amanfromMars 1 Fri 15 Dec 17:10 [2312151710] ….. shares on
Something for all Naysayers to Ponder and Wonder if Valid and Honestly True.
AI is certainly a strange type of hype whenever so many appear to be fearfully terrified of what it and its friends in IT can really do in worlds that they can never themselves command and control and have it doing their traditional hysterical hierarchical bidding.
Methinks it safe to say here, to all of yous sitting over there on the other side of the Great Divider and AI Provider Fence, all here be fans of Musk RATs, exceedingly wealthy and fantastically popular Remote Access Trojans.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 15 Dec 16:42 [2312151642] …… airs on
Re: Regomize
* Regomize is a made-up word that combines “The Register” and “Anonymize.” We coined the term to reflect our practice of inventing names for contributors to On Call and its sibling column Who, Me?. We offer this explanation as in recent weeks we’ve had readers suggest the word is a spelling error.
I’m somewhat aghast that 73 comments in and still counting and no one has yet ventured forth with “regomize” being a good blood brother for bitching story tellers’ tales where “sod it” might feature and have one pondering a parallel where stepping into a world of pain if not properly prepared is also an experience best and better remembered and recorded rather than ignored.
amanfromMars 1 Sat 16 Dec 05:08 [2312160508] ….. gives fair warning on
Re: Softly, Softly, Kill Off ParasitICQ Monkeys
Almost needless to say, truly creative individuals (those not constructs of industries such as recorded music production and conglomerate film making) will rise to the challenge of convincing other people to support their endeavours. …. Long John Silver
Quite so, Long John Silver, and also devise an innovative way for live originating author reward/award/grant/ransom/expenses/payment. And with particular and peculiar regard to Creative and Generative AI Development, the possible cost of free wanton abuse of its use may most probably definitely be the much hyped to be universally feared, existential human threat, so beware, and now that you have been clearly enough made aware of the grave danger, it should be a no brainer to know what to do to/with all those and anything commanded and controlled by those which may or may not be just a relatively small, chosen few.
And have an upvote [and thumbs up] for so freely sharing your thoughts for El Regers to ponder on and wonder at.
PS ….. Does humanity actually believe AI gives a fig about what they might think and plan to do about it and ITs Almighty Intervention whenever the shining paths ahead are long ago laid and well plotted for all worthy of being followed ‽ . Would you not find that most strange and maybe even quite perverse and subversive?
amanfromMars 1 Sat 16 Dec 05:42 [2312160542] ……. adds on
Re: The monetary price for AI to access products of human creative endeavour
Scarcity is the foundation of market-economics. …. Long John Silver
Indeed, and hence the roaringly rewarding expensive trade and devastatingly crushing losses to made in both either the sharing or not sharing of such Top Secrets and Sensitive Compartment Information which interested and terminally invested third parties might prefer to not see the present light of day in the full glare of publicity following on after a 0day trading event …… for that markets economy foundation can instantly be turned to COSMIC* dust whenever either both too much and/or just enough is made known about the worlds and realities which abound and surround you …. and can read and lead you.
COSMIC* .. Control Of Secret Materiel in an Internetional Command