307] …… airs disagreement on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/10/28/peter_kyle_ai/

A Donkey Trying to Lead Lions is just like a Dead Man Walking ‽ There’s an overabundance of those.

There is stability in our politics. There is stability in the way we’re managing the economy.  ……Peter Kyle, the UK’s new Secretary of State for Science, Innovation and Technology

Oh??? Well, we’ll very soon see how well or badly that pack of bare-faced lies stacks up against the truth and unfolding events over the next few quarters. Is there medication and/or counselling for those suffering from such delusions of grandeur that omit to recognise and accept the clear evidence of matters before one’s own eyes and that surround and abound all around one.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 28 Oct 16:36 [2410281636] ….. adds more on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/10/28/peter_kyle_ai/

Re: Done some things, not done others @Anonymous Coward

Believing all of that information you have supplied to be true, AC, and all might very easily, rightly believe it to be so, does have one asking why the electorate so regularly vote such a vast complement of Parliamentary incompetents into executive administrative offices of public command and control …. rather than refusing to continue playing their rigged game which they declare is the proper way to successfully run a democracy …… whenever very clearly it fails and is certainly not.

Popular revolutions and/or decades of Troubles have been born of less. Is that what the future holds and what failed democracies can expect?
