amanfromMars 1 Mon 26 Aug 09:16 [2408260916] …… shares on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/08/24/uk_government_consultancy_spending_grows/

Lunatics running amok in the Palace of Westminster/Houses of Parliament asylum

Well said, low_resolution_foxxes. The self-destructive, self-harming problem NOT being addressed summed up in a nutshell of a few short erudite paragraphs.

And as we all know ……. Lessons will NOT be learned ……. which surely more than just suggests the audience to be addressed are anchored towards the moronic end of the spectrum.

Quite what one is to make of the state of general intelligence of a population which tolerates and even periodically votes for continuity of the tragicomedic farce, is another question with an unpleasant unfortunate answer.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 26 Aug 09:35 [2408260935] ……. asks on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/08/24/uk_government_consultancy_spending_grows/

Re: How HM.Gov is really run ..

OK, a less emotional response to your post is to remember that Cummings was a key player in getting Boris into No.10, and was mightily pissed off to be sacked, had the habit of miming throwing a hand grenade into the room of a meeting he was just leaving and is therefore likely to be somewhat biassed in his assessment of how HM Gov is ‘really run’. ….. Eclectic Man

Do you disagree with Cummings’ likely assessment of how HM Gov is ‘really run’, Eclectic Man? Or is it more truthful than those fans of HM Gov want anyone to know lest it prove more troublesome than failing systems can handle?


amanfromMars 1 Mon 26 Aug 12:45 [2408261245] …… says more on a current pressing matter on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/08/24/uk_government_consultancy_spending_grows/

Re: Lunatics running amok in the Palace of Westminster/Houses of Parliament asylum

So your reply to “Lunatics running amok in the Palace of Westminster/Houses of Parliament asylum”, LybsterRoy, …….

If all “the lessons” had been learnt and all the efficiencies achieved the government would now be paying me rather than me paying them!

…… agrees with the disgraceful and despicable UKGBNI situation for publishing? That squares the power of the parties recognising the madness to be treated along with identification of patients in need of sanction and sectioning for the greater public good. Another one has it cubed, and only a few more has it racing ahead surprisingly quickly to an unstoppable omnipotence and omniscience.

One cannot allow sociopathic squatters to invade and infest and nest in elite executive public high office. Such is crazy. 🙂


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