amanfromMars 1 Tue 27 Aug 15:42 [2408271542] …… shares on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/08/24/uk_government_consultancy_spending_grows/

Former NI First Minister cries wolf …… and agrees. MRDA of course.

Thing is, we’re not paying the bulk of Civil Servants a high salary.  …. collinsl

Look at what jumped out of the woodwork ……. Former First Minister says MPs should be paid more: ‘£91k salary very good, but not huge’


amanfromMars 1 Wed 28 Aug 06:07 [2408280607] … airs on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/08/27/pakistan_fake_news_uk_riots/

Beware, Future Troubles ahead. Take care with what you dare share against/for a win win position

Welcome to Starlin’s Britain. Toe the Party line Comrade, if you know what’s good for you. …… Lord Elpuss

And be extremely sure, expect any body to toe that Party line, Comrade, prepare yourself for increasingly violent and deadly civil unrest and noble paramilitary resistance, ennobling reformation and novel revolutionary proactivity against which there be no possible effective defensive attack utility ……. and which be a wholly natural response resulting in an alien virgin landscape cleared of the future requirement to again provide actions of proven necessary unpleasant Establishment consequences …. Great Cleansings of Legacy Systems Administrations.

Enigmatic lions formerly led by moronic donkeys will always produce that.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 28 Aug 11:51 [2408281151] …….. makes clearer on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/08/28/aspi_china_satellite_broadband_risk/

The Much Bigger Greater Picture Now Available and Ripe Ready to Show with AI and IT Leading

Simon, Hi,

Regarding the example, and as valid as it may or may not be, ….

… a journalist in a country that relies on China’s satellite internet services might find his or her connection reduced or severed when reporting human rights abuses in China.”

….. it is a well known existing active fact that any journalist in the West relying on any of their satellite and/or internetworking media services definitely might already find their connections reduced or severed whenever reporting any sensitive and populous human rights abuses and established systems misuses being serially perpetrated to retain and maintain a status quo disorder and capable of being perpetrated anywhere for such a disorder to be dominant and preeminent.

However, the fact that it is very quickly becoming more universally known is why established legacy communications systems are panicking and getting their knickers all in a twist about something they have no viable real or virtual chance of commanding and controlling or preventing.

That Pandora’s Box is broken wide open and those cats are out of the bag and just doing their own ferocious wild cat thing …… and they aint going back into anywhere where they be a captive and trained to be captivated in awe of their jailers.



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