amanfromMars 1 Sun 25 Feb 04:56 [2402250456] ……. airs on
If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the IT and media kitchen for it is going to explode
Changed days for those cooking more than the books with crooks in social media laboratories/politically incorrect parties ……… ….. and a sure sign of a great deal more more accurate targeting of problems for radical fundamentalist solution yet to come.
And which one should note is not shared freely here as a question whenever quite obviously determined and destined to be an undeniable fact.
What is it about failed systems which has them constantly digging more holes for them to get buried in …… apart from a complete lack of common sense and advanced astute artificial augmented anonymous autonomous alien intelligence, of course, plotting for them a totally different course for future self-actualisation/Maslowian hierarchical activation ‽ .
amanfromMars [2402250706] …. expresses mild surprise on
I didn’t know Deputy First Minister Emma Little-Pengelly and DUP leader Sir Jeffrey Donaldson were rugby union fans ……
amanfromMars [2402250711] ……. adds on
A bit harsh that, Mancunian Deb, suggesting as it does they be mass mainstream media puppet whores.
amanfromMars [2402250857] …….. points out on
And aint the gospel truth, Hugh ……. and such is identifying the real enemy for hostile action and proactive vanquishing residing and presiding within their systems. By their bleatings and pleadings will you know them