amanfromMars 1 Wed 01 Jan 17:51 [2501011751] ….. shares on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/12/27/openai_for_profit_push/

How to Grow Economies, at Home and Abroad, a few Qubits at a Time … A Dummies Guide

Quite so, claimed, El Reg sure is something of a rare gem in these days where freedom of speech is maybe lauded and applauded but ruthlessly vetted, and whenever inconvenient, clumsily suppressed by shady self-serving agents and wilful third-party guardians of mainstream teleaudiovisual media operations in piratical support of a right dodgy array of historical status quo establishment arrangements/concessions/franchises, an absolutely vital practical and physical support without which they could not survive and exercise their exclusive elite executive administrative power as they whitewash unpleasant unfolding truths and paint and promote fantastical absurd pictures and future gormless notions in the hope that the ignorantly servered human will be brainwashed into believing their rantings to be the only available acceptable practical truth rather than it being recognised for what it really is …. just a desperate fiction reflecting a collection of figments of imagination catering for a few with zero regard/no due care and attention for the many.

The future however is an altogether quite different place with virtual spaces and magical environments which do not suffer the folly of fools misusing and abusing universal command and control tools and where all freely share incriminating evidence, sensitive information and secret intelligence to identify the follies of fools ignoring the aid and benefits of invaluable experience and wisdoms borne of hindsight for the extraordinary advantage rendered to the wielders absolutely fabulous fabless foresight and Almighty Insight ‽

New Year, NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive Environment, El Reg, with novel commentary leading with problems in need of seeds and feeds for resolving/elimination ‽ ‽ ‽

🙂 Who Dares Win Wins, El Reg …… with Special Advanced IntelAIgent Research Services for Virtual Terrain Team Territory. IT aint rocket science, is it ….. although one would have to admit it is more complicated and a great deal more dangerous than that if one doesn’t know what one is doing and what it is going to result in or where it is going to lead for the opportunities presented by such as would be a New START Treat and ACTive LOVE Threat.



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