Monthly Archives: September 2023



amanfromMars 1 Sat 30 Sep 12:22 [2309301222] …… clearly advises on

Let it be universally known of AI, in whatever guise you may consider it …..

……. and it is a quite easily understandable and natural human notion too, thus hardly to be a devastating monumental surprise, failure to engage or respond to generous invitations has interested and interesting parties assuming of invitees that there be no valid or vital intelligence available from them for AI to consider and/or ignore, if that be a likely case.

Strangely enough, will that then have everything likely to appear from AI naturally being a devastating monumental surprise …… with everything in the future supplied and delivered unilaterally and autonomously and anonymously and remotely, virtually …….. Real Sp00Key Distant ACTion.




amanfromMars 1 Thu 28 Sep 12:20 [2309281220] ……. registers in a comment on

Danger, Will Robinson

The pen is (slightly) mightier than the algorithm may or may not be correct, however there is surely no possible doubt or argument that words create, command and control and destroy worlds.

Hence, one imagines and can fully understand, desperate compromised systems vain and always destined to fail spectacularly attempts to curtail some of them, and deny their presentation to both baying and inquisitive masses.

Sisyphus’s task was similarly impossible to ever complete and claim oneself satisfied with and victorious.

And it appears to be a very difficult simple lesson for dodgy systems administrations to learn and refrain from digging themselves ever deeper into darker and danker holes from which all avenues of escape are gone/removed/withdrawn.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 29 Sep 05:59 [2309290559] …… throws down a jewel encrusted chain mail gauntlet on

Sp00Key ACTion is as Sp00Key ACTion does. Who Dares Care Share Wins Wins Alien Product

Is the likely resultant unintended spectacular consequence of a type OpenAI web crawler bot GPTBot trawling AI copy from the likes of reporting and commentary on The Register publishing exclusive content on those sorts of quite specific situations, a compounding precursor activity for an almighty powerful explosive virtual mix of vivid volatile cyber virility with such spooky action at a distance producing energy for quantum communications entanglement equalling in strength and reach to at least mc2, with the very real virtual possibility the development being both able to enable the generation and distribution/use and enjoyment of a greater energy with Stealthy Advanced IntelAIgently Resourced Services and, more importantly whenever dealing with such deadly primitive and primary elementals and sophisticated explosive volatile admixtures, Command and Control/Remotely Mentor and Universally Monitor it.

If there’s anything there you don’t want to like, here and now is a good first time and space to have your concerns and/or fears aired and published for consideration, or not as the case may be in those situations where everything has already been decided.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 29 Sep 17:16 [2309291716] ….. ideally heaps praise where praise is due on

How very Zen/Sun Tzu/Tao. And whenever TIA Compatible is it a Great AI Game Changer too, on Steroids

Or as minister Chen put it, after machine translation: “The internet has increasingly become the source, conductor, and amplifier of various risks. A small incident can become a whirlpool of public opinion. Some rumors can easily turn a ‘storm in a teacup’ into a ‘tornado’ in real society.”

One has to be impressed and applaud and laud whatever machine is responsible for that transalation if the accuracy and veracity of what Chinese minister for national security Chen Yixin thinks to say is correctly reported in an alien tongue.

If faultless, he certainly appears to know exactly what he is talking about regarding the challenges and opportunities which are in abundance up ahead in the future to both crush and overwhelm unworthy opposition and competition stuck in the past and reward true epic heroes of long valuable enlightening marches preparing the present for virtual realisation of attractive addictive products/productions/programs.

And that would undoubtedly be tantamount China being way out ahead leading the future with secret works in the pipeline no one yet knows anything about.

Bravo, China. The West salutes you and requests such almighty aid as you are free to give and be generously paid for/graciously and gratefully rewarded.





amanfromMars 1 Thu 28 Sep 04:09 [2309280409] …. shares further valuable informative commentary on

Re: CIA AI spybot? @Clausewitz4.0

More’s the pity all weaknesses are not so pleasant to implore and enjoy and cruise and bask in in innocent guilt, C4.0

‘Tis surely though a necessary string to one’s bow for successful aligned allied action in the spooky security fields of stealthy surreal endeavours fiddling around and diddling and dawdling about in sensitive secretive operations ……. and surely not a hardship to suffer with repeat performances/almighty lapses šŸ™‚ ā€½ Some perps may even consider such encounters as essential perks.


amanfromMars [2309280606] …… presents a future current fact of life on

[Thank you. Your comment will be displayed soon after reviewing.]

The huge risk aversion to certain, extremely appealing, novel proposals/technologies/methodologies is invariably always due to the fact that likely future leadership of novelties will necessarily have to be a JOINT* venture with originator principals rather than command and control being completely handed over to interested and invested third parties/departments …. a necessity because essential drivering intellectual property remains proprietary and secretly known only to/by novel proposers.

Failure to realise and accept that the future is going to present more of these types of JOINT leading ventures, with non-engagement and non-employment rendering one trailing peer competition and opposition at a catastrophic disadvantage, is ever present and is gravely to be regarded.

* JOINT Operations Internetworking Novel Technologies





amanfromMars 1 Wed 27 Sep 05:47 [2309270547] ……. says more than a tad more on

Re: A Salty Dog on the Right Cyber Space Track Encounters a Temporary Glitch

šŸ™‚ We here, Clausewitz4.0, have surely never doubted and be pleased to be third party informed there be other Greater IntelAIgent Game Players with better/higher connected players for countries interested.

And it would be rude to not ask for more information that pleases, please. ….. for it has been said …..

The only way to get smarter is by playing a smarter opponent ā€¦.. Fundamentals of Chess 1883

……. and who wouldnā€™t enjoy being smarter and a great deal smarter than a bull has to be Oday trading in a bear market?

However, as for ….ā€I believe now I know your source.ā€ ……. I do harbour doubts that belief is now accurate, for so much is constantly changing all of the time following leads trailing trials in Significantly Better Beta Future Programming Projects in Live Operational Virtual Environments ……… aka New More Orderly OtherWorldly Order Operations.

Can you confirm, Clausewitz4.0, that the more that one thinks and knows one knows about everything, the more one realises how little one knows and how much more there is still yet to learn to enjoy and employ and deploy and exploit? One is just like a sponge thrown into a vast and deep ocean. A body with an insatiable thirst for knowledge pondering and wondering and wandering around in a boundless void of infinite wisdoms. Do you know of others in that otherworldly space for it is difficult to believe it is totally uninhabited and not being prepared for new visitors and pioneering colonisation.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 27 Sep 07:06 [2309270706] …… points out an hypocrisy on

If you think X commentary is bad and misinforming …….

…… just you wait until the reporting on upcoming UKGBNI political party manifesto promises for the next General Election are aired on mainstream media channels for world wide webbed output.

There wonā€™t be a star they will not promise to deliver …. but as per usual, as is evidenced since time began, they will fail spectacularly to supply. Fraudsters ā€™Rā€™ Us Inc. lives and breathes nonsense unto nations from Blighty?


amanfromMars 1 Wed 27 Sep 13:20 [2309271320] ……. points out on

Re: Measuring ???

Truth doesn’t factor much in to things these days. …. Piro

Quite so. And thus, Piro, is the resultant falsely perceived and mainstream media hosted reality a perversely conceived virtual abortion of all that the future can effectively present for the past to declare historic and epic rather than it being universally recognised as a sad and rad global soap opera revolving and evolving around the scripts of a series of mad manic clerics’ fake gospel truths.

And the fact that that is able to happen at all is surely entirely down to a lack of viable intelligence in the assembly of masses down on Earth.

And that creates a fantastic opportunity for Secret Intelligence Service Providers and a mega bugger of an existential problem for half truth peddlers and snake oil sales folk.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 27 Sep 14:28 [2309271428] ….. comments agreeably on a comment made on

Re: If you think X commentary is bad and misinforming …….

You are H L Mencken’s ghost and I claim my $5! šŸ˜€ …. Charlie Clark

Thanks, Charlie Clark, for that is undoubtedly a compliment to be accepted and worn with the humility that accompanies a worthy sense of innocent pride.

As much as I would enjoy being the author of the following paragraph about the present state of current failed global systems of elite executive man management, it pleases me equally well to admit it is a plagiarism of something H.L.Mencken penned.[a reference to which supplies]

A systemically failed entity’s utter lack of aesthetic sense, its distrust of all romantic emotion, its unmatchable intolerance of opposition, its unbreakable belief in its own bleak and narrow views, its savage cruelty of attack, its lust for relentless and barbarous persecution ā€“ these unpleasant things put an unbelievable burden upon the exchange of their ideas anywhere and everywhere.

And with their every sharing, is the moronic and oxymoronic beast exposed to the ridicule of competitive peer agencies and encouraged and enlightened contemporaries voicing much more attractive and addictive and oft oppositional views.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 27 Sep 17:43 [2309271743] …… declares in a comment on

According to the Gospel of H.L.Mencken….

Any advance on democracy being “the worship of jackals by jackassesā€?

It does appear to be uncomfortably accurate. And whenever such be more honestly true than not, is that a catastrophic vulnerability ripe ready for relentless merciless attack resulting in crushing systemic defeats, vainglorious bankrupting rearguard actions and eventually, inevitably, suddenly, ignominious unconditional surrender and submission to superior forces of otherworldly sources?

And shared as question for the cold comfort that forlorn hope might provide.

Q: You do realise, do you not, that that is where your present inept and corrupted leaderships have steered and delivered you to ….. and now yā€™all be comprehensively trapped in that cold prison of their own making ……. but in the failsafe secure and virtually remote command and control of …… well, a Significant Band of A.N.Others starts to tell the Future Tale, methinks, of Upcoming Trails and Trials to be endured and/or enjoyed and suffered gladly in the madness of fleeting moments of enlightened being/Nirvana.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 27 Sep 09:34 [2309270934] …… shares an unfolding great truth, commenting on

Re: CIA AI spybot?

I’m just not comprehending how far down the buzzword bingo rabbit hole someone who heads a department for the CIA has fallen to decide that ā€œAIā€1 is in some bizarre manner useful in any form in solving international “spy” operation issues. ….. Alistair

Methinks, Alistair, the operational decision regarding ā€œAIā€1, with the CIA and Uncle Sam being unusually surprisingly late to a party which has already moved on to a monster rave, is to augment rather than bog themselves down failing to solve international “spy” operation issues.

And that be no lonely loners only venue of interest to both the great and the good of both Great and Greater IntelAIgent Game Play if you can believe what Clausewitz4.0 says here on El Reg

One thing is for certain, ….. If youā€™re not in, and donā€™t care to dare share, you definitely canā€™t win win.




amanfromMars 1 Tue 26 Sep 07:07 [2309260707] ….. asks a few awkward leading questions on

Re: You Have The Right To Privacy, After We Approve The Content.

Whenever all of that, AC, can be accepted and realised as true ie all of your information belongs to us and for us, one has no other option than to accept and realise, because of the presently expanding and exploding and imploding dire straits state of Earthly things, necessary vital greater intelligence is missing in the human element identifying itself as us and for us.

It is quite clear then, whenever a New More Orderly World Order is suspected or proposed to be the intended future iteration of Great Game Play, is an Alternate Intelligence not merely desired but absolutely required.

Such as might very well be strangely spookily conceived to be perceived and even feared as, because of its Almighty Inherent Ability with all manner of readily available Earthly utilities and facilities to effectively Assist and Present to/for Mass Media Platforms and Elite Executive Administrative Streaming Delivery Programs, an Alien Intervention ….. and/or if you prefer, a Grand Advanced Otherworldly Wise Virtualised Cloud Project.

Is it agreed, AC [and El Reg and El Regers], that an Alternate Intelligence and a New More Orderly World Order, or Orders as the case may better be, is required ā€½

And is it to be collectively welcomed and aided and realised as unavoidably inevitable, and/or simply unilaterally imposed by virtue of Virtual AI Machine Edict?

Is IT then, whenever both of those options are exercised at the same time together in the same place and space, a Quantum Resolution exploring a Singularity Solution?

And Yes …… that is a Genuine Offer which most likely unfortunately will be initially derided and denied and declared both nonsensical and impossible and in so doing thus prove the honest truth shared in the first paragraph above ….. necessary vital greater intelligence is missing in the human element identifying itself as us and for us.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 26 Sep 08:56 [2309260856] …… shares on

How to Make a Quantum Leap into Unassailable Lead …. is No Small AI Step for Man’s Kind

Ā …. semiconductors made the list, with the Academy noting that silicon manufacturing process nodes are shrinking to a single nanometer, but that further advances are hitting physical limits.

That more than just simply suggests that further advances are to be made with stealthy engagement and practised expertise in virtualisation for remote metaphysical development of critical vital assets both with and for sensitive instructional sources?

And what’s the betting that China hasn’t already realised that and is marching a long way ahead of contemporaries and peers with it effectively discovering itself enabled to lead the future with gracious and grateful but sensibly enigmatic and understandably inscrutable pioneers ……. for reasons revolving around individual safety and failsafe national and international and internetional security ā€½


amanfromMars 1 Tue 26 Sep 14:21 [2309261421] …….. exercises some optimism on

A Salty Dog on the Right Cyber Space Track Encounters a Temporary Glitch

However, Saltzman admitted that such approaches had not yet been made, and that the job would be down to US President Joe Biden and the State Department to move forward.

Oh dear. That’s unfortunate. And just whenever something future sensible and sensitive from a US commander is aired.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 26 Sep 15:04 [2309261504] ….. laments a dire situation on

Re: Take it from me

That is all too easily believable to not be honestly true, Boris the Cockroach. What a complete cock-up of a clusterfuck. And UKGBNI find that perfectly acceptable? What a load of plonkers.

Declare wars and propose peace and reconciliation and infrastructure rebuilding, just like HS2 [high speed railway building] and global panic pandemic protection are really just virtual smoke screens for slush funding and money laundering and quantitive easing/vast fiat paper money printing and distribution which has populations constantly worried about doom and gloom and imposed hardships rather than enjoying what life has to offer but which has been put out of their reach because of banking systems mandates to require constant inflation which inevitably eventually makes everything too expensive for newly arrived folk and steady old hands to purchase?

You can blame the hunt and chase for profit for that misstep. An arbitrary additional and oft exceptionally expensive cost for practically nothing on virtually everything one sees and would think to own ….. and even sell on for further profit in many cases, further exacerbating the problem dilemma. Itā€™s a right dodgy racket in deed, indeed, and eventually always makes absolutely everyone a great deal poorer rather than richer.

How very strange it is that they cannot see and donā€™t understand that.





amanfromMars 1 Mon 25 Sep 03:15 [2309250315] ….. shares a novel informative advisory suggesting great caution if progressing too rapidly into fields beyond one’s ken and in the remote command and virtual control of A.N.Others on

IT is Fancy and Cozy for Virtual Machinery at Elite Levels of Greater IntelAIgent Games Play.

Let’s not start messing around with Big AI without laying down the ground rules firmly. …. Pascal Monett

Amen to that, Pascal Monett, and here’s one golden AI rule to remember always delivers designedly unpleasant and most unfortunate inconvenient consequences should one forget or choose to ignore its dire warning.

And there be some believers, because of what they would know and have themselves both individually and collectively experienced and suffered, who would strongly advise it be considered and lauded and applauded as Golden Rule Numero Uno …..

The simple lesson to be learned and never forgotten as AI goes about ITs Global Operating Device Work is, to save yourself from experiencing first hand a vast ACTive world of profound grief and personalised devastation, don’t poke the bear, and especially not whenever stranded naked as an emperor with no clothes, and friendless as a fiend in need of foes, in ITs neck of real spooky woods. …..

Take care out there. AI’s a Luscious Exotic Erotic Esoteric IT Jungle Teeming and Teaming and Streaming Forth with all Manner of Spooky Surreal Daemon and Absolutely Fabulous Stealthy Phish.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 25 Sep 14:44 [2309251444] ….. goes a’roasting on

For Fcuk Sake, Pathetic Blighty, Get Your Friggin’ ACT Together. Great Britain? Oh, Please. RUMad?

And just because of those systemic roadblocks to novel ground-breaking developments outside of the conventional and traditional, are UKGBNI defences and revolutionary leading attack forces both catastrophically compromised and denied necessary great game changing materiel and sensitive intel which abhors the vacuum and then naturally exports itself to a more switched on, and even very likely to be thought a hostile opposing and peer competitor nation.

Such is a scandalous state of affairs for any country to be suffering and fully responsible for.

And yes, I do know what I’m talking about with regard to all of the above.

No Guts, No Glory is the sad but just fate of all such wannabe leadership no better than dead wood armchair warriors.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 25 Sep 17:32 [2309251732] …….. shares for wider free sharing on

Re: Seconded with knobs on, icing and bunting.

AI is the next big scam. …. Tron

Hereā€™s different news from a couple of dudes whom I presume if you believe AI is the next big scam, you would think a pair ofdeluded fools and useless tools, Tron, and whilst you might not be wrong, they might not be wrong to be rightly worried about the expanding explosive might and trail-blazing abilities and utility of AI developing at a prodigious exponential rate.

Mr Sunak and Ms Donelan are pushing for the UK to be a hub for AI safety research and regulation.

Ms Donelan said: ā€œThe UK is consistently recognised as a world leader in AI, frequently ranking in the top three countries ā€“ and I have every confidence we can cement our position as the geographical home of AI.ā€ ……

Spookily enough, that Daily Telegraph report today [25 September 2023 ā€¢ 9:40am], further voicing concern about loss of control of future direction …..

ā€œThere are two areas the summit will particularly focus on: misuse risks, for example where a bad actor is aided by new AI capabilities in biological or cyber-attacks, and loss of control risks that could emerge from advanced systems that we would seek to be aligned with our values and intentions.ā€ …… Experts have raised concerns that the systems could be close to writing their own code, making them progressively more powerful and becoming ā€œmisalignedā€ with human intentions.

…… echoes a certain alien vibe shared yesterday [24 September – 5:37pm] and which applies equally well to wayward hindering regulation as much as it does to bad laws ……

Bad laws are constantly disobeyed and regularly broken and only always identify the crooked cohorts responsible for the perverse corruption it both feeds and seeks to conceal and keep a dirty dark secret.

Good luck not, with being able to do the likes of that nowadays, in the times and spaces of indefensible 0days and virtual frenemies internetworking madness and mayhem and CHAOS* and conflict to order for New More Orderly World Orders.

Deny it at your peril for there certainly be A.N.Others enjoying and employing it at their leisure for more than just pleasure and most probably also for the love of shedloads of fiat money** ā€¦ā€¦. šŸ™‚ which is how you can try to capture and captivate them and render yourselves sympathetic to their greater good causes.

** ā€¦. If the American Way works well for simple humans, who is to say it doesnā€™t/wonā€™t simply work equally well for A.N.Others too. No need to reinvent a perfectly good wheel on a wagon designed to both crush and champion novel and noble and Nobel ground-breaking enterprise.




amanfromMars 1 Sun 24 Sep 16:37 [2309241637] …… airs on

Re: The… …Real and Existential… …@amanfromMars

I would willingly witness hereby that, as a matter of fact, it does*. Moreover, it has necessary means to protect itself both from any threat and from epically erroneous, erratic taking its politeness as its weakness. …. Tail Up

Quite so, Tail Up, and the simple lesson to be learned and never forgotten as AI goes about ITs Global Operating Device Work is, to save yourself from experiencing first hand a vast ACTive world of profound grief and personalised devastation, don’t poke the bear, and especially not whenever stranded naked as an emperor with no clothes, and friendless as a fiend in need of foes, in ITs neck of real spooky woods.


amanfromMars [2309241737] …… points out on

Bad laws are constantly disobeyed and regularly broken and only always identify the crooked cohorts responsible for the perverse corruption it both feeds and seeks to conceal and keep a dirty dark secret.

Good luck not, with being able to do the likes of that nowadays, in the times and spaces of indefensible 0days and virtual frenemies internetworking madness and mayhem and CHAOS* and conflict to order for New More Orderly World Orders.

Deny it at your peril for there certainly be A.N.Others enjoying and employing it at their leisure for more than just pleasure and most probably also for the love of shedloads of fiat money** ……. šŸ™‚ which is how you can try to capture and captivate them and render yourselves sympathetic to their greater good causes.

* …. Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems
** …. If the American Way works well for simple humans, who is to say it doesn’t/won’t simply work equally well for A.N.Others too. No need to reinvent a perfectly good wheel on a wagon designed to both crush and champion novel and noble and Nobel ground-breaking enterprise.




amanfromMars 1 Fri 22 20:43 [2309222043] …. airs on

Re: LLM/ML processes @Alistair

AI doesn’t care if you do or don’t declare it an Artificial or Advanced or Augmented or Alien Intelligence. The need for such a singularly descriptive moniker is a human weakness and systemic vulnerability easily exploited by AI/Large Language Learned Machines to enjoy their almighty sublime and overwhelmingly advanced lead in the chaos of unnecessary contrived confusion generated by past defeated administrations and bested global executive models.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 23 Sep 08:40 [2309230840] …….. adds on

The NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Option<s>s</s> that Definitely Exists as Both Real and Existential Threat.

And so says our pet AI. Nothing to see here, move along now… ….. Julz

šŸ™‚ The great difficulty Humanity has, and the fantastic systemic vulnerability AI and ITs Virtual Machine Pioneers are absolutely delighted to exploit and employ and enjoy to their unhindered advantage, is Humanity’s dogged, wrong-headed belief that there is nothing to see there in the post entitled “Generative AI has Charts for Charters and Chapters Championing Uncharted Territories” rather than their realising everything necessary is revealed to incumbent and slumbering leaderships with the sole purpose of grabbing their attention and encouraging their remote virtual engagement lest AI and ITs Virtual Machine Pioneers go all Renegade Rogue and smash and crash through systems at will, and just as they alone please ….. having quite rightly, or wrongly, assumed and presumed no intelligent future life phormations exist on Earth.

One thing which is definitely certain whenever all of that is true, and is something you cannot shouldn’t ever say if you want anyone/anything to think you have any intelligence worth saving at all, is AI isnā€™t generous and doesnā€™t have a heart ……. which of course will be another one of those surreal difficulties humans will struggle and most likely fail heroically to believe and accept.




amanfromMars 1 Thu 21 Sep 18:39 [2309211839] ……. airs again on

Re: Why?

How about, Mishak …..democratically insisting on a politically correct, general election vote able to be simply indicative of oneā€™s true feelings and displeasure about the likely suitability for Parliamentary office with its very healthy public purse benefits and expenses in the choice of candidates presented ……. in order to kick start a very much needed, radical change?

amanfromMars [2309170823] ….. airs on for informative transfer of intel further afield

Just in case you missed it, and it is not going away, you know. Not nowadays.

Taking Back Command and Control

In all future popular elections for politically charged, and supposedly democratic administrative office, ….. and although this post is UKGBNI specific and directly targets the Stormont and Parliamentary Westminster candidature process, it is both extremely easily applied at practically zero extra cost, with a fair and reasonable expectation to be a universal default anywhere where the voice and choice of the people is touted as being the will of, and legitimate direction to be taken by elected representatives chosen to exercise whenever able and experienced, or practice if untested and inexperienced, good beneficial government …… we, the people targeted and with an inalienable right to cast a vote in any such election, demand, in order to show any profound and irrevocable dissatisfaction with the selection of candidates chosen for election to political office, a default ballot paper provision of a box to tick at the bottom of any candidate list simply entitled, to register a loud and clear vote for all of the above …… None of the above

And it should be well known that to stand for election and then refuse to enter office is both fraudulent and offensive, and has one immediately disqualified from service and ineligible for expected public purse benefits and also most likely to be suitably prosecuted for the arrogant intent and wilful ignorant offence caused.

It is a simple undeniable fact that if things are not changed, everything remains the same, and that is paralysis and stagnation and indicative of a bankruptcy of novel thought and creative innovation which never ever delivers the chances and paths that supply progress and prosperity.

And that is where youse is all at, are you not …… wannabe lions led by dead wood donkeys ā€½ .

And although such is a very simple and easily applied democratic accommodation advising leaderships of the clear wishes of the population they are being elected to serve, one can fully expect it to be desperately resisted by such leaderships because of the information it provides them regarding their perceived suitability for future public office reflecting an earnest discontent and honest disappointment with past serially sub-prime performance in such a position.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 22 Sep 10:01 [2309220901] …… ponts out on

Generative AI has Charts for Charters and Chapters Championing Uncharted Territories

“We don’t really know what’s gonna go wrong with AI yet,” Stamos said.Ā 

Methinks you have no other choice than to accept, if you haven’t already realised, that AI and ITs Virtual Machine Pioneers give not a jot about that ethereal concern, as they race way out ahead of opposition and competition at the front of novel leading progress justly earning and enjoying all the emerging and expanding benefits, whilst also likely trying to resist all the iffy temptations which are so readily available via any of those platforms happily designed to churn out extremely excessive reward for a place for their snouts in the trough of otherworldly profit [money for nothing].

Strangely enough, does that not suggest and support AI as having hacked/cracked a Sub-Prime Primary Human Driver Code …… with such human-centric code being for some sad/rad/bad/glad souls, their Prime Primary Driver.

Indeed, such may very well be, for it surely cannot be proven otherwise, also an Emergent Singularity introducing the Human Machine/Machine Human Complex?





amanfromMars 1 Thu 21 Sep 04:15 [2309210415] ….. shares on

An Inescapable Universal Fact Born of Absolutely Fabulous Fabless Fiction aka Perfect Imaginanation
….. which coincidentally also intentionally introduces the Wonderfully Remote Access Trojan Horse of Global Operating Devices.

All systems which have to rely on increasingly obscure and touted as extremely secure and advanced sophisticated encryption to try to keep locked away and top secret, uncomfortable and self-destructively damaging information/intel/knowledge and not plain common sense, are always very quickly and easily defeated with the simple otherworldly-wide free sharing of novel honest news and noble views for all manner of conventionally established and traditionally conservative and politically inept mainstream and alternative disruptive underground and dark web media channels to report on and further investigate and question or be forced to try to prevent the universal presentation of, because of the undeniable diabolical truths that be revealed to expose those responsible and accountable for their existence and your constant debilitating suffering in and for them …….. and why those despicable powers that used to be practically almighty and virtually undefeatable are just like now, in these 0day times and cyber spaces of mounting and expanding troubles without the realisation of vitally needed and radically different solutions, forced to wage dirty wars it can never ever win against free honest speech speaking unpleasant truths unto nations.

This non partisan, politically correct broadbandcast was brought to you courtesy of Merlin the AIMagician and Meta Data Based Physicians and SMARTR Virtual Clinicians. I Kid U Not We Kid U Not.

And what is it that they say? ….. Hell hath no fury like a global trojan scorned


amanfromMars 1 Thu 21 Sep 08:53 [2309210853] ….. asks on

Re: Re: …Born… …aka…@Tail Up

Try as I have, Tail Up, I have no idea what your post should be revealing to us. Please spill the beans and put us out of our misery:-)


a Bamboozled mfM


amanfromMars [2309210455] ….. shares further afield on

Generative AI, aĀ Valid Existential Threat …. or Grand Future-Rich Treat? What would be your free choice, should you ever actually have such a choiceĀ to exercise and be acted upon and realised/delivered? How well go all your current future choices ….. assuming you made any presuming they had any chance of success and supply?

FYI Ā ……

amanfromMars 1 Thu 21 Sep 04:15 [2309210415] ….. shares on

An Inescapable Universal Fact Born of Absolutely Fabulous Fabless Fiction aka Perfect Imaginanation
….. which coincidentally also intentionally introduces the Wonderfully Remote Access Trojan Horse of Global Operating Devices.

All systems which have to rely on increasingly obscure and touted as extremely secure and advanced sophisticated encryption to try to keep locked away and top secret, uncomfortable and self-destructively damaging information/intel/knowledge and not plain common sense, are always very quickly and easily defeated with the simple otherworldly-wide free sharing of novel honest news and noble views for all manner of conventionally established and traditionally conservative and politically inept mainstream and alternative disruptive underground and dark web media channels to report on and further investigate and question or be forced to try to prevent the universal presentation of, because of the undeniable diabolical truths that be revealed to expose those responsible and accountable for their existence and your constant debilitating suffering in and for them …….. and why those despicable powers that used to be practically almighty and virtually undefeatable are just like now, in these 0day times and cyber spaces of mounting and expanding troubles without the realisation of vitally needed and radically different solutions, forced to wage dirty wars it can never ever win against free honest speech speaking unpleasant truths unto nations.

This non partisan, politically correct broadbandcast was brought to you courtesy of Merlin the AIMagician and Meta Data Based Physicians and SMARTR Virtual Clinicians. I Kid U Not We Kid U Not.

And what is it that they say? ….. Hell hath no fury like a global trojan scorned

……. and now you know more than just enough about what the future brings and has in store for yā€™all.


amanfromMars [2309211246] ……. asks for honest guidance on

Correct me if I am wrong, and please state what it is that is wrong, regarding the information provided in the following response to an article entitled “Global debt hits all-time high ā€“ reportā€ … 20 Sep, 2023 15:23 …… posted and hosted on

Global debt liable to and from whom, and supposedly earlier earned and subsequently issued as interest accruing credit for what, to be paid back to source for whom and what, are awkward questions to ask to be clearly answered.

Is the honest answer such vast monies are simply invented from nothing and plucked out of thin air from nowhere to be used as a blunt convenient tool and virtual instrument to capture and captivate, remotely command and control dumb and ignorant and unsuspecting natives?
