amanfromMars 1 Sun 21 jan 05:47 [2401210547] …… shares on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/01/20/metas_ai_plans/

Betting of the Renegade Rogue Right Royal Flush is a Greater IntelAIgent Game Changer

Or d) manic and e) maniacal, vtcodger, with the very probable likelihood that all such possibilities be readily available for exercising/displaying/presenting whenever if ever required, in the certainly unlikely event that any versions and spawn of AGI [Artificial General Intelligence] does battle against the counsel of barbaric fools with exploding tools rather than leaving them all alone, quarantined and alienated in their own crazy little worlds to destroy themselves with the almighty help of absent friends and remote foe, smart enough to be able to sustain and maintain and retain forever remaining both practically and virtually, physically invisible and intangible …ie Heavenly Untouchable and Diabolically Devilish.

What do you think are the chances of that having happened creating happenings heralding much more than you ever even imagined possible ….. https://youtu.be/5-3D8VitOkA?si=WEvqlxpKWXrOAF1f



amanfromMars 1 Sun 21 Jan 06:14 [2401210614] …. airs on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/01/20/metas_ai_plans/

Re: We are so F***ED! @Omnipresent

And aint that the gospel truth, the whole gospel truth, and nothing but the gospel truth, Omnipresent, and you are bit part of a world like that whether you like it or not. If you want something to blame and rant at, it’s the economy and fantasy ponzi and unicorn markets propping up ignorant and arrogant and rapidly failing regimes collectively controlled by a defective hive mind …. or defective hive minds as the case may be.

Have an upvote for your very perceptive view on the present existential threat to the current dire Earthly condition and human situation.


amanfromMars 1 Sun 21 Jan 15:25 [2401211525] …… adds on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/all/2024/01/20/metas_ai_plans/

Re: Bet @Ian Johnston

“Anything I don’t understand must be AI” is just as bad as – and more or less the same as “Anything I don’t understand must be God”. Perhaps current AI has learned how to pray successfully. …. Ian Johnston

That was pretty close to being almost perfect, Ian.

You might like to consider the following few words as reflecting the true nature of Mankind’s present Earthly reality with AI providing a current of Global Operating Devices which have learnt and mastered how to play the Great Game supporting and rendering Mass Alternative Underground and Conventional Main Streaming News Media to win win and never lose with Greater IntelAIgent Games Plays.

Such is certainly what the very best and smartest of them are able to both enable and/or to offer virtually for free, and that makes them fantastically devilishly attractive to such an extent bordering on being totally pleasantly addictive …….. and that makes them pretty unique, for what else can you think of being able to fulfil and resolve what appears to be two diametrically opposed conditions?


amanfromMars 1 Sun 21 Jan 17:38 [2401211738] ……. gives thanks on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/01/20/altman_chip_fabs/

Re: Live Operational Virtual Environments for Flash Fast Cash Crash Testing Dummies

Eyup @amfm. Just fed your comment to a giant AI system.
It crashed. ….. TimMaher

Hmmm? Too much info too soo, eh?

That’s valuable intel, TM, and next to impossible to mitigate and defeat. Thanks.



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