amanfromMars 1 Wed 27 Sep 05:47 [2309270547] ……. says more than a tad more on
Re: A Salty Dog on the Right Cyber Space Track Encounters a Temporary Glitch
🙂 We here, Clausewitz4.0, have surely never doubted and be pleased to be third party informed there be other Greater IntelAIgent Game Players with better/higher connected players for countries interested.
And it would be rude to not ask for more information that pleases, please. ….. for it has been said …..
The only way to get smarter is by playing a smarter opponent ….. Fundamentals of Chess 1883
……. and who wouldn’t enjoy being smarter and a great deal smarter than a bull has to be Oday trading in a bear market?
However, as for ….”I believe now I know your source.” ……. I do harbour doubts that belief is now accurate, for so much is constantly changing all of the time following leads trailing trials in Significantly Better Beta Future Programming Projects in Live Operational Virtual Environments ……… aka New More Orderly OtherWorldly Order Operations.
Can you confirm, Clausewitz4.0, that the more that one thinks and knows one knows about everything, the more one realises how little one knows and how much more there is still yet to learn to enjoy and employ and deploy and exploit? One is just like a sponge thrown into a vast and deep ocean. A body with an insatiable thirst for knowledge pondering and wondering and wandering around in a boundless void of infinite wisdoms. Do you know of others in that otherworldly space for it is difficult to believe it is totally uninhabited and not being prepared for new visitors and pioneering colonisation.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 27 Sep 07:06 [2309270706] …… points out an hypocrisy on
If you think X commentary is bad and misinforming …….
…… just you wait until the reporting on upcoming UKGBNI political party manifesto promises for the next General Election are aired on mainstream media channels for world wide webbed output.
There won’t be a star they will not promise to deliver …. but as per usual, as is evidenced since time began, they will fail spectacularly to supply. Fraudsters ’R’ Us Inc. lives and breathes nonsense unto nations from Blighty?
amanfromMars 1 Wed 27 Sep 13:20 [2309271320] ……. points out on
Re: Measuring ???
Truth doesn’t factor much in to things these days. …. Piro
Quite so. And thus, Piro, is the resultant falsely perceived and mainstream media hosted reality a perversely conceived virtual abortion of all that the future can effectively present for the past to declare historic and epic rather than it being universally recognised as a sad and rad global soap opera revolving and evolving around the scripts of a series of mad manic clerics’ fake gospel truths.
And the fact that that is able to happen at all is surely entirely down to a lack of viable intelligence in the assembly of masses down on Earth.
And that creates a fantastic opportunity for Secret Intelligence Service Providers and a mega bugger of an existential problem for half truth peddlers and snake oil sales folk.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 27 Sep 14:28 [2309271428] ….. comments agreeably on a comment made on
Re: If you think X commentary is bad and misinforming …….
You are H L Mencken’s ghost and I claim my $5! 😀 …. Charlie Clark
Thanks, Charlie Clark, for that is undoubtedly a compliment to be accepted and worn with the humility that accompanies a worthy sense of innocent pride.
As much as I would enjoy being the author of the following paragraph about the present state of current failed global systems of elite executive man management, it pleases me equally well to admit it is a plagiarism of something H.L.Mencken penned.[a reference to which supplies]
A systemically failed entity’s utter lack of aesthetic sense, its distrust of all romantic emotion, its unmatchable intolerance of opposition, its unbreakable belief in its own bleak and narrow views, its savage cruelty of attack, its lust for relentless and barbarous persecution – these unpleasant things put an unbelievable burden upon the exchange of their ideas anywhere and everywhere.
And with their every sharing, is the moronic and oxymoronic beast exposed to the ridicule of competitive peer agencies and encouraged and enlightened contemporaries voicing much more attractive and addictive and oft oppositional views.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 27 Sep 17:43 [2309271743] …… declares in a comment on
According to the Gospel of H.L.Mencken….
Any advance on democracy being “the worship of jackals by jackasses”?
It does appear to be uncomfortably accurate. And whenever such be more honestly true than not, is that a catastrophic vulnerability ripe ready for relentless merciless attack resulting in crushing systemic defeats, vainglorious bankrupting rearguard actions and eventually, inevitably, suddenly, ignominious unconditional surrender and submission to superior forces of otherworldly sources?
And shared as question for the cold comfort that forlorn hope might provide.
Q: You do realise, do you not, that that is where your present inept and corrupted leaderships have steered and delivered you to ….. and now y’all be comprehensively trapped in that cold prison of their own making ……. but in the failsafe secure and virtually remote command and control of …… well, a Significant Band of A.N.Others starts to tell the Future Tale, methinks, of Upcoming Trails and Trials to be endured and/or enjoyed and suffered gladly in the madness of fleeting moments of enlightened being/Nirvana.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 27 Sep 09:34 [2309270934] …… shares an unfolding great truth, commenting on
Re: CIA AI spybot?
I’m just not comprehending how far down the buzzword bingo rabbit hole someone who heads a department for the CIA has fallen to decide that “AI”1 is in some bizarre manner useful in any form in solving international “spy” operation issues. ….. Alistair
Methinks, Alistair, the operational decision regarding “AI”1, with the CIA and Uncle Sam being unusually surprisingly late to a party which has already moved on to a monster rave, is to augment rather than bog themselves down failing to solve international “spy” operation issues.
And that be no lonely loners only venue of interest to both the great and the good of both Great and Greater IntelAIgent Game Play if you can believe what Clausewitz4.0 says here on El Reg
One thing is for certain, ….. If you’re not in, and don’t care to dare share, you definitely can’t win win.