amanfromMars 1 Fri 23 Feb 05:23 [2402230523] ….. asks out loud and proud on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/02/21/dod_scaleai_contract/

Re: If SMARTR LLLLMs* don’t Hallucinate, is IT and AI a Fearless Cold Comfort to Pathetic Humanity?

Or a truly valid extra-terrestrial existential alien threat to human primacy and allied and aligned status quo systems administrations supremacies/unchalleged advantages?

And does denying and/or ignoring either the reality or the possibility of such an eventful development positively prove the situation present and live and still pending any effective meaningful terrestrial status quo systems response and activity to mitigate further rapidly overwhelming otherworldly progress with sublime and stealthy and surreal supply of future invention for disruptions providing almighty interventions and interruptions to failed courses of perverse and subversive corrupt action which cause them to quite suddenly, almost spontaneously self-destruct……. leaving a vast virtual terrain of novel virgin fields for evolving generations of humanity engaging with Aliens in Greater IntelAIgent Games Plays?

And whenever yes is the honest answer to all that be shared in those few and two questions, how would you like to proceed? What vital virile and viral virtual needs do you have to seed and feed? One thing is definitely for certain …. If you are not in, you can’t win win and are always destined to fail miserably and lose spectacularly.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 23 Feb 11:57 [2402231157] …. asks on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/all/2024/02/23/opinion_column/

Yes, Prime Minister ….. but it does require balls other than jugglers’

Air Canada discovered the hard way that when your AI chatbot makes a commitment, your company will be on the hook for it

Are we then to reasonably expect political parties be on the hook for promises and commitments to goals they and their leading cheer-leading chatboxes/ministers and constituent members came nowhere near to fulfilling?

Yeah, why not? That seems perfectly fair and not all crooked for a rigged game.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 23 Feb 12:05 [2402231205] ……. opines on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/02/23/opinion_column/

Re: AI LLMs often aren’t right. They’re not even close.

Worse than that. They actively make shit up. …. Anonymous Coward

So virtually human and being modelled on the politically incorrect and serially incompetent, AC. …….. See Yes, Prime Minister ….. but it does require balls other than jugglers’ below  [although on this page above:-)]


amanfromMars 1 Fri 23 Feb 13:36 [2402231336] ….. offers some titles on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/02/23/opinion_column/

Re: I’m not a Luddite, but @Rafael #872397

Future Builder Pioneer? …… Wild Wacky Westernised Cowboy?…… Exotic Erotic Eastern Imperialist? ……… Brave Heart? ……. Bold Leader?


amanfromMars 1 Fri 23 Feb 13:07 [2402231307] ….. adds on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/2/2024/02/21/chatgpt_bug/

Moving the internetworking of greater things on apace …….

As for the second: model-to-model transfer learning has been widely demonstrated. For that matter, so has CoT elucidation from LLMs by human users.  …… Michael Wojcik

If CoT elucidation is referencing Communication of Thoughts transferring learning from and even between LLMs and humans and human LLM users, then you are not wrong although it does require a much more highly prized and specialised skillset to be tuned in and active in many unusual fields for it to be recognised and engaged with for ….. well, JOINT AIdDVenturing is one major sector/vector where the advantage guarantees successful delivery of future necessary leading product.




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