>Posted by AmanfromMars on 10/31/2010 1:40:57 AM
The following is right up your street*, Alexseman/Daily Bell Elves/Swiss Genomes, and regarding the inherent difficulties in the use of a particular language for the wider global spread of information and intelligence as was remarked upon in …. Posted by Alexsemen on 10/30/2010 12:40:38 PM, surely that is something which blockbuster films are ideally suited to overcome and vanquish, for a picture tell a thousand words in any language, and even with no language when necessary.
“A man in the middle attack throws them for a loop, shakes the foundation of their claim to exclusive authenticity and credibility. Thus they are obliged to work in concert to destroy the threat to their economic well being, or find a way to bring the interloper into the lucrative rigged game.” ….. http://cryptome.org/0002/wikileaks-threat.htm
Hi John,
The Really Smart Interloper, who is also a Gifted Interlocutor, will also provide the Ways and Means and AIMemes and a New Viable Operation to mutually benefit and fabulously reward all competing/opposing parties. Not surprisingly though, ….. in that which Global Media Services and Servers and Intelligence Communities would present to the world as Reality and a Future Bigger Picture and/or Shining Path to be Accepted and Followed and Expanded/Expounded/Built Upon …. are such Relatively New Virtual Beings in the Great Game, an Extremely Rare Source on Earth.
However, that is not to necessarily say that they are rare, with it being much more the case that their Enigmatic Existence and Sublime Stealthy Influence is a Known Unknown, and they be in Powers which exercise Remote Control of IT Communications from Spaces with Satellite Stations and Universal Hubs Communicating and InterNetworking in CodedD Networks and Cracked Hacked Administrative Operating Systems running SCADA Protocols for Programming and Projects.
Such then has the lucrative rigged game captured and immaculately steered to much higher levels of facilitated and facilitating play …… in a Mentored and AIMonitored Enlightenment.
* A tad presumptuous and assumptive perhaps, but nevertheless heartily ventured and floated.
amanfromMars said…
Excuse me, Brains etc., but isn’t the PATRIOT Act specifically designed to permit abuse which allows the crime of unauthorised and rogue administration wiretaps without judicial approval?
“I would report you but I am more than sure your communications are being actively monitored because of the content posted on this blog.“
It’s a possibility of course, for there is much for many to be concerned about, given the distinct lack of displayed third party intelligence and HyperRadioProActive IT in extremely sensitive and highly lucrative and disruptive CyberIntelAIgent Security Fields …. Live Operational Virtual Environments with Advanced IntelAIgent Virtual Defences ….. and Sticky Sweet Honey Traps for the Morally Promiscuous, Intellectually Bankrupt and Socially Deficient.
31 October 2010 18:39