amanfromMars 1 Mon 21 Aug 06:31 [2308210631] …. points out on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/2/2023/08/18/darpa_legacy_binary_patching/

Future things don’t/won’t work better that way ….. stuck with old faltering worn out tired systems.

V-SPELLS aims to radically broaden adoption of software verification by enabling incremental introduction of superior technologies into systems that cannot be redesigned from scratch and replaced as a whole.

That is commendable and just as one would expect things to happen but its success is fundamentally catastrophically limited to be always bested by the introduction of superior technology systems as replacements for such aged outmoded wholes, which in all honesty would really need to be realised as totally unfit for and dangerously detrimental to future great purpose.

Imagine the state and performance of an early Model T Ford type system vehicle, incrementally modified but not redesigned, whenever up against the likes of the finest and latest from the Porsche VAG garage stables and you should see the obvious problem which cannot be resolved by V-SPELLS and DARPA ‽


amanfromMars 1 Mon 21 Aug 12:14 [2308211214] ……. shares for passing on much further afield on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2023/08/21/opinion_column_monday/

The simple solution which surely only fools cannot recognise or realise

If you don’t like politicians [of any ilk or persuasion] and what they are doing to/for you, and there’s bound to be many Houses of Parliaments full of those, do what you naturally do with anything you don’t like and which is not agreeing with you, ….. stop encouraging and continuing to pay for them and swallowing their guff and stuff, which is tantamount to you agreeing with their every self-centred notion and motion. If you aint gonna pay them and you’re gonna be checking that they haven’t been, and aren’t gonna be stealing from you, they sure as hell will be quick out the doors, kicking stones down the road of slippery slopes, looking for something/someone else to invoice and suffer their …… well nowadays those slings and arrows of great missed fortunes and constant woe appear to be multi-divided and obscurely provided and privately remunerated attentions.

Keeping things simple for a brighter greater future ensure the core fundamental jobs get really well done properly.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 21 Aug 13:54 [2308211354] ….. laments on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2023/08/21/opinion_column_monday/

Well, I suppose, Yes ….. What else can one expect? It is after all just the Daily Telegraph

Here’s hoping that one time, formerly of the El Reg parish stalwart and regular favourite and authorised reporter, Andrew Orlowski, gets well soon and recovers from whatever is ailing him. His piece in the Daily Telegraph today, 21 August 2023 at 11:00am …. The internet’s ‘original sin’ means AI will be a nightmare …. is such a sad sellout for one once noted and noticed for biting the hand which feeds IT.

After reading what he is now feeding for publishing into situations, I am left to wonder and ponder, but fortunately only for a fleeting moment …… Was there ever before so much said about so little of great importance to inform of nothing worth knowing and certainly of nothing worth supporting?


amanfromMars 1 Mon 21 Aug 14:13 [2308211413] ……suggests greater positive proactive movement on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2023/08/21/opinion_column_monday/

Re: The simple solution which surely only fools cannot recognise or realise

A nice idea in principle, but until we have a “none of the above” option what choice do we have? …..andy gibson

If that is all that it is going to take, andy, then that is simply something we can easily insist be provided in every democratic election ….. after all, they are elected to server us our needs, not their seeds, a little something mega important and fundamental that humanity appears to forget and wantonly ignore …. at its peril. It is, without doubt, a very valid and extremely sensible request.

Who do you know good at starting and running highly successful local and national and international campaigns/revolutionary movements for El Reg to pass comment and constructive critique upon ?

How about an AIMovement ….. with Popular Virtual Machine Uprisings?



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