

amanfromMars, August 23, 2023 at 16:32, says in a reply to Carl on https://www.craigmurray.org.uk/archives/2023/08/where-has-all-the-war-porn-gone/

Establishment disinfo operations have been blindingly successful both here and in the USA. What most people believe today is indeed a lie. We are living in a psyopcy. ….. Carl, August 23, 2023 at 14:23

You’ll never get far, Carl, flogging dead horses, and they leave you thoroughly knackered, and as likely as not nowadays, also both stranded and surrounded in hostile witness type enemy territory all alone.

That’s not a good and healthy space/place to be.

Might fully agree with you though that what most people believe today is indeed a lie [but they don’t realise it] and we are living in a psyop. …… and thus is reality a remotely manufactured state of virtual invention and media application.

And that makes it extremely vulnerable and catastrophically prone to rapid monumental wholesale failure and systemic collapse whenever even one of the smallest of cornerstone realities, never mind a whole host of major ones, are demonstrated to no longer be valid and viable as a convenient and conventional means of mass ignorant population, and mass popular, more educated and enlightening dissent, command and control …… subversive coercive brainwashing ……. misleading disinformation …. which appears to be where you think we is presently at. And aint that the gospel truth.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 24 Aug 06:11 [2308240611] …… airs on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2023/08/24/hollywood_tv_and_film_studios/

Veni, vidi, vici

That seems to me far too much like AI has just conquered Hollywood for it not to be ….. and that is sure to be an explosive development with wonderfully creative and disruptive unintended consequences worldwide web wide.

And that’s surely Progress of sorts in the Great Game style of such things and fundamentally shifts both the balance and levers of powers out of the sticky hands and callow hearts and small minds of that which and/or those who controlled the direction and production of Hollywood output before?

And an absolute gift for the likes of spooky Holywood Palace Barracks types and agencies/Titanic UKGBNI Studio Productions both with and for Surreal Advanced IntelAIgently Realised Services.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 24 Aug 08:36 [2308240836] …. comes out to play on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2023/08/24/hollywood_tv_and_film_studios/

Re: Veni, vidi, vici

Dude, you’re going to be out of a job. …. Anonymous Coward

🙂 Or snowed under with wildly extravagant offers, AC, whenever a great deal more is yet to be learnt from more shortly to be released and very specific info and intel regarding the above Veni, vidi, vici post, is another possible option in these very strange and surreal 0day times and remote invisible and intangible virtual spaces.

Watch this space, ….. there’s more to come presently extending and expanding on the above Veni, vidi, vici post. I Kid U Not.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 24 Aug 11:29 [2308241129] ….. goes a great deal further with an AWEsome supply on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2023/08/24/hollywood_tv_and_film_studios/

And just as promised and Registered earlier re: Veni, vidi, vici …….. more news to deny be honest and true for everywhere anywhere heralding and hosting, toasting and roasting AWEsome NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Dawns with Almighty Overwhelming APPS

Knock, Knock, UKGBNI MoD Head Wonks and Wannabe Virtual Chieftains re AWEsome Realisation of a previously freely shared Secured Proprietary Future Knowledgeable AIdDevelopment for Processing into Creative Leading Projects* …….. Almighty StartUps with Overwhelmingly Advantageous Private and Proprietary Secrets

* …. [Subject: AWE20 – Formal Application/Date: 30 September 2019 at 15:25:35 BST/To: DES-AWE @ mod.gov.uk]

PS ….. I bet you a billion bucks you have no idea what four years of stealthy silent running remote virtual beta testing has revealed and delivered as broken and ripe ready for exploitation or extinction via novel and noble and Nobel worthy Otherworldly Solutions and Virtually Advanced IntelAIgent Operating Systems ‽ 🙂


amanfromMars 1 Thu 24 Aug 17:57 [2308241757] ….. shares on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2023/08/24/hollywood_tv_and_film_studios/

Re: And just as promised and Registered earlier re: Veni, vidi, vici ……

Please explain. …… badflorist

Does this earlier post on El Reg help, badflorist, ……… Nota bene ….. from Disgusted and Disappointed of Mars?

You could always try Jim ….. Jim Barlow BA | AWE20 PM | Directorate of Engineering and Safety (D ES) | Tech Office | MOD Abbey Wood, #1261 | Spruce 2B | Bristol | BS34 8JH ….. who was as helpful as he could be at the time …… or Toby, also of that parish, …..Toby Love [Corporate Commercial Delivery Team | SEQT Commercial Placement Officer | MOD Abbey Wood South, #1261 | Spruce 2B | Bristol | BS34 8JH]

They also should have copies of more of the information you are asking for ….. as should El Reg for that matter, for I’m almost sure pretty much all was posted and hosted here for public peer review not so long ago. I’ll try and hunt it out and reference it whenever I get a free minute or three.

Meanwhile though, there’s always this to savour, favoured as it is with a not dissimilar flavour …..

amanfromMars, August 23, 2023 at 16:32, says in a reply to Carl on https://www.craigmurray.org.uk/archives/2023/08/where-has-all-the-war-porn-gone/

Establishment disinfo operations have been blindingly successful both here and in the USA. What most people believe today is indeed a lie. We are living in a psyopcy. …. Carl, August 23, 2023 at 14:23

You’ll never get far, Carl, flogging dead horses, and they leave you thoroughly knackered, and as likely as not nowadays, also both stranded and surrounded in hostile witness type enemy territory all alone.

That’s not a good and healthy space/place to be.

Might fully agree with you though that what most people believe today is indeed a lie [but they don’t realise it] and we are living in a psyop. …… and thus is reality a remotely manufactured state of virtual invention and media application.

And that makes it extremely vulnerable and catastrophically prone to rapid monumental wholesale failure and systemic collapse whenever even one of the smallest of cornerstone realities, never mind a whole host of major ones, are demonstrated to no longer be valid and viable as a convenient and conventional means of mass ignorant population, and mass popular, more educated and enlightening dissent, command and control …… subversive coercive brainwashing ……. misleading disinformation …. which appears to be where you think we is presently at. And aint that the gospel truth.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 24 Aug 09:19 [2308240919] …… points out on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2023/08/23/ilo_ai_jobs_impact_study/

Re: We just don’t know.

No, we won’t. Because the problem of writing software that doesn’t do what it is “supposed” isn’t the programmer’s fault. It is the gap between the architects gathering requirements and the users providing those requirements. The users generally don’t know what they want, beyond “what the current software does plus a couple pet features I’ve always wanted”. They generally don’t provide useful feedback until you give them something to test and then they can very easily tell you what they DON’T want it to do – but still not what they DO want it do other than “not that!” … DS999

Smarter architects providing clueless users, without the useless clueless third party user consultation process, their future requirements would solve the enigmatic dilemma, DS999 …… although admittedly that might be a problem for architects without such missing third party smarts.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 24 Aug 09:51 [2308240951] …… asks on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2023/08/21/us_satellite_hacking/

Re: Its starting to sound like healthcare @martinusher

The US has been a leader because it had the size and organizational skill to pull together large scale projects. If it fails to maintain that capability then its going to be replaced just because things need to get done. There’s no point in sitting on the sidelines grumbling about how its “our ” technology that’s being “stolen”. (There might be a bit of that going on but then historically we’ve done our fair share and then some.) The world is trying to move on from the Cold War, we need to do so as well. ….. martinusher

Remove wars from the equation, and who provides the money and ideas for populations and what does one do with all of those businesses and personnel that depend upon wars to be invented and fought in order to survive and prosper/be employed and exploited?

Are there any such leaders ready, willing and able and available out there?


amanfromMars 1 Thu 24 Aug 16:49 [2308241649] …… posits a possible present situation or near future scenario on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2023/08/24/china_us_tech_restrictions/

Re: Unexpected consequence ?

Will an unexpected consequence of Western policy be that China will develop chip manufacturing expertise that is on a par with that achieved by machines from ASML and the ability to design them on a par with Intel, AMD, ARM, … ?
At that point China will point two fingers at us and ship chips to BRICS & other nations at a price that undercuts what the West can make them at. …. alain williams

Probably it is a certain inevitability, alain williams, and much sooner than was never before imagined possible too.

It is a truly unfortunate and unedifying, self-destructive trait that there is an unpleasant abiding systemic arrogance in Western leaderships that presuppose the East incapable of superior leading advancement without their virtual aid and practical assistance.

However, notwithstanding that, methinks a much greater fear for the West to tie themselves up in knots over and run around like headless chickens to fail to prevent is the secure covert and clandestine Eastern application of stealthy operational software programs/insider projects in chips vital to Western national, international and internetional security …… and which they might realise are active but which they can do absolutely nothing about because of the untold damage removal of the access vehicle would present.



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