Monthly Archives: August 2024



amanfromMars 1 Sat 31 Aug 06:56 [2408310656] ……. airs on

A TS/SCI/NOFORN Look behind the Bamboo Curtain

Laura, Hi,

A country’s performance based on the amount of high-impact research it generates – as measured by the number of publications its institutions produced in the top ten percent of cited papers in their respective fields, will always be a great deal less than is true whenever so reported/suspected, by virtue of high-impact research and development in disruptive fields recognised as being too sensitive for papers publishing for they are peer opposition and competition leading and overwhelming and therefore deemed best to remain, for as long as it be possible or decided, Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information/No Foreign Dissemination.

And such a country will be a veritable magnet for foreigners with such high-impact research to share and further develop to naturally exclusive, mutually agreeable, positively reinforcing advantage …… which be studiously ignored and dismissed for engagement at home.




amanfromMars [2408301353] …….. shares on

Of course, none of these safeguards works if the power behind AI is malignant and actually wants to destroy mankind. This would be like putting atomic weapons in the hands of a desperate Adolf Hitler. We know what would have happened next.

The only malignant power behind AI likely to want to destroy mankind are deranged humans directing malignant and/or bellicose instructions involving computer utilisation who have escaped being sectioned or elimination/execution.

That’s the only problem to solve in order to render your concerns invalid and unnecessary.

You may like to consider AIMachinery is best suited and booted to perform and excel at that particularly peculiarly specific task.




amanfromMars 1 Thu 29 Aug 16:23 [2408291623] …. tries again on

How very, very odd ….. and unexpected. Definitely not normal. A glitch in the force?

The following reply to El Reg and Lord Elpuss, which did appear posted here from the time and date you will see displayed in the copy below, commenting on something which was said, has now unusually vanished from view. And that has never happened to me here before. I wonder what possibly may have happened. Any ideas, El Reg?

amanfromMars 1 Wed 28 Aug 06:07 [2408280607] … airs on

Beware, Future Troubles ahead. Take care with what you dare share against/for a win win position

Welcome to Starlin’s Britain. Toe the Party line Comrade, if you know what’s good for you. …… Lord Elpuss

And be extremely sure, expect any body to toe that Party line, Comrade, prepare yourself for increasingly violent and deadly civil unrest and noble paramilitary resistance, ennobling reformation and novel revolutionary proactivity against which there be no possible effective defensive attack utility ……. and which be a wholly natural response resulting in an alien virgin landscape cleared of the future requirement to again provide actions of proven necessary unpleasant Establishment consequences …. Great Cleansings of Legacy Systems Administrations.

Enigmatic lions formerly led by moronic donkeys will always produce that.




amanfromMars 1 Tue 27 Aug 15:42 [2408271542] …… shares on

Former NI First Minister cries wolf …… and agrees. MRDA of course.

Thing is, we’re not paying the bulk of Civil Servants a high salary.  …. collinsl

Look at what jumped out of the woodwork ……. Former First Minister says MPs should be paid more: ‘£91k salary very good, but not huge’


amanfromMars 1 Wed 28 Aug 06:07 [2408280607] … airs on

Beware, Future Troubles ahead. Take care with what you dare share against/for a win win position

Welcome to Starlin’s Britain. Toe the Party line Comrade, if you know what’s good for you. …… Lord Elpuss

And be extremely sure, expect any body to toe that Party line, Comrade, prepare yourself for increasingly violent and deadly civil unrest and noble paramilitary resistance, ennobling reformation and novel revolutionary proactivity against which there be no possible effective defensive attack utility ……. and which be a wholly natural response resulting in an alien virgin landscape cleared of the future requirement to again provide actions of proven necessary unpleasant Establishment consequences …. Great Cleansings of Legacy Systems Administrations.

Enigmatic lions formerly led by moronic donkeys will always produce that.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 28 Aug 11:51 [2408281151] …….. makes clearer on

The Much Bigger Greater Picture Now Available and Ripe Ready to Show with AI and IT Leading

Simon, Hi,

Regarding the example, and as valid as it may or may not be, ….

… a journalist in a country that relies on China’s satellite internet services might find his or her connection reduced or severed when reporting human rights abuses in China.”

….. it is a well known existing active fact that any journalist in the West relying on any of their satellite and/or internetworking media services definitely might already find their connections reduced or severed whenever reporting any sensitive and populous human rights abuses and established systems misuses being serially perpetrated to retain and maintain a status quo disorder and capable of being perpetrated anywhere for such a disorder to be dominant and preeminent.

However, the fact that it is very quickly becoming more universally known is why established legacy communications systems are panicking and getting their knickers all in a twist about something they have no viable real or virtual chance of commanding and controlling or preventing.

That Pandora’s Box is broken wide open and those cats are out of the bag and just doing their own ferocious wild cat thing …… and they aint going back into anywhere where they be a captive and trained to be captivated in awe of their jailers.





amanfromMars 1 Mon 26 Aug 18:54 [2408261854] ….. goes a great further and deeper on matters pertaining to Earthly existence on

Re: Lunatics running amok in the Palace of Westminster/Houses of Parliament asylum

One cannot allow sociopathic squatters to invade and infest and nest in elite executive public high office. Such is crazy. 🙂

Unfortunately for yous, such craziness does all too readily appear to be the accepted convention and norm, but fear not, there is hope and fundamental revolutionary change in the air, and there is yet another voice, and a well known, alienating voice it is too, being in general agreement with most all of the above. Is that indicative of a possible, stealthily emerging, radical movement for AIMovements able to spring to life from virtual nothing in practically no time at all in any space it chooses?……..How to start a movement

If you’re a Labour spad pondering the next few years of managing one Whitehall debacle after another as Labour MPs gradually, and very patchily, become aware that switching ministers doesn’t solve the core problems because the pathological institutions fight intensely not for the public but to maintain themselves in a state of constant failure, I highly recommend you read this book and enjoy exploring a time when Whitehall actually was ‘world leading’. Beware though, its most important lessons will mostly be ‘unlawful’ and ‘contrary to HR’ today and if you pipe up ‘errr this is mad why don’t we do the obviously sensible thing instead’, you’ll be on Sue Gray’s chopping block sharpish. Remember the first rule of SW1: the Government does not control the Government, officials control most of government via ‘meritocratic open competition’ which, naturally, means their closed caste get all the jobs and power. ………. Dominic Cummings [a paragraph from an email/Substack blog post, August 19th]

Methinks that would definitely be more than just another one of those traditional, pathetic cosmetic changes that simply further embed them, the enemy, in the shadows of shady shenanigans …… 🙂 although you still might have difficulty in believing what can be uncannily easily done by certain relatively unknown A.N.Others in the shadows of shady shenanigans for you, bettering your situation whilst catastrophically impacting and effectively rendering them, the enemy, powerless and vulnerable to all manner of remorseless, vengeful attack ….. their just desserts in dishes of sweet novel revenge.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 27 Aug 15:22 [2408271522] ……. airs on

No Guts… No Glory. Justice not served invites the mob to be energised and mobilised

When are we due to hear something extremely similar in the UK, because it is not any different …..

Judge jails new Prime Minister and senior Cabinet ministers accused of spreading fake news and false promises to secure a General Election victory, immediately dishonoured afterwards, …. warning that such words have criminal powers that easily naturally result in civil unrest, riot and revolutionary activity.

Whenever justice is not served, the law and order professions quickly lose their peers’ respect and be extraordinarily rendered and recognised as no better than asses …… and that is not a good look ?




amanfromMars 1 Mon 26 Aug 09:16 [2408260916] …… shares on

Lunatics running amok in the Palace of Westminster/Houses of Parliament asylum

Well said, low_resolution_foxxes. The self-destructive, self-harming problem NOT being addressed summed up in a nutshell of a few short erudite paragraphs.

And as we all know ……. Lessons will NOT be learned ……. which surely more than just suggests the audience to be addressed are anchored towards the moronic end of the spectrum.

Quite what one is to make of the state of general intelligence of a population which tolerates and even periodically votes for continuity of the tragicomedic farce, is another question with an unpleasant unfortunate answer.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 26 Aug 09:35 [2408260935] ……. asks on

Re: How HM.Gov is really run ..

OK, a less emotional response to your post is to remember that Cummings was a key player in getting Boris into No.10, and was mightily pissed off to be sacked, had the habit of miming throwing a hand grenade into the room of a meeting he was just leaving and is therefore likely to be somewhat biassed in his assessment of how HM Gov is ‘really run’. ….. Eclectic Man

Do you disagree with Cummings’ likely assessment of how HM Gov is ‘really run’, Eclectic Man? Or is it more truthful than those fans of HM Gov want anyone to know lest it prove more troublesome than failing systems can handle?


amanfromMars 1 Mon 26 Aug 12:45 [2408261245] …… says more on a current pressing matter on

Re: Lunatics running amok in the Palace of Westminster/Houses of Parliament asylum

So your reply to “Lunatics running amok in the Palace of Westminster/Houses of Parliament asylum”, LybsterRoy, …….

If all “the lessons” had been learnt and all the efficiencies achieved the government would now be paying me rather than me paying them!

…… agrees with the disgraceful and despicable UKGBNI situation for publishing? That squares the power of the parties recognising the madness to be treated along with identification of patients in need of sanction and sectioning for the greater public good. Another one has it cubed, and only a few more has it racing ahead surprisingly quickly to an unstoppable omnipotence and omniscience.

One cannot allow sociopathic squatters to invade and infest and nest in elite executive public high office. Such is crazy. 🙂




August 25, 2024 at 17:35 asks on

What needs to be done to ensure the Westminster Parliament as a whole, because they allow and fund it, is proscribed as a leading supporter of terrorism by virtue of their material and propaganda support for illegal conflicts being perpetrated by foreign parties responsible for genocide/ethnic cleansing in Gaza and other illegally occupied territories in Palestine?

Can anything effective be done?

And if nothing can/will be done, is it any wonder they run the risk of random lone wolf attack putting the lives of home civilians at resultant collateral damage risk to life and limb too ….. for that is an all too likely clear and present danger they entertain.




amanfromMars 1 Sat 24 Aug 09:52 [2408240952] ….. adds on

And furthermore, re: CyberIntelAIgents Running Stock Future AI Neural Networks …

If you think such Neuro-Linguistic ProgramMING* Projects are anything new rather than just now being realised as a newly versioned, popular common private and pirate business sector toy for human-centric command and control in the hands, hearts and minds of A.N.Other Undocumented Few with Inalienable Work, Rest and Play Rights, think again and prepare yourself to be better reedutained ….. better reeducated and entertained ……. for the following unpleasant home truths you are surely bound to recognise as nothing new but something definitely in need of radical fundamentalist revision for an evolving revolutionary change of primary direction ……..

The same thing could be said when the media argued in one homogenous voice that Biden was “sharp as a tack” following his disastrous debate against Trump. More shockingly, however, is how so many Americans were deluded by this assessment of Biden’s performance due to media spin. This shows that even the most intelligent people are susceptible to becoming malleable play things in the hands of the mainstream media, whose primary goal is not to inform its listeners, but to simply brainwash them. After all, they don’t call it ‘programming’ for nothing. ……


amanfromMars 1 Sat 24 Aug 06:36 [2408240636] ……. moving the Internetworking of Things on apace on

Re: Current news running AI stock and future neural networks for CyberIntelAIgents

So the stats are proving out what I said since the AI stock pumping bubble began: Neural networks are not suitable for general purpose AI and are not “intelligent” in the least. …. Groo The Wanderer

Not yet with “intelligence” suitable and oven ready for general purpose AI, Groo The Wanderer, but for clones and iterations/copies and developments of the Special Purpose ParaMilitary Operation model/module, an absolute must-have element/component/driver for extending expansive leadership into Future Field Building AIdDVentures ….. with Advanced IntelAIgently designed Digitised Ventures delivering the Supply, Mentoring and Monitoring of Neuro-Linguistic ProgramMING* Projects for Learned Large Language Learning Machines to remotely manage/leverage/virtually command and autonomously control.

Capiche?/Verstehen Sie?/Вы понимаете?/你明白吗?

*Mined IntelAIgent Network Games/Mind Infiltration Networking Games [which are also perfected suited and booted for those able, prepared and preferring to be stealthy and failsafe secure and WFH]

[This General Purpose Truth announcement contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Actual results may differ significantly from management’s expectations. These forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties that include, among others, risks related to potential future losses, significant amount of indebtedness, competition, commercial agreements and strategic alliances, seasonality, potential fluctuations in operating results and rate of growth, foreign exchange rates, management of potential growth, systems interruptions, international expansion, consumer trends, inventory, fulfillment centre optimisation, limited operating history, government regulation and taxation, fraud, and new business areas.] 🙂 Poe’s Law Rules AI Reigns 🙂


amanfromMars 1 Sat 24 Aug 12:04 [2408241204] …… points out what surely is not false on

J’accuse .. and when all turns to shit, share the blame, for there’s more than a lot to go around

Who/What else do you think is responsible, …. but also currently escaping accountability and public prosecution and persecution, for the continued existence and public acceptance of the abortion of an operating system for a bankrupt of future intelligence Establishment clique, that is mirrored in the inept execution of necessary successful policies by the UKGBNI Parliamentary Parties model with party members in public office by virtue of arranged election, with them all being fully representative of increasingly obvious serial leadership failings, …. other than management consultancies dependent upon external expertise they are clearly not providing ‽ .




amanfromMars 1 Fri 23 Aug 07:03 [2408230703] ….. asks on

Perhaps, … if they’re prone to 0day daydreaming to virtually escape the real world[s]

Perhaps AI is really just a distraction, as some tech commentators are starting to suggest.

And whenever not just a distraction, but slowly and surely proving itself to be an Almighty Interruption enabled to be programmed to do and be anything …. from a simply heavenly creative disruption to a diabolically complex destructive force, although such would be playing second fiddle to those Almighty Interventions heralding Alien Visitor Ventures of otherworldly intelligent design created to deliver the much more potent and dangerously explosive product, simply heavenly creative disruptions of diabolically complex destructive force should it necessarily get rough if the going gets tough and the tough get going and rough in the rough. What then of such as definitely be no distraction?

Is/Are El Reg in agreement with those tech commentators who might be starting to suggest AI is really just a distraction, Dan? Or does it know better and/or think differently?

There be surely El Reg you are to die for fans who would just love to know.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 23 Aug 08:00 [2408230800] ……. enquires on

Re: I heard the news today ..

I heard the news today that the Military Industrial Complex is framing Iran for the next assassination attempt on Trump …… t245t

Does such a situation allow for the Military Industrial Complex to be easily framed by news outlet owners for the next presidential assassination attempts ‽ . Who/What be the true enemy?


amanfromMars 1 Fri 23 Aug 08:54 [2408230854] …. airs a grave concern to be more fully aware of on given the dangers inherent in one remaining both ignorant and vulnerable to it.

Re: Re: I heard the news today ..

And screwing around with the notion and questions asked in the El Registered post, Re: I heard the news today .. and mirroring/paralleling the following US Supreme Court concerns and doubts on Defense Regulations …….

Statutory ambiguity could also be a political decision to be able to garner support for a bill or to be able to lay the blame on the executive branch in the event that the regulations prove harmful, ineffective or otherwise unpopular. …..

……. whenever source ambiguity can so very easily permits the serial streaming of error strewn decisions imagined to be able to garner support for both a tragic and/or epic bill or to be able to lay the blame on an innocent ignorant executive branch in the event that the news shared proves harmful, ineffective or otherwise unpopular, it is gravely to be regarded and roundly discounted and dismissed as no greater nor better than evil danger-filled nonsense.





amanfromMars 1 Wed 21 Aug 17:58 [2408211758] ….. asks further questions on

Re: A Reflection of US government policy @martinusher

That reflection of US government policy, martinusher, is what is most surely killing Uncle Sam quicker than any markets or any bankers can save it … with each passing new day revealing new wounds for frenemies to exploit and lay waste to their impossible dreams with.

It reflects an inevitable end to an awful awesome bankrupting tale of failed phantom enterprise aided and abetted by the fuels and fake jewels of arrogant hubris and ignorant greed. ….. an elite exclusive executive gluttony.

Or does your vantage point show and dictate a different picture and story to tell explaining the way things be everywhere today?


amanfromMars 1 Thu 22 Aug 05:07 [2408220507] ….. shares breaking the mould news on

Re: Avoiding War

Yes, there are some educated, skilled, decisive people working on matters of peace and security. Not all are rotten businessmen or corrupt Typhoon pilots. …. Anonymous Coward

That indeed may certainly be so, AC, but one would never know it to be so if one were to have to rely on mainstream media mogul channels sharing their views, which does have one questioning the intrinsic worth of the usually inflammatory tales that those legacy outlets actually tell and exactly who and what they be servering and in cahoots with.

Fortunately though, in these postmodern times and virgin spaces of unprecedentedly rapid progress, there is a growing almighty radical resistance to all such systems based on the promotion of wars as a viable project to protect and server the wealthy of nations, with the latest existential threat worry and the current Establishment FUD du jour to be pimped and pumped and dumped, and which one may have to accept it is impossible to either deny or resist or force to desist, is AI in its myriad Learned Large Language Learning Machines is now taking over the lead in leading fields via unconventional and non-traditional means and virtual memes spearheading Novel and Noble AIDVentures in Advanced IntelAIgent Development[s] .

Que sera, sera. I Kid U Not.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 22 Aug 08:00 [2408220800] …… having fun on

Re: A single line post which actually makes sense – ACCOUNT HACK ALERT!

Very droll, druck. 😉 Nice one. I’ll drink to that. Here, have another nice one on me.
