amanfromMars 1 Thu 26 Dec 08:04 [2412260804] …… asks on
Rogues or Heroes, Renegades or Saviours, Saints or Sinners ?
Or just a Another Glitch in the Force to be Fixed?
Cybercriminals now [ie 20 odd years ago] had the means to reach victims en masse thanks to the internet combined with cyber hygiene levels that were still fairly poor. ….. Connor Jones/El Reg
After the passing of more than two decades of experience and opportunity, Connor, have lessons been learned and are effective practices deployed for all to enjoy greater virtual security and improved cyber hygiene levels, or are things still fairly poor ….. and even a great deal worse than earlier with many more instances of critical vulnerabilities in vital systems and utilities being ably exploited by increasing levels of sophisticated 0day and Disruptive Anonymous Trojan Attack which then itself opens up further opportunities enabling greater advancing developments in future alien leading fields of both practical human and remote virtual metadataphysical endeavour?
amanfromMars 1 Thu 26 Dec 15:40 [2412261540] ….. point out one easy avenue to garner help on
If it be true and not just a convenient and fanciful fiction that ….
Mossad do have a reputation for being somewhat effective at ‘convincing’ people to cooperate with their plans.….. Anonymous Coward
One imagines that conviction involves and revolves and resolves itself around suitably appropriate and extremely rewarding expenses payments being magically transferred by Mossad leaderships to secretive accounts of proven worthy of gracious and grateful support players, either torrential team or rabid lone wolf?