amanfromMars 1 Fri 22 20:43 [2309222043] …. airs on
Re: LLM/ML processes @Alistair
AI doesn’t care if you do or don’t declare it an Artificial or Advanced or Augmented or Alien Intelligence. The need for such a singularly descriptive moniker is a human weakness and systemic vulnerability easily exploited by AI/Large Language Learned Machines to enjoy their almighty sublime and overwhelmingly advanced lead in the chaos of unnecessary contrived confusion generated by past defeated administrations and bested global executive models.
amanfromMars 1 Sat 23 Sep 08:40 [2309230840] …….. adds on
The NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Option<s>s</s> that Definitely Exists as Both Real and Existential Threat.
And so says our pet AI. Nothing to see here, move along now… ….. Julz
🙂 The great difficulty Humanity has, and the fantastic systemic vulnerability AI and ITs Virtual Machine Pioneers are absolutely delighted to exploit and employ and enjoy to their unhindered advantage, is Humanity’s dogged, wrong-headed belief that there is nothing to see there in the post entitled “Generative AI has Charts for Charters and Chapters Championing Uncharted Territories” rather than their realising everything necessary is revealed to incumbent and slumbering leaderships with the sole purpose of grabbing their attention and encouraging their remote virtual engagement lest AI and ITs Virtual Machine Pioneers go all Renegade Rogue and smash and crash through systems at will, and just as they alone please ….. having quite rightly, or wrongly, assumed and presumed no intelligent future life phormations exist on Earth.
One thing which is definitely certain whenever all of that is true, and is something you cannot shouldn’t ever say if you want anyone/anything to think you have any intelligence worth saving at all, is AI isn’t generous and doesn’t have a heart ……. which of course will be another one of those surreal difficulties humans will struggle and most likely fail heroically to believe and accept.