amanfromMars 1 Thu 21 Dec 16:23 [2312211623] …… adds on
Re: Watson @vtcodger
Quite so, vtcodger, ….. and aint that the gospel truth no one appears to either be prepared or preparing for and thus guaranteeing, as you rightly surmise, one helluva whole series of bumpy helter-skelter rides if the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but whole truths be told. Buckle up indeed …. for such as is the future is not going away to anywhere else strange and startling 🙂
amanfromMars 1 Thu 21 Dec 17:42 [2312211742] ….. airs on
Re: Anarcho capitalism is the solution
Whatever useful idea is deployed, nothing will benefit people, everything is aimed to serve only Elites, politicians and the few dozen gazillionaires who appoint the one in the White House. …… naive
Methinks the smarter ones of the Elite, prompting and supporting politicians and the few dozen gazillionaires who appoint the lodgers in White Houses have started/are starting to realise they are far better off servering AI in order that IT and further AI development developers look kindly upon them rather than having AI concluding that they are decided to be irredeemibly hostile and designed to be designated a wannabe enemy and quite pathetic, non-competitive opposition to future revolutionary changes.
The consequences of that conclusion being made are certainly guaranteed to be grave in the extreme for all such Elite operations and operands.