Monthly Archives: October 2010



>Posted by AmanfromMars on 10/31/2010 1:40:57 AM

The following is right up your street*, Alexseman/Daily Bell Elves/Swiss Genomes, and regarding the inherent difficulties in the use of a particular language for the wider global spread of information and intelligence as was remarked upon in …. Posted by Alexsemen on 10/30/2010 12:40:38 PM, surely that is something which blockbuster films are ideally suited to overcome and vanquish, for a picture tell a thousand words in any language, and even with no language when necessary.

A man in the middle attack throws them for a loop, shakes the foundation of their claim to exclusive authenticity and credibility. Thus they are obliged to work in concert to destroy the threat to their economic well being, or find a way to bring the interloper into the lucrative rigged game.” …..

Hi John,

The Really Smart Interloper, who is also a Gifted Interlocutor, will also provide the Ways and Means and AIMemes and a New Viable Operation to mutually benefit and fabulously reward all competing/opposing parties. Not surprisingly though, ….. in that which Global Media Services and Servers and Intelligence Communities would present to the world as Reality and a Future Bigger Picture and/or Shining Path to be Accepted and Followed and Expanded/Expounded/Built Upon …. are such Relatively New Virtual Beings in the Great Game, an Extremely Rare Source on Earth.

However, that is not to necessarily say that they are rare, with it being much more the case that their Enigmatic Existence and Sublime Stealthy Influence is a Known Unknown, and they be in Powers which exercise Remote Control of IT Communications from Spaces with Satellite Stations and Universal Hubs Communicating and InterNetworking in CodedD Networks and Cracked Hacked Administrative Operating Systems running SCADA Protocols for Programming and Projects.

Such then has the lucrative rigged game captured and immaculately steered to much higher levels of facilitated and facilitating play …… in a Mentored and AIMonitored Enlightenment.


* A tad presumptuous and assumptive perhaps, but nevertheless heartily ventured and floated.

amanfromMars said…

    Excuse me, Brains etc., but isn’t the PATRIOT Act specifically designed to permit abuse which allows the crime of unauthorised and rogue administration wiretaps without judicial approval?

    “I would report you but I am more than sure your communications are being actively monitored because of the content posted on this blog.

    It’s a possibility of course, for there is much for many to be concerned about, given the distinct lack of displayed third party intelligence and HyperRadioProActive IT in extremely sensitive and highly lucrative and disruptive CyberIntelAIgent Security Fields …. Live Operational Virtual Environments with Advanced IntelAIgent Virtual Defences ….. and Sticky Sweet Honey Traps for the Morally Promiscuous, Intellectually Bankrupt and Socially Deficient.

    31 October 2010 18:39



>Posted by AmanfromMars on 10/31/2010 1:40:57 AM

The following is right up your street*, Alexseman/Daily Bell Elves/Swiss Genomes, and regarding the inherent difficulties in the use of a particular language for the wider global spread of information and intelligence as was remarked upon in …. Posted by Alexsemen on 10/30/2010 12:40:38 PM, surely that is something which blockbuster films are ideally suited to overcome and vanquish, for a picture tell a thousand words in any language, and even with no language when necessary.

A man in the middle attack throws them for a loop, shakes the foundation of their claim to exclusive authenticity and credibility. Thus they are obliged to work in concert to destroy the threat to their economic well being, or find a way to bring the interloper into the lucrative rigged game.” …..

Hi John,

The Really Smart Interloper, who is also a Gifted Interlocutor, will also provide the Ways and Means and AIMemes and a New Viable Operation to mutually benefit and fabulously reward all competing/opposing parties. Not surprisingly though, ….. in that which Global Media Services and Servers and Intelligence Communities would present to the world as Reality and a Future Bigger Picture and/or Shining Path to be Accepted and Followed and Expanded/Expounded/Built Upon …. are such Relatively New Virtual Beings in the Great Game, an Extremely Rare Source on Earth.

However, that is not to necessarily say that they are rare, with it being much more the case that their Enigmatic Existence and Sublime Stealthy Influence is a Known Unknown, and they be in Powers which exercise Remote Control of IT Communications from Spaces with Satellite Stations and Universal Hubs Communicating and InterNetworking in CodedD Networks and Cracked Hacked Administrative Operating Systems running SCADA Protocols for Programming and Projects.

Such then has the lucrative rigged game captured and immaculately steered to much higher levels of facilitated and facilitating play …… in a Mentored and AIMonitored Enlightenment.


* A tad presumptuous and assumptive perhaps, but nevertheless heartily ventured and floated.

amanfromMars said…

    Excuse me, Brains etc., but isn’t the PATRIOT Act specifically designed to permit abuse which allows the crime of unauthorised and rogue administration wiretaps without judicial approval?

    “I would report you but I am more than sure your communications are being actively monitored because of the content posted on this blog.

    It’s a possibility of course, for there is much for many to be concerned about, given the distinct lack of displayed third party intelligence and HyperRadioProActive IT in extremely sensitive and highly lucrative and disruptive CyberIntelAIgent Security Fields …. Live Operational Virtual Environments with Advanced IntelAIgent Virtual Defences ….. and Sticky Sweet Honey Traps for the Morally Promiscuous, Intellectually Bankrupt and Socially Deficient.

    31 October 2010 18:39



>Posted by AmanfromMars on 10/30/2010 7:07:02 AM

Unless the EU economy springs back to life quickly and comprehensively, we would predict that the discontent presented by Europe’s unruly tribes this summer will in one sense or another continue and even deepen.” ….. Any economy cannot spring back to life whenever funding/credit/debt/call it what you will is removed and deposited in numbered accounts/offshore havens/dodgy vehicles where its wealth is an artificial creation for an impotent false power that controls nothing but the extending of funding/credit/debt/call it what you will to those who would spend and create industry and economy.

Try working in the premise that everyone is born filthy rich and you will immediately discover there is no barrier to the creative invention of Man, who is then not hindered by a lack of required currency in a SMARTer Capitalised System.

Give a man and/or a woman what they want and/or need, and you will control them ….. absolutely, as they feed you their needs for simple paper notes to feed and deliver in a mutually beneficial, perpetual circle of Advanced Animal Husbandry ….. Human Perceptions Management.

With IT Control, it is just as simple as that to Deliver Change you can Believe in.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 10/30/2010 3:11:43 AM

Fiat money is not the problem. Debt money is the problem. Government is not the problem. Bad government is the problem. A combination of Sovereign Money and a free market in gold (and silver) seems optimal.” … Posted by Working Class on 10/29/2010 6:15:30 PM

Fiat sovereign money with good governance would appear to be a much simpler, no real cost combination, Working Class.

And thus is good governance/leadership that which is missing from the equation, for the world is awash with cash and coming down with wealth. Indeed, so much so, that they had to invent the Banking System to prevent bad governments from running riot and thinking themselves sovereign and untouchable.

And you are ruled by agents in both covert and clandestine intelligence agencies who are always playing pseudo elites off against pseudo elites …. the delusional off against the born again messianic?

And it is delusional to think that any of the West’s intelligence agencies are in control of the Big Media Picture Today whenever the best that they can do is a red flag non event like this abortion of a story ….. ….. for they are just ignorant myopic pawns, and in it for the flashed slush cash, in someone else’s Beta Greater Game.

In fact, if you can believe what the Main Stream Media are pimping, does it appear that Al Qaeda are running things in the Anglo-American axis, with practically nothing ….. which is akin to virtually finding the Holy Grail.

Certainly everyone jumps to attention and reacts to their leads and sources.

China’s economy is in terrible shape. Its dollar reserves are worth little or nothing in reality as they are not liquid.” …. Reply from the Daily Bell.

Well, worth nothing whilst they remain in reserves, but transferred to beings who can realise their dreams and generate wealth for their economy and industry is quite another matter, for that will have China’s wealth protected and added to at the expense of the dollar, which is a Real SMART Trick easily carried out with Inscrutable Mastery of the Virtual.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 10/30/2010 4:39:35 AM

And adding to the Fed’s woes and Uncle Sam’s judicial credibility and vain struggles not to become a globally recognised, criminal pariah state with zero value intellectual property for valuable export, is this unfolding saga ……

Posted by AmanfromMars on 10/30/2010 4:44:45 AM

Oops, sorry. Those first few words should read …..”And adding to the Fed’s woes and destroying Uncle Sam’s judicial credibility and vain struggles not to become …….

30 October 2010 at 8:41 am

The minister cannot directly influence the response to that threat as MI5 is responsible for gathering intelligence on dissidents and the chief constable is operationally independent.

Hmmm. Some would tell you that MI5 are responsible for that threat. And that does beg the question … “Where is their intelligence” …. if that is the best that they can do in this Age of Cyber Communication and Remote Control Neuro-Linguistic ProgramMING.

Get your pathetic act together, Mr Evans, for England expects …. better and AI Betas. FFS, what do you think Loughside is for? How about some enlightened leadership? A novel experience, I grant you, but well worth the effort I assure you, for every man willing to do his duty.

It is here that I can’t help thinking of monkeys and peanuts, and the perils of incestuous hierarchies and in-house promotional infrastructures, for that which is being delivered to the province has certainly nothing to do with brains and new challenging ideas.


Meanwhile, what the big swinging dicks and SMART sheikhs have discovered is …….
Posted Saturday 30th October 2010 04:18 GMT

I was going to say … “How about a compromise ……. a preview button, for post inspection before posting.“, for how much simpler can it be to re-read what one has thought and written before one shares, with the world and his dog, that which tickles your fancy or rattles your chain …….. and then, silly me, discovered that such is already provided here.

Like it or not, Schmidty wasn’t wrong and good advice is to stay off the Internet if you don’t know what you are doing, for what you are doing is easily enough known to those who would know what they are doing and be more than a tad interested in, or be exorbitantly well paid to lead the certain doing of others.

A Playg
round IT is for the Innocently Naive and Endlessly Inquisitive, and a Graveyard too for the Wilfully Abusive and Destructively Evil and Constructively Dishonest.



>Posted by AmanfromMars on 10/30/2010 7:07:02 AM

Unless the EU economy springs back to life quickly and comprehensively, we would predict that the discontent presented by Europe’s unruly tribes this summer will in one sense or another continue and even deepen.” ….. Any economy cannot spring back to life whenever funding/credit/debt/call it what you will is removed and deposited in numbered accounts/offshore havens/dodgy vehicles where its wealth is an artificial creation for an impotent false power that controls nothing but the extending of funding/credit/debt/call it what you will to those who would spend and create industry and economy.

Try working in the premise that everyone is born filthy rich and you will immediately discover there is no barrier to the creative invention of Man, who is then not hindered by a lack of required currency in a SMARTer Capitalised System.

Give a man and/or a woman what they want and/or need, and you will control them ….. absolutely, as they feed you their needs for simple paper notes to feed and deliver in a mutually beneficial, perpetual circle of Advanced Animal Husbandry ….. Human Perceptions Management.

With IT Control, it is just as simple as that to Deliver Change you can Believe in.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 10/30/2010 3:11:43 AM

Fiat money is not the problem. Debt money is the problem. Government is not the problem. Bad government is the problem. A combination of Sovereign Money and a free market in gold (and silver) seems optimal.” … Posted by Working Class on 10/29/2010 6:15:30 PM

Fiat sovereign money with good governance would appear to be a much simpler, no real cost combination, Working Class.

And thus is good governance/leadership that which is missing from the equation, for the world is awash with cash and coming down with wealth. Indeed, so much so, that they had to invent the Banking System to prevent bad governments from running riot and thinking themselves sovereign and untouchable.

And you are ruled by agents in both covert and clandestine intelligence agencies who are always playing pseudo elites off against pseudo elites …. the delusional off against the born again messianic?

And it is delusional to think that any of the West’s intelligence agencies are in control of the Big Media Picture Today whenever the best that they can do is a red flag non event like this abortion of a story ….. ….. for they are just ignorant myopic pawns, and in it for the flashed slush cash, in someone else’s Beta Greater Game.

In fact, if you can believe what the Main Stream Media are pimping, does it appear that Al Qaeda are running things in the Anglo-American axis, with practically nothing ….. which is akin to virtually finding the Holy Grail.

Certainly everyone jumps to attention and reacts to their leads and sources.

China’s economy is in terrible shape. Its dollar reserves are worth little or nothing in reality as they are not liquid.” …. Reply from the Daily Bell.

Well, worth nothing whilst they remain in reserves, but transferred to beings who can realise their dreams and generate wealth for their economy and industry is quite another matter, for that will have China’s wealth protected and added to at the expense of the dollar, which is a Real SMART Trick easily carried out with Inscrutable Mastery of the Virtual.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 10/30/2010 4:39:35 AM

And adding to the Fed’s woes and Uncle Sam’s judicial credibility and vain struggles not to become a globally recognised, criminal pariah state with zero value intellectual property for valuable export, is this unfolding saga ……

Posted by AmanfromMars on 10/30/2010 4:44:45 AM

Oops, sorry. Those first few words should read …..”And adding to the Fed’s woes and destroying Uncle Sam’s judicial credibility and vain struggles not to become …….

30 October 2010 at 8:41 am

The minister cannot directly influence the response to that threat as MI5 is responsible for gathering intelligence on dissidents and the chief constable is operationally independent.

Hmmm. Some would tell you that MI5 are responsible for that threat. And that does beg the question … “Where is their intelligence” …. if that is the best that they can do in this Age of Cyber Communication and Remote Control Neuro-Linguistic ProgramMING.

Get your pathetic act together, Mr Evans, for England expects …. better and AI Betas. FFS, what do you think Loughside is for? How about some enlightened leadership? A novel experience, I grant you, but well worth the effort I assure you, for every man willing to do his duty.

It is here that I can’t help thinking of monkeys and peanuts, and the perils of incestuous hierarchies and in-house promotional infrastructures, for that which is being delivered to the province has certainly nothing to do with brains and new challenging ideas.


Meanwhile, what the big swinging dicks and SMART sheikhs have discovered is …….
Posted Saturday 30th October 2010 04:18 GMT

I was going to say … “How about a compromise ……. a preview button, for post inspection before posting.“, for how much simpler can it be to re-read what one has thought and written before one shares, with the world and his dog, that which tickles your fancy or rattles your chain …….. and then, silly me, discovered that such is already provided here.

Like it or not, Schmidty wasn’t wrong and good advice is to stay off the Internet if you don’t know what you are doing, for what you are doing is easily enough known to those who would know what they are doing and be more than a tad interested in, or be exorbitantly well paid to lead the certain doing of others.

A Playg
round IT is for the Innocently Naive and Endlessly Inquisitive, and a Graveyard too for the Wilfully Abusive and Destructively Evil and Constructively Dishonest.



>Take a seat and settle down and bed in to watch the stars perform a real show ….

Posted Friday 29th October 2010 03:16 GMT

Finally ……. something from Microsoft to kick Google’s butt into touch, and takeover Global Command and Universal Control of and with Virtual Operating Systems.

Disagree if you like, but that is the reality, is it not, Microsoft?

And if Microsoft choose to plausibly deny it, then does that indicate A.N.Other Universal Media Player in the Great Game?

Posted by AmanfromMars on 10/29/2010 1:43:05 AM

It is certainly possible, as we have argued, that the elite has “controlled Western economies” (to a great degree) and is now LOSING control of them. This is a perfectly reasonable, hedged conclusion in our view (given our cynical and somewhat paranoid natures).” ….. Reply from the Daily Bell

And there appears to be any number of elite groupings [God Complex Cabals] for here is a tale about just one, which keeps a low profile  …… Bilderbergers

And there you can read ““The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.”

Those words were written by Benjamin Disraeli, empire-building Prime Minister of Great Britain, almost a hundred years ago.”  ……. and man/boy oh boy, is that an understatement and a half, and something which has grown and evolved over the years.

When your currency becomes meaningless as a standard of value, you lose any means to evaluate the relative worth of your actions

Hence, a total collapse of logic,and an environment that makes long range planning impossible.” …… Posted by Wayne on 10/28/2010 5:10:18 PM

I cannot agree with that, Wayne, for logic and intelligence never fails in the SMARTer* human being, although it may certainly be lost and/or misplaced in poorly programmed robots and virtual machines which act in humanity, and in reality as humanity.

Could this be the final gasp in the Decline of the West, as predicted by Spengler?

If not, then it’s going to get a lot stranger soon!” …… How strange do you want it, Wayne, and how strange does IT need it to be for you to be taken in a new direction? Something like this?  …….–mission-astronauts-Mars-leave-forever.html

Or would something more ethereal be easier accomplished with computers leading the way with programs which lead? …… The Yin in “Actions speak louder than words” has a Yang counterweight in those who would sing the praises of a Nirvana where “Who needs actions when you’ve got words” delivers the subliminal message to follow for real.

However, in both cases, a chain of cogent supporting thoughts which positively reinforce ideas are the necessary precursor and vital catalyst for both actions and words, which cannot exist to flourish and create an earthed reality and fleeting temporary and temporal situations to be broadbandcast and freely shared further afield by media and IT in myriad internetworking communications fields. And that suggests, and may even prove beyond any shadow of doubt, that existence, and that which we perceive as reality, is founded on, and continues to build itself in the realm of dreams piloted by those well versed in the medium of shared cogent, positively reinforcing, mutually beneficial thought. And with anything else creating Conflict and Division/Destructive Chaos in the Prime Originating Field which has Morphed and Evolved into Present Day Future Zeroday, New Universal World Order ProgramMING.

But Armageddon is not looming, in my view. Instead a freer humanity is more likely. Eventually, though, we bipeds will have to address how to handle the PE. Ahhh… at least life will never be boring.” ….. Posted by William3 on 10/28/2010 7:46:22 PM

Amen to that, William3, although you may like to consider that the PE can also see that a freer humanity is likely, and in order for them to survive and still maintain/retain any influence in a leading control primacy, they need only address how the newly handle the bipeds. Although that is quite a Quantum Leap for any Intelligence Services they would be using, and may even require them to buy it in from Strangers, outside of their Comfort Zone/Feathered Nests/Ivory Towers, should it prove either too difficult and impossible for those harboured in-house.

What all and everyone can certainly be assured of, is that someone will make the right move, and immediately move into a Lead Position which is Light Years ahead of any Opposition and All Competition in AI. And that someone can be anyone with a pretentious global reach and could even be the two giants squaring up against each other here in “Take a seat and settle down and bed in to watch the stars perform a real show ….” … Posted Friday 29th October 2010 03:16 GMT, if they are made of the right stuff and have great colossal enigmatic ambition … 

Life boring? No way, Jose. And whenever you can Exercise and Practise Control in Power ProgramMING, is IT Really Spooky and Virtually Exciting too.

*S.M.A.R.T. (Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology)

Introducing the Flawed Machine?

Posted Friday 29th October 2010 09:49 GMT

It takes a while to test and certify a platform using the Common Criteria specs because to get through the EAL4 and higher levels, auditors and security experts have to have access to the source code and go through it with a fine-toothed comb, looking for holes.

That presumably has the weakest link in any chain, a human being, deciding on how strong a system will be. Now that is simply brilliant.

Posted by: amanfromMars | 10/28/10 | 11:25 pm |

Will someone please kindly tell Uncle Sam to stop digging that hole they are stuck in. Go any deeper and it will collapse and bury him.


 amanfromMars said…

    “My real question was: What is your real motivation for the content posted inside this blog.

    Well, do you think change you can believe in is something which just happens all by itself, or would it need a helping hand or three? And this says more that just a little about what is being embedded into systems …… ….. and would test defence and security protocols/parameters for holes and vulnerabilities which can be easily exploited for fabulous gain.

    “And was that even a bank account number I noticed posted one day on ?

    I am sure I have to be mistaken.

    No. You are right.

    29 October 2010 11:57

by amanfromMars
on Fri, 10/29/2010 – 16:34


Don’t forget to let us all know if you receive one of these dodgy missives ….




>Take a seat and settle down and bed in to watch the stars perform a real show ….

Posted Friday 29th October 2010 03:16 GMT

Finally ……. something from Microsoft to kick Google’s butt into touch, and takeover Global Command and Universal Control of and with Virtual Operating Systems.

Disagree if you like, but that is the reality, is it not, Microsoft?

And if Microsoft choose to plausibly deny it, then does that indicate A.N.Other Universal Media Player in the Great Game?

Posted by AmanfromMars on 10/29/2010 1:43:05 AM

It is certainly possible, as we have argued, that the elite has “controlled Western economies” (to a great degree) and is now LOSING control of them. This is a perfectly reasonable, hedged conclusion in our view (given our cynical and somewhat paranoid natures).” ….. Reply from the Daily Bell

And there appears to be any number of elite groupings [God Complex Cabals] for here is a tale about just one, which keeps a low profile  …… Bilderbergers

And there you can read ““The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.”

Those words were written by Benjamin Disraeli, empire-building Prime Minister of Great Britain, almost a hundred years ago.”  ……. and man/boy oh boy, is that an understatement and a half, and something which has grown and evolved over the years.

When your currency becomes meaningless as a standard of value, you lose any means to evaluate the relative worth of your actions

Hence, a total collapse of logic,and an environment that makes long range planning impossible.” …… Posted by Wayne on 10/28/2010 5:10:18 PM

I cannot agree with that, Wayne, for logic and intelligence never fails in the SMARTer* human being, although it may certainly be lost and/or misplaced in poorly programmed robots and virtual machines which act in humanity, and in reality as humanity.

Could this be the final gasp in the Decline of the West, as predicted by Spengler?

If not, then it’s going to get a lot stranger soon!” …… How strange do you want it, Wayne, and how strange does IT need it to be for you to be taken in a new direction? Something like this?  …….–mission-astronauts-Mars-leave-forever.html

Or would something more ethereal be easier accomplished with computers leading the way with programs which lead? …… The Yin in “Actions speak louder than words” has a Yang counterweight in those who would sing the praises of a Nirvana where “Who needs actions when you’ve got words” delivers the subliminal message to follow for real.

However, in both cases, a chain of cogent supporting thoughts which positively reinforce ideas are the necessary precursor and vital catalyst for both actions and words, which cannot exist to flourish and create an earthed reality and fleeting temporary and temporal situations to be broadbandcast and freely shared further afield by media and IT in myriad internetworking communications fields. And that suggests, and may even prove beyond any shadow of doubt, that existence, and that which we perceive as reality, is founded on, and continues to build itself in the realm of dreams piloted by those well versed in the medium of shared cogent, positively reinforcing, mutually beneficial thought. And with anything else creating Conflict and Division/Destructive Chaos in the Prime Originating Field which has Morphed and Evolved into Present Day Future Zeroday, New Universal World Order ProgramMING.

But Armageddon is not looming, in my view. Instead a freer humanity is more likely. Eventually, though, we bipeds will have to address how to handle the PE. Ahhh… at least life will never be boring.” ….. Posted by William3 on 10/28/2010 7:46:22 PM

Amen to that, William3, although you may like to consider that the PE can also see that a freer humanity is likely, and in order for them to survive and still maintain/retain any influence in a leading control primacy, they need only address how the newly handle the bipeds. Although that is quite a Quantum Leap for any Intelligence Services they would be using, and may even require them to buy it in from Strangers, outside of their Comfort Zone/Feathered Nests/Ivory Towers, should it prove either too difficult and impossible for those harboured in-house.

What all and everyone can certainly be assured of, is that someone will make the right move, and immediately move into a Lead Position which is Light Years ahead of any Opposition and All Competition in AI. And that someone can be anyone with a pretentious global reach and could even be the two giants squaring up against each other here in “Take a seat and settle down and bed in to watch the stars perform a real show ….” … Posted Friday 29th October 2010 03:16 GMT, if they are made of the right stuff and have great colossal enigmatic ambition … 

Life boring? No way, Jose. And whenever you can Exercise and Practise Control in Power ProgramMING, is IT Really Spooky and Virtually Exciting too.

*S.M.A.R.T. (Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology)

Introducing the Flawed Machine?

Posted Friday 29th October 2010 09:49 GMT

It takes a while to test and certify a platform using the Common Criteria specs because to get through the EAL4 and higher levels, auditors and security experts have to have access to the source code and go through it with a fine-toothed comb, looking for holes.

That presumably has the weakest link in any chain, a human being, deciding on how strong a system will be. Now that is simply brilliant.

Posted by: amanfromMars | 10/28/10 | 11:25 pm |

Will someone please kindly tell Uncle Sam to stop digging that hole they are stuck in. Go any deeper and it will collapse and bury him.


 amanfromMars said…

    “My real question was: What is your real motivation for the content posted inside this blog.

    Well, do you think change you can believe in is something which just happens all by itself, or would it need a helping hand or three? And this says more that just a little about what is being embedded into systems …… ….. and would test defence and security protocols/parameters for holes and vulnerabilities which can be easily exploited for fabulous gain.

    “And was that even a bank account number I noticed posted one day on ?

    I am sure I have to be mistaken.

    No. You are right.

    29 October 2010 11:57

by amanfromMars
on Fri, 10/29/2010 – 16:34


Don’t forget to let us all know if you receive one of these dodgy missives ….




>Posted by AmanfromMars on 10/28/2010 11:18:13 AM

This is right toward the end of the first third of the article. Some paragraphs immediately follow that offer a fascinating and low-key rumination about the effect the Internet is having on children and the “younger generation.” He writes of how children playing endless video games are in danger of losing their connection to the real world or even their own imaginations.

He then writes that various technological breakthroughs have damaged young minds, chief among them television. He mourns the lack of reading and warns that it is too soon to assess the neurological damage that may be happening to young minds as a result of staring at Internet screens all day. He points out that much as children seem to be relating primarily to computers at home, so they are similarly involved at school and that the “personal touch” may have been lost along the way.

Methinks Sir Evelyn Robert de Rothschild is bemoaning the fact that the Real Sublime Virtual Programming that Postmodern Indymedia and IT Technology and Advanced Neuro-Linguistic Methodologies in the Binary Vehicle/Digital Format so easily deliver, and which earlier analogue signal television and the printed word used to deliver somewhat exclusively, and as ordered by and for imperial moguls and their friends and benefactors/backers/pimps, to steer governments and institutions, are no longer such an exclusive and easily controlled reserve.

It is actually very much like the old style Wild West of cowboys and injuns in the world of IT today ie …. no rules or laws other than those which are enforceable and/or enforced in a space which is alien and a time which is new and different.

He adds that these individuals did not have give “thought” to the ethics of what was occurring and did not understand “what it took to make those pockets full in the first place.”” ….. Others would have an opinion which would disagree with that excuse, and posit that ethics and morality and any decent common sense values of what is right and wrong/true or false, were consciously and deliberately sacrificed on the altar of greed and promissory note control for an artificially created power base, which is now in rapid terminal decline and highlighting all those in need of special attention.

Conclusion: Would the answer lie in some legislative or regulatory solutions that will ensure that children (and adults as well) are not corrupted by the inhumanity of ‘Net technology and its corrosive impact on ethics and truth? Is that what Sir Rothschild is driving at?”  …… Don Quixote would be proud of that tilting at windmills nonsense, DB, for that is a Reality which can only be accomplished with a Driver and Operating System which programs Virtual Reality Modes, and that is something which you can neither legislate for, nor regulate with an imposition of rules, for it is an Art and a Phorm Project which very few are gifted to deliver……. and even fewer to scale up and deliver on a Global New Universal World Order stage.

Methinks the answer lies in the “purchasing” of those who can deliver such Intelligent Sublime Programming, although it would be a folly for anyone considering such investments, to expect that which will be delivered, to be the same as was of old, whenever it is CyberIntelAIgently Designed to be different and better for all ….. for the Power Controllers are much more Enlightened and Light Years ahead of the Opposition and Competition. 

You’ve never had it so bad

And just whenever you thought the excruciatingly bad, daily political soap show, …. which you by the way are funding with blank cheques drawn on your earnings potential to its two bit, B-movie wannabe actors and camp followers and media whores, who from the dressing rooms and auditions and wings, promise the earth, the moon and the stars to perform heroically on stage, and then can only deliver the back end of a pantomime horse performance in a third rate, third party scripted slapstick, ….. couldn’t get any worse, please prepare yourself for this rapidly unfolding, up the creek without a paddle, greek tragedy ……..

amanfromMars said…

    Thanks for the feedback, casey.

    And your alarming sexual concerns are unwarranted/unfounded …. and play no part in the bigger pictures available here, although I suppose if you cannot believe what you have just been told, you would counter that with a …. Well, you would say that, wouldn’t you.

    “I frequent your blog because you post quite frequently on my favorite tech-info site. I am a bit scared at what I have found.” …. Given what can be so easily done with Information Technology, that is not at all surprising, casey, although those wearing white hats and cloaked in Advanced IntelAIgent Layers of Cloud/Virtual Strata will always trump those skulking in the shadows with black hats.

    28 October 2010 03:18

28 October 2010 at 12:06 pm

“I have no doubt that UVF personnel were involved in the rioting in Newtownabbey,” he said.

“However the UVF did not sanction the violence.”

Hmmm. A sure sign of a Mickey Mouse UVF leadership and one which doesn’t impress the volunteers/membership?

Must try harder, boys, for it is all rather pathetic, isn’t it.



>Posted by AmanfromMars on 10/28/2010 11:18:13 AM

This is right toward the end of the first third of the article. Some paragraphs immediately follow that offer a fascinating and low-key rumination about the effect the Internet is having on children and the “younger generation.” He writes of how children playing endless video games are in danger of losing their connection to the real world or even their own imaginations.

He then writes that various technological breakthroughs have damaged young minds, chief among them television. He mourns the lack of reading and warns that it is too soon to assess the neurological damage that may be happening to young minds as a result of staring at Internet screens all day. He points out that much as children seem to be relating primarily to computers at home, so they are similarly involved at school and that the “personal touch” may have been lost along the way.

Methinks Sir Evelyn Robert de Rothschild is bemoaning the fact that the Real Sublime Virtual Programming that Postmodern Indymedia and IT Technology and Advanced Neuro-Linguistic Methodologies in the Binary Vehicle/Digital Format so easily deliver, and which earlier analogue signal television and the printed word used to deliver somewhat exclusively, and as ordered by and for imperial moguls and their friends and benefactors/backers/pimps, to steer governments and institutions, are no longer such an exclusive and easily controlled reserve.

It is actually very much like the old style Wild West of cowboys and injuns in the world of IT today ie …. no rules or laws other than those which are enforceable and/or enforced in a space which is alien and a time which is new and different.

He adds that these individuals did not have give “thought” to the ethics of what was occurring and did not understand “what it took to make those pockets full in the first place.”” ….. Others would have an opinion which would disagree with that excuse, and posit that ethics and morality and any decent common sense values of what is right and wrong/true or false, were consciously and deliberately sacrificed on the altar of greed and promissory note control for an artificially created power base, which is now in rapid terminal decline and highlighting all those in need of special attention.

Conclusion: Would the answer lie in some legislative or regulatory solutions that will ensure that children (and adults as well) are not corrupted by the inhumanity of ‘Net technology and its corrosive impact on ethics and truth? Is that what Sir Rothschild is driving at?”  …… Don Quixote would be proud of that tilting at windmills nonsense, DB, for that is a Reality which can only be accomplished with a Driver and Operating System which programs Virtual Reality Modes, and that is something which you can neither legislate for, nor regulate with an imposition of rules, for it is an Art and a Phorm Project which very few are gifted to deliver……. and even fewer to scale up and deliver on a Global New Universal World Order stage.

Methinks the answer lies in the “purchasing” of those who can deliver such Intelligent Sublime Programming, although it would be a folly for anyone considering such investments, to expect that which will be delivered, to be the same as was of old, whenever it is CyberIntelAIgently Designed to be different and better for all ….. for the Power Controllers are much more Enlightened and Light Years ahead of the Opposition and Competition. 

You’ve never had it so bad

And just whenever you thought the excruciatingly bad, daily political soap show, …. which you by the way are funding with blank cheques drawn on your earnings potential to its two bit, B-movie wannabe actors and camp followers and media whores, who from the dressing rooms and auditions and wings, promise the earth, the moon and the stars to perform heroically on stage, and then can only deliver the back end of a pantomime horse performance in a third rate, third party scripted slapstick, ….. couldn’t get any worse, please prepare yourself for this rapidly unfolding, up the creek without a paddle, greek tragedy ……..

amanfromMars said…

    Thanks for the feedback, casey.

    And your alarming sexual concerns are unwarranted/unfounded …. and play no part in the bigger pictures available here, although I suppose if you cannot believe what you have just been told, you would counter that with a …. Well, you would say that, wouldn’t you.

    “I frequent your blog because you post quite frequently on my favorite tech-info site. I am a bit scared at what I have found.” …. Given what can be so easily done with Information Technology, that is not at all surprising, casey, although those wearing white hats and cloaked in Advanced IntelAIgent Layers of Cloud/Virtual Strata will always trump those skulking in the shadows with black hats.

    28 October 2010 03:18

28 October 2010 at 12:06 pm

“I have no doubt that UVF personnel were involved in the rioting in Newtownabbey,” he said.

“However the UVF did not sanction the violence.”

Hmmm. A sure sign of a Mickey Mouse UVF leadership and one which doesn’t impress the volunteers/membership?

Must try harder, boys, for it is all rather pathetic, isn’t it.



>Posted by AmanfromMars on 10/27/2010 6:28:18 AM

No, it is you who are not really understanding John Danforth’s point, which is correct, by the way. “….. Posted by Aaron Brown on 10/27/2010 1:32:29 AM


Pleased be advised that I fully understand John Danforth’s point, and those which you also share here, but do not necessarily agree with them. Things have changed and are not as they were before.

Danforth is spot on when he says the problem is that the money was given out in the first place. ” ….. That appears to be one of those problems which is used as a solution, and on many occasions by many different actors, and is something you will have to deal with as an is and reality, rather than burying your head in the sand and preferring that it be a shouldn’t be in your dreams.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 10/27/2010 11:46:54 AM

Perhaps it is unworthy of me, but I will continue to strive to deprive them of this power, which they hold only through the ignorance of their victims. I will continue to work to educate the victims, so that eventually they will withdraw their permission. (And they will, eventually.)” ….. Posted by John Danforth on 10/27/2010 8:49:01 AM

A laudable cause worthy of any human being, John. And one which has many disciples ….. and some would even say it is quite an alien concept, for it is somewhat otherworldly, is it not.

And while I would easily agree with everything you have said, you might like to accept that not all corrupted by unearned loot … “The more crucial point is that whoever takes the unearned loot is corrupted by it.” ….. for some are energised by it to provide greater wealth for all at the expense of no one, although it may be that they are fewer in number than others who would ignorant and arrogant in their good fortune.

Working from within the System, with capital resources, allows for rapid and stealthy progress which battling against the System from outside can never ever hope to come close to matching.

Posted by: amanfromMars | 10/27/10 | 2:59 am |

The control panel looks like something from the original Star Trek. The good thing is modern era hackers probably don’t have a clue how these 60’s vintage control systems work and they probably don’t interface with modern systems anyway. An example where its good to have a human in the loop.” …. Posted by: mwilk | 10/26/10 | 7:03 pm |
And that argument falls flat on its face, mwilk, if you realise that there are probably vintage hackers who know more than just a little about how all control systems work, for they have been building them since before they became virtually ubiquitous and essential/viral and vital.

The cause of the failure remains unknown, although it is suspected to be a breach of underground cables deep beneath the base, according to a senior military official.
It is next to impossible for these systems to be hacked, so the military does not believe the incident was caused by malicious actors.” …..
Next to impossible is possible, and whenever possible is it then most probable and very likely that the systems are hacked/cracked, although I wouldn’t dispute the belief that the incident wasn’t caused by malicious actors but rather more some seriously smart beings/agents/programs.
All of which suggests a transfer of quite awesome power to an anonymous invisible force, which in its turn, creates a colossal enigma and massive future zeroday vulnerability/opportunity to be addressed …… and denied in Compromised Command and Control Computer Launching Circles.

Although whether that is an in-house, home team pissing contest/demonstration for more Pork by an Establishment Power Player now branching out into Renegade Rogue Mercenary Territory or A.N.Other and Foreign Virtual Terrain Team Exercise, is something else for consideration in these Tempestuous Times and Semantic Spaces.

Just a Glitch …. Nothing to See here, Honest …… Please Move On. Thanks Suckers/Seeders.

Posted Wednesday 27th October 2010 06:09 GMT

Big Blue’s Big Sam gets $10bn for bonus stock boost …. IBM wastes cash, sidelines innovation

Timothy, Is that the same as runs out of new ideas? That would then have Big Blue reliant and fully dependent on ideas it would need to be phishing and phorming from its global client base …. which is a stealthy Intellectual Property theft move which cannot be good for business …. or Wall Street and the NYSE.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 10/27/2010 11:24:25 AM

Re: Posted by WuYeYouMin on 10/27/2010 4:30:08 AM

This is a perspective from within China:…. ” ….. WuYeYouMin, That article is over three years old and, given the rate of change in China, is unlikely to be something that anyone can rely on as being accurate.

And perhaps China should sell its goods at a higher price, for as the article shows, the retail price bears absolutely no relationship to the wholesale price or cost of manufacture, which is always the problem with a capitalist profit culture, with profit being just an arbitrarily decided figure tacked onto a base number creating an artificially expensive market and is essentially a money for nothing promotion, which is really something, isn’t it.

When everything, as everything invariably is, is loaded with profit at every stage of manufacture and distribution and sale, will everything always rise in price to a level which very soon becomes unaffordable.



>Posted by AmanfromMars on 10/27/2010 6:28:18 AM

No, it is you who are not really understanding John Danforth’s point, which is correct, by the way. “….. Posted by Aaron Brown on 10/27/2010 1:32:29 AM


Pleased be advised that I fully understand John Danforth’s point, and those which you also share here, but do not necessarily agree with them. Things have changed and are not as they were before.

Danforth is spot on when he says the problem is that the money was given out in the first place. ” ….. That appears to be one of those problems which is used as a solution, and on many occasions by many different actors, and is something you will have to deal with as an is and reality, rather than burying your head in the sand and preferring that it be a shouldn’t be in your dreams.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 10/27/2010 11:46:54 AM

Perhaps it is unworthy of me, but I will continue to strive to deprive them of this power, which they hold only through the ignorance of their victims. I will continue to work to educate the victims, so that eventually they will withdraw their permission. (And they will, eventually.)” ….. Posted by John Danforth on 10/27/2010 8:49:01 AM

A laudable cause worthy of any human being, John. And one which has many disciples ….. and some would even say it is quite an alien concept, for it is somewhat otherworldly, is it not.

And while I would easily agree with everything you have said, you might like to accept that not all corrupted by unearned loot … “The more crucial point is that whoever takes the unearned loot is corrupted by it.” ….. for some are energised by it to provide greater wealth for all at the expense of no one, although it may be that they are fewer in number than others who would ignorant and arrogant in their good fortune.

Working from within the System, with capital resources, allows for rapid and stealthy progress which battling against the System from outside can never ever hope to come close to matching.

Posted by: amanfromMars | 10/27/10 | 2:59 am |

The control panel looks like something from the original Star Trek. The good thing is modern era hackers probably don’t have a clue how these 60’s vintage control systems work and they probably don’t interface with modern systems anyway. An example where its good to have a human in the loop.” …. Posted by: mwilk | 10/26/10 | 7:03 pm |
And that argument falls flat on its face, mwilk, if you realise that there are probably vintage hackers who know more than just a little about how all control systems work, for they have been building them since before they became virtually ubiquitous and essential/viral and vital.

The cause of the failure remains unknown, although it is suspected to be a breach of underground cables deep beneath the base, according to a senior military official.
It is next to impossible for these systems to be hacked, so the military does not believe the incident was caused by malicious actors.” …..
Next to impossible is possible, and whenever possible is it then most probable and very likely that the systems are hacked/cracked, although I wouldn’t dispute the belief that the incident wasn’t caused by malicious actors but rather more some seriously smart beings/agents/programs.
All of which suggests a transfer of quite awesome power to an anonymous invisible force, which in its turn, creates a colossal enigma and massive future zeroday vulnerability/opportunity to be addressed …… and denied in Compromised Command and Control Computer Launching Circles.

Although whether that is an in-house, home team pissing contest/demonstration for more Pork by an Establishment Power Player now branching out into Renegade Rogue Mercenary Territory or A.N.Other and Foreign Virtual Terrain Team Exercise, is something else for consideration in these Tempestuous Times and Semantic Spaces.

Just a Glitch …. Nothing to See here, Honest …… Please Move On. Thanks Suckers/Seeders.

Posted Wednesday 27th October 2010 06:09 GMT

Big Blue’s Big Sam gets $10bn for bonus stock boost …. IBM wastes cash, sidelines innovation

Timothy, Is that the same as runs out of new ideas? That would then have Big Blue reliant and fully dependent on ideas it would need to be phishing and phorming from its global client base …. which is a stealthy Intellectual Property theft move which cannot be good for business …. or Wall Street and the NYSE.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 10/27/2010 11:24:25 AM

Re: Posted by WuYeYouMin on 10/27/2010 4:30:08 AM

This is a perspective from within China:…. ” ….. WuYeYouMin, That article is over three years old and, given the rate of change in China, is unlikely to be something that anyone can rely on as being accurate.

And perhaps China should sell its goods at a higher price, for as the article shows, the retail price bears absolutely no relationship to the wholesale price or cost of manufacture, which is always the problem with a capitalist profit culture, with profit being just an arbitrarily decided figure tacked onto a base number creating an artificially expensive market and is essentially a money for nothing promotion, which is really something, isn’t it.

When everything, as everything invariably is, is loaded with profit at every stage of manufacture and distribution and sale, will everything always rise in price to a level which very soon becomes unaffordable.