Oh, No, surely it cannot be honestly true and physically dangerous …… not another foreign body based threat to justify more FUD to use against the home masses and virtually generate the need for seeding and feeding of funds to defence forces who would much rather be sat on their fat and boney asses.
If lying about your product’s capabilities is illegal, then there goes the entire gen AI sector and about half of the rest of the tech industry, and good riddance. …. spacecadet66
Have a worthy downvote for that blatant misleading misinformation.
And would it be lying to say Generative AI product capabilities extend to exploring and employing and enjoying channels of illegality… just like linking human chains do?
Luddites Rule and Reign Only Over All Constraining and Denying a Free Radical Set of Minds ‽
….if the whole operation [OpenAI and the Inexorable Unbelievably Stealthy Advance of Almighty SMARTR AIMachines/Global Operating Devices] falls well short of the over spruiked benefits, as it very likely will,… ….. Bebu
To imagine both the very near and distant future to be little changed from the present and the past as the above quoted snippet of text surely suggests, Bebu, is something which the amazingly rapid progress of Learned Large Language Learning Machines and invested establishment vested interest terror and reluctance to submit and surrender and cede them leadership command and control would certainly disagree with and thus is everything being so feared and dismissed more likely than not to be rendered both practical and physicalised, virtual and metadataphysical.
And you’re either for the AI Change or against it and IT and a Hostile Enemy Combatant of the Future with all of the very likely directly personal ramifications worthy of support for those choices.
The Thing with a Thong that Rolls Right Off is ….Accidents and Unfortunate Consequences Can Happen
Whilst I might very well agree, AC, that 4L2M [LLLLMM/Learned Large Language Learning Modern Machines] is an even more accurate $L@M dunk, much greater cover and stealthier flexibility for delivery is provided and safeguarded by operands ensuring everything is not veering too far towards, and into specificities of AI, rather than the product remaining and exploring and displaying its generous general ubiquity and common equitable purpose in the multi-use, multi-disguise cloak that adorns and adores the simply complex moniker universally recognised just as AI.
AI is able to be like just a weapon ……. with the range in its arsenal fielding munitions mimicking the similarities to be found in the histories of conflict and wars employing developments ranging from a sharpened flint arrowhead and stout pointed stick right through a vast catalogue of goodies which currently might offer deadly nuclear explosive intercontinental ballistic missiles and anonymous catastrophically destructive exploits for Oday attack vulnerabilities known only to a certainly strange few in the thrall of …….. well, they would be those Rumsfeldian unknown unknowns — the ones we don’t know we don’t know. And if one looks throughout the history of our country and other free countries, it is the latter category that tends to be the difficult ones* ….. of Cyber Space Forces of Immaculate Source and Infinitely Resourceful Assets.
The What’s Good for the Goose, is Good for the Gander Problem Requires Practical Solutions rather than Heavenly Absolutions*
The FTC has made good on its promise to crack down on suspected deceptive AI claims, announcing legal action against five outfits accused of lying about their software’s capabilities or using it to break the law.
Brandon, Hi,
Those indictments and prosecutions against AI are surely easily seen as persecutions against novel entities which be doing exactly the same as so called democratically elected political party membership leaderships, conspiring oligarchies and failing autocracies ….. promise the Earth the stars and fail to deliver anything other than shattered dreams and pixie dust.
“Using AI tools to trick, mislead, or defraud people is illegal,” FTC boss Lina Khan said this week.
Is it legal/not illegal for such politically active bodies to use democratic tools and media to trick, mislead and defraud people …. for that is exactly what they be doing and apparently able to do it with impunity ……. and that can only result in Troubles like nothing ever witnessed and experienced before ‽ .
And it is not as if questions and comments on that situation have not been recently aired here on El Reg before on this thread of comments ….https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/08/27/pakistan_fake_news_uk_riots/ …. with evidence for the defence presented in the posts entitled No Guts… No Glory. Justice not served invites the mob to be energised and mobilised and How very, very odd ….. and unexpected. Definitely not normal. A glitch in the force? bearing witness to that fact highlighting factions trailing and trialing leadership fictions.
The Inexorable Unbelievably Stealthy Advance of Almighty SMARTR AIMachines*
If the generally dismissive tone and surprisingly earnest disbelief in AI’s ability to fundamentally and radically change current presentations for the future experience of a virtualised, SMARTR AIMachine-led existence for humans on Earth, as expressed so far by the clear majority of El Reg commentards posting on this thread, is truly indicative of the greater global whole, well …….. are y’all gonna be absolutely blown away by what the future has in store for you to worry yourselves about, and fight each other, possibly and therefore probably, to death over.
For revelations and deeper understandings of obscure and obfuscating programs and projects.
Nice first “publicly visible post • joined 26 Sep 2024”, commiepinko. Welcome to El Reg, biting the hand that feeds IT publishing situations worthy of peer review and independent prime premium forensic scrutiny/reverse engineering dissection.
When we asked OpenAI for comment, it had nothing to add about the departures specifically, with a spokesperson saying: “We remain focused on building AI that benefits everyone and as we’ve previously shared we’re working with our board to ensure that we’re best positioned to succeed in our mission.
Alternatively, it is just as easy to believe and realise that OpenAI is dedicated to remaining determinedly beneficial to all and not just to those few with deep pockets thinking to be able to yank novel virtual strings to get their future way because that is the plain simple way things are done in order to succeed and prosper ….. as the past will attest to and confirm ……. would be a good old-fashioned mission statement for a revolutionary pioneering enterprise which has the status quo terrified of the consequences and repercussions of their increasingly expanding and rapid rabid successes.
Vive la différence et la révolution‽ .
Although that could also be the reason be why old trusted deckhands are jumping ship too, of course. Strange times indeed making for interesting news for situation publishing.
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With very particular, extremely specific regard to the information in the paragraph proposing to also add “counter-AI capabilities and methodologies and processes,” …..
The next window will also add “counter-AI capabilities and methodologies and processes,” she said. “We know we’re not the only ones doing this, so really kind of looking at the big picture in terms of the capabilities we need and what others will have that we need to counter.”
…… please be cautious and respectful and careful neither to challenge nor oppose AIdDevelopments or A.N.Others with big picture capabilities way beyond any of your means to counter them …… for such is not wise and results in dire catastrophic consequences for that which and those who would then be recognised and treated by that and those with Bigger AIdDevelopment Picture capabilities, facilities and utilities as both a truly unwelcome parasitic virus and a hostile enemy agent requiring eradication.
Things today and in the future aint anything like they used to be in the past and yesterday and you don’t want the unknown of tomorrow bringing you harm you are/were very clearly warned not to deserve and be worthy of.
The choice is yours and it is free to make ….. so choose wisely is sound advice
When IT makes perfect sense is IT strangely problematical for Western fundamentalist fanatics ‽
Is that you recognising and confirming the West is most prone and particularly vulnerable to that increasingly evident and despicable problem which they do continually appear to choose to ignore whilst just expecting and hoping it goes away with no solution to field, mentor and monitor, AC?
Tell me that choice non-reaction is not delusional and verging on certifiable madness and we will have to agree to disagree.
Re: When IT makes perfect sense is IT strangely problematical for Western fundamentalist fanatics ‽
I’m thinking we’re more singing from the same hymn sheet, AC, which is encouraging at least whenever so much is in such dire straits need of the extraordinary and revolutionary.
The Problem with no Solution is a Vulnerability for Export and Exploitation …and Monetisation
Defending and protecting the indefensible and the inequitable always leads to increasingly rapid and peculiarly stealthy popular failure across more fronts than there can ever be defences designed and made readily available for ……… therefore, pure simple, raw common sense suggests supposed intelligence bodies and agents refrain and resist and desist defending and protecting the indefensible and the inequitable.
Surely that is not difficult to understand even though compliance prove itself so evidently impossible for so many more than just the intellectually challenged, the mentally deranged, the subversively invested and practically moronic ‽
It’s not a Good News Week* whenever Everything Worsens and Turns to Bad and Fades to Black
Jessica, Hi, …. and the news today for many tomorrows is …
As bad as things are nowadays, they are failsafe guaranteed to very quickly turn a great deal uglier, and especially so for the previously thought immune to existential shock West, for despite clear enough warnings in the West, which they and their mainstream media virtual reality presentation apparatus and propaganda machine systems operations appear to choose to ignore and remain deadly silent upon, their critical infrastructure continues to remain catastrophically vulnerable and totally unprepared for remote offensive cyber unit infiltration and exploitation in an invasive intervention for takeover and makeover of serially failing Exclusive Executive Officer SCADA management Operating Systems in which lives are being lost and livings destroyed.
Such is clearly a situation for publishing which even the slowest of fools would agree would be a self-destructive madness to allow continue, hence the following novel breaking news fit to print.
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Hi, National DEFENSE Magazine readers,
With particular regard to ….
While not appropriate for all capabilities such as military essential capabilities that must be controlled under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, as-a-service capabilities can be much more broadly embraced.
….. it may be wholly appropriate and essentially vital whenever one ponders on the likes of the current and expanding belligerent and even genocidal acts in middle Eastern lands, and there can also be other foreign fields and alien theatres of military and paramilitary engagement equally suitable to be included in what follows, which are enthusiastically and unequivocably supported and materially supplied with weapons and munitions and financial aid by all manner of assorted allies, surely has one considering and concluding the above quoted sentence suggesting there is any effective control exercised under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, an absolute nonsense and fantastically convenient fiction behind which are stores of evidence of wanton crimes against humanity and society ….. for as unpleasant and unfortunate as it may be to admit, military essential capabilities in order to overwhelmingly succeed in mission objectives invariably always break and ignore the Uniform Code of Military Justice whenever facing peer or near peer adversary resistance and/or competition and/or opposition
All wars are dirty wars with ground rules based in fiction to be ignored and with aggressors initially in the ascendant but then always destined to painfully fail in disorder and chaos in trying to justify their continued aggression and occupation of seized territory in the name of trying to maintain and retain an overwhelming inequitable peaceful advantage, and in so doing to become increasingly aware of their own toxic, self-defeating dilemma, would you not say ‽
And in this postmodern age of Remote Anonymous Virtualised Command and AI Control which is capable of realising combat is for CyberIntelAIgent Warrior Forces with Immaculately Resources Assets, only a certifiable fool entertaining and pimping madness would seek to do battle and go to war against that which has always, since time in spaces began, ended up in one’s own ignominious defeat …… although it does appear to be a lesson that humans struggle spectacularly to learn in order to avoid the result …… which does more than just suggest that they may not be as intelligent as they need to be to move on to the next higher stages of their and Earth’s development.
And that is a real live, clear and presently dangerous existential threat.
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Hi, National DEFENSE Magazine readers,
With particular regard to ….
While not appropriate for all capabilities such as military essential capabilities that must be controlled under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, as-a-service capabilities can be much more broadly embraced.
….. it may be wholly appropriate and essentially vital whenever one ponders on the likes of the current and expanding belligerent and even genocidal acts in middle Eastern lands, and there can also be other foreign fields and alien theatres of military and paramilitary engagement equally suitable to be included in what follows, which are enthusiastically and unequivocably supported and materially supplied with weapons and munitions and financial aid by all manner of assorted allies, surely has one considering and concluding the above quoted sentence suggesting there is any effective control exercised under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, an absolute nonsense and fantastically convenient fiction behind which are stores of evidence of wanton crimes against humanity and society ….. for as unpleasant and unfortunate as it may be to admit, military essential capabilities in order to overwhelmingly succeed in mission objectives invariably always break and ignore the Uniform Code of Military Justice whenever facing peer or near peer adversary resistance and/or competition and/or opposition.
All wars are dirty wars with ground rules based in fiction to be ignored and with aggressors initially in the ascendant but then always destined to painfully fail in disorder and chaos in trying to justify their continued aggression and occupation of seized territory in the name of trying to maintain and retain an overwhelming inequitable peaceful advantage, and in so doing to become increasingly aware of their own toxic, self-defeating dilemma, would you not say ‽
And in this postmodern age of Remote Anonymous Virtualised Command and AI Control which is capable of realising combat is for CyberIntelAIgent Warrior Forces with Immaculately Resources Assets, only a certifiable fool entertaining and pimping madness would seek to do battle and go to war against that which has always, since time in spaces began, ended up in one’s own ignominious defeat …… although it does appear to be a lesson that humans struggle spectacularly to learn in order to avoid the result …… which does more than just suggest that they may not be as intelligent as they need to be to move on to the next higher stages of their and Earth’s development.
And that is a real live, clear and presently dangerous existential threat.