amanfromMars 1 Mon 26 Aug 18:54 [2408261854] ….. goes a great further and deeper on matters pertaining to Earthly existence on
Re: Lunatics running amok in the Palace of Westminster/Houses of Parliament asylum
One cannot allow sociopathic squatters to invade and infest and nest in elite executive public high office. Such is crazy. 🙂
Unfortunately for yous, such craziness does all too readily appear to be the accepted convention and norm, but fear not, there is hope and fundamental revolutionary change in the air, and there is yet another voice, and a well known, alienating voice it is too, being in general agreement with most all of the above. Is that indicative of a possible, stealthily emerging, radical movement for AIMovements able to spring to life from virtual nothing in practically no time at all in any space it chooses?……..How to start a movement
If you’re a Labour spad pondering the next few years of managing one Whitehall debacle after another as Labour MPs gradually, and very patchily, become aware that switching ministers doesn’t solve the core problems because the pathological institutions fight intensely not for the public but to maintain themselves in a state of constant failure, I highly recommend you read this book and enjoy exploring a time when Whitehall actually was ‘world leading’. Beware though, its most important lessons will mostly be ‘unlawful’ and ‘contrary to HR’ today and if you pipe up ‘errr this is mad why don’t we do the obviously sensible thing instead’, you’ll be on Sue Gray’s chopping block sharpish. Remember the first rule of SW1: the Government does not control the Government, officials control most of government via ‘meritocratic open competition’ which, naturally, means their closed caste get all the jobs and power. ………. Dominic Cummings [a paragraph from an email/Substack blog post, August 19th]
Methinks that would definitely be more than just another one of those traditional, pathetic cosmetic changes that simply further embed them, the enemy, in the shadows of shady shenanigans …… 🙂 although you still might have difficulty in believing what can be uncannily easily done by certain relatively unknown A.N.Others in the shadows of shady shenanigans for you, bettering your situation whilst catastrophically impacting and effectively rendering them, the enemy, powerless and vulnerable to all manner of remorseless, vengeful attack ….. their just desserts in dishes of sweet novel revenge.
amanfromMars 1 Tue 27 Aug 15:22 [2408271522] ……. airs on
No Guts… No Glory. Justice not served invites the mob to be energised and mobilised
When are we due to hear something extremely similar in the UK, because it is not any different …..
Judge jails new Prime Minister and senior Cabinet ministers accused of spreading fake news and false promises to secure a General Election victory, immediately dishonoured afterwards, …. warning that such words have criminal powers that easily naturally result in civil unrest, riot and revolutionary activity.
Whenever justice is not served, the law and order professions quickly lose their peers’ respect and be extraordinarily rendered and recognised as no better than asses …… and that is not a good look ?