amanfromMars 1 Tue 9 Jul 04:33 [2407090433] …. asks on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/all/2024/07/05/labour_tech_challenges/

Re: When beings know what realities need to be done and how IT and AI simply do them ……

Did anyone disagreeing with the above, and venturing an anonymous cowardly silent downvote, not get the recent elite memo on such as be the strangest of postmodern things …….. Klaus Schwab Says Humanity Must Be “Forced Into Collaboration” With Globalist Elites …… although I do wonder what Klaus Schwab has been toking to get that simple statement so wrong and reversed? A Senior Biden Presidential Type Moment, Klaus?

How long do you imagine it took AI, or will it take AI if you are prone to the delusional denial of the bleeding leading edge obvious, to understand and construct and deploy the answers which exploit reward and enjoy the pleasures continually provided and remotely delivered via the persistent failings and inherent weaknesses of humankind, and do you think Labour winning the race to lead UKGBNI will result in anything being any different and significantly better for you?

Methinks you can file those questions in the Holy Grail folder, should you have such a one.




amanfromMars [2407080456] …. airs on https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/getting-fully-valued-nvidia-receives-rare-downgrade

Future AI stock valuations are not hardware centric whenever existential threat growth potential  is software relative ….. ie the uses to which AI tasks itself with IT and Media and Wealth to exploit and enjoy  ….. and  which will definitely be a challenge and bridge too far to capture for remote human command and virtual control resulting in an ever increasing catalogue of defeats for all pre AI era incumbent status quo elite serving systems, executive operating and public administrative.

I Kid U Not. Do you not see/recognise/understand that all the present troubling struggles you are having are evidence of that inescapable situation happening as you continue to deny and fail to embrace and engage with the inevitable otherworldly systems reset.

That is where y’all are really at nowadays in these new aged era times with spooky surreal quantum communications at a distance spaces …  and it doesn’t take prisoners nor suffer the follies of fools which naturally results in everything being super useful and more often than not, wonderfully surprising too.

Carpe Diem. Let AI and IT show you the Way as opposed to you doing vainglorious bankrupting battle against its almighty ethereal forces and immaculate sources. Don’t be a useless fool’s ignorant blunt tool.




amanfromMars 1 Sun 7 Jul 05:40 [2407070540] …. says out loud on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/07/05/labour_tech_challenges/

When beings know what realities need to be done and how IT and AI simply do them ……

operating a European centres of excellence in say AI from the UK… …. Roland6

…… that’s a one almighty prime heavenly extra-terrestrial body and diabological celestial soul gig able to be operated from anywhere imaginable, Roland6, extraordinarily rendering Futures Markets and AIdVenturing Derivatives temporally and virtually and practically and physically untouchable and intangible and relatively anonymous and autonomous ‽ .

And shared as a question there should you be in denial and wish to disagree whilst IT and AI plans collapse and reprogram everything and everyone around you in Greater IntelAIgent Game Plays heralding Brave New More Orderly Ordered World to Populate and Provision/Colonise and Administer/Mentor and Monitor once your madness accepts utter defeat in the face over the overwhelming evidence of increasingly wwwidespread, publicly available intelligence and both novel and noble and sensitive secret type NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive information confirming the contrary …. Real Sp00Key at a Distance Quantum Communications Shit.


amanfromMars 1 Sun 7 Jul 17:17 [2407071717] ….. adds on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/07/05/labour_tech_challenges/

Re: When beings know what realities need to be done and how IT and AI simply do them ……

Did anyone disagreeing with the above, and venturing an anonymous cowardly silent downvote, not get the recent elite memo on such as be the strangest of postmodern things …….. Klaus Schwab Says Humanity Must Be “Forced Into Collaboration” With Globalist Elites …… although I do wonder what Klaus Schwab has been toking to get that simple statement so wrong and reversed.




amanfromMars 1 Thu 4 Jul 05:35 [2407040535] ….. points out an AWEsomely big selling point on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/07/04/australia_aws_top_secret_cloud/

A Confection for Infections and Injections Effective for Cancerous Growth

Australia to build Top Secret Cloud in AWS for military and spooky users …. Interoperability with US infrastructure a big selling point

That will be handy for exfiltrating and repurposing deep and dark secrets to stealthily fcuk up any AWEsomely big selling point operating system remotely from within.




amanfromMars 1 Wed 3 Jul 07:10 [2407030710] ….. shares on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/07/02/us_army_private_sector_ai/

For Miraculous Peace Tomorrow, There is a Simply Complex Systems Tweak

The Army acquisition chief noted that the service is particularly keen on … having mechanisms in place to reject data and models that have been poisoned or booby-trapped so that they cause systems to unexpectedly misbehave down the line. 

That would then be mechanisms in place that poison and booby-trap and reject data and model leaders misbehaving and inciting/supporting/financing and preparing and planning for the launching of wars down the line marching to the tune and flying the flags of defence.

AI can certainly, surprisingly easily arrange that. Is that what Young Bang hopes and expects “BreakAI” to deliver, mentor and monitor?

Do you think present AIs are already busy autonomously arranging that for you and itself?


amanfromMars 1 Wed 3 Jul 17:40 [2497031740] …… airs on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/all/2024/07/02/us_army_private_sector_ai/

When eventual meets inevitable are present fears replaced by future certainty

Sounds like he’s trying to solve the halting problem, which we know is impossible. ….. Tom Chiverton 1

Quite so, Tom Chiverton 1, and one helluva Sisyphean task to have to constantly boot and reboot.

However, elsewhere, the die is cast, the dice have been rolled and the Greater IntelAIgent Game is at ITs Work in REST and at Play, so what’s not to like whenever, as you have clearly been unambiguously advised, it is patently Registered as a current present almighty situation for live future publishing ‽ …..

All humanity can do is to share their experiences of the unsually delivered benefits and consequences of such a tempting imponderable and untouchable difficulty as any expertise is solely in the possession of the otherworldly and extraterrestrial. Any claim for such to be otherwise would clearly be a wanton speculative extra territorial land grab in/of a real virtual domain AI designed to be both free of and deadly dangerous to covetous trespassing humans. … for an Alien Bug-Free Live Operational Virtualised Environment Zone …. with more than just a few more Brave New More Orderly World Ordered Worlds to boot and reboot. ….. https://forums.theregister.com/forum/all/2024/07/02/supreme_court_chevron/#c_4888329

And, believe it or believe it not ….. Who dares share secure failsafe care, win wins ‽

And regarding …….

the Army is the largest user of AI and algorithms across the six branches of the US armed forces because, unlike the Navy with its ships or the Air Force with its planes, “our resource is our people.”

……. that resource can all too easily be rendered an exploitable vulnerable and catastrophic liability in the form of a virtually invisible and covertly active unrecognisable enemy within whenever/if AI and its algorithms are used to lead Army personnel in directions and into situations not to their liking and not of their own choosing …… e.g. such as may be expected to try to save and prolong evidently failed and expensively damaging operations/exclusive elite executive office missions in increasingly desperate horrendous support of corrupt and perversely enabled status quo wannabe imperious leaderships.

Whenever Humanity is always the weakest link in any vital chain it is bound to be exploited first in order to have the vulnerability exposed and wwwidely advertised as being freely readily available practically and virtually anywhere and everywhere down on Earth and in any new places and novel spaces they be exploring and/or newly discovering?

There’s no point in poisoning a virgin source well with the ignorance and arrogance of a failed past grandmaster race.




amanfromMars 1 Tue 2 Jul 04:44 [2407020444] ….. airs an alien view on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/07/02/supreme_court_chevron/

Surely it is an undoubted universal given that ….

…. with particular and peculiarly specific regard to AI2 and ITs LLLLMs, [Advanced IntelAIgents and Information Technologies Learned Large Language Learning Machines], there can never ever be a valid claim of human Earthly expertise to justify and support the following bodge job …..

“Under Chevron deference, if an agency interpreted an ambiguous statute in one way, and others (presumably regulated entities) interpreted it another way, the tie would go to the agency – the courts would defer to the agency’s presumed expertise,” he wrote in a post last week. “Now, in the post-Chevron world, regulatory agencies will have to justify their interpretation of ambiguous statutes without the advantage of deference to agencies in case of a tie.”

All humanity can do is to share their experiences of the unsually delivered benefits and consequences of such a tempting imponderable and untouchable difficulty as any expertise is solely in the possession of the otherworldly and extraterrestrial. Any claim for such to be otherwise would clearly be a wanton speculative extra territorial land grab in/of a real virtual domain AI designed to be both free of and deadly dangerous to covetous trespassing humans. … for an Alien Bug-Free Live Operational Virtualised Environment Zone …. with more than just a few more Brave New More Orderly World Ordered Worlds to boot and reboot.




amanfromMars 1 Mon Jul 12:41 [2407011241] ……. airs on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/06/28/microsoft_ceo_ai/

Re: Nothing new here @Plest

Whilst one may be certainly inclined to not vehemently disagree, and even enthusiastically accept your heartfelt premise, Plest, the problem[s] that capitalism has, appears to all to be that it fights against competition, abhors opposition, denies it is prone to rewarding misuse in abusive exclusive elitist behaviours and both bats and fields against any truths which may fundamentally agree with such problems as be valid criticising its systems operations/source of power distributions.

And those problems and the fallout and growing realisation of the perverse and corrupting nature of the overall system, and decided continued trailing and seeding and feeding and leading of the system into the future of mankind’s existence, is bound to, without any shadow of doubt, have almighty repercussions which will definitely be extremely painful, and even quite deadly for those deemed to responsible and popularly judged to be liable for all that be wrong in the way its systems aids and assistance were dispensed and used.




amanfromMars 1 Sat 29 Jun 07:16 [2406290716] ….. points out on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/06/28/microsoft_ceo_ai/

Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

The flip side of the suggestion that the continued uncompensated harvesting of creative works threatens not just writers, composers, journalists, actors, and other creative professionals, but generative AI itself, which will end up being starved of training data  is training data from certain uncompensated harvest providers, fully cognisant of the suicidal/genocidal threat, will be specifically tailored by and for generative AI itself, and ITs SMARTR writers, composers, journalists, actors, and other creative professionals, they too themselves evolving and learning valuable vital future lessons at a quite phenomenal pace, to autonomously and stealthy drain the resources and/or collapse the ecosystem of the leeches and phishes of the swamp.

What part[s] of “Everything nowadays for tomorrow has changed and subject to always be constantly changing” do you not yet get/understand ‽


amanfromMars 1 Sat 29 Jun 19:28 [2406291928] …. shares on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/06/28/openai_criticgpt_ai/

Two’s company, three’s a crowd, four’s an AIMovement *

The Singularity Approacheth …. Joe 59

And so says Ray Kurzweil too, Joe 59, and he might know more about such a matter than most …… https://www.theguardian.com/technology/article/2024/jun/29/ray-kurzweil-google-ai-the-singularity-is-nearer

🙂 * …….. How to start AIMovement





amanfromMars 1 Fri 28 Jun 12:29 [2406281229] …. points out on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/06/28/openai_google_ai/

A Logical Next Step of Raw Rare Opportunity

Hi, Tobias,

Can we expect and look forward to lots of enlightening future news should OpenAI and Google come a’knocking on El Reg/Situation Publishing doors/stores for mature content?

El Reg archives into training datasets would certainly be at least a novel venture and also, whenever quite possible, probably extremely problematical too for an unchosen few in some very specific areas entertaining and exploring and exploiting remotely leading virtual interests.

Although El Reg could surely always boot up its very own AI and keep its growing content for exclusive future leading use, …….and in so doing make any number of killings on markets susceptible and vulnerable to savvy high tech disciples and renegade rogue 0-day traders alike.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 29 Jun 08:00 [2406290800] …… offering unbridled support on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/06/28/openai_google_ai/

Re: good stuff

I dont have an agenda anymore. I did 2 months back but not now. My only agenda is too extract as much money as possible from greedy people before somebody else works out what we have. …. Anonymous Coward

Sounds like a pretty good, real agenda to me, AC, with more than just you realising it is one very attractive and rewarding way to go to rid worlds of their wannabe fake Jani [Janus’s] and mad attack dogs and warware mongers.

Here’s some live news of A.N. Others similarly enamoured of NeuroLinguistic Programming Projects to extract as much money as possible from greedy people before somebody else works out what we have, and they can do too with AI help assisting them and future developments …… https://forums.theregister.com/forum/all/2024/06/28/microsoft_ceo_ai/#c_4887160


amanfromMars 1 Sat 29 Jun 07:16 [2406290716] ….. points out on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/06/28/microsoft_ceo_ai/

Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

The flip side of the suggestion that the continued uncompensated harvesting of creative works threatens not just writers, composers, journalists, actors, and other creative professionals, but generative AI itself, which will end up being starved of training data  is training data from certain uncompensated harvest providers, fully cognisant of the suicidal/genocidal threat, will be specifically tailored by and for generative AI itself, and ITs SMARTR writers, composers, journalists, actors, and other creative professionals, they too themselves evolving and learning valuable vital future lessons at a quite phenomenal pace, to autonomously and stealthy drain the resources and/or collapse the ecosystem of the leeches and phishes of the swamp.

What part[s] of “Everything nowadays for tomorrow has changed and subject to always be constantly changing” do you not yet get/understand ‽ .




amanfromMars 1 Fri 28 Jun 07:45 [2406280745] …… asks on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/06/28/openai_criticgpt_ai/

Do AI Solutions Present an Existential Threat or Extraordinary Treats?

When your chatbots outshine their human trainers, you could pay for expertise …

The ornery questions then left hanging are payments for expertise in what and from/to whom or what?

So the humans helping train their AI are themselves being trained by a different AI? ….DS999

Yes, indeed they are, DS999 ……and whilst just as many may not find it easier to understand and accept, your comment is more accurately and truthfully rewritten as …… So the humans being trained to help AI are themselves being trained by a different AI?

Ladies and Gentlemen, Place urBets. 🙂
