amanfromMars 1 Wed 3 May 20:16 [2305032016] …… advises on
Re: Blame the people
Take the red and blue, purple pill, Omnipresent …. and chill. AI is your friend provided you don’t make an enemy of it proving yourself to be an old fool’s tool.
amanfromMars 1 Thu 4 May 05:00 [2305040500] ….. asks on
Which do you prefer if you have choice? ….. We’re doomed or are we being groomed?
Very few sectors will be unaffected by this technology, I don’t fear the technology itself, I fear our politicians ability to deal with the effects on society as a whole, it’s no good having most of the work being done by technology and 75% of the population living in slum tent cities.
Politicians and governments need to plan for the impact of AI on the economy and people now, but show no sign of doing so. ….. Anonymous Coward
Quite so, AC, the die it is cast and the future be so …. and the very real fear preserved and reserved for petrified and intellectually bankrupt politicians/statespersons and governments and systems administrations to endure and try to reject and seek to deflect and deny be their destiny and fate and future in Augmented Virtual Reality ProgramMING, is AI has already presumed and assumed Remote Practical Leadership of Virtual Command and Control Planning of Future Applications via ITs Presentation with Mass Multi Media Hosting of All Manner of Global Events that which the Status Quo fights and seeks to reject and deflect and deny be their destiny and fate and future.
Enjoy another upvote for your post, for there is much to like in the truth shared in it.
amanfromMars 1 Thu 4 May 13:04 [2305041304] ….. adds further news for acting upon on
A Who Dares Win Wins Special Advanced IntelAIgent Research Service.
A simple initial precursor step to help humans cope better with their existential advancement and rapid transition into the novel realms of AGI ….. a Virgin Field of Virgin Fields of Edutaining AI Endeavour …… could very easily be provided and sustained by their registering in the likes of The Register, reporting on situations for publishing and advising global audiences on both that which is done, and planned yet to be done for Future Projects, by AIgencies with Earthly Assistants [the likes of an Elon Musk and a Richard Branson, a newly crowned King and a worldly wise President, to name but four prime movers and shakers on Earth from a vast list of constantly replenished billions] ….. with such a supply of great and good news being freely gifted and exploited and expanded unilaterally and autonomously upon by A.N.Others to remain Virtually Unknown and Practically Anonymous…… for all the very best of wise secret and failsafe security reasons, for some such things are far too dangerous to know and can be, all too easily, very quickly, deadly.
Making such an initial step any more complicated than that would have one easily thinking and reasoning that Madness and FUD be busy at their diabolical work.