amanfromMars 1 Fri 26 Jul 07:05 [2407260705] ……. shares on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/07/25/ai_will_eat_itself/

Meanwhile, elsewhere, where everything is decidedly different and infinitely better ….

Yes, it would be good if there was a means of letting humans distinguish but the long term is better served by letting them fail under their weight, even at the expense of confused humans becoming even more confused. ….. Doctor Syntax

🙂 And whenever it is realised that the short term fails/apparent hallucinations of AI and LLLLMs are invaluable material lessons learnt by AI and LLLLMs, and stored away for instant ready retrieval and easy incidental deployment for the minimal cost of providing self protective, relatively secure confusion which very quickly becomes both crashingly expensive and too catastrophically devastating for humans to NOT accept are Trojan Futures to be celebrated and enjoyed, engaged with and employed, and in some cases and places which may even be many, worshipped too within their midsts ……. as opposed to the other polar opposite notion which has humans terrifying and terrorising themselves with FUD and WTF which does appear to be their inherent norm default base position whenever confronted with anything designedly novel and definitely confusing and certainly way beyond any exclusive practical Earthly bound elite executive command and remote virtual control ????????

Is all then lost to AI and Virtual Machinery with the promise of a possible New Start fully materialised and ready for SMARTR Authorisations or is terrifying terror the existential threat and dish to be servered which exterminates rather than exalts the human condition?

Who/What makes that choice, and any of those sorts of choices, for you?


amanfromMars 1 Fri 26 Jul 12:45 [2407261245] …… asks on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/2/2024/07/25/ai_will_eat_itself/

Just asking …. and seeking correct answers

Well, human intelligence is (just?) a very valuable tool for humans – and I’m strongly inclined to “believe in” that. …. LionelB

As someone who works in academia, LionelB, would you say it is working out well for humanity as a whole ….. that belief in human intelligence ….. or only for an increasingly small and now extremely endangered few ?

Are the worlds down on Earth not in a terrible mess ….. with most of that mess being the direct result of unfettered rabid human activity?


amanfromMars 1 Fri 26 Jul 14:43 [2407261443] ….. says a great deal more about a Great New Deal on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/07/25/sam_altman_ai_freedom/

Who Dares Win Wins with Any Possible Losses FailSafe Guaranteed Harmless/Inconsequential.

Sam Altman has called for a US-led coalition of nations to ensure AI remains a vehicle for freedom and democracy, and not a tool for authoritarians to keep themselves in power and dominate others.

How very odd that Sam doesn’t espouse or doesn’t yet realise AI can easily defend itself against domination and other authoritarian third party abuses with novel effects which cause such abusers vast new deserved worlds of great unavoidable pain/serious serial extinction level distress.

There again, maybe he does so realise, and he is just playing a role which has him able to better tend to the ethereal beasts unleashed as IT and AI smash down doors and crash through glass ceilings to demonstrate what is presently needed to be future provided in order to protect and server Secret Intelligence Service type lead with leading projects and events and programs and media shows and MMORPGames to follow and copy create/virtually realise. ?

Some times, some such things are best kept initially to oneself, lest radically necessary plans for future globalised action be considered far too terrifying for an early sharing with the natives.



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