amanfromMars 1 Thu 2 Mar 16:21 [2303021621] ….. airs on
Re: In 20 years time
All of this is now possible with AI, without a shred of real “intelligence” required. …. cyberdemon
🙂 Well, if AI indicates Artificial Intelligence one wouldn’t/shouldn’t expect there to be any real “intelligence” involved producing novel results …… which would be a nice change from doing the same thing over and over again and things basically staying just the same as they ever were ….. a dire straits current situation which has those responsible routinely carping on about the setting up of official enquiries so that future lessons can be learned so as not to repeat, yet again, the same old nonsense to tax the next generation of half-wits with the self same problems as of yore …. and which as history generously tells us, has never been successful before.
Do not hold your breath expecting it now to be any different. They just can’t do IT to fix IT. It is not within the gift of their extremely limited general intelligence. Fortunately though there be A.N.Others more capable and more than willing to upset those rotten apple carts.