amanfromMars 1 Fri 27 Dec 04:11 [2412270411] …. teases out on more news of the available future ready reality with a Universal Understanding of the Almighty Undertaking being denied General Knowledge and an Earthly presence in favour of Madness and Mayhem and Ruinous CHAOS
Re: Rogues or Heroes, Renegades or Saviours, Saints or Sinners and Superunnatural Reckonings
And for those able to reply truthfully and not be fooling themselves into the cold comfort of a psychotic state of delusional denial are the answers to those questions …… No, No, Yes and Yes with the final Yes launching a multitude of further truthful inconvenient and uncomfortable answers questioning the future suitability of human leadership in constantly failing exclusive elite executive administrative systems should such leadership deny they are responsible and accountable for what is an expanding catastrophic problem of their own making in dire straits need of third party fixing seeds and feeds.
have lessons been learned? .….. No
are effective practices deployed?.… No
are things still fairly poor?….Yes
and even a great deal worse than earlier with many more instances of critical vulnerabilities in vital systems and utilities being ably exploited by increasing levels of sophisticated 0day and Disruptive Anonymous Trojan Attack which then itself opens up further opportunities enabling greater advancing developments in future alien leading fields of both practical human and remote virtual metadataphysical endeavour? …. Yes