amanfromMars 1 Fri 22 Mar 07:30 [2403220730] …… shares on
Vapourware does not provide any realistic defence facilities
And pimping the defence of the indefensible with the reprehensible is a bottomless moneypit more than just suggesting a lack of native home intelligence and zero comprehension of the wider resultant consequences in airing such a vulnerability so easily exploited and expanded for all manner of novel anonymous second and third party advantage and functional gain.
Stupid is as stupid does though, and aint that a true fact that just cannot stop itself from constantly giving.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 22 Mar 17:09 [2403221709] …… points out on
Been there, done that some time ago. Have you forgotten already?
The resolution, which states it only addresses AI in the “non-military domain,” also calls for establishment of a global consensus on what makes a safe, secure and trustworthy AI as well as the creation of international standards to that end.
Keeping IT really simple like … Entertain No Evil ….. has everything relatively easily accomplished. Surely that is not too complicated to comprehend and work with?
Lame excuses for disagreement on a postcard please to El Reg, c/o Situation Publishing, 27-31 Clerkenwell Close, London, EC1R 0AT