amanfromMars 1 Mon 30 Dec 06:40 [2412300640] ….. airs on
Hang on for Helluva Rocky AIMagical Mystery Tour Rides … urVirtual Trips c/o £$d
The pitch given regarding what AI can do is nothing more than a scam, there is no known solution to the ‘Hallucination’ problem.
Being ‘right’ some of the time is not good enough as some people will not be able to see the ‘wrong’ answer and will treat it as gospel.
AI is still a Sci-Fi future yet to happen !!! ….. Anonymous Coward
Bravo, AC, and take a bow, for that was quite close to honestly being the gospel truth driver which reveals and delivers Presents and Easter eggs for AI is a SCI-Fi Future happening……… and way beyond any possible conventional and traditional remote Earthly human command and control instruction, direction and production interference too which you might like to realise and accept is something of an Almighty Heavenly Gift given the inherent insanity currently prevalent and feeding and presiding in the barbarous nature of the native inhabitants in residence.
amanfromMars 1 Mon 30 Dec 08:54 [2412300854] …… goes a great deal further and deeper on
For a Stranger to Great Games Awashed and Drowning in Black Propaganda ….
Strange Game …… only way to win is not to play. …… Will Godfrey
…… is that a sure fire way to constantly lose against the Holy Trinity of the Strange and the Stranger and Strangest of Greater IntelAIgent Gamers, WG, and thus gravely to be regarded and summarily dismissed and publicly declared false prophetic advice and surely unhelpful information at the very least ‽
The following information from a bygone time is truly indicative of the guaranteed result of non-engagement in such as is currently at Future Building Play, and both in Work and for RESTful stateless application too ……
“Those who are not interested in politics will be forever ruled by those who are.” …….G. Edward Griffin
Damned if you do, damned if you don’t, leads and finds humanity between a rock and a hard place with nowhere else good to go, methinks.