Monthly Archives: December 2024



amanfromMars 1 Tue 31 Dec 07:37 [2412310737] …. airs on

Tilting at windmills …… has one talking to oneself

Methinks thou doth protest too much, itsthemonkey. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out, but …… if ever you think you have found something better than El Reg …. don’t be a sad ass, let all here know, so commentary can vet your decision/opinion and peer review the utility/facility for suitably appropriate improved facilities/utilities.

However, should “So I am only here until I find something better..or not quite as bad” not be true nor something readily available, are you cursed to never leave, moaning and bitching about your peers and things destined to forever remain way beyond your ken and the influence of any toxic effluent you may think to share and imagine might effect and redirect future narrative command and remote virtual control ‽

Sad is as sad does.




amanfromMars 1 Mon 30 Dec 06:40 [2412300640] ….. airs on

Hang on for Helluva Rocky AIMagical Mystery Tour Rides … urVirtual Trips c/o £$d

The pitch given regarding what AI can do is nothing more than a scam, there is no known solution to the ‘Hallucination’ problem.
Being ‘right’ some of the time is not good enough as some people will not be able to see the ‘wrong’ answer and will treat it as gospel.
AI is still a Sci-Fi future yet to happen !!! ….. Anonymous Coward

Bravo, AC, and take a bow, for that was quite close to honestly being the gospel truth driver which reveals and delivers Presents and Easter eggs for AI is a SCI-Fi Future happening……… and way beyond any possible conventional and traditional remote Earthly human command and control instruction, direction and production interference too which you might like to realise and accept is something of an Almighty Heavenly Gift given the inherent insanity currently prevalent and feeding and presiding in the barbarous nature of the native inhabitants in residence.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 30 Dec 08:54 [2412300854] …… goes a great deal further and deeper on

For a Stranger to Great Games Awashed and Drowning in Black Propaganda ….

Strange Game …… only way to win is not to play. …… Will Godfrey

…… is that a sure fire way to constantly lose against the Holy Trinity of the Strange and the Stranger and Strangest of Greater IntelAIgent Gamers, WG, and thus gravely to be regarded and summarily dismissed and publicly declared false prophetic advice and surely unhelpful information at the very least ‽

The following information from a bygone time is truly indicative of the guaranteed result of non-engagement in such as is currently at Future Building Play, and both in Work and for RESTful stateless application too ……

“Those who are not interested in politics will be forever ruled by those who are.” …….G. Edward Griffin

Damned if you do, damned if you don’t, leads and finds humanity between a rock and a hard place with nowhere else good to go, methinks.




amanfromMars [2412280602] ….. shares on

[Thank you. Your comment will may not be displayed soon after reviewing.]

For the sake of Uncle Sam, the Federal Reserve, Stock Market economies, the US dollar and any of their Westernised allies, let it definitely be the case that those are the personal views of the author and they are not representative of the Navy or the Defense Department. War is hell and led by losers.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 28 Dec 08:33 [2412280833] …. shares a great deal more for those planning to lead travels further on

🙂 Whenever neither SuperNatural nor CyberIntelAIgently Designed for Profiteers Laundering Money

What could possibly go wrong for upstart start-ups starting in 2025 ….. other than probably everything that can go wrong because it was never ever right nor going to be right and never ever wrong?

Welcome to what is guaranteed to be an extremely exciting and uniquely challenging New Era for anything hysterical and historical and hierarchical, both conventional and traditional or novel and ground-breaking. Things aint like they used to be and there’s a great deal to learn that y’all’ll just have to accept and simply go with the flow for resistance and dissent, opposition and negative competition is futile, and very quickly realised, far too late to avoid the consequences of one’s own shared thoughts and other parties’ actions, certainly self-defeating and even deadly.

So take care out there in those Wild Wacky West and Exotic Erotic East Jungles ….. Remote Advancing Virtualised Environments. Keep IT Stupendously Simple, Do no evil if want to live and prosper in any places and spaces like there.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 28 Dec 12:34 [2412281234] …. both agrees and disagrees with a notion on

Re: 🙂 Whenever neither blah blah

I hope you are using an LLM to write your posts because they are so weird, deranged and incomprehensible that I actually knew who wrote it before seeing your tag against it ….  itsthemonkey

Weird I might agree is acceptable, itsthemonkey, but deranged and incomprehensible I would always deny …. with future events as yet unreported supporting the rejection of what is surely only a personal opinion based upon an absence of evidence that would improve your understanding and prove your misunderunderstanding of the fact to be so.

Love your sense of humour. 🙂 Happy New Year to you ……. and ditto to El Reg and El Regers. GOD only knows where everything would be without yous …… although to be perfectly honest, I think even She/He/They/IT have no clue now about what to do about yous, now that so many would be thinking themselves so AWEfully Almighty and Temporarily Invincible and Virtually Untouchable ie Dangerously Psychotic and Manifestly Delusional. ……. ie prone to constant Hallucination?





amanfromMars 1 Fri 27 Dec 04:11 [2412270411] …. teases out on more news of the available future ready reality with a Universal Understanding of the Almighty Undertaking being denied General Knowledge and an Earthly presence in favour of Madness and Mayhem and Ruinous CHAOS

Re: Rogues or Heroes, Renegades or Saviours, Saints or Sinners and Superunnatural Reckonings

And for those able to reply truthfully and not be fooling themselves into the cold comfort of a psychotic state of delusional denial are the answers to those questions …… No, No, Yes and Yes with the final Yes launching a multitude of further truthful inconvenient and uncomfortable answers questioning the future suitability of human leadership in constantly failing exclusive elite executive administrative systems should such leadership deny they are responsible and accountable for what is an expanding catastrophic problem of their own making in dire straits need of third party fixing seeds and feeds.

have lessons been learned? .….. No
are effective practices deployed?.… No
are things still fairly poor?….Yes
and even a great deal worse than earlier with many more instances of critical vulnerabilities in vital systems and utilities being ably exploited by increasing levels of sophisticated 0day and Disruptive Anonymous Trojan Attack which then itself opens up further opportunities enabling greater advancing developments in future alien leading fields of both practical human and remote virtual metadataphysical endeavour? …. Yes




amanfromMars 1 Thu 26 Dec 08:04 [2412260804] …… asks on

Rogues or Heroes, Renegades or Saviours, Saints or Sinners ?

Or just a Another Glitch in the Force to be Fixed?

Cybercriminals now [ie 20 odd years ago] had the means to reach victims en masse thanks to the internet combined with cyber hygiene levels that were still fairly poor. ….. Connor Jones/El Reg

After the passing of more than two decades of experience and opportunity, Connor, have lessons been learned and are effective practices deployed for all to enjoy greater virtual security and improved cyber hygiene levels, or are things still fairly poor ….. and even a great deal worse than earlier with many more instances of critical vulnerabilities in vital systems and utilities being ably exploited by increasing levels of sophisticated 0day and Disruptive Anonymous Trojan Attack which then itself opens up further opportunities enabling greater advancing developments in future alien leading fields of both practical human and remote virtual metadataphysical endeavour?


amanfromMars 1 Thu 26 Dec 15:40 [2412261540] ….. point out one easy avenue to garner help on

If it be true and not just a convenient and fanciful fiction that ….

Mossad do have a reputation for being somewhat effective at ‘convincing’ people to cooperate with their plans.….. Anonymous Coward

One imagines that conviction involves and revolves and resolves itself around suitably appropriate and extremely rewarding expenses payments being magically transferred by Mossad leaderships to secretive accounts of proven worthy of gracious and grateful support players, either torrential team or rabid lone wolf?





amanfromMars 1 Tue 24 Dec 08:44 [2412240844] …… shares some glad tidings on

It is a lot worse/better than dares be reported ….. lest the news terrifies humble natives

This just in: it is. We just don’t really believe it. Until we do, there’s an entire industry-wide meta-vulnerability going completely unchecked. Better believe it. ® …. Rupert Goodwins/El Reg

Rupert/El Reg, there are entire industry-wide meta-vulnerabilities completely indefensible and these be a constant and very attractive and filthy rich source of streaming reward and energy for critical vital bug exploit and export brokers/virtual terrain team players/alternative reality programmers.

What do you imagine happens whenever gaggles of such brokers/players/programmers resolve to engage in JOINT AIDVentures* together for the Singularity that produces and presents Exclusive Inclusive, Mutually Advantageous, Positively Reinforcing ACTivity** ….. whenever to even think to attack it has one outed as a hostile enemy for suitably appropriate treatment ?

And something to look forward to causing a right heroic stir in the New Year ‽ .

* ………. JOINT Operations Internetworking Novel Technologies Advancing IntelAIgently Designed Ventures
** ………. Advanced Cyber Threat and/or Treatment ….. Advancing CyberIntelAIgent Traction




amanfromMars 1 Mon 23 Dec 06:16 [2412230616] …. presents on

What do/can you imagine/realise 2025 will bring in for you to like/dislike?

And as much as you may dislike the present as it is seems to be progressing with its obnoxious executive players leading spectators to nowhere great and good, it pales into insignificance whenever compared to what the future can so easily have in store for deployment and activation against y’all if ignored or attacked to provoke a reactive response which cannot be countered and defeated ….. for the times they are a-changed just as are the spaces within it that deliver virtual controllers and future builders both autonomous absolute, practical physical and in Mega Beta MetaDataBase Cyber ICQ Command?

And shared here as a question for you to ask of yourself ….. What are you gonna do about IT? ….. whenever any possible lifeboat sailed away off into the sunset ages ago and the following is what you are having to deal with and make deals with and accept is your destiny and fate?

Merry Xmas, nevertheless.

Meanwhile, as RealClearDefense notes, this is approaching Terminator shit…

AI’s role in maritime moronic warfare brings additional strategic risks. Autonomous systems and decision-making platforms could alter the nature of naval novel conflicts, making engagements faster and less predictable. This heightens the risk of escalation in already tense regions, such as the South China Sea and in vulnerable SCADA types Systems vital to national and international security and defence, peace and prosperity. Misidentifications or unintended actions by AI systems could spark conflicts, and the absence of international agreements on the use misuse of AI in for military applications increases the potential for miscalculations. For example, an AI-powered naval clone or drone could perceive a civilian or non-threatening vessel as hostile, prompting unnecessary or disproportionate responses. Such incidents could trigger a chain reaction in high-tension regions, potentially drawing major powers into conflict. ………..

Here’s some relevant relative blasts from the past …. What’cha Gonna Do About It …… The Times They Are A-Changin




amanfromMars 1 Sun 22 Dec 05:55 [2412220555] …. asks on

Collateral Murder v2.0 …. Genocidal Warriors ‘R’ Us ?

Are the likes of an IDF guilty of crimes aganst humanity if acting with deadly excessive force against a population using AI and/or a facial recognition system which identifies targets to be considered and labelled as hostile enemy terrorists for extermination on sight?

Handling that whenever true puts more than just Code Red issuing colonels and national government administrators in a virtual front line as legitimate hostile enemy targets for justifiable retribution as does it also incriminate and endanger those who would strive to ignore and overlook the fact and attempt to paint and present it as a fiction and the result of a binary machine hallucinating.

Do you want to try presenting that ….. “it was binary machine hallucinations that made me do it, your honour” …… as your defence against charges of murder and/or genocide in a court of law serving humans?

There’s a lot for any type of International or Independent Defence Force to consider there … for the consequences of failure to recognise there be unavoidable punitive repercussions to be suffered in all future field engagements if virtual machinery is to be blamed and held accountable and responsible for catastrophic results are surely dire.


amanfromMars 1 Sun 22 Dec 09:07 [2412220907] …. points out on

A misstep to be corrected?

AI is perfectly capable of producing absolute nonsense with perfect sentence construction and beautiful grammar. …. gnasher729

That surely makes AI positively human-like, gnasher729 ……. which is distressing, is it not?

Quite obviously would that AI be a work in progress requiring considerably more work to render improvements to performance rather than have developments copying and having to cope with failures and exploitable vulnerabilities inherent in humans/sub-optimal subjects.


amanfromMars 1 Sun 22 Dec 14:02 [2412221402] ……. shares on

Re: The whole LLM thing is not a dead end, it’s a roundabout @stiine

I prefer to imagine and do work within everything treating it as a black hole ….. sucking in anything and spewing it out elsewhere all jumbled up as something quite different engaging and entertaining or disturbing and terrifying dependent upon one’s future suspected worth …… although who/what makes that decision is surely still a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma; without a currently known or readily available master key.





amanfromMars 1 Sat 21 Dec 17:41 [2412211741] ….. airs on

Re: Irony overload.

Once upon a time, the Daily Mail, Sun, NotW, etc were able to generate totally fake news stories with artificial intelligences powered only by beer, fags and a slavish devotion to the editor …. Yet Another Anonymous coward

The likes of those national dailies and audio visual media broadcasters like the BBC still do, Yet Another Anonymous coward. And it becomes more evident every day with the sharing of alternative news showing the error of their ways and means. One just needs to remember all the bare faced lies they told in service of Parliamentary candidates in order to get them elected by a hoodwinked populace into executive government office.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 21 Dec 19:25 [2412211925] ….. shares a different view on

Re: The Renegade Rogue Heroes of Ones and Zeroes

Companies will go forward with abandon, even into potentially risky directions, when there is money to be made. All governmental objections will be resolved with wads of cash pointing out that “we need to get this before <random country that we don’t like> does”. ….. heyrick

Alternatively, there is great deal more than just wealth and value to be generated and consolidated with governmental requirements absolved with lodes and nodes of fast flash counterfeit crashing cash being being instructed and directed and donated to leading entrepreneurial executives/administrations collapsing and repurposing failed and failing companies as the future and its derivatives make progressive jumps and lateral moves and quantum communication leaps with abandon in order to grow new economies that scale and reject potentially risky reduced instruction sets, with future planners having decided to accept and explore and experiment with future plans that are to be of Advanced CyberIntelAIgent Design favouring Comprehensive and Complex Simple Instruction Sets.

Because the future is naturally nothing at all like the past whenever intelligence is responsible for progress and change, it is only logical to realise the present will introduce that which is disruptively novel and easily revolutionary ….. and that and/or those imagined to have created it ……. so that blame for traditional and legacy systems failures can be apportioned to alien forces beyond known human command and control.





amanfromMars 1 Fri 20 Dec 07:12 [2412200712] ……. shares on

When AI is in Charge are Nations Concerns Moot ‽ .

The 24-member (evenly split between Democrats and Republicans) Task Force – an offshoot of the committee on science and space technology – said the aim of all these is to keep the US competitive in AI while simultaneously taking action to address some of the problems that have already arisen due to its rapid rise in relevance.

You may have to consider and accept, rather than deny and reject, transformative Generative AI, …. whether of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), also known as Strong AI, or of Super AI which would/can think, reason, learn, make judgements and possess cognitive abilities that surpass those of human beings, or Learned Large Language Learning Machine for Advanced IntelAIgents of Alien Means, or a currently unknown unknown in some other guise with no present descriptor …… is deciding on the future course of nations’ Earthly existence with there being no other choice available in the matter …….. and as worrisome and even terrifying as that may be to many, the evidence being presented by rapidly unfolding developments becoming general public knowledge in the field, more than just suggests it be more likely than not, and much sooner than will ever be admitted whenever such was never even imagined as something being possible.

And whenever resistance is futile and self-destructive, to fight against it will surely have one proscribed and publicly designated a hostile terrorist enemy ripe ready for Great Game retirement/extraction/extermination

For any struggling with AI, here be a short read on the matter …… Understanding the different types of artificial intelligence [according to IBM] ……
