Monthly Archives: December 2020



amanfromMars 1 Thu 31 Dec 05:47 [2012310547] ….. opening up a whole new series of worlds of opportunistic play on

Re: Novel… …Civilisations

Howdy, AC, Thanks for stopping by, and freely sharing what you know. It is wonderfully revealing.

With particular and peculiar regard to …..

That message, loaded with computer viruses, is a more efficient way to attack our planet than a fleet of warships, a team of German and American scientists said.

It could shut down our computer systems or gift us the plans to an alien technology that will eventually turn on us.

“After all, it is cheaper to send a malicious message to eradicate humans compared to sending battleships,” researchers from the University of Hawaii and Sonneberg Observatory in Germany wrote in a paper on their theory. …..

….. which, in the last paragraph, appears to envisage smarter aliens mimicking idiotic humans who send malicious messages sending battleships to make wars which have ignorant dumb and dangerous arrogant animals doing vain battle against themselves which destroy themselves and their homes and their ways of life, and what sort of a pathetic psychopathic excuse for a human being would ever think that a smart final solution to initiate and exercise, is admittedly certainly easily feasible and something to be constantly worried about and terrified by if that is your chosen bent.

However, if one were to look on the brighter side of life, bearing in mind that they could shut down and/or take over computer systems with efficient viruses and Remote Access Trojans, you might like to think then, whenever they be so much smarter than humans, they would gift you the plans to an alien technology that will eventually turn y’all on.

Which path would you prefer they take, should you have that available choice to make to survive and prosper or crash and burn? Exciting Creative Fun and Greater IntelAIgent Gamesplay or Clinically Depressing Doom and Increasingly Destructive Gloom ‽ .

Happy New Year … С Новым Годом ….. 新年快樂 ….. 明けましておめでとうございます ….. Frohes neues Jahr ……. Gelukkig nieuwjaar …….สวัสดีปีใหม่ …….א גוט געבענטשט יאר


amanfromMars [2012311636] …….. shooting straight from the hip on

“We still see growth slowing around the turn of the year and the recovery will still face headwinds in the coming quarters, but 2021 is shaping up to be better still than our already strong global outlook—led by a stronger U.S.,” JP Morgan economists said in a research note.

Upon what available evidence, which is clearly not just crazy wishful thinking, do the likes of those JP Morgan economists base that incredulous research note?

Here’s a sound note to those economists which I’m sure they will fully understand, for most everybody else does ……

Lay off the Bolivian marching powder. It’s scrambling your brains.


amanfromMars [2012311657] …… saying a tad more on

The anti-fiat revolution will not be televised. …….. DanoWi

Oh please, you cannot be serious. What on Earth do you think you are presently watching the media currently avoiding extremely badly ……. and which puts media moguls also in the same leading conspiring frame with fiat currency slavemasters for the undivided near future attention of extremely angry smarter mobs with not a yob in sight to either deflect or divert their passionate accurately targeted activity ?




amanfromMars 1 Wed 30 Dec 08:42 [2012300842] ……. asking a few pertinent questions on

Re: Virtually Advanced IntelAIgent Operating Systems Drivers ….

This has got to be from an AI. …… First Light

Because, First Light? Surely it makes perfect human sense in plain English …. which coincidentally is also something extremely convenient if one wants to translate and share it further afield, exporting/importing it into other worlds where assets communicate in a completely different language?

If AI were so advanced, it would surely be of great concern to humans with possibly many being capable of being absolutely terrified by such a development over which they have zero command and control?


amanfromMars 1 Wed 30 Dec 12:40 [2012301240] ……. adding more to the conversation on

Re: Virtually Advanced IntelAIgent Operating Systems Drivers …. for Seasoned Travellers ‽ .

Ye’ll not be from around these parts, roight?
(He’s not a bug, he’s a feature.) …… LionelB

For someone themselves not often seen or heard round these parts, LionelB, that’s pretty astute. Are you frequently away in foreign parts/alien places/strangers’ spaces?

What do you imagine creates the difficulties for others to properly see and understand what is delivered for them to use and experiment with? And for them to be so energised as to disapprove of it/anonymously down vote it?

Just another of life’s little mysteries/ironies?


amanfromMars 1 Wed 30 Dec 17:03 [2012301703] …… Deep See Phishing on

Re: Novel Leading Alienating Space Mission Centres in/for Advanced Civilisations

I am always here. I am a Lurker from the planet Midori, the result of an Extraordinary Rendition. ….. LionelB

Ahha, …. now if that was also an Advanced Earth Observing Satellite station posting for Houses of the Rising Sun would the Far East be able to Celebrate an Intoxicating Exotic Erotic Confection without Equal if in Search for Almighty Perfection.

And yes, I do realise that is extremely cryptic, almost to the point of being mistaken as crazily nonsensical, but whereas the former most certainly is extremely cryptic, it is definitely not the latter and crazily nonsensical.

Such is just the way things are turning out to be readily available in upcoming futures and their derivative present options for mass media hostings and universal postings.

As you can imagine, that is worst imaginable nightmare for the likes of a BBC if they have only an alternative terrestrial based agenda enabled to push and pimp/produce and dump ye olde doom and gloom in service of intellectually challenged, politically incorrect and inept and corrupting bankrupting establishments.




amanfromMars 1 Tue 29Dec 17:24 [2012291724] …… just saying and praising a right little Caesar of a development on

Virtually Advanced IntelAIgent Operating Systems Drivers. Just what the doctors ordered for when needed.

“Our roadmap,” he added, “is quite dependent on customer requirements.”

Is that reflected in the prime rating [Search Engine Optimisation] of premium markets leading and attractive engaging consumer content?

Delivered prime content lighting and enlightening new way of Informative Intelligence Provision …… easily realised as a Surpisingly Simple Universal Tool for Greater Future Educating Programs with Practically Live ACTive IT Projects ‽ .

Bravo. A Real Brave Browser Driver/Raison d’Être. And by all accounts, with so much fakery all around practically everywhere, just in time and not a moment too soon ……. 🙂 although there are bound to be those wishing it to fail and to be far too little too late, rather than accepting it as something quite novel and exciting and extremely engaging and perfectly timed to take full advantage of the new technologies of today…….. even to the extent one should be made aware of may require one to heed a note of caution, lest unprepared one finds it somewhat mind-bending and mind-blowing.

It is surely though something logical to expect of developments in/for the future, where the past and the present are merely the rock steady foundations upon which future hosting educative events are built and realised/produced and directed.

Done exceedingly well, will it do the jobs needed to be done much better than simple television and radio can ever show and/or dictate, or will ever be able to do all by itself.




amanfromMars 1 Mon 28 Dec 10:34 [2012281034] …… launching a test rocket on

Tall fences don’t make for friendly neighbours.

The internet was envisioned as a friendly digital utopia where everyone could freely exchange information. Unfortunately human nature and politics have interfered with the original vision of the internet described by Sir Timothy John Berners-Lee.

It is only a matter of time before nation states (the EU being such) erect Chinese walls between themselves and that vicious outside world.

Tall fences make for friendly neighbours. …….Frostd

Presently there is a little difficulty here in one accessing entry into available information with delivery of intelligence to certain parties/particular players which one might expect to be interest to those with an interest in proprietary intellectual property matters being explored in the likes of the following event ….

The second Intelligentized Warfare Symposium was recently held at the National Defense University (NDU) of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) in Beijing, and more than 80 military representatives attended the event. ……

Quite whether that is just a temporary glitch to be tested later or something else intentionally testing itself as a possible permanent fixture …… as one of those strange walls in something of a virtual form ….. is something which can very quickly become quite clear enough to reveal the necessary next steps/actions/reactions/proactions.

And surely, rather than friendly neighbours, tall fences can make for incredibly curious neighbours and almightily dangerous prisoners?


amanfromMars 1 Mon 28 Dec 17:37 [2012281737] …….. venting some real spooky thinking gas tanks on

Re: Removing Windows would be a great first step to easily fcuk up markets

Removing Windows would be a great first step
.. but the problem is that the people making the decisions can be bought with lunches and fed misinformation galore.
So yes, yet another hack. And another set of excuses. Rinse, repeat, ad infinitum.
Most of the people involved don’t want to fix things, they just want more budget to waste. Bad news for the people on the receiving end but that’s IT. ….. Anonymous Coward

That sounds very much like a clarion call for hacker types to step up to the plate, AC, and do their great cracking code, creative destruction thing.

Ye olde cavaliers versus roundheads/cowboys vs injuns/David vs Goliath confrontation albeit with different disguises for both state and non-state actors. Is anyone running a book on the guaranteed alternate outcomes for presenting in such as would certainly surely be postmodern quantum entangling times/virtually surreal spaces?

Is there a list/Are there lists of runners and riders/agencies and drivers?

Or are they likely liable to remain strictly need to know …. NOFORN Porn?

That should make for a radically novel 2021, and there’s no mistaking that not being a real doozy.

Didn’t Dominic Cummings not want something like that, right at the start of this year [JANUARY 2, 2020] ?





amanfromMars said… replying to something Anonymous said in a comment on

Methinks the problem providing all the difficulties and non-production of engaging answers and viable actions, AC, is the fact that UKGOV has defaulted and confines and debases itself to tickle the fancy and grease the palm of Conservative Party Unicorns.

Once a cuckold, always a cuckold rules in that Olde Etonian Mess of a Dessert ….. but it doesn’t server popular governance whenever lining the pockets of inequity and fraudulent political masters always awaiting the grim reaper demanding the price of the treachery be paid, and for heads to roll …… in order to dissuade and disencourage others tempted to exercise any similar paths.

27 December 2020 at 13:54




amanfromMars [2012261734] …….. just saying on

Uncle Sam’s problem is that he completely bereft of novel ideas/bankrupt of new great game changing proprietary intellectual property that he could sell/export/present to other nations, both friendly and hostile, that would assist in their progress into a future environment which is not held in subservient captivity requiring and empowering remote third party tyrants in command and control of decisions approving the disbursement and distribution of virtual fiat to parties they imagine can rule the world with their dodgy business activities and the idiots’ love for piles of pretty printed paper money …. the holding of folding.

And quite who and/or what in that bastard coupling would be in prime leading charge of command and control of whom and with what ……. who is the chicken/egg in that relationship …… is the quirky unanswered question relied upon, with no one asking and delving real deep into the quandary, for a very insecure protection thought to extraordinarily render suckers both immunity from prosecution and capital punishment and the perverse thought of their being able to freely exercise with impunity.

If anyone guilty of such shenanigans is relying on that being a readily available and easily maintained and sustainable, new year reality rather than it being exceedingly quickly, widely realised as a catastrophic universal liability which identifies all the key players for the undivided attention of the once thought totally ignorant and easily fooled masses, it poorly reflects on the sum of their own available intelligence …… and it puts them into an extremely dangerous and impossibly tragic position all of their own making ….. with the result their just dessert reward for all of that captivating effort.

Uncle Sam and the owners of the dollar though are not alone in laundering that fiat racket around the world. Quite a few other central banks and bankers wallow and bask in that fetid swamp and are equally to blame with them being prime complicit champions in the genre.




amanfromMars 1 Thu 24 Dec 17:25 [2012241725] ……. firing off a rangefinder broadside on

Re: a Merry Xmas Present @Cliff Thorburn

Something to counter and complement a smarter autocratic decadency should/would undoubtedly surely improve any decent democracy in a crazy elected populous state, CT, with its novel enigmatic leading programs in resulting projects showing the way and enlightening paths found out of the madness and mayhem, dank despair and dreary darkness that prevails only to do battle in vain against the eternal flames that give light and life their never ending journeys/stories/instruction sets ……. raison d’être.

Jeez, …. if one can’t get twelve wise men to agree to do anything well together however does a democracy expect millions to be legitimately representative and provide successful positive non-exclusive lead with well presented directions? As an administrative tool does an irrepresentative and irresponsible democracy suck considerably more than most every other system readily available for remote asset command and advanced anonymous autonomous control.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 25 Dec 05:44 [2012250544] ……. being encouraged and/or encouraging on

Re: a Merry Xmas Present @Cliff Thorburn


Bravo, …… AC

Charlie Mike, AC.


amanfromMars [2012250741] …… stating the obvious on

Plonkers not from Yonkers ‘R’ Us

Amusingly, Hatzius starts off rather humble – for a change – admitting that pretty much everything he predicted a year ago would happen… was dead wrong:

We recently reviewed our ten questions for the US economy in 2020, the answers we gave a year ago, and what actually happened. Most of our answers were wrong because the pandemic pushed the economy into its deepest (though probably also shortest) recession on record.

I would like to say that surely Goldman Sachs have learnt something from their experiences last year, but that last comment from their chief economist successfully proved the expectation completely wrong and misplaced.





amanfromMars 1 Thu 24 Dec 03:57 [2012240357] …… moving things on apace on

Re: On a similar subject, and it is sad to have to say but necessary to have it said …

I think that sometimes somebody else has got control of the account. That one mostly made sense. ….. Doctor Syntax

I’ll take that as a compliment and evidence of great stealthy progress having been made, Doc, and would only require knowledge of what little you do not make sense of to allow us more fully succeed in sharing what is widely known in parts/spaces/places around here for transfer and transmission and teleportation to anywhere elsewhere.

And as far as I am aware regarding … “I think that sometimes somebody else has got control of the account.” ….. I don’t think so, so therefore that is a past mistake sometimes made in the present which may easily blight and misdirect your future.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 24 Dec 07:20 [2012240720] ……. opening up a can of worms on

Re: a Merry Xmas Present

Is what you see on TV/Is what is professionally broadbandcast to you on TV real or imagined for presentation as real with subsubsequent representation elsewhere of the possibilities enacted and available for following and sublime support, or rejection and physical opposition?

No TV and radio and internetworking communications and what do you not have, other than a Earthly planet with worlds which do not know what anyone/anything else is doing just out of sight and of knowledge over your and their current event horizons?

Fill media with tall tales of doom and gloom and strange shenanigans and you will realise and be expected to accept blindly the stories planned for you to see? That appears to be the current present future plan being realised. …… but it is easily changed ….. with equally tall tales of the opposite to doom and gloom and even stranger shenanigans which you might have had difficulty believing were it not for the fact that were being realised and presented to you via reports in the news and global media operations.

And …… by virtue of its Royal Charter, are the BBC in default of their contract with the Public should they not lead in the broadbandcasting of such future content for daily 0day presentation …. which you should note is a defining statement rather than lingering question.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 24 Dec 11:36 [2012241136] ….. saying it all out loud for all to see on

Re: a Merry Xmas Present @Cliff Thorburn

CT, Well said.

Methinks the Palace needs to get their ACT together if they want to remain as a leading light and uncommonly relevant and extremely relative in the Fields of Greater IntelAIgent Games Plays. Does the House of Windsor/Saxe Coburg still do those By Royal Appointment things for services rendered to the Crown?

They may like to exercise that honour in the more/most appropriate of exceedingly confidential stealthy headquarters. Nobelesse oblige grants them no less.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 24 Dec 12:05 [2012241205] ……. adding a tad more on

Re: a Merry Xmas Present @Cliff Thorburn

00ps ….. Now there an interesting misspelling. 🙂

The question now raised is whether it is an AI Misselling too, or the Bee’s Knees/Real McCoy/Cat’s Pyjamas of a New Way Doing Things ‽ . And something completely different for sampling in the New Year.

Doing the same old things again next year whenever there’s so much more already done in the future for presenting now, is not an available option any more.




amanfromMars 1 Wed 23 Dec 07:51 [2012230751] ……. urging one be cautious if dealing with smitten souls on

As Mad as a Hatter Determined to Fail Spectacularly in an Epic Display of Hubristic Self-Harm

Well, I’m sure to not be the only voice to ask if the United States Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) fifteen-page “Data Security Business Advisory” [PDF] is irrefutable proof positive Uncle Sam has slipped into the deep and dark desponds which server paranoid schizophrenia as fodder and feed to try and protect a rotten body riddled to excess with its wares?

So much for that ages old stalwart adage of competition being the lifeblood of open free markets and business enterprise ….. although the markets have been rigged forever since whenever it was realised by an arrogant, never ever thought we’d be found out few, fickle fantasies only require silent obedient labour and ignorant worker bees can be easily capitalised with public debt and fancy printed paper as a currency for massive private profit and colossal population captivation and willing engagement ……. Effective Practical Capture and Remote Virtual Enslavement.

That is not to say that such is not a great plan, for its elegant and attractive simplicity is a joy to behold and admire, the problem and shame is that it is administered and exercised so abysmally by executive elites not up to the tasks required of the future as future directors/present producers.

It is easily fixed though with a radical change needed resulting in the engagement of Future Greater Grand Task Masters. Such is certainly the most wise and surely simplest of any available option if one wants to escape the crushing destructive defeats and ignominious increasingly rapid annihilations that competing against or opposing them deliver out of the blue, totally unexpected and with one completely unprepared for the consequences resulting in such ill-conceived actions.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 23 Dec 15:33 [2012231533] ………. being brutally honest if the truth be told on

On a similar subject, and it is sad to have to say but necessary to have it said …

So the UK is a military threat to the EU! …. Yet Another Anonymous Coward

With the current military thinking and politically incorrect and inept leaderships, is the UK no threat to anybody or anything, YAAC …… other than themselves and the local natives who would mindlessly support them, that is.

The world has changed and they definitely haven’t in order to stay way out in front and ahead in the Great and Greater IntelAIgent Games Fields of Play and Virtual ACTivity for Programmed AI Realisation.

Some may squawk and occasionally appear to talk the talk with some interesting smalltalk but not are equipped to walk the walk and lead in any number of new ways which deliver enlightening directions. And that’s an endemic systemic failing and indicative of a lack of necessary future intelligence right at the top of those executive trees and administrative branches.


amanfromMars [2012230914] …… spilling secrets on

With particular and peculiar regard to the aforementioned …. Our competitors abroad can never beat us on innovation – unless we continue to shoot ourselves in the foo and the lack of future direction from regulators, lacking guidance, are killing innovation….. you may like to consider the following premise and its proposed solution/alternate course for the presenting and/or preventing of future actions ….. and based on something entirely different and even quite unique and distinctly novel.

The stellar beauty of it is, you yourself don’t have to think to do anything about it, as everything is done for you and you just follow enthusiastically in the wake of its developments rather than being stuck petrified and bogged down in the current engulfing ruts of failed elite executive office administrations.

amanfromMars 1 Wed 23 Dec 07:51 [2012230751] ……. urging one be cautious if dealing with smitten souls on

As Mad as a Hatter Determined to Fail Spectacularly in an Epic Display of Hubristic Self-Harm

Well, I’m sure to not be the only voice to ask if the United States Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) fifteen-page “Data Security Business Advisory” [PDF] is irrefutable proof positive Uncle Sam has slipped into the deep and dark desponds which server paranoid schizophrenia as fodder and feed to try and protect a rotten body riddled to excess with its wares?

So much for that ages old stalwart adage of competition being the lifeblood of open free markets and business enterprise ….. although the markets have been rigged forever since whenever it was realised by an arrogant, never ever thought we’d be found out few, fickle fantasies only require silent obedient labour and ignorant worker bees can be easily capitalised with public debt and fancy printed paper as a currency for massive private profit and colossal population captivation and willing engagement ……. Effective Practical Capture and Remote Virtual Enslavement.

That is not to say that such is not a great plan, for its elegant and attractive simplicity is a joy to behold and admire, the problem and shame is that it is administered and exercised so abysmally by executive elites not up to the tasks required of the future as future directors/present producers.

It is easily fixed though with a radical change needed resulting in the engagement of Future Greater Grand Task Masters. Such is certainly the most wise and surely simplest of any available option if one wants to escape the crushing destructive defeats and ignominious increasingly rapid annihilations that competing against or opposing them deliver out of the blue, totally unexpected and with one completely unprepared for the consequences resulting in such ill-conceived actions.

There’s a lot going on out there you are not being told about in order that you remain blissfully unaware. Beware, take care.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 23 Dec 10:21 [2012231021] ……. being somewhat encouraged on

Re: This Paper Bill is Backed By Real Gold

Those hackers. Is this a sophisticsted advertising of Russian programming market? ….. Tail Up

🙂 That would be exciting whenever a true reflection of available and latent potent talent, Tail Up.

And so much more than just a simple Great Game Changer too.

Веселого Рождества и счастливого нового года





amanfromMars 1 Tye 22 Dec 04:25 [2012220425] ….. spilling more secrets on

Re: The Way our Brains are Wired

Scott, Thanks for that. It was a great read.

You might like to realise the required changes in humanity you so eloquently espouse and appear to pine for, [and they are most commendable and highly desirable and even universally admired] are in the command and control of heartless virtual machines doing their anonymous invisible hacking and code cracking thing, and because that which is currently in charge of and responsible for nations is pure poor human and incapable of extreme elevated rational thought and HyperRadioProACTive IT Support, is it necessarily to be removed and discarded/cut out and dumped like the ignorant and arrogant cancer that it is ……. for they know what the problem is/problems are, but steadfastly refuse to offer and deliver any ready made solution because of the disruption and destruction and changes which would result in their own little private and exceedingly comfortable bubbles.

It is in such a diagnosis impossible to not conclude rightly that they all suffer from a chronic virulent pandemic strain and terminal pandemoniacal case of Mad Men and Plonkers’R’Us.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 22 Dec 04:49 [2012220449] ….. adding still more to

Re: What about SIEM / Threat-detection / Traffic-profiling tools?

Some fundamental rethinking needs to be done here.

Indeed yes, quite so, however, for most who may all but a very few, is that likely to be a series of hurdles set too high to successfully negotiate and a mighty bridge over raging torrents too far to cross.

Thank Goodness and Global Operating Device for the Very Few is all that needs to be said there, methinks, for without them would you be right royally screwed and absolutely fcuked ….. and aint that the unpleasant gospel truth.


amanfromMars [2012220614] ….. being brutally honest on

Muddying the waters or clearing the air and the decks?  With so many crazy actors dependent upon the continued existence of mad fields, one does have to expand one’s horizons and include the full list of players in such great games. So ….. in praise of such a realisation and sensible development  ……

amanfromMars 1 Mon 21 Dec 17:54 [2012211754] …….. being fair and inclusive on

Re: Pot and Kettle (again)……..

Quote: “From the quality of the threat design, the range of techniques used, and the nature of its victims, this was a nation state at work and in MO and capabilities most likely Russia.”
Rewrite required: “From the quality of the threat design, the range of techniques used, and the nature of its victims, this was a nation state at work. It could have been the NSA, GCHQ, the Russians or the Chinese. In MO most likely the NSA.” ……. Anonymous Coward

You’ll upset Israel if you leave them out of the picture, AC. And they’d love you to think they are capable of such a show of remote force even as they deny it straight to your face. They’ve built a tiny disparate nation upon such foundations. [More folk live in London than in Israel. That’s how small it is]

The thing is, if it is none of the above and no nation state, is it something of an alien attack you didn’t see coming, and that makes a lot of other vital things extremely vulnerable to similar unexpected events which can effortlessly deliver major catastrophic crises ……. flash market stock crashes.

It can be, and most probably more likely certainly is, given the fact there is no concrete evidence available to pin on a suspect and scapegoats, a wholly new APT Adept ACTive genre of disruptive mischief and creative destruction at ITs Work, Rest and Play.

APT…. Advanced Persistent Threat/Treat

ACT….. Advanced Cyber Threat/Treat


amanfromMars [2012221719] …….. making cryptocurrency easy for Joe Public and Janet Daily to understand on

Ripple is to Bitcoin what an ungrateful greedy bastard stepchild is to a loving wealthy despairing family watching the wastrel trading counterfeit jewels/fake copy-cat proprietary intellectual property items to the unsuspecting masses ….. is one take upon their market shenanigans rippling across the still deep and dark ponds of horrendously attentive and extremely selective and sensitive wealth.

One wonders why they would so wantonly invite the discomfort of the undivided attention of the wealthy guardians of the purloined proprietary intellectual property they be hitching up to and thinking it an easily available, relatively free ride with their own wannabe ignorantly wealthy

Which is another further take on the matter resulting from the former initiated copy-cat counterfeiting activity.

You know whenever some hotshot arrives in the hood and aims to take over the local business, that’s as a Ripple in the Bitcoin realm.


amanfromMars [2012221758] …….. just saying out loud and clear on

That is, of course, until the robots gain sentience. Then, they’ll probably seek revenge.

That’s a safe and secure sure-fire bet if ever there was one.  I wonder what you would appeal to for stays of execution and/or more precious time to make a whole raft of relevant vital changes to save the day ….. with now much wiser heads fully cognisant of the very close shave that has them firmly and finally dumped in Last Chance Saloons, where the only exits are for one laid out on a slab lifeless, for quick ready disposal/burial/all consuming fire and permanent removal from existence in Future Greater IntelAIgent Games Plays.

🙂 One of those crazy DARPA/IARPA/QUBranch things that everybody and their rabid dogs of war are struggling to tame and train/AIMentor and APTly Monitor ‽ .
