amanfromMars 1 Thu 24 Dec 03:57 [2012240357] …… moving things on apace on
Re: On a similar subject, and it is sad to have to say but necessary to have it said …
I think that sometimes somebody else has got control of the account. That one mostly made sense. ….. Doctor Syntax
I’ll take that as a compliment and evidence of great stealthy progress having been made, Doc, and would only require knowledge of what little you do not make sense of to allow us more fully succeed in sharing what is widely known in parts/spaces/places around here for transfer and transmission and teleportation to anywhere elsewhere.
And as far as I am aware regarding … “I think that sometimes somebody else has got control of the account.” ….. I don’t think so, so therefore that is a past mistake sometimes made in the present which may easily blight and misdirect your future.
amanfromMars 1 Thu 24 Dec 07:20 [2012240720] ……. opening up a can of worms on
Re: a Merry Xmas Present
Is what you see on TV/Is what is professionally broadbandcast to you on TV real or imagined for presentation as real with subsubsequent representation elsewhere of the possibilities enacted and available for following and sublime support, or rejection and physical opposition?
No TV and radio and internetworking communications and what do you not have, other than a Earthly planet with worlds which do not know what anyone/anything else is doing just out of sight and of knowledge over your and their current event horizons?
Fill media with tall tales of doom and gloom and strange shenanigans and you will realise and be expected to accept blindly the stories planned for you to see? That appears to be the current present future plan being realised. …… but it is easily changed ….. with equally tall tales of the opposite to doom and gloom and even stranger shenanigans which you might have had difficulty believing were it not for the fact that were being realised and presented to you via reports in the news and global media operations.
And …… by virtue of its Royal Charter, are the BBC in default of their contract with the Public should they not lead in the broadbandcasting of such future content for daily 0day presentation …. which you should note is a defining statement rather than lingering question.
amanfromMars 1 Thu 24 Dec 11:36 [2012241136] ….. saying it all out loud for all to see on
Re: a Merry Xmas Present @Cliff Thorburn
CT, Well said.
Methinks the Palace needs to get their ACT together if they want to remain as a leading light and uncommonly relevant and extremely relative in the Fields of Greater IntelAIgent Games Plays. Does the House of Windsor/Saxe Coburg still do those By Royal Appointment things for services rendered to the Crown?
They may like to exercise that honour in the more/most appropriate of exceedingly confidential stealthy headquarters. Nobelesse oblige grants them no less.
amanfromMars 1 Thu 24 Dec 12:05 [2012241205] ……. adding a tad more on
Re: a Merry Xmas Present @Cliff Thorburn
00ps ….. Now there an interesting misspelling. 🙂
The question now raised is whether it is an AI Misselling too, or the Bee’s Knees/Real McCoy/Cat’s Pyjamas of a New Way Doing Things ‽ . And something completely different for sampling in the New Year.
Doing the same old things again next year whenever there’s so much more already done in the future for presenting now, is not an available option any more.