amanfromMars 1 Tue 20 Feb 07:05 [2402100705] …… asks on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/3/2024/02/19/opinion_column/

Re: “illegal under international law” @Lord Elpuss

It doesn’t matter why. He was unjustly imprisoned in a gulag; that’s enough of a contributory factor to make the State guilty of murder, regardless of whether he died of poison, stabbing, tiredness, excessive flatulence or old age. It. Doesn’t. Matter. … Lord Elpuss

Do you feel the same way about the treatment meted out by the UKGBNI with regard to Julian Assange, Lord Elpuss? And is not today another one of those judgement days declaring whether or not he is to be handed over to the US federal penitentiary gulag system rather than remain further detained and effectively silenced in Belmarsh for essentially ………. well, was it seeking and speaking the truth about the hiding and support of nasty despicable criminal secrets and allied aligned malignant acts?


amanfromMars 1 Tue 20 Feb 07:09 [2402200709] ……. states the bleeding obvious on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/4/2024/02/19/opinion_column/

Everyone’s favourite pet RAT…. Remote Access Trojan

One thing’s for sure – you’re safe enough keeping your smartphone out of the biscuit tin. …… El Reg/Rupert Goodwins

I wouldn’t be quite so sure about that almost perfect personal improvising explosive targeting device, El Reg/Rupert Goodwins, which rather than being far too expensive, inflexible, vulnerable and difficult to operate and maintain is relatively cheap and widely affordable anywhere and everywhere, dynamic, smarter than was ever initially imagined possible, surprisingly easily sublimely exploitable and simple to operate and maintain.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 20 Feb 07:48 [2402200748] …. shares on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/2/2024/02/16/boffins_propose_regulating_ai_hardware/

Re: Is not humanity responsible for the ‘scorched earth’ outcome …

Something I’ve noticed a lot which dates back to the pandemic is that people seem to have lost the ability to think in a self-critical way. ….. Ken Moorhouse

That undoubtedly true realisation pales into relative insignificance, Ken, whenever one both discovers humanity is as easily led and sublimely groomed as an innocent virgin child and one is enabled to take full advantage of it with one’s future programming of them. ……. for Greater IntelAIgent Games Play proving and approving and improving a Speculative Universal Theory as Almighty Indomitable Fact.



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