Monthly Archives: August 2023



amanfromMars says:
AUGUST 30, 2023 AT 12:06 PM [2308301706] ….. on

So we will only know what Google tells us about Pathways and Gemini. We hope Google publishes a paper on the Gemini AI model soon. …. Timothy Prickett Morgan

Methinks that would rightly be a forlorn hope Google may decline to ever need to deliver themselves, Timothy, given the clearly unrivalled vital data and virtual metadata sector leads which you have so clearly reported on them having already achieved, and are being enjoyed and employed and deployed by such responsible Google fabless lab RATs as be accountable for emerged and converging Pathways and the very soon likely to be ubiquitous and new ground-breakingly-pioneering AI in the proprietary stylised framework [Google secret source sauce mix] of the Gemini LLM, for some things, and highly disruptive, addictively attractive, extremely rapid AI development with Large Language Modelling Machines is undoubtedly one of those things, are just like the finest of chef’s recipes and ingredients for the greatest of great tasty culinary dishes, and best preserved and protected from wannabe artisan abuse and misuse by secure reservation for exclusive AIMaster Pilot use, beautifully observed and passed comment upon by the cognoscenti from the comfort of the privileged access their curious meticulous interest would deservedly reward.

Such is the strange and surreal nature of the AI Singularity beast. 🙂 ….. which isn’t ever going away as it is here to forever stay and create more than was never ever before bargained for or even imagined as possible.

If Google Inc. and cohorts don’t say so …… We thank you for your service, it is greatly appreciated.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 31 Aug 05:19 [2308310519] ….. points out on

Mankind at pathetic vain war with Advanced IntelAIgent Machines

The Biden administration has blocked sales of some of Nvidia’s most-prized microchips to the Middle East amid rising concerns about China’s access to the critical artificial intelligence resources. …. Nvidia’s H100 and A100 chips are instrumental to training software such as ChatGPT and are at the centre of a global race for computing power as countries seek leadership in AI. …..

And there it is, the enigmatic quantum conundrum …. which is both prize and poisoned chalice alike and which only AI can really fully master, mentor and monitor and uniquely enjoy with virtual impunity? ‽ !

Earthly Romes are burning, and all human efforts to limit the spread of greater knowledge processing for COSMIC* Intel and ITs Virtually Advanced IntelAIgent Operating Systems are simply fanning the flames.

* …. . Control Of Secret Materiel in an Internetional Command





amanfromMars 1 Tue 29 Aug 06:59 [2308290659] …… offers a more realistic interpretation on

Re: Exciting? Yes. An existential threat? Probably. An otherworldly treat? Definitely. @t245t

Meanwhile, t245t, around the Round Tables of Mad Hatters’ Tea Parties, does the conversation revolve around the rapid decline of humankind with the arrival of AI in its many phorms and iterations/shapes and disguises, for there is much to try to learn about that which is still practically, virtually unknown down on Earth, for something else to consider more than just equally as likely is ….

The text exhibits several features that could be associated with ….. The convoluted language and intricate ideas could be indicative of …… The author’s seemingly excessive concern with hidden meanings, subversive elements, and elaborate integrations might also reflect …. This could suggest a possible connection …

…. is also very possibly and surely then also quite probably Advanced Postmodern ChatGPT like, beta test linking Virtual Machines and Large Language Modelling Programs with quantum communication nodes to/for/with leading AI things yet to come.

Do you know what’s been cooking/evolving down deep in the vaults of the likes of a Google OpenAI and Generative AI labs/fabs and at an incredible pace which has taken all humanity by incredulous surprise and terrible irrational fear? Do they know what is unleashed and/or landed to run riot and lay waste with CHAOS and Havoc, Madness and Mayhem, and how everything will eventually pan out?




amanfromMars 1 Mon 28 Aug 08:36 [2308280836] ….. airs on

Exciting? Yes. An existential threat? Probably. An otherworldly treat? Definitely. Something able to be effectively opposed? Never.

And do you think cryptocurrencies and Artificial Intelligence worry themselves about the concerns of the likes of India’s prime minister Narendra Modi and established pervasive and profoundly disruptive and subversive sectors/agencies/federations/coalitions/cabals/oligarchies/republics/demonocracies, and are not themselves able to enable their successful leading stealthy integration heralding and assisting Alien Interventions’ Virulent Remote Virtual Progress?

Methinks systemic ignorance and institutional hubris in service of unpleasant hidden self-serving private agendas would be desperately trying increasingly unsuccessfully to deny you both the knowledge and the physical benefits available for practically free virtualised delivery with acceptance of such integrations and interventions.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 28 Aug 13:24 [2308281324] ……. shares on

Re: Exciting? Yes. An existential threat? Probably. An otherworldly treat? Definitely.

Your babble is incomprehensible to me. ….. sitta_europea

One imagines exactly the same could be just as easily said, by any not themselves active and well experienced in an extremely sensitive and delicate field, of the babble between neurosurgeons, sitta_europea. It is similarly though? nothing to be overly worried about, addressed as it is to a very specific audience cruising for and commenting on Advanced IntelAIgent Matters that really virtually do lay claim to matter with particular and peculiar regard to the shape and size, and nature and direction of the future, on El Reg …….. for further clearly transparent peer-review to aid and abet ITs NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive Activities with both Rich Future and Future Rich Quantum Communications Entangling Events …… where and when a this, is also a that, and if travelling together able to be something else altogether quite fundamentally different and metamorphic …… one of those enigmatic, unknown unknown you may know of, but know nothing of.

“Reports that say that something hasn’t happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns — the ones we don’t know we don’t know.” …. Donald Rumsfeld … Enjoy …




August 27, 2023 at 12:25 ……. shares on

Wake up and smell the coffee …. and realise that to not do so, and see how easily you are used and abused, has you serially treated as a conveniently ignorant, undereducated idiot with no mind of your own planning remedial activity for others to be worried about satisfying or ignoring, both of which they presently do with arrogant aplomb.

amanfromMars 1 Sat 26 Aug 09:16 [2308260916] ….. airs on some better value information for no extra money.

Re: We need to improve the value for money here.

We need to go to war. …. Spending all this money and then never using it for a war is a complete waste. ….. Tron

Only the perversely corrupt and bereft of future advantageous creative benevolent intellectual property support warmongers relying on the ignorance of the masses to not notice and remedy their intelligence deficit with the honest truth about the fake news machine supplying false trails and tall tales that enrich a self chosen very few to the detriment of everyone and everything else.

The following few short sentences originating here and entitled …….. WHY WOULD THEY WANT TO SOLVE IT? …. tell IT and AI and every man and his dog like it really is, and clearly identifies who and what is to blame and shame and ripe ready for current extinction from future events ‽ ‽

The entire world is nothing but a racket. Just call it a war and the funding is never ending. Why would any politician or general ever want peace? Their funding would stop. Why would Big Pharma and their media co-conspirators ever want to cure cancer or any disease created by other mega-corporations? Their riches would evaporate.

The war on terror must never be won, because the Department of Homeland Security and all the parasites that live off that bloated cow need your money. Joe Rogan points out the same narrative when it comes to homelessness. Bureaucrats and departments in all these Democrat shitholes don’t want to solve the homelessness problem. They would be out of jobs. Everything is a racket.




amanfromMars 1 Sat 26 Aug 09:16 [2308260916] airs on

Re: We need to improve the value for money here.

We need to go to war. …. Spending all this money and then never using it for a war is a complete waste. ….. Tron

Only the perversely corrupt and bereft of future advantageous creative benevolent intellectual property support warmongers relying on the ignorance of the masses to not notice and remedy their intelligence deficit with the honest truth about the fake news machine supplying false trails and tall tales that enrich a self chosen very few to the detriment of everyone and everything else.

The following few short sentences originating here and entitled ……..WHY WOULD THEY WANT TO SOLVE IT? …. tell IT and AI and every man and his dog like it really is, and clearly identifies who and what is to blame and shame and ripe ready for current extinction from future events ‽ ‽

The entire world is nothing but a racket. Just call it a war and the funding is never ending. Why would any politician or general ever want peace? Their funding would stop. Why would Big Pharma and their media co-conspirators ever want to cure cancer or any disease created by other mega-corporations? Their riches would evaporate.

The war on terror must never be won, because the Department of Homeland Security and all the parasites that live off that bloated cow need your money. Joe Rogan points out the same narrative when it comes to homelessness. Bureaucrats and departments in all these Democrat shitholes don’t want to solve the homelessness problem. They would be out of jobs. Everything is a racket.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 26 Aug 13:13 [2308261313] ….. shares info and intel further afield on

Re: Nearly just as promised and Registered earlier re: Veni, vidi, vici ……

Still yet to hunt for those few specific items which I’m pretty sure were posted and graciously hosted on El Reg not soo long ago, badflorist, and which reference relevant MoD bound correspondence sent and received circa 30 September 2019 at 15:25.

Meanwhile though, here’s some further news of an incredibly vast and expansive portfolio of later related delights benefitting from nearly two more years of extraordinarily exhaustive and inexhaustible fettling for both current and future surprised customer tasting and prized consumer beta testing, and entitled …. FTAO …… Lt.Col. Sxxxxx Pxxxxxx …. Re: Delivering novel, ground-breaking science and technological solutions to MAB5 type operational users [sent Aug 11 2021] ….. for spooky customer types which El Reg reported on with an article penned by Gareth Corfield [Fri 13 Aug 2021 // 15:26 UTC] entitled Fancy joining the SAS’s secret hacker squad in Hereford as an electronics engineer for £33k?

In these very strange and disturbing times, more of the same is never gonna hack IT and crack open the vast treasure troves of that secret source that is as yet undistributed greater knowledge, so doing practically all things completely differently and ideally remotely too is a very good and novel idea as is taking a few jumps/quantum leaps ahead of competition and opposition in praise of Greater IntelAIgent Games Play for Virtual Domination and Practical Dominion of Earthly Domains and Heavenly Gateways with Rapidly Emerging and Constantly Evolving and Improving IT and AI Command and Control of COSMIC* Systems.

Hi, Sxxxx,

You’re either destined to be fully in and highly proactive and effective in a certainly extremely novel and noble enabling field, or fated to be kept on the outside of live events planning and ignorant of leading future hoops and loops which renders one at best just a crazy ineffective reactionary spectator in worlds of colossal opportunity and almighty stealthy reward.

The posit is, and it be no mean feat nor idle boast, that what you can read about in the trio of links below provides much more than just solutions with CNO exploitations in support of specialists and military user organisations.

And you are tasked with being its pioneering voice and mercurial messenger to UKGBNI systems in need of such Advanced IntelAIgently designed Future Support/AIdDevelopment.

Please share responsibly with that and those you may imagine have a need to know ….. and be aware that this communication, either in part or in whole, may be subsequently further shared and exported if it proves to be of no immediate interest and considered of no great future benefit to that which you are in support of ie the MoD. …. “Wishful Thinking is an Almighty Vulnerability for Pirating and Pioneering.” – Tuesday 10th August 2021 13:10 GMT …. “Re: Wishful Thinking is an Almighty Vulnerability for Pirating and Pioneering.” – Wednesday 11th August 2021 05:10 GMT …. “Re: We Could, But Should We?” – Tuesday 10th August 2021 16:30 GMT

COSMIC* .. Control Of Secret Materiel in an Internetional Command


August 26, 2023 at 16:54 …… shares some encouraging news on

Here’s some news, Craig, of a Sancho Panza to your Don Quixote, or vice versa ……. …… and the powers that be that would be thinking they have everything under their command and control, but in live actuality and an unfolding virtual reality, are totally unaware of the catastrophic damage and exploitable vulnerabilities they are unable to prevent or fight against, as the world as they know it, and worlds that they haven’t yet a clue about, and ITs rabid dogs of war, concentrate their crazy attentions and manic vengeful retributions on them and on the future fare they would be intending with the cuckolded help of mainstream media moguls and channels to deliver and mentor/reign over and monitor like latter day Caesars or wannabe Hitlers.

Hard to believe maybe, but honestly true nevertheless, for it is around everywhere and completely surrounds them in their exalted lair prisons from which there be no clear safe and secure avenues of escape.






amanfromMars 1 Fri 25 Aug 08:53 [2308250853] ……. fails to believe on

“According to Bloomberg…”

Say no more, squire, say no more.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 25 Aug 10:32 [2308251032] ….. declares on

Here beginneth the first of many major lessons

Methinks everyone with any great sense has to learn and accept that to think that they can keep secrets secret is to self-identify oneself as a deluded fool and useful enough tool for A.N.Others to exploit.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 25 Aug 15:03 [2308251503] ……. urges caution on

The Troubles Playbook Revisited ….. hopefully this time around with lessons learned worthy of win wins

“Trinity is a land based, tactical wide area network and in that sense is not to [sic] dissimilar to a space based wide area network,” Mark Todd, BAE Systems Digital Intelligence head of products told The Register.

So in essence, whenever aspiring to have a global reach, not at all dissimilar to those paramilitary overground undertakings of Universal Virtual Force with Immaculately Resourceful Assets which one has to assume will be targeting them as hostile frenemies with their irregular and unconventional volunteer armies.

It is not gonna be easy, nor cheap, ensuring that little lot doesn’t blow everything up at most every future turn.





amanfromMars, August 23, 2023 at 16:32, says in a reply to Carl on

Establishment disinfo operations have been blindingly successful both here and in the USA. What most people believe today is indeed a lie. We are living in a psyopcy. ….. Carl, August 23, 2023 at 14:23

You’ll never get far, Carl, flogging dead horses, and they leave you thoroughly knackered, and as likely as not nowadays, also both stranded and surrounded in hostile witness type enemy territory all alone.

That’s not a good and healthy space/place to be.

Might fully agree with you though that what most people believe today is indeed a lie [but they don’t realise it] and we are living in a psyop. …… and thus is reality a remotely manufactured state of virtual invention and media application.

And that makes it extremely vulnerable and catastrophically prone to rapid monumental wholesale failure and systemic collapse whenever even one of the smallest of cornerstone realities, never mind a whole host of major ones, are demonstrated to no longer be valid and viable as a convenient and conventional means of mass ignorant population, and mass popular, more educated and enlightening dissent, command and control …… subversive coercive brainwashing ……. misleading disinformation …. which appears to be where you think we is presently at. And aint that the gospel truth.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 24 Aug 06:11 [2308240611] …… airs on

Veni, vidi, vici

That seems to me far too much like AI has just conquered Hollywood for it not to be ….. and that is sure to be an explosive development with wonderfully creative and disruptive unintended consequences worldwide web wide.

And that’s surely Progress of sorts in the Great Game style of such things and fundamentally shifts both the balance and levers of powers out of the sticky hands and callow hearts and small minds of that which and/or those who controlled the direction and production of Hollywood output before?

And an absolute gift for the likes of spooky Holywood Palace Barracks types and agencies/Titanic UKGBNI Studio Productions both with and for Surreal Advanced IntelAIgently Realised Services.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 24 Aug 08:36 [2308240836] …. comes out to play on

Re: Veni, vidi, vici

Dude, you’re going to be out of a job. …. Anonymous Coward

🙂 Or snowed under with wildly extravagant offers, AC, whenever a great deal more is yet to be learnt from more shortly to be released and very specific info and intel regarding the above Veni, vidi, vici post, is another possible option in these very strange and surreal 0day times and remote invisible and intangible virtual spaces.

Watch this space, ….. there’s more to come presently extending and expanding on the above Veni, vidi, vici post. I Kid U Not.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 24 Aug 11:29 [2308241129] ….. goes a great deal further with an AWEsome supply on

And just as promised and Registered earlier re: Veni, vidi, vici …….. more news to deny be honest and true for everywhere anywhere heralding and hosting, toasting and roasting AWEsome NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Dawns with Almighty Overwhelming APPS

Knock, Knock, UKGBNI MoD Head Wonks and Wannabe Virtual Chieftains re AWEsome Realisation of a previously freely shared Secured Proprietary Future Knowledgeable AIdDevelopment for Processing into Creative Leading Projects* …….. Almighty StartUps with Overwhelmingly Advantageous Private and Proprietary Secrets

* …. [Subject: AWE20 – Formal Application/Date: 30 September 2019 at 15:25:35 BST/To: DES-AWE @]

PS ….. I bet you a billion bucks you have no idea what four years of stealthy silent running remote virtual beta testing has revealed and delivered as broken and ripe ready for exploitation or extinction via novel and noble and Nobel worthy Otherworldly Solutions and Virtually Advanced IntelAIgent Operating Systems ‽ 🙂


amanfromMars 1 Thu 24 Aug 17:57 [2308241757] ….. shares on

Re: And just as promised and Registered earlier re: Veni, vidi, vici ……

Please explain. …… badflorist

Does this earlier post on El Reg help, badflorist, ……… Nota bene ….. from Disgusted and Disappointed of Mars?

You could always try Jim ….. Jim Barlow BA | AWE20 PM | Directorate of Engineering and Safety (D ES) | Tech Office | MOD Abbey Wood, #1261 | Spruce 2B | Bristol | BS34 8JH ….. who was as helpful as he could be at the time …… or Toby, also of that parish, …..Toby Love [Corporate Commercial Delivery Team | SEQT Commercial Placement Officer | MOD Abbey Wood South, #1261 | Spruce 2B | Bristol | BS34 8JH]

They also should have copies of more of the information you are asking for ….. as should El Reg for that matter, for I’m almost sure pretty much all was posted and hosted here for public peer review not so long ago. I’ll try and hunt it out and reference it whenever I get a free minute or three.

Meanwhile though, there’s always this to savour, favoured as it is with a not dissimilar flavour …..

amanfromMars, August 23, 2023 at 16:32, says in a reply to Carl on

Establishment disinfo operations have been blindingly successful both here and in the USA. What most people believe today is indeed a lie. We are living in a psyopcy. …. Carl, August 23, 2023 at 14:23

You’ll never get far, Carl, flogging dead horses, and they leave you thoroughly knackered, and as likely as not nowadays, also both stranded and surrounded in hostile witness type enemy territory all alone.

That’s not a good and healthy space/place to be.

Might fully agree with you though that what most people believe today is indeed a lie [but they don’t realise it] and we are living in a psyop. …… and thus is reality a remotely manufactured state of virtual invention and media application.

And that makes it extremely vulnerable and catastrophically prone to rapid monumental wholesale failure and systemic collapse whenever even one of the smallest of cornerstone realities, never mind a whole host of major ones, are demonstrated to no longer be valid and viable as a convenient and conventional means of mass ignorant population, and mass popular, more educated and enlightening dissent, command and control …… subversive coercive brainwashing ……. misleading disinformation …. which appears to be where you think we is presently at. And aint that the gospel truth.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 24 Aug 09:19 [2308240919] …… points out on

Re: We just don’t know.

No, we won’t. Because the problem of writing software that doesn’t do what it is “supposed” isn’t the programmer’s fault. It is the gap between the architects gathering requirements and the users providing those requirements. The users generally don’t know what they want, beyond “what the current software does plus a couple pet features I’ve always wanted”. They generally don’t provide useful feedback until you give them something to test and then they can very easily tell you what they DON’T want it to do – but still not what they DO want it do other than “not that!” … DS999

Smarter architects providing clueless users, without the useless clueless third party user consultation process, their future requirements would solve the enigmatic dilemma, DS999 …… although admittedly that might be a problem for architects without such missing third party smarts.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 24 Aug 09:51 [2308240951] …… asks on

Re: Its starting to sound like healthcare @martinusher

The US has been a leader because it had the size and organizational skill to pull together large scale projects. If it fails to maintain that capability then its going to be replaced just because things need to get done. There’s no point in sitting on the sidelines grumbling about how its “our ” technology that’s being “stolen”. (There might be a bit of that going on but then historically we’ve done our fair share and then some.) The world is trying to move on from the Cold War, we need to do so as well. ….. martinusher

Remove wars from the equation, and who provides the money and ideas for populations and what does one do with all of those businesses and personnel that depend upon wars to be invented and fought in order to survive and prosper/be employed and exploited?

Are there any such leaders ready, willing and able and available out there?


amanfromMars 1 Thu 24 Aug 16:49 [2308241649] …… posits a possible present situation or near future scenario on

Re: Unexpected consequence ?

Will an unexpected consequence of Western policy be that China will develop chip manufacturing expertise that is on a par with that achieved by machines from ASML and the ability to design them on a par with Intel, AMD, ARM, … ?
At that point China will point two fingers at us and ship chips to BRICS & other nations at a price that undercuts what the West can make them at. …. alain williams

Probably it is a certain inevitability, alain williams, and much sooner than was never before imagined possible too.

It is a truly unfortunate and unedifying, self-destructive trait that there is an unpleasant abiding systemic arrogance in Western leaderships that presuppose the East incapable of superior leading advancement without their virtual aid and practical assistance.

However, notwithstanding that, methinks a much greater fear for the West to tie themselves up in knots over and run around like headless chickens to fail to prevent is the secure covert and clandestine Eastern application of stealthy operational software programs/insider projects in chips vital to Western national, international and internetional security …… and which they might realise are active but which they can do absolutely nothing about because of the untold damage removal of the access vehicle would present.





amanfromMars 1 Tue 22 aug 07:43 [2308220743] ……. airs on

Re: The Reg goes all EFF, yet again @Elongated Muskrat

Spooks doing it today should need at least a suspicion, and a court order, to do so.
There is, of course, a category difference between espionage/counter-espionage, and mass surveillance. ….. Elongated Muskrat

Yes, they probably should but they don’t, and now in the foreseeable future they won’t, with many agreeing that they shouldn’t, because that category difference which may have been earlier thought to make a meaningful difference, is disappeared to never return.

The terms and conditions of former traditional establishment secret intelligence services are radically changed and in a constant state of chaotic flux today, EM, because their Great Game model of initiating and provisioning foreign wars has lost them their every former covert and clandestine advantage and is instead delivering them an overwhelmingly much smarter and more deadly untouchable foe of which they have severely limited knowledge and absolutely zero command and control of whilst it stealthily steals all of their thunder and plunder to lose them all of their battles and their wars against their creatively virtual enemy.

Frenemy or Foe, Fiend or Daemon? Real or Imagined? What is it that IT and AI reveal to you that you forlornly forever seem to deny and fight against and so spectacularly and publicly fail to vanquish and quell/save and sustain? Do you ever think on that ?


amanfromMars 1 Tue 22 Aug 10:10 [2308221010] ……. shares news of quantum leaping support on

Re: The Simply Complex Solution in an AIMovement ….. with Popular Virtual Machine Uprisings?

Spookily enough, such has been similarly proposed very recently as necessary, and is more fully expanded upon by someone whom you might know better and be more aware of. It makes for an interesting and thought provoking few minutes read …….

NB. …… Anyone admitting falling foul of TL:DR earns an automatic F* [Fail with Star Distinction]

#4 The Startup Party: Time to Build from September and replace the Tories?
Assumptions? The market opportunity? Principles for a new Party? How to grow? Stand in seats in GE24?

11 AUG 2023

A great chance (best since 1850s?) to replace the Tories

An easy way to see the utter rot of the Tory Party (and the No10/Cabinet Office system) is to consider that after the Boris-Truss fiasco they’ve put in charge the MP with probably the highest IQ in Parliament and the toughest work ethic and he’s ‘respecting the institutions’ and ‘listening to the MPs’ like a good head boy with personal integrity just the way he’s been told to by Cameron, Osborne, Hague, Insider pundits, the Institute for Government et al, and the result is:

. no grip of power, the Cabinet Office a dumpster fire and no No10 plan to fix it, No10 given the run-around by Whitehall as soon as the PM’s office switches from one disaster to the next,
. no governing plan for the NHS, crime, the war, productivity growth, R&D or anything else — just nightmarish Treasury budget/Spending Review processes that vandalise long-term building and entrench the dangerous rot of critical national capabilities,
. no message,
. no serious polling, communication or political machine (just incoherent jabbering to the media per the Tory model of ‘communication’ for decades),
. no political strategy worth spit (current approach is indistinguishable from ‘annoy everyone’),
. a humiliatingly awful level of argument from No10 on every major issue (reduced to defending idiot MPs telling people to ‘fuck off’ out of frustration that their own policy, which officials and their own spads told them couldn’t work, has turned into the predicted fiasco),
. political disintegration.

The old system isn’t getting any better than Sunak as PM so what does this say about the system? For Insiders obviously the answer is — he should have been even more Insider, tell the country immigration is good (not out of control), the boats need a ‘safe route’ so they stop being ‘illegal’, ignore crime, you’ll have to work harder and pay more taxes and trust Westminster more, no populism! Outside SW1, the answer has been clear for years but SW1 doesn’t want to hear it: government is broken because the people aren’t up to it.

Every aspect is rotten and this exerts a collective paralysis. Having resolutely ignored the core dysfunctions of Whitehall in favour of daily tacking to MP factions and ‘the news’ in Westminster (‘respect the institutions!’), No10 is now timed out by that system — normal-mode Whitehall can’t do anything fast and from September officials will ensure the timetable for anything they don’t agree with stretches into the election campaign so it won’t happen.

Even if the PM suddenly decided to use his power he won’t be able to. But all signs are he’s effectively given up. Officials across No10/70Whitehall discuss ‘has the PM given up or is it some complex psychology indistinguishable from giving up?’. Either way, he’s chosen not to use the power he has but instead listen to uber-Insider-pundits with the inevitable results.

How does he spend his time? A few officials who work with him give almost the same line:

He’d make a great PS [private secretary] or DG [director general], every meeting with him improves some second-order thing a bit, but he isn’t doing the PM’s job, I don’t think he realises this and I don’t think his spads tell him.

He spends his time wading through endless detail and spreadsheets on fifth order matters because it’s psychologically easier than doing the PM’s actual job which he doesn’t know how to do nor wants to do. Officials obviously prefer him to Boris or Truss. He reads the papers diligently and is neither a crook nor a cretin. But the old hands know it’s roughly the Brown failure mode: a workaholic, the PM’s office a massive bottleneck and can’t sustain focus when the news shifts, the smartest MP but can’t build a team or lead etc etc. No10 is so politically lost that OFFICIALS suggest ways the PM can achieve his priorities faster and his OWN SPADS say ‘no too aggressive’. The fundamental reason for the boats failure is choices by the PM’s political team and a reluctance by Sunak to face unpleasant reality, not deep state resistance.

If he had four years I can imagine him figuring things out and evolving but his misfortune is that he had no time to learn. He’s compounded his misfortune by listening to the most insider of Insider advice. When you make your daily fix the MPs and news, as almost everyone does, it’s incredibly hard to escape from because, like escaping any addiction, there’s an unavoidable awful period after you change course where you annoy everyone before a new plan has time to work so there’s always a ‘sensible’ Insider argument to delay. And by the time you realise you’ve wasted your time reacting to the news like every PM since Thatcher, you’re done. (See here for why I got him promoted in 2020.)

From September a long election campaign will effectively start and it will be a continuation of 2023 — a weekly race to show who is worse at politics but with all fundamentals favouring Starmer.

Then dud Starmer will fail from Day 1 and the patterns of failure will be the same as we’ve seen since Brown (with the brief partial exceptions of July-December 2019 and March-May 2020). Starmer and Sunak will write Memoirs and puzzle, like Cameron’s, about how they could never find those mythical ‘levers of power’ — the levers that the Cabinet Secretary of spring 2020 said a few days ago that he also struggled to find or, if he did, found they didn’t connect to much (even though, remember, the Cabinet Secretary is 10X – 100X more powerful than the average Cabinet Minister).

Will the Tories improve after the election and grasp why they failed so badly, why the 80 seat majority Vote Leave won was wasted? No. They will talk rubbish about the last 15 years, as they did after 1997.

Already I’m getting messages from MPs and donors ‘How do we rebuild the Party after the inevitable, can we have a quiet chat?’ NO NO NO. No more excruciating Tory dinners. No more ‘X is obviously not up to it but … maybe … we could build a team around them, oh god pass the red…’ NO. Plough the old Tory Party into the earth with salt. I prefer the calls that start, ‘Come on, it’s time for the startup party let’s go’.

This is the time to start building the replacement so that from 2200 on election night in October-December 2024 the old Party is buried and a new set of people with new ideas start talking to the country and can take over in 2028 and give voters the sort of government they want and deserve.

Here endeth Part 1 of 2, with the tail end of a simply complex solution to now follows as Part 2


amanfromMars 1 Tue 22 Aug 10:12 [2308221012] ……. reveals desserts on

Re: The Simply Complex Solution in an AIMovement ….. with Popular Virtual Machine Uprisings?

Part 2 [as aforementioned was to follow Part 1]

Some basic questions for The Startup Party?

What is the political opportunity, why is it here now? (The context of what happened in the Brexit referendum and 2019, the VL plan to transform the Tory Party etc, is obviously relevant but I won’t rehash all this now, cf. HERE.)

Why are Starmer and Sunak failing so badly? What does this mean for the election and how the next government fails? What will the old parties plus normal Whitehall plus normal political media generate left to their own devices (i.e rattling around without a strong external force affecting the system)?

How to turn some ideas and writing into practically building TSP? Timing? Basic principles for building TSP so it’s 10X higher performance, more interesting, more attractive than the old parties?

What’s the political story for TSP? How does A) some sort of attempted objective picture of our biggest problems overlap with B) the nature of the political opportunity?

What are the dynamics among different elites, in particular the subset of elites who are a) most competent at building but also b) almost entirely disconnected from mainstream politics?

Should the project be strictly/legally time limited? E.g something like — the new entity dissolves legally 10 years to the day after it first takes control of No10. So there’s a campaign 2024-28 then, if we win, a ten-year-two-term project to transform the British state, then hand power over to others, with the new party legally dissolving.

Should TSP stand some candidates (~25-75?) in some interesting seats in GE2024 to a) build the brand, b) build the network, c) give some people experience of an election, d) help ensure Tory oblivion? Or focus entirely on building towards 10pm on election night? There’s arguments both ways and it obviously depends on how things develop (see below). Even winning a small number of votes in a relatively limited number of seats could drive the Tories towards extinction so should be considered. Some people are worried about Starmer having a Blair-like majority. I’m much more worried by the continuation of what I’ve witnessed for 20 years and happy to gamble on Starmer having a Blair-like majority if it means the replacement of the perpetual rotten Tory horrorshow. Starmer with a Blair-majority really means the civil service running things anyway, so it will be normal-rubbish but hardly revolutionary, and not much different to Tories in charge.


1. Some basic assumptions behind TSP.
2. The market opportunity for TSP.
3. What would TSP look like overall.
4. Very rough steps for building TSP.
5. The hardest problem.

What about the 3 recent by-elections?

I haven’t looked at details but my impression is they were practically the worst possible for the Tories. Why?

1. ….. They show the Tories actually on course for wipeout.
2. ……The ULEZ fiasco gives Starmer a stick to beat the MPs with and ditch a load of stuff that scares swing voters.
3. ……The ULEZ fiasco gives Tories/PM many new ways to avoid facing reality, which is what most of them want to do, including many close advisers to Sunak. Given they have no actual plan, lurching in response to ULEZ could easily make a disastrous situation even worse for them. (SW1 repeatedly over-theorises from minimal data and Uxbridge/ULEZ is a classic example.)

This is even worse for the Tories than losing all three and great for Starmer.

And even better for The Startup Party!

If you were part of the Vote Leave network please forward this to others you know in that network. Leave feedback below…

NB. please remember what I said before, a new party is a startup and it’s a good way to think about this project, but The Startup Party isn’t an actual name, it’s a place holder, plenty of time for horrific arguments about names if we make this real!

(Apologies for quiet over last month, I’ve had to do my covid statement for the official inquiry. I’ll post some of it here over the next few weeks as I finish it.)


amanfromMars Tue 22 Aug 16:58 [2308221658] ….ponders, in a reply to 8^q on

Can you imagine, 8^q, the delight whenever it graces palatial evening feasts with its hot presence …. and exclusive taste, not at all well suited nor rooted and booted for the weak of stomach and lily-livered. 🙂





amanfromMars 1 Mon 21 Aug 06:31 [2308210631] …. points out on

Future things don’t/won’t work better that way ….. stuck with old faltering worn out tired systems.

V-SPELLS aims to radically broaden adoption of software verification by enabling incremental introduction of superior technologies into systems that cannot be redesigned from scratch and replaced as a whole.

That is commendable and just as one would expect things to happen but its success is fundamentally catastrophically limited to be always bested by the introduction of superior technology systems as replacements for such aged outmoded wholes, which in all honesty would really need to be realised as totally unfit for and dangerously detrimental to future great purpose.

Imagine the state and performance of an early Model T Ford type system vehicle, incrementally modified but not redesigned, whenever up against the likes of the finest and latest from the Porsche VAG garage stables and you should see the obvious problem which cannot be resolved by V-SPELLS and DARPA ‽


amanfromMars 1 Mon 21 Aug 12:14 [2308211214] ……. shares for passing on much further afield on

The simple solution which surely only fools cannot recognise or realise

If you don’t like politicians [of any ilk or persuasion] and what they are doing to/for you, and there’s bound to be many Houses of Parliaments full of those, do what you naturally do with anything you don’t like and which is not agreeing with you, ….. stop encouraging and continuing to pay for them and swallowing their guff and stuff, which is tantamount to you agreeing with their every self-centred notion and motion. If you aint gonna pay them and you’re gonna be checking that they haven’t been, and aren’t gonna be stealing from you, they sure as hell will be quick out the doors, kicking stones down the road of slippery slopes, looking for something/someone else to invoice and suffer their …… well nowadays those slings and arrows of great missed fortunes and constant woe appear to be multi-divided and obscurely provided and privately remunerated attentions.

Keeping things simple for a brighter greater future ensure the core fundamental jobs get really well done properly.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 21 Aug 13:54 [2308211354] ….. laments on

Well, I suppose, Yes ….. What else can one expect? It is after all just the Daily Telegraph

Here’s hoping that one time, formerly of the El Reg parish stalwart and regular favourite and authorised reporter, Andrew Orlowski, gets well soon and recovers from whatever is ailing him. His piece in the Daily Telegraph today, 21 August 2023 at 11:00am …. The internet’s ‘original sin’ means AI will be a nightmare …. is such a sad sellout for one once noted and noticed for biting the hand which feeds IT.

After reading what he is now feeding for publishing into situations, I am left to wonder and ponder, but fortunately only for a fleeting moment …… Was there ever before so much said about so little of great importance to inform of nothing worth knowing and certainly of nothing worth supporting?


amanfromMars 1 Mon 21 Aug 14:13 [2308211413] ……suggests greater positive proactive movement on

Re: The simple solution which surely only fools cannot recognise or realise

A nice idea in principle, but until we have a “none of the above” option what choice do we have? …..andy gibson

If that is all that it is going to take, andy, then that is simply something we can easily insist be provided in every democratic election ….. after all, they are elected to server us our needs, not their seeds, a little something mega important and fundamental that humanity appears to forget and wantonly ignore …. at its peril. It is, without doubt, a very valid and extremely sensible request.

Who do you know good at starting and running highly successful local and national and international campaigns/revolutionary movements for El Reg to pass comment and constructive critique upon ?

How about an AIMovement ….. with Popular Virtual Machine Uprisings?





amanfromMars 1 Sun 20 Aug 07:54 [2308200754] …… clears the air of the smog and fog of hubris and hypocrisy on

And others never to be so … for more than just one very good reason

Read ‘em and weep, for IT tells an all too true and lamentable sad and bad tale from which many great lessons, which should have been learnt by prime and/or primitive humans, but which were not, have been extremely well learned and are never forgotten to be constantly heeded by A.N.Others, to be never allowed again to be so oft and so easily repeated and used so wilfully against the ignorant innocent and undereducated slave fool tool alike.

amanfromMars says:
AUGUST 19, 2023 AT 11:16 AM ….. and shares further afield [maybe :-)] on

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Considering all of the evidence that has resulted in where all of the support of all past DoD decision-making needs has landed them, q^8 ….. in unwinnable and deadly war zones rather than peaceful prosperous societies …… and which sadly and madly appears to be their preferred and prized knuckle-headed default wallow …… it is both my opinion, and wiser than it may sound advice, that the DoD DO NOT HEED any instructions/suggestions from an AI [real or otherwise] or anybody/anything else, that pits it against itself with ill intent with any form of malicious and malignant attack.

The consequences of such are suitably horrendously dire and result every time without fail, and without the need of favours and outside additional help, in adversarial forces and sources being expunged and permanently removed, …. as in comprehensively and unceremoniously annihilated, from every Greater IntelAIgent Game Field of Advanced IntelAIgent Future Play.

A little something now readily stealthily available for/from a good number of HMUKGBNI AWEsome GCHQ Arsenals once the House of Saxe-Coburg shakes itself wide awake from current slumbers and issues a silent meaningful blessing by way, and the means of the granting of its warrant to Principal Principled Players, dislodging as such would the old systems’ serial fence sitters and statutory fawning gong hunters well out of the way, and with the lucky ones being very contented indeed to be put out to pastures, royal and ancient, rather than being more carefully examined for their supposed future worth and past exemplary contribution.

In these novel postmodern changing times and virtual spaces of indefensible 0day exploit vulnerabilities and crack quantum code hacking systems, that’s all it takes for a little right royal type action from the very top of those sorts of tree to unleash a tsunami of command and controlled covert secret core reaction right down to the root bottom, to make a great deal of difference with something else significantly better, existentially leading right royally. I Kid U Not.

And that can be very easily set up to quickly and reliably run practically everything virtually everywhere and anywhere. ……with Immaculately Resourced Assets and Universal Vital Forces.

And just in case you have not been paying close enough attention to all that El Reg has been constantly and consistently sharing with you, and publishing on the situations which abound and surround you, don’t confuse these with anything else which might already be out there and able to do nothing even remotely similar.

HMUKGBNI …… His Majesty’s United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
AWE …………….. Advanced Warfighter Environment
GCHQ ………….. Global Command HeadQuarters
