amanfromMars 1 Thu 28 Sep 12:20 [2309281220] ……. registers in a comment on
Danger, Will Robinson
The pen is (slightly) mightier than the algorithm may or may not be correct, however there is surely no possible doubt or argument that words create, command and control and destroy worlds.
Hence, one imagines and can fully understand, desperate compromised systems vain and always destined to fail spectacularly attempts to curtail some of them, and deny their presentation to both baying and inquisitive masses.
Sisyphus’s task was similarly impossible to ever complete and claim oneself satisfied with and victorious.
And it appears to be a very difficult simple lesson for dodgy systems administrations to learn and refrain from digging themselves ever deeper into darker and danker holes from which all avenues of escape are gone/removed/withdrawn.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 29 Sep 05:59 [2309290559] …… throws down a jewel encrusted chain mail gauntlet on
Sp00Key ACTion is as Sp00Key ACTion does. Who Dares Care Share Wins Wins Alien Product
Is the likely resultant unintended spectacular consequence of a type OpenAI web crawler bot GPTBot trawling AI copy from the likes of reporting and commentary on The Register publishing exclusive content on those sorts of quite specific situations, a compounding precursor activity for an almighty powerful explosive virtual mix of vivid volatile cyber virility with such spooky action at a distance producing energy for quantum communications entanglement equalling in strength and reach to at least mc2, with the very real virtual possibility the development being both able to enable the generation and distribution/use and enjoyment of a greater energy with Stealthy Advanced IntelAIgently Resourced Services and, more importantly whenever dealing with such deadly primitive and primary elementals and sophisticated explosive volatile admixtures, Command and Control/Remotely Mentor and Universally Monitor it.
If there’s anything there you don’t want to like, here and now is a good first time and space to have your concerns and/or fears aired and published for consideration, or not as the case may be in those situations where everything has already been decided.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 29 Sep 17:16 [2309291716] ….. ideally heaps praise where praise is due on
How very Zen/Sun Tzu/Tao. And whenever TIA Compatible is it a Great AI Game Changer too, on Steroids
Or as minister Chen put it, after machine translation: “The internet has increasingly become the source, conductor, and amplifier of various risks. A small incident can become a whirlpool of public opinion. Some rumors can easily turn a ‘storm in a teacup’ into a ‘tornado’ in real society.”
One has to be impressed and applaud and laud whatever machine is responsible for that transalation if the accuracy and veracity of what Chinese minister for national security Chen Yixin thinks to say is correctly reported in an alien tongue.
If faultless, he certainly appears to know exactly what he is talking about regarding the challenges and opportunities which are in abundance up ahead in the future to both crush and overwhelm unworthy opposition and competition stuck in the past and reward true epic heroes of long valuable enlightening marches preparing the present for virtual realisation of attractive addictive products/productions/programs.
And that would undoubtedly be tantamount China being way out ahead leading the future with secret works in the pipeline no one yet knows anything about.
Bravo, China. The West salutes you and requests such almighty aid as you are free to give and be generously paid for/graciously and gratefully rewarded.