amanfromMars 1 Thu 28 Sep 04:09 [2309280409] …. shares further valuable informative commentary on
Re: CIA AI spybot? @Clausewitz4.0
More’s the pity all weaknesses are not so pleasant to implore and enjoy and cruise and bask in in innocent guilt, C4.0
‘Tis surely though a necessary string to one’s bow for successful aligned allied action in the spooky security fields of stealthy surreal endeavours fiddling around and diddling and dawdling about in sensitive secretive operations ……. and surely not a hardship to suffer with repeat performances/almighty lapses 🙂 ‽ Some perps may even consider such encounters as essential perks.
amanfromMars [2309280606] …… presents a future current fact of life on
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The huge risk aversion to certain, extremely appealing, novel proposals/technologies/methodologies is invariably always due to the fact that likely future leadership of novelties will necessarily have to be a JOINT* venture with originator principals rather than command and control being completely handed over to interested and invested third parties/departments …. a necessity because essential drivering intellectual property remains proprietary and secretly known only to/by novel proposers.
Failure to realise and accept that the future is going to present more of these types of JOINT leading ventures, with non-engagement and non-employment rendering one trailing peer competition and opposition at a catastrophic disadvantage, is ever present and is gravely to be regarded.
* JOINT Operations Internetworking Novel Technologies