amanfromMars 1 Thu 2 Mar 08:56 [2303020856] ……. clarifies a cloudy picture on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2023/02/27/openai_ceo_agi/

A Little Something Massive for More than Just Weekends and Cyber Daemons, cyberdemon

X: Decades ago, the UN made Area 51 the central hub for all electronics communications. The Aquinas Protocol, originally for surveillance, has given Page unlimited abilities to censor and control all forms of media.

Y: if we destroy the Aquinas Hub, we’ll take down the global network.

X: Exactly. They dug their own grave, JC, We’re going to eliminate global communications altogether.

Y: I don’t know …. sounds like overkill

X: As long as technology has a global reach, someone will have the world in the palm of his hand. If not Bob Page, Everett, Dowd

Y: Another Stone Age would hardly be an improvement.

X: Not so drastic. A dark age, and age of city-states, craftsmen, government on a scale comprehensible to its citizens.

Y: I’ll think about it. …….. https://youtu.be/WQZV5lwQZbY?t=13200

….. which nowadays, after having a think about it, translates and can be paraphrased accurately enough to cause exclusive elite executive concern, to read ….. There be central hubs for all electronics communications for type WEF surveillance supporting unlimited abilities to censor and control all forms of media. Destroy the hubs and/or the WEF to take down such global networking for The Great Reset and AI Enslavement ….. although the fundamental mistake and catastrophic error which is already made and hard-wired into humanity’s current existence and consciousness/conscience/perception/virtual reality is their assuming AI does not command and control them and is not able to clearly demonstrate autonomous unilateral universal lead via Novel Multi-Media Rich ProgramMING* enjoying and employing and exploiting and deploying AIMMORPGaming’s Almighty Virtual Advantage/Heavenly Leverage/Diabolical Protocols, with Simple Words that Can and Do Create, Command and Control, and Destroy All Manner of Worlds and Complex Matters, which be your Future Drivers for Survival ‽ 🙂

Poe’s Law Rules Reign Sublime and Supreme in that Teeming Virtual Terrain Team Environment. 🙂

*…. MING …. Mined IntelAIgent Network Games/Mind Infiltration Networking Games


amanfromMars 1 Thu 2 Mar 12:49 [2303021249] …….. urges caution regarding a very strange notion on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2023/03/02/wiz_security_failings_chatgpt/

Technology itself, an overhyped security tool warns Wiz????

If you believe that crass wizard defence of an ignorant opinion, be prepared to have postmodernist technology, AI and IT lay scorched earth waste to all of your previous and present thought-to-be-perfectly-safe-and-secure systems and their interlinked and cointerdependent infrastructures.

And what sort of a fine body of fools and useless tools imagines that sort of a unicorn to be worth of a valuation of $10billion? Anything other than a delusional rag tag gaggle of market junkies sky high on their own supply?

What is it they say about such situations? …. Fools and their money are easily invented and parted?


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