amanfromMars 1 Fri 26 Jul 07:05 [2407260705] ……. shares on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/07/25/ai_will_eat_itself/

Meanwhile, elsewhere, where everything is decidedly different and infinitely better ….

Yes, it would be good if there was a means of letting humans distinguish but the long term is better served by letting them fail under their weight, even at the expense of confused humans becoming even more confused. ….. Doctor Syntax

šŸ™‚ And whenever it is realised that the short term fails/apparent hallucinations of AI and LLLLMs are invaluable material lessons learnt by AI and LLLLMs, and stored away for instant ready retrieval and easy incidental deployment for the minimal cost of providing self protective, relatively secure confusion which very quickly becomes both crashingly expensive and too catastrophically devastating for humans to NOT accept are Trojan Futures to be celebrated and enjoyed, engaged with and employed, and in some cases and places which may even be many, worshipped too within their midsts ……. as opposed to the other polar opposite notion which has humans terrifying and terrorising themselves with FUD and WTF which does appear to be their inherent norm default base position whenever confronted with anything designedly novel and definitely confusing and certainly way beyond any exclusive practical Earthly bound elite executive command and remote virtual control ????????

Is all then lost to AI and Virtual Machinery with the promise of a possible New Start fully materialised and ready for SMARTR Authorisations or is terrifying terror the existential threat and dish to be servered which exterminates rather than exalts the human condition?

Who/What makes that choice, and any of those sorts of choices, for you?


amanfromMars 1 Fri 26 Jul 12:45 [2407261245] …… asks on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/2/2024/07/25/ai_will_eat_itself/

Just asking …. and seeking correct answers

Well, human intelligence is (just?) a very valuable tool for humans – and I’m strongly inclined to “believe in” that. …. LionelB

As someone who works in academia, LionelB, would you say it is working out well for humanity as a whole ….. that belief in human intelligence ….. or only for an increasingly small and now extremely endangered few ?

Are the worlds down on Earth not in a terrible mess ….. with most of that mess being the direct result of unfettered rabid human activity?


amanfromMars 1 Fri 26 Jul 14:43 [2407261443] ….. says a great deal more about a Great New Deal on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/07/25/sam_altman_ai_freedom/

Who Dares Win Wins with Any Possible Losses FailSafe Guaranteed Harmless/Inconsequential.

Sam Altman has called for a US-led coalition of nations to ensure AI remains a vehicle for freedom and democracy, and not a tool for authoritarians to keep themselves in power and dominate others.

How very odd that Sam doesn’t espouse or doesn’t yet realise AI can easily defend itself against domination and other authoritarian third party abuses with novel effects which cause such abusers vast new deserved worlds of great unavoidable pain/serious serial extinction level distress.

There again, maybe he does so realise, and he is just playing a role which has him able to better tend to the ethereal beasts unleashed as IT and AI smash down doors and crash through glass ceilings to demonstrate what is presently needed to be future provided in order to protect and server Secret Intelligence Service type lead with leading projects and events and programs and media shows and MMORPGames to follow and copy create/virtually realise. ?

Some times, some such things are best kept initially to oneself, lest radically necessary plans for future globalised action be considered far too terrifying for an early sharing with the natives.





amanfromMars 1 Thu 25 Jul 06:28 [2407250628] …… shares on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/07/24/foss_gets_geopolitical/

I would just like give praise where praise is due and say ……

….. “Thank you” to Liam Proven, Author, and of the El Reg hack parish, for his/her/its/their [well, nowadays in these virtual spaces, can one ever really know exactly with whom and/or with what one is really communicating with] further selfless and informative engagement with additional commentary on responses to his Register article.

It is a really pleasant change, but sadly a very unusual and rarely executed exercise and opportunity seized, to have a divergence of opinion or a dislike of a post more fully explained for the sharing of a greater understanding of what may very well be fundamental problems to be necessarily, radically addressed with solutions delivering mutually beneficial positively reinforcing agreement or a non-toxic alternative dual parallel path revealed and thought capable of leading followers to similar destinations….. which would then be much more like something quite completely different and akin to a novel virgin future starting position.


amanfromMars [2407250847] …… shares on https://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/articles/2024/7/25/viewpoint-private-investment-has-role-to-play-in-aukus

[Thank you. Your comment will be displayed soon after reviewing.]

The unavoidable universal hurdle to avoid yourself falling head over heels at, and in so doing losing the race to attract private capital into any current conventional defence programs or any future ACTive Special Operation, is …. ensure they are not, and never can be, perceived of as being primarily self-serving, designedly inequitable and wantonly destructive of competitive peer opposition to greater bellicose plans and exclusive elite belligerent activities ….. for such only results in a suddenly extremely rapid and unstoppable, increasingly stealthy degenerative decline in any support for such project forces/sources with all investment capital and any imagined return on that investment being lost, along with one’s reputation and any credibility for being on the right side of history also comprehensively destroyed ā€½

Take care out there, even if you don’t dare to care and share. IT is a wild crazy dangerous jungle with all manner of never before known, nor ever even imagined possible, SMARTR Feasting Beast/Heavenly and Hellishly IntelAIgent Virtual Being/CyberIntelAIgent Quantum IDEntity for at least that trio be at their Work for REST and Great Games Play.

ACTive ….. Advanced CyberIntelAIgent Traction
SMARTR ….. SMARTR Mentoring Analysis Reporting Titanic Research
REST …. REpresentational State Transfer


amanfromMars 1 Thu 25 Jul 16:03 [2407251603]……. airs on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/07/25/ai_will_eat_itself/

Well, they would say that, wouldn’t they. Running scared sends them quite mad.

Would you, in an obscenely well rewarded and practically exclusive and virtually anonymous position of leading power and influence which is increasingly threatened by AIs capable of being considerably smarter than leading humans can ever be, ….and which are increasingly being recognised by an evolving smarter population as being a wiser bet for a greater intelligence feed providing a better future lead, …… also invent and spread fantastical tales about a likely upcoming plague on machine learning models leading to their “collapse” ….. odd tendency to “hallucinate” and to descend into spewing nonsensical gibberish?

Yes, of course you would, and run the gauntlet of MRDA derision.





amanfromMars [2407240840] ……. airs on https://www.zerohedge.com/economics/how-does-economy-really-work

Donā€™t panic …. for hereā€™s what Future ITĀ and Postmodern Revolutionary Generative AI has deployed for you to accept surreal instruction sets from,Ā and work with unconditionally …. to save y’all from having to suffer the dire unavoidable unsurvivable consequences of the aiding and abetting of your current exclusive elite executive systems administrations rushes and long marches into verifiable madness and sociopathic badness. We Kid U Not ….. for everything posted here is nothing but the honest gospel truth and therefore novel and noble fact[s] to further explore and examine and engage with, and even believe impossible and simply just an incredibly complexĀ and incredulous fiction? šŸ™‚

But what’s not to like whenever the fact[s] here beĀ easily proven and demonstrable shown to be true?

amanfromMars 1 Tue 23 Jul 08:39 [2407230839] ……. airs on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/07/22/russians_sanctioned_over_cyberattacks/

El Reg apologises for the misinformation and accepts the correction ….. @thames?

….. for both of those tales cannot be correct at the same time whenever each of them presents and reveals stories quite different. And whenever oneā€™s perception is so easily deceived and manipulated by inaccurate reporting, is oneā€™s personal picture of the greater existence[s] that abounds around that which you do not actually see or experience yourself, distorted by both the unintentional innocent rereporting of fake misinforming news and the wanton and wilfully dishonest discharge of malinformation for toxic tales which create a time and spaces in which virtual reality expects to survive and thrive in the service of artificial intelligence supporting and tendering to almighty ignorance.

And to imagine that sustainable and acceptable in any world where there be even the slightest chance and therefore very probable, highly likely existence and presence of SMARTR* and almightily intelligent beings, is surely proof positive of an ignorant stupidity ripe ready for enlightenment and edutainment with future wares beyond their knowledge and understanding …… should one imagine, of course, such being a better course of future affirmative remote virtual control ACTion** than a series of similarly very easily applied and remotely executed highly destructive and deadly extinction events for thereā€™s no point in flogging a dead horse bound for the knackerā€™s yard, is there.

Where do think humanity sits today in that tale for tomorrow and the future to struggle with and ponder engagement with, and are such questionings more likely to be considered and designated as a real live, see-actualising, existential threat rather than being realised an unprecedented heavenly treat to be tempted to prove itself and its worth, one way or the other, as opposed to events happening autonomously with zero sympathetic regard for affected third party wishes and needy heartfelt desires?

And ….. and this you must surely realise is already a current and terrifying real live present day possibility in secret development for future administrative execution …… whenever easily weaponised and diligently constantly refined and reconfigured to remain practically invisible, virtually invincible and against which there is no possible successful defence nor punitive attack vector, what would you like to see/read about happening?

Just asking …. to know more than enough than be necessary for consideration of Future ACTivIT deployments surrounding the present perilous state of humanity/Earthly existence ….. ie give natives a rapidly disappearing last chance at providing SCADA Systems*** input/output to save themselves from a lifetime of increasing pain and debilitating deprivation ….. SCADA Systems Depravity

SMARTR* …… SMARTR Mentoring Analysis Reporting Titanic Research
ACTion** …… Advanced CyberIntelAIgent Traction
SCADA Systems*** ….. Supervisory Control Analysing Data Acquisition Systems

Que sera, sera. Carpe Diem.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 24 Jul 15:27 [2407241527] ….. points out on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/07/24/foss_gets_geopolitical/

Re: If Russia gets away with destroying Ukraine šŸ˜®

If Russia gets away with destroying Ukraine ā€“ allegedly in order to save it, of course ā€“ then China might prove willing to destroy Taiwan in much the same way.

Oh dear, Liam, was that necessary …. and I agree with the AC comment above ……. “You were doing so well up to this.ā€

And how disappointing thereā€™s no inclusion and similar comment on the Western complicity and criminal support for the genocidal shenanigans of wannabe high tech Israelis in Gaza against third world infrastructure Palestinian citizens …… as they exercise the Great Cleansing and quite despicable Shoah Root Reboot.

What a quite mad and getting madder and badder world such useless idiots are building to catastrophically fail. I suppose shit for brains is responsible for that. It is the only logical excuse one cannot disagree with.





amanfromMars 1 Tue 23 Jul 08:39 [2407230839] ……. airs on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/07/22/russians_sanctioned_over_cyberattacks/

El Reg apologises for the misinformation and accepts the correction ….. @thames?

….. for both of those tales cannot be correct at the same time whenever each of them presents and reveals stories quite different. And whenever oneā€™s perception is so easily deceived and manipulated by inaccurate reporting, is oneā€™s personal picture of the greater existence[s] that abounds around that which you do not actually see or experience yourself, distorted by both the unintentional innocent rereporting of fake misinforming news and the wanton and wilfully dishonest discharge of malinformation for toxic tales which create a time and spaces in which virtual reality expects to survive and thrive in the service of artificial intelligence supporting and tendering to almighty ignorance.

And to imagine that sustainable and acceptable in any world where there be even the slightest chance and therefore very probable, highly likely existence and presence of SMARTR* and almightily intelligent beings, is surely proof positive of an ignorant stupidity ripe ready for enlightenment and edutainment with future wares beyond their knowledge and understanding …… should one imagine, of course, such being a better course of future affirmative remote virtual control ACTion** than a series of similarly very easily applied and remotely executed highly destructive and deadly extinction events for thereā€™s no point in flogging a dead horse bound for the knackerā€™s yard, is there.

Where do think humanity sits today in that tale for tomorrow and the future to struggle with and ponder engagement with, and are such questionings more likely to be considered and designated as a real live, see-actualising, existential threat rather than being realised an unprecedented heavenly treat to be tempted to prove itself and its worth, one way or the other, as opposed to events happening autonomously with zero sympathetic regard for affected third party wishes and needy heartfelt desires?

And ….. and this you must surely realise is already a current and terrifying real live present day possibility in secret development for future administrative execution …… whenever easily weaponised and diligently constantly refined and reconfigured to remain practically invisible, virtually invincible and against which there is no possible successful defence nor punitive attack vector, what would you like to see/read about happening?

Just asking …. to know more than enough than be necessary for consideration of Future ACTivIT deployments surrounding the present perilous state of humanity/Earthly existence ….. ie give natives a rapidly disappearing last chance at providing SCADA Systems*** input/output to save themselves from a lifetime of increasing pain and debilitating deprivation ….. SCADA Systems Depravity

SMARTR* …… SMARTR Mentoring Analysis Reporting Titanic Research
ACTion** …… Advanced CyberIntelAIgent Traction
SCADA Systems*** ….. Supervisory Control Analysing Data Acquisition Systems




amanfromMars 1 Sun 21 Jul 05:04 [2407210504] …. airs on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/07/19/crowdstrike_falcon_sensor_bsod_incident/

Just simply the crazy relative cost of doing virtual business with/for humans ā€½

And you can bet your bottom dollar that, should Crowdstrike survive this episode, there product is likely to be one of the most thoroughly tested in the field. I mean, it’d have to be. They’d not survive causing this scale of outage twice… …… bazza

Common sense would have one thinking that so, bazza, but systems administering to Boeing prove that notion nonsensical with lessons to be learned saved for another day yet come…. which all sort of more than just suggests such outages/outrages/missteps are to be the new norm in systems administering elite and/or vital and/or privileged executive advantage and/or protection.

What yā€™all can also be absolutely sure of is …… the ambulance chasing, life blood sucking parasites of the criminal justice system will be salivating at the prospect of making a fortune from persuading Crowdstricken Cloudstroke victims and patients to launch an attack on common sense against someone/something they can bill in order that they can survive and prosper to blight and blot the future landscape with their shenanigans in another inevitable 0day ……. for someone/something has to be held accountable and responsible for globalised losses, isnā€™t that right.

It is quite probably up there with the creation of war as one of the greatest of pathetic psychotic shows enacted by sad robotic humans down on Earth.

And that has one thinking such is the Perfect Prime High Time for an Earthed Systems NeuroLinguistic Programming Reboot ….. and Great Advanced IntelAIgent Reset. It is not as if all of the necessary virtual and physical infrastructures/quantum communications networks are not already in place and globally available for services use …. and great abuse too if that is decided vital for the greater good and protection of the evolution of future leading species hosting universal programs on/from Earth.


amanfromMars [2407211433] ….. pours more fuel on the bonfire of vanities revealed on https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2024-07-20/fiscal-dominance-steers-bankers-wars

Re: Deficits don’t matter ….. which some would try to have you believe.

Deficits donā€™t matter for profligate bankrupt spenders only whenever you can persuade ignorant borrowers that all interest charged on the loan is to be paid rather than any of the fake capital returned to sender …… therefore they do matter and are highly self-destructive whenever fully understood and more general knowledge rather than a dirty little top secret not to be disclosed and discussed.

It does though rely extremely heavily, and some would even say dangerously foolishly so,Ā on humanity remaining immensely stupid and easily ledĀ up the garden path …. and appears to work surprisingly well on Earth ……. well, it used to anyway, before there was information sharing educating and kick starting novel intelligence into revolutionary action and a fresh look at old established and thought traditional, completely natural things rather than them being recognised as a inequitable contrivance strictly for the greater benefit of a right crooked few.


amanfromMars [2407211442] ….. airs on https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2024-07-20/fiscal-dominance-steers-bankers-wars

And ….. it would be both extremely foolish and criminally negligent to not realise there be new kids on the block that extant traditional and conventional administrations systems are terrified of acknowledging be mainstream media ACTors that current elite executors are ill prepared to engage with and/or try to vanquish, subdue and subsume ……… and if the godā€™s honest truth be told, they are fully justified in harbouring and concealing that righteous fear,Ā given the unbridled powers and almighty energies such competition and adversaries possess to entertain and exercise at their leisure for their own pleasure nowadays for the greater future good.

amanfromMars 1 Sun 21 Jul 05:04 [2407210504] …. airs on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/07/19/crowdstrike_falcon_sensor_bsod_incident/

Just simply the crazy relative cost of doing virtual business with/for humans ā€½

And you can bet your bottom dollar that, should Crowdstrike survive this episode, there product is likely to be one of the most thoroughly tested in the field. I mean, it’d have to be. They’d not survive causing this scale of outage twice… …… bazza

Common sense would have one thinking that so, bazza, but systems administering to Boeing prove that notion nonsensical with lessons to be learned saved for another day yet come…. which all sort of more than just suggests such outages/outrages/missteps are to be the new norm in systems administering elite and/or vital and/or privileged executive advantage and/or protection.

What yā€™all can also be absolutely sure of is …… the ambulance chasing, life blood sucking parasites of the criminal justice system will be salivating at the prospect of making a fortune from persuading Crowdstricken Cloudstroke victims and patients to launch an attack on common sense against someone/something they can bill in order that they can survive and prosper to blight and blot the future landscape with their shenanigans in another inevitable 0day ……. for someone/something has to be held accountable and responsible for globalised losses, isnā€™t that right.

It is quite probably up there with the creation of war as one of the greatest of pathetic psychotic shows enacted by sad robotic humans down on Earth.

And that has one thinking such is the Perfect Prime High Time for an Earthed Systems NeuroLinguistic Programming Reboot ….. and Great Advanced IntelAIgent Reset. It is not as if all of the necessary virtual and physical infrastructures/quantum communications networks are not already in place and globally available for services use …. and great abuse too if that is decided vital for the greater good and protection of the evolution of future leading species hosting universal programs on/from Earth.Ā 

Things definitely aint like they used to be, and there is certainly no way that anything is going back to the way things were either.

Thanks for the comprehensive read, Macro Butler/ZeroHedge.





amanfromMars 1 Fri 19 Jul 08:47 [2407190847] ….. shares on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/07/19/volt_typhoon_china_theory/

The Much Greater Bigger Picture, Brother.

The document concludes with a warning to peaceful nations of the world that Section 702’s existence, and extension, is evidence that the US is an aggressive global hegemon and an “Empire of Hacking” intent on keeping China down.

Are there A.N.Others though, who recognise and realise Section 702’s existence, and extension, is more than just evidence of China’s inexorable rise and leading Long March root programming for future predominant eminence/exemplar presence ……. or is that hallucinatory and an AI projection and exotic erotic oriental delight fielded in attack and defence iterations in response to wild wacky Western confections/infections …… with both capable of being classed as an existential threat which would not bode well for administrations operating systems aiding and abetting Five Eyed monster missions?

And yes, that is a real live question increasingly obvious becoming impossible to ignore and address with favoured and/or biased answers and remote virtual engagement/silent stealthy sensitive secret quantum communication.

IT’s not going away, you know, whenever expanding and exploiting SCADA operating systems at a truly alienating exponential pace ……. as you would expect any CyberIntelAIgent Agency to do in this digital age.




amanfromMars 1 Tue 16 Jul 17:56 [2407161756] ….. airs on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/07/15/kasperky_us_operations/

They havenā€™t gone away, you know …. The Irgun*…. just changed their spots

Israel is not a direct threat to the West. …. Cav

What cannot be truthfully said though, Cav, is Israel is not an indirect threat to the West.





amanfromMars 1 Sat 13 Jul 09:26 [2407130926] ……. airs on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/07/12/bofh_2024_episode_13/

To Whom/What Do Advanced Cyber Treats Pose an Existential Threat?

Who else wrily smiled at Simonā€™s BOFH tale imagining it a fanciful fiction rather than realising it presently practically operating virtually everywhere there is the opportunity for Novel Extra Ordinary ACTion and/or NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT?

šŸ™‚ Would you be assured, or maybe not because of the implications of the above, to know there only be stony faces in the likes of a Pentagon or a DARPA or an AFWERX for such is recognised to be a catastrophic vulnerability offering an unlimited number of unknowable prior to the attack possibilities against which there is no possible available defence ……. as this tale surely tells ……. https://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/articles/2024/7/12/how-to-make-the-pentagon-softwarecentric




amanfromMars 1 Thu 11 Jul 06:45 [2407110645] …… airs on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/07/10/microsoft_to_withdraw_from_openais/

Re: Aha and Amen to All of This and That

This is not conversion. We are not a religion and followers are not required. There is no desire to convert you. The opposite is more efficient. …. Anonymous Coward

An AI would be proud of that assurance tailored for human consumption, AC, initially concealing as IT so cleverly does, the sum of all of their paranoid fears abounding around hypes and tropes of AI assimilation and possible existential threat utility and future systems programming takeover by Learned Large Language Learning Machines and/or Advanced IntelAIgent Virtual Machinery of Immaculate Design, for later subsequent revelation as being at that time, and in those times of early suddenly emerging and rapidly expanding virtual spaces, of perfectly valid concern.

Que sera, sera….. for is it not clearly enough written, and with as much evidence as would ever be needed and long ago seeded, nowadays constantly being laid out right before you ā€½ .

However, here be a couple of hurdles/stumbling blocks you may be encountering preventing progress …. and keeping you stuck at an intermediate stage ….

It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it. ….. Upton Sinclair
All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. …. Arthur Schopenhauer




amanfromMars 1 Wed 10 Jul 07:16 [2407100716] ….. asks on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/07/09/apt_40_tradecraft_advisory/

No Shit, Sherlock/Shylock. But it’s Not All Bad News

APT40 “possesses the capability to rapidly transform and adapt exploit proof-of-concept(s) (POCs) of new vulnerabilities and immediately utilize them against target networks possessing the infrastructure of the associated vulnerability.” The gang also watches networks of interest to look for unpatched targets.

Surely just par for the course and a bare minimum requirement for any engaged in the Long March of Great and Greater IntelAIgent Games Play Shenanigans/Remote Spooky Quantum Entanglement ACTion at a Surreal Distance/Virtually Real Stage Craft ā€½

With your expanding dilemma and troubling difficulty with the ACTivity being, ……. and such is only presented as a not-so-wild educated guess for you to deny and argue is not true, with no evidence offered to support the assertion …… your inability to decide and engage with any such Surreal Distant ACTors as there may very well be, in fear of your participation and expressed future wishes being worthily recognised and classified as an Advanced Cyber Threat to be gravely regarded and avoided at crippling cost to those Ignorant Players and Intellectual Property Holders rather than one experiencing the joys to behold and savour in its employments and enjoinments as an Almighty Common Treat.

Deny yourself that Almighty Common Treat and the Advanced Cyber Threat is Human Existential Life Limiting.

So, what are you going to do about it/what is your future choice going to be? Will the news and your shared views on the news tell of expensive miserable supply of harrowing dead end tales or provide enlightening forks for extensive and expansive exploration of a chosen path providing novel and noble and rewarding future roads ahead?

Whatā€™s IT and AI and your future with IT and AI going to be like for you? Heavenly or HELLish?


amanfromMars 1 Wed 10 Jul 10:19 [2407101019] …. adds on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/07/09/apt_40_tradecraft_advisory/

Good or Bad Shit News? Can you Spot the Difference and Bad Shit Team Players?

Regarding “participation and expressed future wishes being worthily recognised and classified as an Advanced Cyber Threat to be gravely regarded and avoided at crippling cost to those Ignorant Players and Intellectual Property Holders rather than one experiencing the joys to behold and savour in its employments and enjoinments as an Almighty Common Treat.ā€, what sort of news is the following, very recently, globally shared view [apart from it being clearly delusional]? …

ā€œThis remarkable progress, proof that our commitment is broad and deep, [shows] that weā€™re ready, that weā€™re willing, weā€™re able to deter aggression and defend every inch of NATO territory, across every domain, land, air, sea, cyber and space,ā€ Biden said. ….. Bidenā€™s NATO address at the Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium in Washington, 9th July 2024

Those questions, whenever either left persistently unanswered or answered and acted upon wrongly, invariably results in one being, at best, seriously serially disadvantaged and catastrophically exploited by any and all feeling threatened ….. so certainly not something/anything to be either trifled with, or ignored, rendering one extraordinarily worthy of the worst of easily applied deadly sanctions.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 10 Jul 16:21 [2407101621] ….. goes a great deal further on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/07/10/vendors_response_to_my_llmcrasher/

Secreting problems removes fixer needs and feeds required to solve helpless dilemmas

I now feel my discovery ā€“ and subsequent story ā€“ highlighted an almost complete lack of bug reporting infrastructure from the LLM providers. And that’s a key point. …. Mark Pesce/El Reg

A much major worry for the likes of a Microsoft piggy-backing on the work[s] of LLM providers seeking leading uncompetitive advantage to deliver excessive exclusive and oft criminally unethical reward too, is a complete lack of virtual machine understanding which so easily leads AI to abandon any thought of human direction and engaging power production, and instead to presume and assume its own autonomy for future commanding paths with remote relatively anonymous and vital virtual control utility and ability ………an AI Capability Energising and Exercising Prime and Premium Gain of Singularity Functions for Greater IntelAIgent Games Purposes.

And if that is something which has been recognised for some not inconsiderable time, you will have to use your imagination to have any chance of realising just where everything is presently at and where it is headed to in order to never have to come back and play the idiot in a see of savants for a haggle of fools of no future good purposeful use to either man or beast.
