amanfromMars 1 Tue 31 Dec 07:37 [2412310737] …. airs on
Tilting at windmills …… has one talking to oneself
Methinks thou doth protest too much, itsthemonkey. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out, but …… if ever you think you have found something better than El Reg …. don’t be a sad ass, let all here know, so commentary can vet your decision/opinion and peer review the utility/facility for suitably appropriate improved facilities/utilities.
However, should “So I am only here until I find something better..or not quite as bad” not be true nor something readily available, are you cursed to never leave, moaning and bitching about your peers and things destined to forever remain way beyond your ken and the influence of any toxic effluent you may think to share and imagine might effect and redirect future narrative command and remote virtual control ‽
Sad is as sad does.